We have discussed and will allow this thread to be reopened with the understanding that if ANY further cross-posting (referencing other threads on the forum in here) occurs it will be shut down immediately and removed with no warning.
First off thank you for re-opening! We love this place!
This is an honest question.
So we are not allowed to talk about any of the thread topics at all? Sometimes I talk about something, but then find their is a thread on it? I don't want to be thought of as cross-posting because of that.
I do get yes we did talk about some of the threads, but we were just discussing it, however of course other people came in here read it and got offended, so that shall stop... yes.
I am just wondering what we can talk about then? Sometimes I want to leave my opinion in a thread, but if its not like the opinion of OP then... it turns sour
So in that case I thought it was best that I talk about it off that thread? So as to not cause any arguments, or fights...
I would just like to get a better understanding of this cross-posting, so I don't do it anymore.. Just a little confused