Official October Team Bumpkins

After all that madness have a great time being pampered LK! :thumbup:

My teeth are really hurting me today, I don't normally have problems with them, I guess it just due to the pregnancy :shrug:

I have some odd ailements at the moment! :wacko: When I get tired my legs start to twitch, I have this uncontrollable urge, there was a thread in second tri ages ago about it, but the last few nights I have had some weird pains in my legs. Mon night my bones in my legs really ached all the way down, then a bit later I felt like I had cramp in my right leg but it wasn't exacty cramp, it happened again last night too and it woke me up :shock: My muscle was so tight, when I tired to ease it and lay my leg flat it kind of wanted to curl to the side a bit!!! Weird!
:hugs: florabean.

Might be best to contact the MW anyway to put you mind at ease, you might feel silly but its so worth it.

I only felt one movement last sunday and that was it for ages, I called the hospitaly number we were given as I couldn't reach the MW then. They told me to lie down for half an hour after drinking a cold glass of water and see if that does anything, call them either way and if nothing to go in. I was so worried but thankfully it did the trick, I had tried allsorts, food etc to no avial but I think becasue I was doing somthing by speaking to someone about it I wasn't as stressed and so that helped, iykwim.

Im sure they have phone calls all the time x

Do you know what does the trick for me? Crunching ice in my mouth. Never fails to wake her up.

It may sound strange, but up until 29 weeks it was like how you described for me. As soon as I hit 30 weeks Autumn has not sat still. Its like that little bit of weight on her bones made all the difference in me feeling her. She still don't wake me up at night with movement (thats all down to my bladder!) but during the day shes always on the move.

Ice, Ice, Ice! :) :hugs:
Mornin' Girls,

Well I've been up since bloody 3am. I refused to get out of bed tho. My whole body just felt like it was gonna over heat! I was laying there in just me underwear with the fan blasting down. Insomnia sucks!

LK ~ Sorry your app was so crap :hugs:Hopefully the consultant can shed light for you.

Lindak ~ I was thinking this about missing kicks once Autumn is born...

Kte ~ Hows your cat today? Can you get to the dentist to be checked out? It should be free. Re leg cramps .. I DETEST Charlies Horses. I get them every time I stretch out at the moment if I point my toes. I have to try and stretch with my toes towards the ceiling! I've been getting really achy finger joints the last week or so. OB says its down to the swelling ... you had any swelling in your lower legs/ankles?

Lucilou ~ Welcome back! :)

Anababe ~ :wave:

Bonfloss ~ Glad you had a good appointment!

Eswift ~ Grr @ midwife. I hate it when others run on a schedule as if no one else has a place to be.

Maffie ~ Re the rain, tell NC that also! We had a *massive* thunderstorm last night. Battered my poor plants. BOO. Ah well will save me watering the grass for a few days :)

Regarding reduction of movement ~ My OB told me at my 29 week appointment I should feel her at least 4 times an hour. Well she does this most the time, but I personally thing that every baby is different and it should be classed on "outside your normal pattern of movements" cause sometimes Autumn goes to sleep and will only move 1 or 2 times an hour, when she's awake, its like I got 13 hopping bunnys in there. She gives me a near breakdown when shes sleeping though, I'm getting the doppler out, crunching ice ... she's gonna pay me back when she's here and keeping ME awake at night haha.

Ok best get some brekkie.
When I was in delivery suite last week they told me I should feel 10 movements in a day and if I didnt then to get in contact with them.
Maybe they do. They dont have to be big kicks though. James doesnt do very many big kicks now...but lots of wriggling around....feels a bit like gas again like when I was first feeling him only a little bit stronger. Dont think he has quite so much room now lol.

I've got period type pains in my back this morning. Not sure what thats all about but its making me very uncomfortable. Had to hoover the stupid house again this morning. Got another viewing at 5pm and I'm going home so had to make sure it was all clean before I leave cos my housemate is bloody useless and wouldnt think to hoover when she gets home from work. Or would be like 'Oh I was too tired'. Grr.
Sorry to hear about the sleep loss Chaos :hugs:

Mornin' Girls,

Kte ~ Hows your cat today? Can you get to the dentist to be checked out? It should be free. Re leg cramps .. I DETEST Charlies Horses. I get them every time I stretch out at the moment if I point my toes. I have to try and stretch with my toes towards the ceiling! I've been getting really achy finger joints the last week or so. OB says its down to the swelling ... you had any swelling in your lower legs/ankles?

They are horrible aren'y they!! I do get a little swelling around my ankles thinking about it. It feels wrong to get them what I haven't been active, must start stretching before bed!

She is fine thanks, loving all the sympathy and fresh meat! Funnily enough our other two cats haven't tried to steal any, think they know she is recovering, normally is evey mog for themselves!

This is smokey, she is really tiny but just over a year old, she is the one who just had the OP. (I tried to add a small pic but the link it just not playing right for me today!)

These are her 'older brothers' Bandit and Fluffy (Fluffy has always had funny ears)
After all that madness have a great time being pampered LK! :thumbup:

My teeth are really hurting me today, I don't normally have problems with them, I guess it just due to the pregnancy :shrug:

I have some odd ailements at the moment! :wacko: When I get tired my legs start to twitch, I have this uncontrollable urge, there was a thread in second tri ages ago about it, but the last few nights I have had some weird pains in my legs. Mon night my bones in my legs really ached all the way down, then a bit later I felt like I had cramp in my right leg but it wasn't exacty cramp, it happened again last night too and it woke me up :shock: My muscle was so tight, when I tired to ease it and lay my leg flat it kind of wanted to curl to the side a bit!!! Weird!

Just a suggestion, I was suffering from twitching legs and cramp; but in the last 2 weeks I've increased my dairy intake. Which seems to have worked a treat. Not sure where I read it (but I remember it as if you suffer with cramp trying increasing your dairy intake...) , but It has worked for me.

As I don't have much dairy in my diet (milk doesn't agree with me too well, and I really can't stomach much) However, I was waking up with cramp every morning; at stupid O'Clock and OH was getting really crabby too. As well as my legs being really sore.. Having Cereals and milk for breakie, cheese and yoghurt later in the day, so not had to increase it too much, but it's helped.

I still get a few twitches in the evening but no cramp, I've put the twitching down to no naps and being over tired... LOL but who's body wouldn't rebel when you're having to get up at 4.30am? OH is up from 4am so I'm awake then anyway... But not sure why, I'm struggling with catching a nap, can't get comfy or things just pop up...:dohh:
Thanks eswift, I will try although I have been eating so much cereal, one for breaksfast and even one before bed, then drinking milk at 2am when I wake up when OH goes to work. Mind you he was off sick the past few days so I didn't do this and that's when things seem to have gotten worse! Plus must be the broken / lack of sleep too! I'm like you, once OH is up for one reason or another I just can't seem to get back off again.

Will hunt down a cheese sandwich for lunch . . . :D
Good afternoon ladies!

Hope we're all ok. Sorry to read about the aches and pains etc we're all getting. My hubby reckons the wet weather can't be helping as I seem to seize up on an evening. We've tried to make me drink more and take some exercise in an evening but he's been on lates this week and not been getting home until 9pm! I have been giving us soup for tea each night as I'm fed up of OJ and Squash. Before being PG I hardly drank at all and I find it hard to stick to the 2l a day!

Hubby is day off tomorrow :happydance: so I have all the cleaning to do today....for some reason I love vaccuuming at the moment! :wacko: So it's not a chore really. lol. He's back home at 9 and then not back in work til 0630 on Friday! Woohoo! We have the midwife at 9.30 tomorrow too so I hope everything is has already used my ribcage as a punch bag this morning so I think we are ok! Also the sicky feeling has gone and my apetite is coming back...actually ate a sausage sandwich this morning.....most I've eaten in one go in 3 days! I had a good talk with hubby as I was getting a little bit over-whelmed by everything and it's done the trick.....I'm a lucky girly :cloud9:

Anyhoos......Love to everyone. :hugs: You're all the best!
Hi all,

We went to the beach yesterday which was nice, but the car ride (even though it was only 1 hour there and 1 hour back) was agonizing for me. My back was killing me and I just needed to pee all the time. No more long car rides for me!

It's also our 7 year wedding anniversary today, but hubby is working away until the weekend :(

I have my 28 week m/w appointment tomorrow.
Does anyone know if it is every 2 weeks yet or will the next one be 32 weeks?
Afternoon girls and bumps!!

I'm tired:sleep: yesterday we went for a walk on Exmoor, it was hard work carrying the extra weight but the boys loved it.

DH had to be in hospital for operation at 8 this morning so we were up at 6!!
He had to have a plate and pins taken out of his ankle, fortunately it is done in day surgery and he was first on the list so we are home again now and I'm trying to do my nurse bit, LK think you had better give me some tips, I'm not very compassionate!!!

Re. the leg cramps I find that eating a banana before bed does the trick for me.

This weather is just awful, I had bought some lovely summer maternity clothes and doesnt look like going to get a chance to wear any of it:nope:

Hopefully we have a lazy rest of the week, the boys have gone to stay at Grandmas until Saturday unless they play up in which case they will be home tomorrow, DH is off until Monday week with his ankle too.

:hugs: to everyone x
Afternoon all

Not feeling myself was sick earlier then fell asleep. Very weird. Just going to hasve some lunch to see if that perks me up.

Are all receptionists at doctors dragons? They either seem to think they need to know why you want something so they can decide or they are rude.....

I think i've been lucky cramp wise not had it for a long time. I wonder if it is linked to dairy as I eat lots and lots of dairy, seem to be eaten much more in the last few weeks.

Also noticed this week my hair has gone horrid. It's so dry and fragile but I have a feeling thats the drugs im on and not the pregnancy.
Hi all,

We went to the beach yesterday which was nice, but the car ride (even though it was only 1 hour there and 1 hour back) was agonizing for me. My back was killing me and I just needed to pee all the time. No more long car rides for me!

It's also our 7 year wedding anniversary today, but hubby is working away until the weekend :(

I have my 28 week m/w appointment tomorrow.
Does anyone know if it is every 2 weeks yet or will the next one be 32 weeks?

I had my 28 weeks check up yesterday, next one is in 6 weeks and then from there it's every 2 weeks. Hope that helps:flower:
I have my 28 week m/w appointment tomorrow.
Does anyone know if it is every 2 weeks yet or will the next one be 32 weeks?

My 28-week check is also tomorrow (although I'll actually be just 2 days shy of 29 weeks). According to my list of dates, my next check should be at 31 weeks, and then every two weeks after that, so I think it depends a bit on your midwife/NHS trust. (As it happens, my midwife is only at the surgery every two weeks, so going from a 28-week check to a 31-week check won't actually be possible, but there you go.)
Guess that the care does vary greatly depending on the health authority that you come under...

I said it earlier in the month and I'll probably say it again...

I definately feel less informed now, than I did at 20; when I had DS. The choices of courses available and the information handed out by the the midwife, the confusion and closure of the maternity ward doesn't help.

After talking to a friend of mine today, who works for the hospital about the ward closures (maternity & childrens ward and special care baby unit) there's hell on about it. As it's not just the town people complaining, it's also those like me who live in the countryside too... Logic just doesn't explain the decision that the minds that be have made... Although it's only temporary it seems to be such a mind baffling one to have made... It will and must affect more than just me... As it's all 3 wards, so it not just 1 group of people... Plus friend mentioned that the trust is paying for all the staff to travel to the larger hospital where the units have been moved to until end of Oct. So it's not just ambulances that could be tied up, it the extra cost the trust is paying out etc, surely it is a health and safety risk too? As I say I can't understand it...

Maybe just maybe I'll wake up one morning and I'll understand their reasoning, without any concerns or doubts...
Hi all,

We went to the beach yesterday which was nice, but the car ride (even though it was only 1 hour there and 1 hour back) was agonizing for me. My back was killing me and I just needed to pee all the time. No more long car rides for me!

It's also our 7 year wedding anniversary today, but hubby is working away until the weekend :(

I have my 28 week m/w appointment tomorrow.
Does anyone know if it is every 2 weeks yet or will the next one be 32 weeks?

I had midwife on Monday and I was 27+2 although measuring nearer 28 weeks. She doesn't want to see me again until 6 weeks so will be around 33/34 weeks - seems a bit scary but if any probs I know she will see me.
I am in Fife in Scotland.
:wedding: Happy Anniversary Mrs and Mr O29 :happydance:

Kte - how cute are those babies!!!

Flora - how did you get on about the reduction in movement chick? Have you spoken to anyone yet? Let us know :hugs:
I had this last week, even got the doppler out THEN my OH went onto nights - (this means I struggle to sleep on own as am a massive wimp) and I found out when all the fun happens, OMG had a belly like a nightclub with all the dancing going on from 2am :happydance: Hope this ain't a sign of things to come after birth.

Been to chiropractor again - have had 'cupping' done, feel like Gwyneth Paltrow :rofl: :rofl: got a back and arse full of bruises but hey I can actually walk for a change.
Hope everyone ok :kiss::hugs:

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