Official October Team Bumpkins

Hello Ladies....

Maffie ~ I'm so pleased that you and OH have had a good chat, it sounds like you're both at least on the right path and same wave length... We're all going through different stresses etc and the closure we get to the birth I'm sure things sometime seem to appear worse than they really are... Hopefully some quality time together will really help you both...

Littlekitten ~ Hope your headache eases soon...

Eala ~ Congratulations on passing your driving test... I really enjoyed the freedom it gave me...

aimee-lou ~ Sorry to hear that you now have issues with your bloods, hopefullly taking the tablets over the next few weeks will bring your level up so you can still have the birth that you'd like. Try to stay hopeful...

Florabean ~ I'm going to the local hospital, not really thought about water birth etc... I'll be glad to just make it to the hospital... I'm fed up with people telling me your 2nd labours generally quicker than 1st... Although I'm hoping deep down it's true... I'm sure everything will be fine... The local hospital here is currently just mw ran. All Dr's, special care baby unit & childrens ward is through at a larger town... But from my house it about an hour away... Where as the local hopital is about 30 mins. As last time labour was 36 mins, I'll be happy just to get there and not have babe in the footwell of the car... lol... I really just don't want a home birth, although mw was trying to push me into one... OH agrees with me, so at least we're singing from the same song sheet... We've got 2 cats & a dog; could you imagine trying to keep all them heads away???

My initial anxieties have eased somewhat where the birth is concerned; we'll be fine either way... No choice but to go with the flow... You know what they say, even the best made plans are subject to change... I've not sat down and written a birthing plan, didn't have time to even look at it last time... lol but I have drumbed certain things into OH time and time again... I'm always hopefully he'll at least remember something lol...
Urgh Im feeling absolutely rotten. Not only has my headache not gone away but I now feel superbly sick and my tummy hurts and I feel fevery. Would just like to curl up in a little ball and feel sorry for myself but I can't cos DSS will be here in about an hour and I have to walk the mile down to fetch him and the mile back again.
I hope you start to feel better soon LK & that your DSS is well behaved around you & wont make you feel worse. :hugs:
Hey ladies!
I haven't posted here in ages but thought I'd pop in and say hi and see what the other October mums are up to :)

Littlekitten- I hope the next sonographer does a better job measuring the femur. I go for growth scans every 2 weeks and have noticed that some are more thorough than others, taking multiple measurements and averaging them. I've had a few scans where they haven't been too exact in where they place the cursors for the measurements and it always looks like she's growing out of proportion.

Eala- congrats on the driving test and hope you post your ultrasound pic later. Our little girls are due on the same day :)

Florabean- I'm stuck delivery in a special room in the hospital :( I wanted a water birth but our baby has lung issues so I'm going to be in a high risk delivery room and she'll be whisked away to the NICU right after birth for x-rays and possibly resuscitation. So much for the ideal birth where the baby is placed on your chest and you get to bond right away...

I just finished writing a letter to my employer letting them know when I'm starting mat leave :happydance: I'm going to try to make it another 4 weeks so that I have maximum time off with LO. The neonatologist thinks she'll be in the NICU for about a month, so the more time I can work before she gets here, the more time I'll still have with her at home once she's finally out of the hospital :D I can't wait :dance:

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Yay got the midwife to check James's position when she was here doing my BP....and he is head down! Finally!
Hi ladies and bumps
Not on much at the mo,had a busy few days seeing friends, still feeling abit wiped out despite taking the iron tablets. The b12 injection boosted me abit but I seem to be falling again if that makes sense. Feeling abit miffed at my dad again too..he's had my daughter over to his place in Spain for a fortnight,they flew back this aft, on their way back from airport now...daughter had the runs and sickness bug a few days agoand according to her my dad had it just last night..and feels its quite ok to bring his germs here to me for me to possibly catch!!! :growlmad: WHY IS MY DAD SO BLOODY THICK SKINNED!!! :growlmad: Well,me and OH have decided,he HAS to go,has to get his own place..were having the chat with him tommorow.
Everyone seems to be having problems of one kind or another just now.. :hugs: to us all! xxxx
Morning Girls!

I've decided I really really really hate morning sickness... I'm still struggling with getting out of my bed on a morning anyway, which is so not me without the hinderance of bloody morning sickness... I thought it had gone, really truely I did. Been quite ish for about a week... Until yesterday - guess it had me in a false sense of security... Oh well... No rest for the wicked... Time to get ready for work...

Hope you all have a good day... Forecast for today should be nice, turning Sunday back to the rain... typical...
Morning ladies,

eswift - sorry your MS is still hanging around :hugs:

helz - I hope that you're ok. There seems to be a bug going around at the moment and I'm petrified that hubby is going to bring it home from work (bus driving means you catch everything!!)

How are we all today? I'm up very early this morning. Hubby had to leave early to get some fuel so guess who's up too! I've also got a little bit of discomfort as I appear to have developed a rather large hole in one of my back teeth. It's funny though, it's not toothache, it's just where it's rubbing. :nope: Will have to put up with it til Monday then call the access centre as I don't have a dentist - does anyone these days? Rather embarrassingly I've not been to the dentist in 8 years so I may have some grovelling to do! :dohh: I'm assuming that when they say free dental treatment they actually mean the NHS charges (which are pretty cheap).

Hope we're ok - I've got a few errands to do today...few bits and bobs to go into the post etc, and I'm waiting on a few things arriving from ebay. My Lindam Day and Night arrived's massive but I'm so impressed! Bargain at £11.50 incl postage!! :happydance:

Best be off....not sure what to do but I've got a real urge to do stuff today! :dohh: It's 6am, I really should get some more sleep! :dohh:
Morning all

Well oh finished work early and we went swimming. Was lovely to get out, I discovered it was hard to swim and stopping was harder because I struggled to put feet down :rofl: Pool was packed with rude kids :shrug: Went out for food afterwards and was lovely to have some us time.

I have noticed baby moved much less if ive been active. Does anyone else have this? I wasn't until I was lying down and chiling watching tv that I ot well and truely booted.
Morning all hope we are all well. what a lovely day!!! going to go shopping for a few bits then have a nice relaxing afternoon, also im so looking forward to the X Factor tonight!!!!! Love it!!!
Morning all :hugs:

Been feeling rough since yesterday having few pains, rang hospital and told me to rest and see what happens if they get worse or have any bleeding ive got to go in asap. I feel a bit better this morning still in pain but its bearable just hope he hangs in there a few more weeks or at least until i get steriods.
q's for you all when your baby kicks and moves do you find it painful? When my little man kicks it hurts so much like the inside of my stomach is being ripped out. I dont remember it hurting this much when i was having the girls.
Hope you all have a good day xx
Eswift, Helz and Mumof4 - hope you all feel better today :hugs:

Maffie - I've noticed the same thing about LO moving. I do still get wriggles a bit I'm moving about, but she's much more active when I'm quiet. I read somewhere that it can be because your movements are rocking the baby to sleep? And then when you stop, they wake up! I've seen me lying in bed, jiggling slightly to try and "rock" her back to sleep again :lol:

Aimee-Lou - sorry to hear about the hole in your tooth! I was the same with dentists until recently, but my problem is that my dentist is a private one! I really need to get a veneer repaired, but even with our insurance, we have to pay the charges up-front and then claim it back (which can take a while) and it's just a bit much to afford right now. Urgh, dentists! Go you on another Ebay bargain though, that's fabby!

We're off out now to MOT the motorbike - well, DH is riding the bike and I'm following in the car going "OMG OMG OMG...." :rofl: Catch up with you all later :)
iv been having some watery yellow non-smelling discharge, any idea what it could be? could it be waters?
Mumof42009: sometimes, when my little boy moves, it kinda resembles what I imagine being scratched on the inside would feel like. It doesn't 'hurt' as such, but it's certainly not comfortable either. Also, when he kicks up under my ribs feels unpleasant too.

TaylorsMummy: not sure what the leaking could be. Could just be an increase in discharge, or the beginnings of an infection, or it could be your waters leaking, or even little bits of your plug??? Probably best to call your midwife/doctor & get checked out to be safe.

Hope everyone else is feeling well. I've come down with a cough- feel perfectly well, but the coughing is making what's left of my tummy muscles really ache, lol. Going out for an indian meal tonight with my OH's work collegues, so I'm looking forward to that. Then going to see my mum in Dorset on sunday while my OH is diving in weymouth. Saves me sitting at home on my own. Only 4 days into my leave & I'm already bored!!!!
Afternoon ladies. I'm exhausted already! Have DSS on my own today so we've been on the go since 7.45am. We have walked to the park and then gone to Co-Op to get milk and bread and a few bits. And of course he wanted to go on the swings so I had to lift him into the swing and hes not exactly small for 2 years old. Think I've slightly overdone it. Had to giggle on the way home though cos I got tooted by a lorry driver pmsl. And he waved at me!

Taylorsmummy - Could be your plug but I would phone the midwife and get yourself checked out. I had something similar and they made me go to DAU in case it was my waters.

Mumof4 - hope you are feeling a bit better today. Alot of James's kicks now hurt. Think hes rapidly running out of room (had a small womb pre-pregnancy) and so when he moves its starting to get really sore. I also feel bruised from where the midwife was palpating his head yesterday. She was almost like pinching his head between her fingers! Ouch!
Hi girls,

Hope we're all ok.

I've just got back from town and just wanted to share my latest bargain. Got 2x 3-6 month unisex baby vests for £1 in help the aged. They've got sheep on them.....i love sheep! :happydance::blush:

I've also cleaned the bathroom and now I'm thinking of getting the ironing board out. I also have the washing up to do before hubby gets home about about 2pm.....should really get off here! :blush:

Have a good saturday my lovelies! Take it easy, relax and enjoy the last of the nice weather. It would seem that as the swallows have all gone and the leaves are already turning in my garden that we're well and truly headed towards Autumn - which means babies will be here before we can blink!! Exciting but scary!

Take care everyone and look after yourselves xx:hugs:
Afternoon All...

Maffie ~ I have found that babe is quiter when I'm moving about; however when I stop it's a different story... I've got a right proper fidget!

Mumof4 ~ I think babe is sat somewhere up near my ribs at the moment, and boy does it hurt when they put the boot in. Certainly make me take a breath in... Sometimes stops me in my tracks...

Eala ~ Hope the bike passes no probs...

Aimee-Lou ~ When I went to the dentist, I ended up having the tooth removed; thank goodness I had the mat card as it didn't cost me a penny. Even though my dentist is a private one they do honour the exemption card...

Thanks for all your well wishes and hugs... Feeling loads better, although I'm shattered and uncomfy. Think I've been on my feet too long today as they are really achy now...

Talk about turning red, I walked straight into my boss today(or was it he that walked straight into me?) ; I totally didn't see him. I ended up in fits of giggles, with an arm full of mail, with my other arm holding on to boss... He was rather sweet and took it all in good taste; guess he had no choice when all the lads started to take the micky... Boss did catch me later to make sure I hadn't hurt myself or my bump, aww bless him... All I could do was laugh and turn red...

hehehehe trust me...
Ooo I'm so cross. Was sat at the table eating lunch with DSS and got stung on my toe by a bloody wasp! Gosh does it hurt. Squished it with a shoe. I'm just glad it stung me rather than DSS cos a 2 year old can't really understand that it will stop hurting eventually.
LK, I'm gonna ask a really stupid question now, so please dont laugh, but what dores being stung feel like??? I've never been stung by a wasp or bee (yet, lol) so I've always wondering what it feels like.

AimeeLou- you wanna come iron my OH's shirts for me? I keep looking at them & thinking, I really should iron those for him, but then I just think, nah, I'll have a cuppa & put my feet up in front of the TV instead, lol. I'll pay you!!!! (interested? hehehehehe :rofl: )
Lol - Florabean :hugs:

I'll do anything (within reason obviously lol) for a bit of cash. Only takes me about 20-30 minutes to iron all of his shirts (grew up in hotels so it's a skill you learn!) Got it done eventually.

I would describe being stung as a sensation as if you crossed getting a blood test with being stung by a big nettle. You get that sharp scratch to begin with then it swells, gets itchy for a while and is generally uncomfortable. Goes after an hour or two though so it's not too bad (I was stung twice on my arm after I rolled over onto a wasp while asleep. Woke up with the damned thing attached to my middle finger by it's stinger - hurt more on the finger than on my arm). All in all it's not that bad...and I'm not as scared of wasps anymore now I know what to expect.

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