Official October Team Bumpkins

Sounds good LK, I never done Pilates before but heard lots of good things. Feeling like I should be booking myself onto something like that now! Or at least go swimming to get a bit fitter. Trouble is most times are in an evening so its hard to fit around OH's work pattern. Hope you enjoy your class :)

I'm sure if you keep up ignoring her childish actions Maffie the she will get bored. Hopefully she will soon realise it's time for her to move on with her life and then you guys can get on with yours! Nice hospital bag btw :)

I feel like the bag I had ion mind will be too small now!
Love the suitcase!?!? Mine's similar size, but with a tigger on...

Sounds like that one nasty ex, how on earth anyone can be so bitter and twisted is beyond me. I hope you can keep your cool... Sounds as though you're coping better than I could/would. I stopped going with OH to drop his DS as I couldn't be pestered with the hassle...

If you're growing like I am, I sure you could do without someone telling you about your size. I feel as thouh I'm as tall as I am round... High Maintenance?!?! LMAO I'd like to know a mother to be that isn't high maintenance, there is so much that babe needs, that we'd like them to have etc... And as for the last comment if that isn't just plain nasty and heartless I've no idea what is, but I'm sure that your child like most is very much wanted.

My DS was unplanned all them years ago, but from finding out that I was expecting right the way through the pregnancy he was very much wanted. He has been very much the centre of my life since the day he was born, I wouldn't be without him for anything. I know he has and does spend alot of time with my parents, it's nice that he is able to. When he was little they moved away and ran a pub. They didn't see him very much or spend much time with him then, as he has special needs when he was smaller and was so out of control etc he spent very little time with my parents or my grand parents as he was too much for them. As he has grown and calmed down enormously they are now able to spend time with him, which they were unable to do before. I think it's their way of making up for lost time/years. TBH with it being the hols, OH on nights (not sure when he finishes) & me working early shift it's easier all round DS spending time with my Dad. Plus he's of an age where he can help look after my Dad without bossing him about and Dad can look after him without having to pamper to his every whim...

I'm sorry went off on one...

But the point I was trying to make was a nice one... Not sure now how to say it... Sorry...
"On a brigther note I have just got my hospital bag ordered. I bought a cabin suitcase because I fell in love with it :cloud9:"[/QUOTE]

Like the bag Maffie. Same as mine!!
Mornin' Girls,

32 weeks today!:happydance:

Sorry I aint been about, its just been a bit stressful here with all that's going on. The first lawyer we tried to contact was really flakey .. didn't install much confidence about how she did her business, so now we are investigating some more. We have 3 that we like so now we need to choose one. They all do free consultations so I think we'll do that then decide.

Never. Ever. use CCs to pay bills.

I had an OB appointment yesterday, now seeing him every 2 weeks. My joints in my hands are still pretty painful, feel like snarled old tree branches first thing lol. It's bearable though, more annoying. I'm sitting at 192lbs (Just over 13 stone) :shock: Fundal hight is 33 and BP was 120/70 (That's the highest its' EVER been!!) I suspect thats more to do with it being 97f here yesterday though lol. I have another scan at 36 weeks so he can check fluid levels and the size of the baby etc.

We got an estimated insurance bill yesterday .. just for the OB care. Boy do I miss the NHS.
Basically *just* for my OB care (so like midwife at home) it is $3200. Once the baby is born we'll get a separate bill from the lab for my bloodwork (which sits at about $2000 at the moment) and then the hospital stay which I suspect for a 48 hour stay will be about 2 or 3 grand.
The way insurance works for materity is, we have to pay $4000 excess before they will cover it then they cover the bill at 90% and we pay 10%.
I'm so jealous of you lot back home not having to do this haha.
We were kinda shocked because we thought our excess was $1000, but they gave us a really crap paper work explaining it. The $1000 excess is for "level 1 care" .. so primary care etc.
Hospital stays/inpatient and materity is "level 2 care" .. so the larger deductable.
It pisses me off because we pay $350 a month towards insurance anyways, what the hell are we paying that for? And people wonder why we're having to go bankrupt. :cry:

BabyLove ~ The nursery looks fantastic! I really wanna finish mine and get pics for the scrapbook. Ah well maybe when I'm done at work.

Maffie ~ I feel you on the funky dreams. I dremt I was giving birth 2 nights ago!! WTF with the Ex ... how DARE she say that stuff. God, people just piss me off. Stupid jealous old hag.
The bag is great haha, they'll see you coming!

Kte ~ I'm really ticklish too lol. Am at the stage I just don't want to be touched on my belly, but the OH insists! Autumn stays still every time he touches my belly anyways lol.
Re spots, my neck has totally broken out again. My face *touch wood* is still clear. My back is just disgusting lol.

Lindak ~ I'm glad someone on here is getting good sleep! :)

Keerthy ~ It's really good to see you! I was wondering how you were doing. :hugs:I understand being lonley in a country you don't know. Try looking on the meet up forum on here, I'm sure there's an Oxford meetup. Also try out

Eswift ~ I watch bringing baby home and a baby story every morning haha. I've also been reading my hyponobirthing book, it explains the history of birth and why it has been come to known as a "painful thing" and it really makes sense .. it makes me feel more confident. Let me know if you want to have the author/name of the book, maybe you can get it from the libary or something. :hugs:

Littlekitten ~ You made it half a mile?! I'm jealous lol I can't even go for 5 minutes with out needing a sit down! I used to do pilates .. it's pretty fun!

Florabean ~ I have to wear ear plugs at night other wise I'd batter the DH whilst he sleeps with his bloody snoring.

Jo ~ I hope you get good results re the GD :hugs:

Re blankets I have 2 or 3 so if one gets dirty I can wash it etc.

Ok I'm being booted in the belly button, that must mean its time for frosted shreddies haha.
Hi Ladies

Well the weather has let me down again, was planning on doing all my washing today and washing all the bedding but the rain has halted plans!!

Had a day shopping in Bath yesterday with the MIL, got a few baby bits and had a lovely lunch out, it was a long day thou, we went on the bus, and I was glad for my bed last nite!!

Chaos:hugs: hope everything comes together for you. I am so with you on the OH snoring, cant wear ear plugs though incase I miss the boys waking in the night, I dont have any problems sleeping its just his bloody snoring waking me up every night so I have booked him a docs appointment tomorrow, he has already had his adenoids out to try to ease it but it didnt work:nope:

Just ordered wardrobe for babies room today which will be here next Thursday so will be seriously nesting next weekend:happydance:

Maffie, loving the bag!!!

Eswift hope all goes well at solicitors

Littlekitten enjoy the pilates

Everybody else hope you have a good day x x
just got back from the midwife, and they think my little man has moved so he's bum down now instead of head down. on the plus side, i noticed he had hiccups this morning!! it was soo cute :).

sorry your having a tough time chaos, im not sure whats wrong but hope you get it sorted x
Well, solicitors went better than I expected... I sat there and let OH do most of the talking... I'd just woken up from napping on the sofa, think I left my brain sat there... Nobody noticed...

He's working out all the additional cost we've incurred from the balls up with the house etc, fuel for DS to get to school & back, initial fees and extra's that way on. Think he's wanting to bring it over the £5000 mark so we can take it to court if need be and claim his fees back... Didn't fee so dense today, so that's a start...

Dogs out in the garden howling at the ice cream van... lol Silly thing... He's been a little terror today barking at one of the neighbours trying to fix their shed... Really has got on my nerves... OH has gone back to bed, so I'm entertaining myself again, wonder if I won on ebay...

Choas - I'd like the book title and authour please, it might give me some bed time reading. I'm ready for bed at about 8/9ish but not sleeping until about 10 ish... SO maybe just maybe I'll drop off faster with a book...

I'm thinking about going swimming from next week, as I really am starting to feel like a complete layabout... As DS is away for the next 2 weeks, OH is on nights again, I can maybe start going in the afternoon either before my nap or after it... I'd be no good going in the evening unless OH decides he going to come too, otherwise I'd not see him... Now there's a thought??

OH lost weight too, finally he's managed to get back down to his pre-engaged weight, it has taken 4 years but he's done it! I'm so proud of him, as he was like me at his biggest when we got married. I couldn't loose weight no matter what I tried (gone from a 14 to 20), even exercising and healthy eating I put weight on, gave up in the end. SO he married me at my biggest and I was loosing the weight quite well when we found out we were expecting lol. Typical, things went pear shape then. Aventually started to loose the baby weight again and found out I was expecting again... Now, I'm all bump and no bum... And OH has finally reached his happy place lol - He has such a small bum and lovely lovely legs...
I'm glad the soliciotrs went well eswift. Well done to your OH on losing weight. I notice my weight more now i'm with a healthy person. He cycle commutes everywhere and has legs of muscle *drool* love his legs. I too had started to drop weight really well when I started training at the start of the year and then ooops I fell pregnant. It's certainly made me realise how loosing a few pounds helped me feel much better and i'm determined to carry on after baby comes.

Just had a lovely couple of hours napping. Now thinking about preparing dinner, was going to mae a veggie risotto but i'm now fancying a chicken curry.
Well I very much enjoyed my first pilates class. Not sure how long I will be able to do the classes but I'm certainly going to try to do the exercises at home and carry on the classes as long as James lets me! Am now back at OHs work to spend the rest of his break with him before I go back home...but hes fallen asleep lol so I'm watching Come Dine With Me.
:hugs: Chaos, it must be very difficult for you. I can't believe the amount they charge over there! x

Glad the solicitors went well eswift - they always confuse me too! I was quite proud and amazed when I sorted out all my divorce paper work without one, althought they have been very handy in the past when buying my house, one house I went to look at had a mine shaft entrance under it which could have been re-opened at any time!

LO seems to being doing their own excercise class tonight!
hiya ladies. just got in after a long day at work, then went to our 1st parentclass, very interesting views some ladies had on pain relief! im still undecided and i think i may go in with a open mind and take it from there xxx xxxxx
Chaos, thinking of you love xxxxx take care
Morning Ladies...

I managed a reasonable nights sleep, last night; started off at one side of the bed and rolled and rolled all over the bed, woke up this morning in the middle of the bed with all the pillows nestled around me... Oh well, good job OH is back on nights I guess, and the bed was all mine... Otherwise he'd have been in DS's room...

Rain again here, where has all the sun shine gone? Bet this is all because Mum & Dad got to the lakes tomorrow... It always use to rain when we went there as kids too, maybe it's just one of those places that just has rain all the time... Guess they need it with all them lakes there, otherwise they'd just be dry basins...

Hope I have a bit more energy this afternoon, have some reserve; I'd like to get some housework done; but doesn't seem as important as getting sleep at the moment... DS's is being so good and helpful, but just doesn't do/see the housework that needs doing, i'm not sure he knows how to use the washer or the sink properly...

Have a great morning all...
Good Morning Ladies,

Managed to sleep happily last night :) was difficult to start with...... my pillow help me loads!!!!! feeling freshhhhh.... arghhhhh........... lovely! but I still need to Sleep LOL... seems am never satisfied! ;)

Pain coz of SPD .... kinda difficult to get out of bed without support but manageable!

Just had a warm glass of milk.... no wanna get back to BED!!!!! lol

Have a great day ladies...... will catch up a bit later.


Morning all,

LO still being shy for OH! Even after all the wiggiling they were getting up to last night. I put his hand on my tummy and he said he couldn't feel anything but I assured him my tummy doesn't normally 'ripple' like that! I have to admit they were faint movements but you could see my tummy moving. Think I am going to get some cards with instructions written on them like 'quick - feel tummy now!' as I think my voice when I am calling OH gives LO a pre-warning to be cheeky!

Round two of trying to take bloods today, off to the GP's for 12:15 :wacko: REALLY hope my veins co-operate although they are looking as illusive as ever :( I just don't want to be stabbed by the needle over and over. I don't have a phobia, I just get fed up, especially if they sting all the time :nope:
Morning everyone,
I haven't been around much this past week or so-family troubles, so I have some catching up to do!! Hope everyone is well.
Ive got a midwife appointment in a few hours, I did my urine sample when I got up at 7.30am and it's really cloudy!! Is this ok???! I think Im gonna feel really emmbarrassed about handing it over :blush:
:rofl:, I gave a sample last week that was so dark it was almost brown!
I do get cloudy pee in the morning too, but it has always tested ok.

I am good, just too hot. I wish the rainy weather would come back here.

I have been getting period type pains for the past few days, which I think must just be growing pains or something. Baby is kicking away ok and HB is normal.

Only next week left on holiday then my dd starts Primary 1!!!!!!
Where has all the time gone. I feel like I just brought her home from the hospital a few days ago.

I wish the next 10 weeks would go by as quickly!
I am starting to get seriously excited now. Can't wait to meet my little man :)
Morning all

Hope everyone is well. Think I might spend the day sorting some stuff out today. Need to start getting rid of stuff. Managed to get about 6 bags of things to charity shop last week so hoping I can do the same again this week.
Thanks Mrs0, feel abit better about it now then. Ive been having alot of period pain too..must be braxton hicks starting up. Off to get some more toast..gosh Im never full at the mo!!!
Hiya girls

Well i think Freya was testing out putting her head in my pelvis last night as OMG it hurt! and i could feel the pressure when she done it.. Then this morning i wake up to a bum sticking up in the air all to one side of my bump :lol: I had to sleep with the fan last night as it was so muggy and hot :( even today is overcast but its so close...

Helz i have cloudy pee pee in the morning too hun, i wouldnt worry too much about it :hugs:

Oh and girls .... 9 weeks today and Freya will be born :cloud9:

Off to put some washing on.. catch you all later xxx
I cant believe my hospital bag has arrived. The website said if ordered before noon they may be able to do next day, nut it's normally the email I got said they can take 2-3 days and it's here already. It's lovely :cloud9:

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