BostonLovers Yay for solid smiley!! I love seeing that smiley!! Based on your chart, today's temp was a big drop, so I would not be surprised if today is your actual O day and tomorrow you have a rise.
So sorry.
Ivksa Is it possible to have a friend/family member in the US order a bunch off amazon and then ship to you? I don't know if that works, or how long it would take. I know that when my BIL was deployed in parts of the middle east we would often buy stuff here and ship to him because Amazon couldn't ship to him.
Tips to use OPKs: Depending on your cycle length and usual O day determines when to start using them. Based on your charts you seem to O a little later (CD15+), so maybe you start using them around CD12-13. Honestly, if it was me would start around CD 10, but I have easy access. If you can't get access or they are super expensive then it's hard to justify wasting some.
If you are just using the ICs (cheap ones) You are looking for 2 lines of equal darkness (not like a pregnancy test where you need just any second line). Each person is different as to when they get their surge, but I've read that the best time to take them is between 10am and 8pm because the LH hormone starts to build in the morning. I always do mine around 3-4pm when I get home from work. You want a 3-4 hour hold, during which you don't use the bathroom and try to consume as little liquid as possible to get the most concentrated urine. Then follow the directions (you probably will need a "cup" to collect urine because if you are using ICs you can't pee directly on teh stick), dip the stick for about 5 seconds, then lay flat and check in about 5 minutes (depends on stick).
I also noticed that you have a lot of open circles. Are you taking your temps at really different times? And I know you've been traveling so that is going to throw off your temps and your O date (possibly, because travel can affect ovulation), I'm just wondering what your usual temping procedure is?