Official October Team Bumpkins

Has there been any more update on littlekitten? Hope James stays put for while yet.

Maybe this is a message to us all to take it easy. I've had enough of work at this stage, the commute is just too exhusting now. I've got Monday off but I'm planning on asking my boss on Tuesday if I can work from home until the end of August and then start maternity at the end of the month. Fingers crossed it will be agreed, does anyone know where I stand on this? As I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of weeks ago do they kind of have to agree to it?

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, I'm getting my bump casted tomorrow which will be interesting!
Has there been any more update on littlekitten? Hope James stays put for while yet.

Maybe this is a message to us all to take it easy. I've had enough of work at this stage, the commute is just too exhusting now. I've got Monday off but I'm planning on asking my boss on Tuesday if I can work from home until the end of August and then start maternity at the end of the month. Fingers crossed it will be agreed, does anyone know where I stand on this? As I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of weeks ago do they kind of have to agree to it?

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, I'm getting my bump casted tomorrow which will be interesting!

ooohhh a bump cast sounds fun :happydance: are you doing it at home or going somewhere???
Has there been any more update on littlekitten? Hope James stays put for while yet.

Maybe this is a message to us all to take it easy. I've had enough of work at this stage, the commute is just too exhusting now. I've got Monday off but I'm planning on asking my boss on Tuesday if I can work from home until the end of August and then start maternity at the end of the month. Fingers crossed it will be agreed, does anyone know where I stand on this? As I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of weeks ago do they kind of have to agree to it?

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather, I'm getting my bump casted tomorrow which will be interesting!

ooohhh a bump cast sounds fun :happydance: are you doing it at home or going somewhere???

Hopefully it will be fun and I wont be too shocked when confronted with the size of my bump from a different perspective!

I'm going over to friends to do it, she's doing an art degree and she does lots of bodycasting at college, I her first preggie though :happydance:

I think she's doing it twice so she can have one for herself and I get to keep one.
Hellooo Ladies,

Not posted for a while, just been lurking around. Hope everyone is well.

I have been so tired lately, and noticed last night that my belly button has gone really soft and I can pop it in and out, I thought I was going to get away with not getting an outie!

LO seems to be moving up too instead of down! At least there's still a few weeks left for her to get her hand/ foot out of my ribs (agony!) and get engaged.

LittleKitten- hope James is staying put :hugs:

Hope you are all keeping well
Morning All...

Gosh I hope everyone is ok, there seems as though some of these LO have their own ideas as to when they'll be arriving... NOt too early I hope!?!

OH is zzzing well, we managed to get cousin's car fixed yesterday; so that's one job done... OH was shattered yesterday, he didn't want to go to bed even though he's been up since the afternoon on Friday, he didn't do the painting; not to worry it'll be done soon...

We are going carpet shopping today, I am so pleased and really do see this as a very big step forward. It seems like such a long time since we've had carpets, etc; The rooms are starting to get tidy and back to being 'the way they should'. Once the carpets are fitted we can get the rest of our furniture from OH Mum's garage...

I know that the carpets will take a couple of weeks before they are fitted, which is fine; I don't really want them 'yesterday'... I'm hoping that with this time OH will finish the floor in our room and do the little glossing needs doing.. I know his list just keeps getting bigger...

I finished the sailor's outfit yesterday (even the little hat), now I'm starting a nice mint green blanket for the swinging crib. It'll look lovely... I really should take a few pics to show you the outfits I've made so far...

Can you believe that we are going to meet our babes in less that 10 weeks??? ~(hopefully)

Babe definately has an exercise routine sorted, up and out of bed ready for breakfast all before 6am... Then it all starts again about 8am ish.. I have noticed when I'm driving and singing (tend to do both together in the car) Babe gets very active, moving to the music and me singing... Same in the bath (I like music when I have a soak)

Have a lovely day ladies... Don't chew on too much!!! Take some me time!?!
Hi girls! Long time - I been lurking.. I'm on hols for 2 weeks :happydance:. Seemed to take an age to get here but now I'm here - then back to work for 3 weeks - then finish!!! It's flying...

Mer - glad you're OK

Hope you're OK LittleKitten!

Chaos - loving the bump!

Had a check up on Friday. Baby is "head down and back is swishing from side to side around belly with 'limbs' just below right under my ribs". Midwife dropped my pee sample which I had squeezed out with all my might (and was hoping for test as so worried about pre-eclamps with my swollen feets and now hands. My birkenstocks - the only thing I can wear - they leave indentations in my feet!).
It's so strange seeing it move. I say 'it'. I've gone on all the way through about everyone being convinced it's a boy but I have had my own feelings - so we shall see! 32 weeks today - I can't believe it! :headspin:

eswift - just imagining you driving around and singing lol. Bathtimes are fab for me (we don't have a shower and I'm struggling already!) as when I sploosh water over my belly I get an instant reaction. So mad.

Been buying lots of hospital bits and bobs and washing baby stuff/hand-me-downs (which are mainly white and blue) in bio :dohh:. I had this image from the start of all the mini baby-groes hanging on my other halfs Mum's washing line but have just had to dry indoors on radiators :(

Well -hope to be around a bit more for the next couple of weeks.. Enjoy your Sunday! :hugs:
Morning girls

Well no bootsale today :shock: .. I have been sorting out all my sons old toys.. I have a washing line full of cuddly toys at the moment :lol:
Putting the butterflies up in the nursery today and then it is finished :wohoo:

I hope everyone is having a good sunday morning so far :) TTFN xxx
Hi bumpkins,

update from Littlekitten - she is at the hospital yet to see the doctor. She says she didn't have much movements since morning!

Jus praying everythings fine with them. Thinking of them.

I woke up after a long sleep.... Had breakfast!!!!

How's everyone doing today???
Morning all:hi:

Feel so crap havent slept for few nights properly is anyone else having trouble sleeping? I thought after cleaning the house yesterday (i know should be resting but landlord decided he is coming at last min :hissy:) i would be shattered but my body had other ideas! Im going to try hot milk before i go to bed tonight. Kids are driving me mad already as soon as they get up they argue :growlmad:.
Dom85 hope your belly cast goes ok and you have fun, you will have to post some pics.
Hope Littlekitten is ok and baby James is staying put.
Mumof4- I'm feeling crap today too..hardly slept-kept waking up every half an hour through the night,really random,didn't need the loo or anything :wacko: Then this morning I feel so drained,feel abit sicky and think Im starting with the trots. Bleeeerrghhh.
Hope Littlekitten is OK. xxx
:hugs: ive had craps for few days now not sure whats going on :blush: what are these little babies doing to us :baby:
i woke up last night to DP proper holding on to my belly lol Dexter was having a major party in there he said lol i didnt feel it cause i was zonked out lol but he stayed like that for about 30min lol

He put curtain pole up in nursery so thats all finished now =] just need a mattress

Its sooo chuffin hot this morning im sweating like no tomorrow!
I've had some really bad sleeps where I've had to get up for an hour int the middle of the night. I keep waking up on my back too... :wacko:
Morning all,

Having a nice lazy sunday today, a few loads of washing and a quick vac of the house but nothing too strenuous!

OH loved his surprise present - a pic of him I drew, he has been asking me to do one of him for ages so I thought it would be a nice birthday treat.

I got a belated birthday present yesterday from his Dad - a nice pair of PJ's - black with gold print saying Glamour puss with lots of kitties on them - the top of the pants are tied with a bow so I will be using them as my PJ's to take to hospital for when after LO is born. :happydance: I couldn't see any I liked for ages and these are just perfect!

Hope you all have a good day

:hugs: to all
Update on littlekitten,

She has been monitored! James has a good heartbeat and she's yet to be seen by the doctor to discuss the plan.

Just praying everything goes fine with them.
morning all! How is everyone today? I'm trying to get motivated to do a wee bit more tidying, but getting easily distracted!

helz - what beautiful pics, he's going to be such a heart-breaker!!! I'd love to have a scan but I'm not going to in case we accidentally see boy bits or girl bits... we are both determined it's going to be a surprise!

Dom - if your health circumstances have changed, then I think your employer really has to take that into account, but what arrangements they offer you will probably depend on how the change in circumstances affects your ability to work safely, and also how much they need to get out of you before you go! (my boss is starting to panic that there I things I know how to do that I haven't had chance to hand over yet - so if I went into labour tomorrow they would be a bit stuck! their problem of course, more than mine!)

eswift - glad you are making good progess on the house - I am sure it will feel cosy and homely in no time and all the problems will be a distant memory!

Neon - I feel your pain on the feet thing - my birkenstocks have already been unbuckled to the loosest setting - not sure what I'll do next... go to work in my Eeyore slippers maybe? Hope it's nothing serious though... also you can get wedge shaped pillws that are supposed to stop you rolling on to your back when you're asleep, don't know if that might help? I think I saw them in mothercare...

glad there's some news from little kitten, thanks for keeping us posted Keerthy - must be such a worry for her, but at least she is in the right place. fingers x'd for them...

well I'm going shopping with my mum today - hoping to get a few bits and bobs... need a few more sleep suits, blankets, a nightie to wear in hospital... it's all getting a bit close now, isn't it?

hope everyone has a lovely Sunday xx
Girls the nursery is complete :D here is a link to the pics on my FB.. If you cant view them add me as a friend xx
Hi all, how we all feeling, not long now to go!!!!!!!!
Going to the hospital today at 2.30 for the tour, getting excited
Will let you all know how it went xxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all! Oops it's actually afternoon! :dohh:

LindaK - Congrats on 30 weeks! It's nice to be in the 30s isn't it!

Kte - Sounds like a nice dream to have, I've had loads of strange dreams! None have involved a baby as yet though! And my DH's new name for me is fatty too!

- Congrats on 33 weeks! Not long to go now! Love the bump pics too! Hope you enjoyed your free dinner out!

- Thanks for updating us on LK - please send her our love. Has she finally seen the Dr yet? She seems to have been waiting ages?

- I've had a few people ask when I'm due now too! It's nice isn't it, although it's quite scary now that i can say only 2 months!

Mer - Glad that you're ok!:hugs: Hope you feel a bit better soon and LO decides to stay inside for a while longer!

xTaylorsMummy - Sorry can't comment as it's been a while! Lol!

Helz81 - love the scan pics and yes there's a definite similarity between the two!

Dom85 - I've got GD too, how are you managing the diet? I'm sure if there are medical grounds then your work will have to let you leave early. Does it say anything in your contract? Perhaps have a chat with your manager? Enjoy your bump cast!!!

znwinnie - I hoped that i wouldn't get an outie too, but mine has also started to creep out!

Eswift - You'll have to show us the outfits you've made so far - i'm v impressed!!

Neon - Congrats on 32 weeks! - Glad you've got your nursery done!

Mumof42009 - Put your feet up with some headphones on so you can't hear the kids!!!

Lucilou - I'm loving the image of you going to work in your Eeyore slippers!! Enjoy your shopping!

Sam76 - Hope the hospital tour goes well!

I'm feeling a lot better than I have been which is good. I saw my MW on Friday who said that she wasn't too worried about my sugar levels as they were only just over the threshold for GD, and she also said that if i continue to maintain my levels through monitoring and the baby doesn't get too big then there's no reason why i can't have a home water birth!!! :happydance:
I'll also be getting more scans which will be nice, so we get to see LO again! Although I'm hoping s/he keeps his/her legs together cos we still def want to be on team yellow!

She also measured me at 30.5 and said my BP and FHB were all good! So relief all round!

We went to the U2 concert at Wembley last night - I was a bit worried about the volume levels, but have googled and it seems it shouldn't be a prob. I did sit for the whole thing with two thick jumpers wrapped round my bump and my bag on my lap though to try to block out some of the sound!!

We stayed in a hotel last night and I had a massive breakfast and still managed to be under my glucose levels today! :happydance: I think I've found the key - have a massive fry up!!! Just with no toast or OJ! My DH laughed cos i had 2 sausages, 3 rashers of bacon, mushrooms and scrambled eggs!!! Hmmm, not too sure it's that healthy an option for every day though! Although my levels were way lower than my bowl of readybrek yesterday so maybe I've been getting it wrong all along!

Anyway, sorry for the essay! I'd better go and put some washing on so i can get it dry in time otherwise I've got nothing to wear tomorrow!

Enjoy your Sundays ladies!

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