Official October Team Bumpkins

I guess I did alot today but oh is cooking dinner so I am sat not doing anything now.
Cloud9mummy - They don't think about how much these things worry us before they say them do they? I am already under a consultant anyway and they just said they would check the measurements at my next growth scan next week. I'm not too concerned though because I'm sure if there was a problem the measurements would always have been small not just suddenly dropped off. All the rest of his measurements are on the 50th centile or near as damn it.
has anyone else came out in major spots? im covered in them all over my forehead and eyebrows, really bad. Just like loads of bumps =[
Just popped in for a quick update before bed time, its funny to go to bed so early but they won't last once LO is here so I had best make the most of them! Not that I sleep all the way through anyway. I think LO is trying to change positions, which is good, but very uncomfy!

:hugs: cloud9mummy

TaylorsMummy - nope, hope they go away for you :flower:

Speak to you all tomorrow, hope all have a good evening
thanks kte =[

Even my 8yr old neice went to her mum after i left "did you see the spots!!".. how embarssing! iv got my bros wedding tomorrow, im so embarssed =[ need a fringe
xTaylorsMummy ~ I'm sure that the spots will go once babe arrives, go enjoy your Brothers wedding tomorrow. I'm sure hopefully it will be a wonderful day...

Littlekitten ~ The more you say about the scan, it does sound as though it's probably been an oversight as the scan was rushed...

Cloud9Mummy ~ I hope all the testing goes well...

Kte ~ I know the feeling about sleep, and waking all night... It doesn't ease the tiredness so much, gets us into practice for when babe first arrives as sleep will be a luxury we'll all just have to wait for...

Maffie ~ I hope tea was wonderful... Sounds as though OH is trying (I know at the moment they're very trying lol...) My OH has just told me that he's on long shifts all next week, oh well guess I'll be on my own even longer... But I really shouldn't moan as we really could do with the money at the moment...

Good Morning All...

Golly it's so dark & wet... Urgh, can't I just do about turn and go back to bed??? Only today and tomorrow, then I off on Sunday!?! Must remember to look at the rota for next week...

Hope you all try to take it easy today... I know it's easier said then done...

My bump is still solid, had to laugh last night dog woke me up at 2.30 ish. I went to the loo and back to bed; he snuggled straight up to my hip that was so sore and slept there until my alarm went off. He's warmed my hip up nicely and do you know it doesn't hurt as much as it did at 2.30 ish... Guess he knows more that I think... Maybe I should lie him across my bump tonight? LOL

I have started to use the cococream on my bump, I'm hooping it'll encourage my skin to give a little more, as some of my old stretch marks are starting to turn pink... Can't help but to try???

Catch you all later xxxx
Morning all, my cat kept poking my belly in the night with her paw :wacko: so disturbed my sleep somewhat. Woke up with bad backache but think that was from keep waking with a very full bladder.

Need to collect meds from pharmacy today and then the worlds my oyster. OH said he should finish work at lunch if things go smoothly so we could get some time together. We chatted last night and we made up. I think we just need to keep talking.

I think we both need to remember the massive stress we've been under this year. Need to sort some of my stuff out to sell to generate some more cash. I think that might be todays job. I've already got out a some new clothes, mat bras and some tankinis for selling. I'd better photograph them later.

Cloud9mummy :hugs: hospitals can be rubbish at explaining themselves.
Morning All well thankgod its Friday!!! been a long week, looking forward to the weekend!! no work!!! ha ha. Next wk only in work till Thurs!!! then my maternity leave kicks in!! yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, have a great day all xxxxxx
morning all

maffie glad you have made up, now is the time you need each other x

well everything was fine at midwife but he is still breech, she said if they are going to turn him they would prob do it at about 36 weeks, Hopefully he will turn himself before then. Been trying to sit leaning forward but its not very comfy!

Have a good day everyone, im starting to feel bit dizzy and sick so might leave the computer for a bit x
Morning ladies !! Im 31wks today yeyyyy :happydance: :happydance:

Had a rubbish sleep last night ! Im really tired and I am having some friends over tonight which I could do without. Im starting to get some odd feelings in my tummy. I cant really explain them , there like some parts of my bump are sore if the makes sense ? Maybe its because there is less and less room in there for my little man ?

Hope you are all ok this morning and have a lovely day xxxx

I have attached my bump pics !


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Morning all,

So much for the :sleep: I was actually having one of the best nights sleeps I have had in such a long time but Smokey (my youngest mog) decided to wake up at 12. She tries to get out of the kitchen by pawing the door so we have to shut it with a scalf, so basically the door just bangs. I told her off but then she must have got bored and started again 12.30! Then all I could hear was next door, he has music on (or sometimes it's war films) so all I could hear was the drum beat and it was driving me mad. Typical!

LO was spinning around last night like they were in a spin cycle in the washing machine, then they suddely stopped and I couldn't feel anything which got me worried, I thought they might of got caught up in the cord or something, so I was then laying there prodding my bump and moving positions until I got a response!!

Lovely bump pics Lindak & happy 31 weeks :D - my bump seems to have gone softer at the moment :wacko: I'm not sure why, I just feel like I look like I have eaten all the pies again!

Good to hear things are on the mend for you Maffie :flower:

Enjoy the wedding TaylorsMummy - just try and ignore your spots for today, don't let them get you down, easier said than done I know.

h702 - glad the appointment went well. At least there is still time for your LO to move into a better position.

Well, I'm off. I wish I could have a cuppa but there is no milk at work and the shop has non left either! :dohh:
I think we ahve a long way to go. It's easy to forget about each other when so much else is going on.

Think we are off swimming this afternoon :happydance: hope oh does get out of work early.

Linda your bump is lovely, very neat.
Well I have some good news girls. Was sat on the sofa last night with my arm across the top of my bump....and realised there was a hard lump in the middle of the top of my bump....James has turned!! :happydance: All night and this morning he has been really active and wriggling about much lower down. No clue whether he is breech or head down but hey I'm just happy to be more comfortable for now! So we will see how long it lasts.

Didn't sleep very well. Had a horrible headache and stabbing pains in my right eye. Still have the headache this morning so I'm giving it an hour and then I'm off on a paracetamol hunt. I hate taking tablets but as DSS will be here in about 3 hours I need to be on top form cos OH is working so its just me.
LK - that's fab that James has turned :)

Maffie - enjoy your swim later!

Hope everyone else is having a good day :)

I'm over the moon, just passed my driving test! :) It's been a long time coming :rofl: I'm just so pleased, this makes things SO much easier for when LO arrives!

Had a mw appointment and growth scan yesterday. Everything checked out fine, which was a huge relief. LO has turned, and was firmly head down, which is fabby! Had bloods taken for a FBC, as I've been having the odd dizzy spell, and they just want to make sure that my iron levels are ok. Got a cute scan pic where LO almost looks like she's got both hands against her cheek (cartoon-style "sleeping", if you know what I mean!) so will try and add them if I can get my scanner to work :lol:

:hugs: to anyone who's not feeling so great.
jesus ladies, it's just taken me ages to catch up on all the posts!!!!!

I'm 33 weeks today. 7 weeks (or 49 days) to go. :) Getting scared about labour now, but can't wait to meet my little man-child!

Had my last day at work on wednesday, which was kinda sad. I mean, thankgod I dont have to do anymore 12 hr shifts etc, but at the same time, I'm gonna miss everyone & stuff. They got me a nice card & a whole bunch of pampering products for me, like salt scrubs, face masks, cocoa butter baby oil (smells lush!), moisterisers, choccies & a bottle of wine for my OH, which I thought was quite sweet of them. :)
Am now on 22 days annual leave (altho I have said to them, that if they're short staffed, I dont mind popping in & covering shifts for a couple of hours if they're desperate & also coz it's handy for the extra cash too, lol) then my leave runs straight into my maternity leave which starts mid sept. I am *SO* not looking forwared to giving up my wages & only living on the lousy £123.06p per week that the maternity allowance gives me. Really need to get my finger out nonce bubs is here & apply for tax credits etc otherwsie my poor OH is gonna have to work all the hours god sends in order for us to live the way we like to live!

:hugs: to all those who need them & :hi: to any newbies to the thread. :)

Who's planning on giving birth at home, a water birth, a c-section, at a hospital, or at a midwife lead maternity unit???
My MW keeps asking me & I'm so clueless!!!! Right now it's been suggested that I have my baby at the new big QA hospital in Portsmouth due to my asthma & iron levels, but I'd kinda prefer to have him at the local midwife led unit, which is literally just round the corner from where I live & is also where my own midwife is based so it already feels familiar & comfy there, if that makes sense...

Anyway, as they say, TGI Friday today- happy weekend everyone! :)
ooohhh, congrats on passing your driving test Eala! :) I still haven't passed mine. In my last test I had 1 major & 17 minors, lol. Think I'm a long way off from passing- I just hate driving & have no passion for it, therefore dont care about concentrating or anything. That combined with pregnancy brain just doesn't seem to work, hehe! :rofl:
florabean - I don't have a choice. Cos of all the complications I've had I have to give birth at the consultant led unit. Hoping now that James has turned I will be allowed to give birth naturally. So fingers crossed that he stays turned and that he is head down rather than breech.
LK I hope your head clears soon. Flora ive been told I have no option have to give birth at hospital due to quite a few things but asthma being one of them.

Just used some veet in shower stuff and ouch it stung. Never used to :shrug:
Congratulations Eala...well done on passing the test! I can barely fit behind the wheel nowadays so that's a real acheivement!!! :thumbup:

Congrats LK on James turning get used to him taking up residence under your ribs! :wacko:

Well I'm p****d off! I was so happy yesterday that we would be able to go to the birth centre. I've booked us in for our booking in app with them next wednesday...not used to such efficiency, at York everything has a 3 weeks wait! So happy but I had a sneaky feeling that something would put a large spanner in the works! I called the Dr's to get my blood results as the MW didn't have them. Dr called me this morning and tells me that my blood count is 1 point below normal and I will need 3 tablets a day! I'm sooo annoyed. I feel fine, I'm eating like a horse and not overly tired...yet I will have to take 3 tabs a day and may not be able to go to the birth centre.

To answer your question florabean, I really have my heart set on a water birth and up til now it seemed like a real possibility in a midwife led birth centre......does anyone know if this aneamia will jeopardise this? It's 1 point and when I had my bloods done I will freely admit that I hadn't been eating properly. We're off into town today to buy brocolli in the bucket loads as well as dried fruit and all sorts of iron rich foods in an attempt to make sure that my bloods next week do NOT show it! It's not on my pregnancy notes so hubby and I have said we'll let them judge (They only have my name and tel. number so no way they will be able to see my patient record before next week!)

Keep fingers crossed girls......I'm going to be grumpy for the next 8 weeks if this gets scuppered! :cry:
florabean - I am planning on going to the Mother and Baby unit at my local hospital. Its the closes place to me and I feel really happy there, I have had good experiences when I have been in for my scans and that is where my MW is based too, although I doubt LO's arrival with match her shift! I don't fancy a home birth or get my hopes up for a water birth for it not to happen. Plus, I will feel better knowing I am in the hospital if there are any complications.

Fingers & toes crossed for you aimee-lou

Congrats Eala on passing your driving test!

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