Official October Team Bumpkins

i have not slept a wink tonight/today. *grrrrrrr* :(
Then,m I got up at 5:20 to get some warm milk & guess what??? There were 4 freaking slugs on my kitchen floor! I totally freaked & screamed & dropped the blinking milk carton on the floor which went everywhere, so I had to end up cleaning the damn kitchen, as well as salting the slugs after throwing them onto my patio.
There are only 2 animals I dont like- spiders & slugs. urgh!
I left my OH a stinking note on his lunch box saying tht this weekend we are blitzing thw whole damn place & I'll hire a steam cleaner thingy if I have to, because I am not having disgusting slugs coming in & partying on my kitchen floor every night.

Sorry for the rant. I am soooo disgusted rght now, that even though I'm tired as hell, the thought of sleeping is the last thing on my mind.

Morning all, well spent alot of yesterday snoozing with wet tealowels on me as i was hot and headachey. A storm would of been good.

Feels a little fresher here this morning so I hope it stays that way. We have OH's kids coming today so he did loads of tidying yesterday and I couldn't help. He's been wonderful recently :cloud9:

Got my free breastflow bottle yesterday too oh and 21 really cute vests. Need to pack up all my baby clothes as mum is going to launder them all for me.
Good morning!
Well it's bliss this morning - clouds and a cool breeze...stil 21 degrees in the house but a lot more bearable!!
Hubby has left for his rideout...should be back by 2 so I can get some housework done. Clean up after the BBQ last night....only one problem with that gorgeous meal. I now have the biggest craving for corn on the cob!! :rofl:
The AB's appear to be working too! Not had a relapse this morning like I have for the past 3 days! Bit disappointing as it's no :sex: for 5 whole days. I don't know how I'll cope......keep thinking of it like the :witch: being here but it's torture....we've had 6 months of virtually every night......I've become a nymph!! :rofl::dohh:
More ebay stuff arriving today!! :happydance: Love the postie at the moment! :rofl:
Have a good day girls. Off to sort the washing out....seems to be never-ending!! xx
Oooooh am I glad its fresher this morning! :happydance: although it wasnt til about 4am - then I had to get up for work at 6am :hissy: actually looking forward to sleeping tonight (1st time Ive looked forward to bed in over a week).
It's supposed to rain here at around 4pm, I am so excited!!
The past few days have been hot, sweaty, muggy, hayfever HELL!!!!!

My dd's new furniture is here, hubby is assembling it all this weekend, so we can finally move all the nursery furniture into new babys room!

I gave in and bought a few things.
I already have nearly everything from my dd (pram, moses baskets etc), but we needed a new car seat and a few blue items of clothing so I got them.
Very exciting!!

Only 18 more days until the 3rd Trimester :happydance:

Hope you all have a great weekend.
Morning girls. Thank god the weather has decided to change today! Its cloudy and alot cooler here although I still needed the fan to sleep. Has obviously rained overnight cos the sheets on the line are damp. Got my 25 week check up with the GP this afternoon and then physio. Everyone has been taking bets on how big my bump is going to measure cos its a bit big and I keep getting told I'm huge for 24 weeks lol. So far the guesses are 24-25cm (my mum), 25cm (OH), 26cm (me), 28cm (Housemate and OHs friend). We will see at 2pm lol.
Didn't get that measured yesterday either....feel mucly left out!! :dohh:
Looks like it's going to rain here TBH.....dark clouds and a lot cooler! Love it, but got to go and get the furniture in quick!! :rofl:

Heavens have opened.....thunder, lightning, the works!! YAY!!
It went really dark here an hour ago,I had to put living room light on it went that dark! Hubby text me to ask me to put the bbq in the shed..I stepped out the conservatory door and it started raining..rain drops the size of 10p pieces!! Haven't seen it rain this hard and heavy for a long time!! Its calmed down now but still raining. Much cooler today...:happydance:
Been to doctors this morning (I was asked to make an appointment to discuss my blood test results) well he couldn't see anything wrong with my results! Couldn't understand why Id been asked to make an appointment!! Thats twice now this has happened to me, twice Ive had blood tests for no fecking reason :growlmad: so while I was there I asked if there was anythng I could take for my hayfever, he said yeah you can use eye drops and nasal spray and I got the impression that was that and I was expected to go buy them so I asked if I could have them on perscription then at least it hadn't been a complete waste of my time!! He said of course.
Oh well,at least I don;t have to take nasty iron tablets :happydance:
Must have been the same rainstorm Helz as I'm not that far from you. It's knocked the SKY out and everything! :dohh: Lovely to get the air cleared!!

Glad that the bloods were ok. I got a prescription for nasal spray and eye drops too. They're not as effective as the tablets but they beat dying of word of advice, if you've got the same one as me, don't take both sprays up your nose at once, you'll sneeze and they'll come straight back out. Take one, then wait half an hour, then take the other. I find this works a treat! The eye drops are excellent too....I use them all the time and so does hubby! :blush:
Lol thanks Aimee but Im fine with the spray, I give my nose a really good blow ya brains out blow before I use it to clear it out first. Im used to the spray,been using it for 20years. Gosh that makes me sound wayyy old :rofl:
Lol thanks Aimee but Im fine with the spray, I give my nose a really good blow ya brains out blow before I use it to clear it out first. Im used to the spray,been using it for 20years. Gosh that makes me sound wayyy old :rofl:

Never used them before as I would normally reach straight for the benadryl.....I try blowing and my body will still manage to find more to scupper me!! :rofl:
I used to have to take them aswell as the mum and dad used to take me and my brother camping (in a grass field!!)to france for 2 weeks every May and if I didn't take it all I suffered so badly! BAD PARENTS!!!
The joys of the :rain: I am running an event tomorrow (for my sins - why oh why did I agree to do it?!) So I hope its dry at least as its outdoors and I can't be bothered to pospone it.

I usually use the nazal spray if the tables are not working, my hayfever is worse in this warm wet weather :( oh well. I walked to work with my sunglasses on to protects my eyes from pollen, bet passers by thought I was mad!

:happydance: Looking forward to tomorrow, the LO hits 24 weeks :happydance:

OH finally got to feel some kicks yesterday too, made him jump! It was nice to see the big smile on his face.

Ps - I feel for you florabean1981, I HATE slugs, they have plagued me since I was little and the cheeky gits come in my kitchen from time to time, tho I can't kill them as I hate the sight of the dead ones too and the thought of scooping up thier mushed little bodies :sick: IW!!
Hello ladies! Hope the weather has cooled off for some of you! It seems to be raining enough to cool things everywhere except here at the moment :lol: We have rain then sunshine - steaming pavements! Urgh! I want a good thunderstorm :rofl:

Am feeling quite pleased today, got my mat leave dates all sorted out! My leave officially starts on the 22nd September (which sounds quite late, given that my EDD is the 4th!) but the semester ends on the 15th August, so I'm actually off from then :D On holiday from then until the 22nd, which is great - as my year leader said, why use up leave on those weeks when you'd be off anyway, and you've earned them? :D I then get 45 weeks paid leave, and go back to do a 5 week placement starting 26th July 2010. Then a couple of weeks off, and I'll start 2nd year officially around the 21st September again :)

It feels so nice to have a definite end date in sight! I'm getting so hacked off with everything University-wise at the moment, but at least it's not long now! :wohoo:
Well I am back from my 25 week check up. Saw GP today (even though I am only 24+4 this was the only day I could get in). BP was 144/68 but he wasnt concerned. Urine was clear. Heard heartbeat again which was 150bpm. Measured my bump for the first time...and measured at 26 weeks lol. Ah well. Knew I had a big bump but didnt think he would measure a week and a half ahead lol.
Afternoon all, well just had lunch at Ikea and been and done the weekly shop. Is it me or is food shopping getting more and more expensive???

OH has set off to pick up his kids, so an evening of chilling for me. It was too muggy and warm for me to go with him.

OH's solicitor has informed his ex's solicitor that im pregnant so I can imagine fireworks very soon.
I have written my letter to work to request my maternity leave. I will officially be on leve from the 5th August 2009...... Hopefully they'll agree....can they disagree?
I dont think they can disagree its up to you when to start mat leave. Going to start mine from the 10th August.

Is anyone getting more headaches? Im bit concerned as I keep getting more.

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