WHit- read the link I just posted. It is about fevers and when to worry...
The reg body temp is 98.6 usually..
a fever that is low grade is anywhere from 100.-102..
over 102-103 is .. 'reach for fever reducer"
103-104- call a doc...
in babies under 6 months old anything OVER 102... call a doc. xx
ETA-found this.
A fever is a symptom of an underlying illness, usually a bacterial or viral infection. Whatever is causing the infection is likely to be contagious; however fever as a symptom is not. A fever is merely the body’s way of making itself less appealing to the infectious organisms by hiking up the temperature by several degrees.
Sorry, will read all pages in a bit B&B being weird..
Just got back from Tabbys consultant appointment....PHEW! Doc said that because Tabby is so strong on her legs, crawling and cruising that she is doesn't think her spine is tethered and so wont need an MRI. So relieved as one of my concerns when T was born was that she would have lower limb weakness, quite the opposite in fact!
More news- our Llama has just had a baby, quite randomly last night! We didnt even know she was pregnant! Yes, my parents are weird and they own Llamas amongst other creatures lol.
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