Thanks everyone, I am home now.. I will do an update on mason's pre-op in my journal later, for now im a bit frustrated with the appointment.
Cat- Hope you feel better hun!!! Its sucks so much when baby and you get sick at the same time, I can remember with Mason when he was about 8 months we both caught the flu, I was vomiting.. and so was he, when he got sick. I would too from the weak stomach I had.. we couldn't really afford to have hubby stay home all week, so he had to work.. and I made him come home early some days that week, because it was just TOO much!! Hope things start to look up for you soon!
Whit- awee what a good wife you are!!! Men suck returning favors... I mean do they not see how we treat them!?! like we would only like the same treatment back...!!!
Jess- Glad the appointment went well and she doesn't need the MRI, what amazing news!! She doesn't seem like she has anything wrong with her spine, the way she moves around LOL! Smelling socks- ewuh.... Ava says eww at socks LOL.. I taught her this because of my husbands socks!!
Saph- Hope you get your BFP hun.. I had no idea bout the uhh one ball thing!! I do know a couple who did get preggo within in the year though!!! Hoping for another girl? LOL
I second Neko- we have 2 kids too. and sex is just fun ... haha or a chore.. depending on the day