Linds- I would take him out!! I say this because my son in senior kindergarten was having lots of issues they even suggested ADHD to me. I basically knew it was the teacher already from the other parents, but just let it go a bit, Mason started coming home in REALLY bad news and almost crying so when I asked him what was wrong, he said hes always in trouble at school. I talked to teh teacher and she was a snobby witch, she sad he is distruptive, he always finishes his work too early, then he thinks he can go over to other tables (he was helping other children) he wouldn't let anyone answer and questions, he is aknow it all.. just really rude.. the list goes on. She was such a bitch it was rediculous.
I ended up changing Mason over to A gr 1 class, 1/2 days... because he was being a 'brat' because he was advanced and bored in sk.. and 2 to get the hell away from that teacher. He is doing amazing now, there has not been 1 issue at all!!! The teacher always tells me how fab he is, he of course has ups and downs, but so does every other child!!
I say it is definitely the teacher!! Not your son!
Spunky- I think its good to get out of the house too, I start to feel down if I stay home all day too.. kind of like a house wife... i hate feeling like that. I am going to be doing zumba soon as I recover and I have a friend I am going to be going with I hope this will be something for just ME to do ,and also something that will get me in shape.. lol!! 2 in 1!!!
Hope you had fun tonight... and turn that frown upside down