Official October Team Bumpkins

Hope work goes quickly eswift. I love getting up early. I think it's from years of doing carboots, living at agriculture college and then doing shifts with the ambulance service. I must admit when I changed to an office job I found i'd be flagging mid afternoon as i'd of already been up ages.

I like that there less noise at thie time of day.

Anyone else getting backache when trying to sleep? Woke up and had to roll off the bed this morning!
Good morning ladies,

Sorry I've not been on this thread much lately....I've had a lot on my mind recently and not had a lot to actually write about. All back to normal today apart from interfering mothers but that's just normal! :dohh:

How are we all? I hope we're all ok and doing well. I've just posted my first bump-pic of 3rd tri - I've been a bit lazy tbh in taking the pics but I really like my pic from last night. Although I feel massive but, on the bright side (whispers so the fates can't hear) **I've not got any stretch marks yet!**.

I sent off for my HIP grant on thursday last week. I hope it got there ok as I really should have sent it recorded but I got impatient. :dohh: Fingers crossed that it's ok...has anyone received theirs yet? I'm hoping to get mine before my birthday so that I can go on a birthday shopping spree.....7th September isn't that far off though....eeek!

Other than that, not a lot going on. Got loads to do as normal. I think my nesting instinct is starting to kick in as I'm sick of the house being's not messy or mucky, just untidy and it's doing my head in! Hubby has ordered me not to do too much but I can't help it. I'm also going to pack my hospital bag tomorrow....30 weeks you see, plus I think I have a few things to get so this will help me focus! :dohh:

We're off to the boot sales next week....need a new lawnmower but I'm also kind of hoping for a moses basket stand or a baby gate or you think these are do-able?

Right, I'm off to tackle the house. I hope we're all ok and :hugs: to all the bumpkins...I'll back read at some point today.

Oh btw....really really early but has anyone thought about their Christening/Naming ceremony/party etc? We have decided on the LO's 6 month birthday so it's on the calendar as the 21st March 2010.....eeek, It's not that far away is it?! I'm sorry I'm severely over-organised recently! :dohh:

Morning all, how are we all today, bought my pjs, nightdress slippers etc last night, so i think this weekend i will start to get my bag ready??? or do u think its abit earlier yet??
Morning all

Another milestone reached :)

I started packing my bag a month ago, but haven't touched it since!
I could do the babies one now, but I am leaving the rest of mine as it is all clothes to do, and if I gain much more weight I will have to buy bigger sizes so am gonna hold off for now!
I don't think it's too early though. I have made a very comprehensive list that I tick things off when they go in, so once it's packed I won't be going through it again to check things.
There seems to be a lot of things I can't do or pack until I go into labour though.

Baby seems to have dropped down this morning. I have a big gap inbetween my boobs and bump now. It's good I can breathe easier! Is that a 7 month thing? I can't remember any of this from my dd. I wasn't paying enough attention!
I'm going to do mine tomorrow and make my list of things I need.

Way I see it, there's a 3 at the front of the number of weeks which in my mind means that we will need the bag soon! (I've also been putting it off as it will mean I will need to wash all the baby clothes etc and it's going to take ages!! :dohh:)

Speaking of which.....washing! :wacko: God I've got severe baby brain today!
Morning ladies,

Well went to the hosp this morning about this differnce in dates I was given from from private scan and hosp scan. Anyway long story short I had my dates wrong anyway lol .. Im actually a week ahead of what I thought I was , doc also said that they will be going by there scans dates and not private scan. Im ok with that cause I got to add a week on and so that means that I am 30 wks on fri :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Changed my tickers !! yey

Oh and also chaos can you change my due date to the 23rd please xxx
Morning all!

I'm just on with my list now for my hospital bag aimee-lou. I put my HIP grant in last week so I will be spending some of the money on things I want for it. (Unfortuanltey I can't see if it has gone in yet as my bank have frozen my online account, a fun job I must sort today - I went to my Mum and Dad's house for a few days holiday with OH and accessed my account online on my Dad's PC, only to reduce a DD - they froze my account thinking it was fraudulant, I called them up and said I was on holiday, apparently I have to inform the online team if I go abroad - my Mum and Dad live in North Yorkshire and I live in West Yorkshire, security gone mad! :rofl:)

Oh, also aimee-lou, I always see baby gates at the carboots I go to, sometimes there are loads of moses baskets, other times not but the stands are a bit more hit and miss, and there is always the occasional lawnmower! Good luck! :flower:

Good news lindak! :thumbup:

Hi Mer01 :wave:

Cloud9Mummy - I have similar growth spurts, infact I think my LO being quiet for a few days is why, this morning my bump feels sooo much bigger and yesterday and today I have felt all achy and sore. It usually settles down after a day or so . . . until the next one! (Must remeber to take a new bump pic!)

:hugs: Craftymum. I can't wait until Christmas this year - I said to OH that I have been so good all year that I am so going to treat myself with lots of goodies!!

Hungry today, already had a big bowl of cereals and a yoghurt, what can I get . . . .

Speak to you all later x
Thanks Kte!

I'm hoping we can get a few bargains as I don't know about anyone else but the budget just seems to be getting more and more stretched just lately. Could do with a couple of helping hand style bargains! Just have to be able to get them home which in a Renault Megane Coupe could be fun! :dohh:

I really should write a list for the hospital bag but I'm not very good...I'll end up taking half the house with me if I'm not careful!! :blush:

I got a card reader through the post today for the bank....I can't believe that they shut your account off for being in a different part of Yorkshire...I went to Cornwall last month and it didn't register, neither did hubby's trip to Ireland....maybe my bank aren't as on the ball! :nope:

I'm considering starting a Jeremy Kyle Addicts Anonymous group.....anyone interested?!
Good morning all,

Had my GTT test yesterday morning, was dreading having to drink the lemon flavoured glucose drink but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Tasted to me like a very strong glass of lemon barley water. Thankfully everything was OK, my score was 6.9 but sure how or what that relates to.

Felt extremely sick all yesterday afternoon, but I do not think it was related to the glucose test, just feel very tired today as did not sleep to well. So think I may struggle today :sleep:

Bought PJ's and slippers for my maternity bag at the weekend, gradually ticking things off my list and once I have everything will then pack.

Hope eveyone is well :hugs:
I always want to come home with more stuff than what we go with when we sell at them! I saw a woman last week with a one of those tiny Fiat cars and she was selling, I have no clue how she fit everything in, it was like real life tetris!

I had a little list I made myself for my hospital bag and then looked that the 'what to pack' thread in 3rd tri section - the list suddenly got much bigger! Think I may have to revise it as it just looks daunting now and it's not as if OH would have to travel far to get back home if I did forget anything! I'm also being a cheepo and searching round for the best prices on the items I need to buy :blush:

It's just my luck with banks I think, I'm with 2 different ones and both cause me and OH no end of problems! It's not as if I were transfering 100's of pounds or anything, just amending a DD! It just frustrating as to re-activate my online account I had to get them to call me, once they did I had to enter a 4 digit code, however the phone I used wasn't touch tone so it didn't work! :dohh: They then said they would write to me and . . . nothing! lol!

:hugs: snowy - hope you catch up on some :sleep:
I started with my bag last week for the hospital... Packed what I have for me, need night shirt & dressing gown packing yet; must buy some slippers (all I wear at home is flip flops around the house...)

Babe's bag's all packed... I've even packed cotton wool balls... We've packed the 3 baby grows we have and vest to match. Awaiting Mama & Papa order as I've ordered another baby grow & a babies all in one coat for coming home then that's all finished!
Good morning ladies,

Sorry I've not been on this thread much lately....I've had a lot on my mind recently and not had a lot to actually write about. All back to normal today apart from interfering mothers but that's just normal! :dohh:

How are we all? I hope we're all ok and doing well. I've just posted my first bump-pic of 3rd tri - I've been a bit lazy tbh in taking the pics but I really like my pic from last night. Although I feel massive but, on the bright side (whispers so the fates can't hear) **I've not got any stretch marks yet!**.

I sent off for my HIP grant on thursday last week. I hope it got there ok as I really should have sent it recorded but I got impatient. :dohh: Fingers crossed that it's ok...has anyone received theirs yet? I'm hoping to get mine before my birthday so that I can go on a birthday shopping spree.....7th September isn't that far off though....eeek!

Other than that, not a lot going on. Got loads to do as normal. I think my nesting instinct is starting to kick in as I'm sick of the house being's not messy or mucky, just untidy and it's doing my head in! Hubby has ordered me not to do too much but I can't help it. I'm also going to pack my hospital bag tomorrow....30 weeks you see, plus I think I have a few things to get so this will help me focus! :dohh:

We're off to the boot sales next week....need a new lawnmower but I'm also kind of hoping for a moses basket stand or a baby gate or you think these are do-able?

Right, I'm off to tackle the house. I hope we're all ok and :hugs: to all the bumpkins...I'll back read at some point today.

Oh btw....really really early but has anyone thought about their Christening/Naming ceremony/party etc? We have decided on the LO's 6 month birthday so it's on the calendar as the 21st March 2010.....eeek, It's not that far away is it?! I'm sorry I'm severely over-organised recently! :dohh:


Aimee - I posted my hip form on the Wednesday, money was spent that night on mamas & papas website! Money was in my account 4 days later so pretty good I thought.

Anyone else still not sleeping and got any suggestions?? I have had rubbish sleeps for the last 6 weeks and its driving me mad! Can't get comfy and feel so damn hot.

Thanks....i've been told it will most likely come in on a Thursday so I'm hoping for a swift arrival...would be nice to have the money as we have a rather expensive month coming up! :wacko:
Hi bumpkins,

Had an awful nights sleep... ....kept waking up!
I woke up with a headache today....... Grrrr....

can anyoen help me..... how to get a decent nights sleep????
Hi bumpkins,

Had an awful nights sleep... ....kept waking up!
I woke up with a headache today....... Grrrr....

can anyoen help me..... how to get a decent nights sleep????

You must be same as me - its awful isn't it?
Doctors have done it again and not made out my prescription. The receptionist said but you haven't run out :hissy: how many times do I have to explain that all the pharmacies have to order it in and the bloomin docs take 2 days to write a prescription too. So i've taken the name of the practise manager and informed them I will be making a formal complaint and will be looking to take it further to report the surgery.
So nbow need to find a new doctors who can actually prescribe all my meds without messing up!!!!

Aimee I got my HIP money really fast. Posted it second class on a monday afternoon and money was in my bank the following monday.

I need slippers for hospital thanks for the reminder eswift. I am always bare foot or have slipper socks on normally.

I found a cure to struggle sleeping........ orgasms :rofl: although I still wake up with backache some mornings.
Hi bumpkins,

Had an awful nights sleep... ....kept waking up!
I woke up with a headache today....... Grrrr....

can anyoen help me..... how to get a decent nights sleep????

You must be same as me - its awful isn't it?

Its horrible!!!!
I feel so weak today..... sleepy... but unable to sleep! :nope:
Also my pelvis is so sore... I CANNOT change sides without pain!!!! :cry:

my mom told me to have dinner a bit early...... and go for a long walk b4 goign to bed.... which might help. and also havea warm glass of milk.

will try it today....:thumbup: Good Luck to me!
im really finding it hard to sleep all night too for the last few nights :( cant wait til i finish work then i can sleep in later or have a snooze later in the day.

maffie- my chemist never has enough of one type of tablet i take as its too expensive to keep them in, so i usually ring them(if i remember!) and let them know i will be bringing a prescription in in a couple of days if they could order some ready.

the midwife told us at ante natal class last week that you should pack your hospital bag at around 34-36 weeks. i havent even thought about it yet!!!!
I've found that if I have a soak in the bath before bed with lavender bubble bath, then sleep seems to come quite fast for me, but then that could be the long days... I have the last bit of food around 5 ish, and I'm generally in bed for about 9ish...

I must really make an effort to do the housework... Well maybe later... Gonna see about finishing off my crocheting... Only 4 lines to do one 1 leg and 1 and a half on the other... Then that's the sailors outfit done...
I keep my bedroom window open all day which makes the room almost too cold for when I go to bed, but I find that if I snuggle under the covers I sleep really well. I have to leave the window open though, all day and all night.

Also I have 2 pillows between my thighs and 3 behind my back. It's the only thing that makes me comfy just now.


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