Official October Team Bumpkins

Hi All

Well today, I'm viable!!!!

Also had our nursery furniture delivered today! I just want to open it, but OH insists we wait til the room is ready!!! Also had buggy/car seat and crib delivered on Wed so the house is full of boxes!

Had MW appt again today and all was fine. It seems from reading other posts on here that i get a lot less checks!!! I get 2 scans (12 and 20 wk), they've never weighed me, they've never measured my waist, they've never told me my baby's heart rate! I just get BP done and a quick listen to heartbeat and then I'm done!

I think my bean has changed positions over the last couple of days. I'm finding that it's lying with it's back/head out i think - my stomach feels like it's got a rock in it when i poke it!!!

Maffie - could headaches be due to the heat and dehydration?! Drink LOADS of water and it might help? :hugs:

Aimee-Lou - I'm impressed re :sex: My DH finds the whole thing a bit wierd!!!! As if someone's watching!!!

Right off for in ice-lolly i think!!!
Evening Ladies...

I'm due to start my Mat leave 19 Oct - due 21st. But I have holiday to use first so really finishing work 21 Sept... It seems so near, but then we have so much to do...

Talking about which, I really upset the applecart today. I've had a horrid emotional day today, I've been in tears on and off all day... Spoke to uncle, he can't help; After the carry on with OH Bro, I was feeling peeved enough and was well and truely livid when OH said he wasn't going to take any leave. So my uncle just put the icing on the cake...

I spoke to my MIL today, or should that be cried my eyes out to her today. Explaining everything, and how fustrated I was with the whole situation and circumstance. She was ever so good... Gave me cuddles calmed me down and we talked the whole thing through again. She then agreed with me that I was/am doing too much and need help. Said that OH Bro had offered to help, re went through what he'd done, said yes, and then changed his offer and when he could help etc. She too was then angry, as she knows my Dad does most helping when we need it and isn't up to it etc... OH Bro is due at her's on Sunday - I've a feeling he's gonna get more than he bargained for as is OH when he goes to see her too... She thinks he's up to doing more too...

Spoke to Dad about his bro too, as he'd told Dad he'd help. Dad was livid too; he spoke to my Nanna as she was there all day as my Granddad was/is in hospital today. Ended up uncle had told her too he would help, so she is going to have a few words to say to him too. Mum & Dad went to see Granddad in hospital this evening, bless him he was so pleased to tell them uncle was going to help us. Dad told him what had gone on today, Granddad went off on one "just you wait until I get home out of here, I'll tell him a thing or 2, she's not up to it you can't help; it's about time he started to help his own.."

So it has been a rocking day all round. I didn't go round to upset MIL or call my Dad to upset him either. I just thought they needed to know what was going on.. I was so fustrated, as I don't tend to ask for help, we do a lot of helping others. My Dad has always been at the end of the phone when I've needed anyone; he's far from well enough to help... Which is why I've asked for help thins time.

OH was rather ginger when he woke up today too. I think he fingured he'd crossed the line yesterday... He was trying to do the nicely, nicely approach and asked me how I am. Well, I just said yeh and burst into tears... He tried to comfort me too, I just told him I wasn't in the mood and I'd really had enough with the whole situation and it needs sorting. He needs a man to help him, I can't do it and I haven't got man who can help in my place; more so I need my man to do more...

I'd filled the floor this morning, left it to set; tried to sand it with the flat sander - talk about a hard way of doing something. Aventually got the belt sander out; managed 1/4 of the floor... Wow, does it look pretty but the sander's too fast/heavy for me really. I was buggered... Left it all set up, OH finished the floor off for me, without much complaining... We had a proper chat when he'd finished and he admitted that he's not been doing what he should have been. He is going to have to do more, he will make the effort to get the house finished and furniture moved back hopefully asap. He want's us back home too... He has said that he thinks I need to step back and do less... He reallises I've not done as much as I would normally do, but I've done alot more than I should have and more than he expected me to do. He has gone to work and has booked Thursday & Friday off next week.

So I'm about worn out now... Taking DS shopping tomorrow morning...
littlekitten8- my bump measured 26 at my 25 week check-up too :) I'm putting it down to all the gorgeous pancakes I stuffed myself with every morning while I was in Amsterdam though & not the fact my bubs is growing, LOL! :)
I an tell the weather is cooling off... LO has been kicking me non stop for the last hour! :) Bless him.
OMG Im so frickin angry. We were supposed to be picking OHs son up at 8am to go to a family party. OHs ex text at almost 11pm to say that she was stuck in Swansea cos she had had a problem with her train and so now everything is all messed up. Had OH on the phone from work in tears! She is going to let me know when she is on the train in the morning what time I can come pick him up. But now I basically have to drop OH to work for 11am and then drive by myself up to Bedford to his cousins house for the party, wait for the go ahead to pick up the little boy, leave the party and drive half an hour each way to go get him, and then go back to the party. OH is devastated cos he now cant come to the party as he was planning on coming after work and obviously now I will have the car. Hes really worried that she will text again tomorrow and say she is stuck still and cant get home so we wont be able to have him. Why does she do this?!
Morning all... woohoo ive woken without a headache. Dont think I could drink anymore im having 3 litres of water a day.

Im hoping some of my purchases will come today. I have stiff off here and ebay and im desperate for it all to come :rofl:
LittleKitten - try to have a lovely weekend, ex's do it because they can... Nothing ever goes according to plan, plans can be made and broken too...

I'm up and wake with horrid back ache, it seems to be all in 1 hip... I guess walking around the shops will loosen it off. Told OH this morning we need to get our bed up very soon as I'm getting back ache more frequently and it really does hurt. If it's not one thing it's another...

At least the weathers nice!?! Have a lovely day all...
Im having ex troubles too. My daughters waste of a space father (I use the word father in the lightest way possible!) hardly see's her as it is..once every 3 or 4 weeks seems the average and when he does see her he NEVER takes her anywhere or treats her and quite often texts to say he can't even come for her or pick her up so can we drop her off ourselves!!! (He can't drive,lives at home with his mum,..she drives but if she's going out to the pub,which is a very often occurance she isn't there to do the driving around for him) Anyway,this weekend is one of those times but weve refused to do the ferrying around so told him he'll have to get his fat arse up and walk her home to us then! He has gone 6weeks before without seeing her then when he did he had a hangover and fell asleep on the sofa the whole time she was there!! Disgusting! Im ashamed that I made such a horrible mistake of going with him all them years ago! And breathe.....
Is anyone else around same stage as me finding the early on tiredness creeping back? Wondering if pumpkin has a growth spurt around now as last night I felt dreadful..sooo tired and weak, my eyes wouldn't stay open after 9pm..most unusual for me as the past month Ive managedd to stay up till at least 11pm and sometimes even stuggled to get to sleep!
Im having ex troubles too. My daughters waste of a space father (I use the word father in the lightest way possible!) hardly see's her as it is..once every 3 or 4 weeks seems the average and when he does see her he NEVER takes her anywhere or treats her and quite often texts to say he can't even come for her or pick her up so can we drop her off ourselves!!! (He can't drive,lives at home with his mum,..she drives but if she's going out to the pub,which is a very often occurance she isn't there to do the driving around for him) Anyway,this weekend is one of those times but weve refused to do the ferrying around so told him he'll have to get his fat arse up and walk her home to us then! He has gone 6weeks before without seeing her then when he did he had a hangover and fell asleep on the sofa the whole time she was there!! Disgusting! Im ashamed that I made such a horrible mistake of going with him all them years ago! And breathe.....

Oh hun, I can fully sympahise with you, my eldest sons father is a waste of space too, he lives 300 miles away from us and hasnt seen him since xmas!!! In that time he has managed to travel down here to see his family but cant make the effort to see his son, makes me soo mad!!
He is meant to phone him every other nite but its more like once a week.
And he owes me thousands via the CSA.

I too have to live with the fact that I made a awful mistake in choosing him to be my lovely big boys father but at least in years to come we wont have to thank him for anything:hugs:

On the other subject, Thursday night I was absolutely shattered, went to bed for hour and a half when DH got in from work, I just could not function any longer. Baby was really active too, but when I got up yesterday my bump had shrunk so think he must have had a right old wriggle on and changed positions completely, I feel alot better now thou so hopefully you will soon aswell!!
Just finished 3 night shifts and bubs is definitely a night person - was kicking like mad every night :) :)

24 weeks today - congrats to anyone else hitting this milestone :happydance: :happydance:
Congrats to everyone hitting 24 weeks :happydance: the time seems like its flying for us ladies be a few of us going over into 3rd tri soon :happydance:.
Hope everyones doing ok and enjoying there weekend :hugs:
hello all, how we all feeling today, been shopping all day, and bought more bits for baby George!!! god hes so spoilt!!! i must admit im worn out now!!! Feet up
Evening All...

Had a lovely morning shopping with a friend and DS, spent far too much money on him... But hey, what's money??? Why is it when we have little jobs to do just before leaving town kids always play up?!? I just don't get it...

Got home to find OH shut away in a very dusty bedroom, he'd managed to plain off most of the floor and has spent the rest of the time sanding the boards down, it's looking really nice. I'm proud of him!!

DS has his bags to pack this evening and OH has already said he's looking forward to doing that with him as he can see all the smart stuff we've got him...

I've got really really sore hips today, thinking that the pain would ease with moving about; I'm so wrong. I've got stiffer and stiffer rather than it having eased any. I tired myself out in town today too, we were out from 9am until 2.30; watch OH eat his lunch and slept until 5.30. I could sleep some more but not sure I'll sleep tonight if I do.. Think I'll be off to the dr's on Monday if it's no better. I'm not good with pain...

So what's everyoone else been upto?
Evening everyone! Hope we're all ok.

Eswift - Sorry to hear your hips are playing up. I have sympathy and I hope theyfeel better tomorrow after a rest.

We've had a lovely day! Went shopping with hubby, got him some new shoes for hols! Can't wait to go now!! :happydance:

Also got our freeby bounty pack and changing bag from boots. I'm impressed although the bounty pack is a little bit of a nothing....but freebies are freebies! :dohh:

Went and got some fab meat from the butchers and hubby did his speciality BBQ! Was delicious! And I still crave corn on the cob! :rofl:

Hope everyone is ok and enjoying the weekend now it's cooler. Sleep is good!! :rofl:

Good night ladies xxx
Good morning ladies...

My hips are feeling rather tender, had a bath this morning; and as I got in my hips did a really loud click. Didn't hurt and seems to be moving a little bit better. Will have to see how the day progresses.

Don't think babe was too impressed with having to wait for breaki. Really was making a fuss whilst I was eating, tom (ginger cat) was sat on my bump as I was having breaki, he wasn't too impressed with being kicked about... lol he kept sticking his claws into my dressing gown to hold on... little sod - his nails are sharp!

I'm starting to grow out of the maternity trousers I have, so I've been on to Adsa direct and ordered a few items in the next 2 sizes. Shock horror I've even ordered a summer dress. Ok with delivery I spent just over £30, but it'd cost me more in fuel to go to our nearest george... They should all be here wed or they'll go to my Dad's for thurs depending on how they deliver. (we've got mail redirected whilst we're in a pickle... Easier than trying to do everything at once)

Best make a descent attempt to get dressed, may take OH & DS to car bootie, think I'm getting with drawl symptons and don't want to start chewing on in the house yet... Have a lovely day all...
Morning girls. Have calmed down somewhat after a very stressful day yesterday. Was up in Bedford at the family party yesterday and should have picked OHs son up at around 2pm....well 7.30pm she text to say they had only just left Cardiff!! So I phoned OH at 9.15pm and was close to tears asking him what he wanted me to do. He just told me to come home and she would have to sort it out today. Have text her this morning and she has said she cant get to Oxford but that OH is very welcome to come pick his son up after work. So we will see what happens with that.

Finally got home at like 12.45am and was very tired so consequently I slept til 11.30 oops lol. Although I got woken up at 7.30am with the worst calf cramp and was literally squealing at OH to wake up and rub it for me cos I cant reach lol. Think I must not have drunk enough yesterday cos both legs are quite crampy today.
Littlekitten - coor what a long day you had yesterday! Sounds like OH ex is trying to play it every which way. I hope things calm down soon...

I've left OH sanding the floor, DS hoovering and helping when needed; I've come out the way into the cool, my hips are sore and I'm shattered again. Not too sure but I think my body's telling me I've done too much...

I'm gonna see if I can get away with a snooze, they know where I am if they need or want me...
So this is where you all are!

I've been moving into my new flat so things have been pretty hectic, I'm at my Dad's at te mo so I can use the internet, and I couldn't find the thread.

Got so much to sort out, still without a sofa and washing machine, hopefully those should be sorted my next weekend. I can't take any time off work at the moment so I'm trying to squeeze everything in. At least I have my bed :)

And while I was away I've become viable :happydance:

Just got to get his room sorted now.

Is anyone else feeling exhusted? I can barely keep my eyes open at work come 3pm anymore, the thought of the train journey for the next three months is depressing.

Hope everyone is ok :hug:
Hey Lovelies,

Had such a busy weekend so am just popping my head in. We have family coming over for a BBQ in a couple hours.

We went to a 4th July party last night was great fun. I posted some pictures of the fireworks and us on my blog if you're interested. Oh my sister and mines new haircuts are on there too!

On the subject of tiredness, yes, the last 2 or 3 weeks I've noticed I've gone back to being exhausted all the time and not being able to get thru the day with out a afternoon nap.

I'm sorry you're all having problems with your Ex's. Such douches. Makes you wonder why (or HOW) you ever loved them really.

Ok I need to scoot. Have a great day :hugs:

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