Official October Team Bumpkins

Congrats to all the other 31 week ladies :happydance:

Hope everyone else doing good. I am on countdown to finishing work, 3 shifts to go. Can't wait as up most of night so afternoon naps becoming a necessity but not possible when doing late shifts :(

Morning ladies. Hope everyone had a good night. DSS has given me his cold so I'm feeling a bit gross this morning. Unfortunately cos of my asthma every cold I get goes onto my chest so I'm just waiting for the coughing to start and the temperature to shoot up. Not feeling like eating this morning which is never a good sign considering I'm constantly starving atm lol. Luckily OH finishes at about 5pm today so he will be home in time for dinner yay. Last weekend he brought home some left over beef (and as the restaurant he works at is a bit posh it was sirloin mmmm) so hoping we will get more today. If not we have salmon.

Was a bit naughty last night. Had been advised by various people (none I have to say medical professionals but all very experienced) not to let OH finish in me when we BD (sorry TMI) cos of the prostaglandins and the fact that since my plug is not there it could soften my cervix. Well BD'd for the first time in over a week last night and got slightly carried away oops. Been having period type back pains all morning so beginning to regret it now. Hoping I'm not going to go into bloody labour as we have DSS til Wednesday!!
rang labour ward last night. They said to keep a pad on and to keep checking it and if i leak anymore to come in straight away. Got midwife on tuesday so going to wait and see her. The pain has gone thank god, and hes moving well. So going to see how it goes today and how im feeling. thank you x
Afternoon Ladies...

Hope you're all feeling better and not in so much pain... We had a bimble around the carboot this morning didn't really buy much and from there went shopping...

OH is now painting the stairs... No rest for the wicked... Off for our tour this afternoon, will let you know how that goes... It'll be interesting if nothing else... I'm washing yet again... This time it's the covers and bears from the chair I got yesterday... Been playing it plays 14 different tunes, in 3 different volumes, and swing at 6 different speeds... OH just stood shaking his head at me... What?!?! Still not sure how the timer works... but hey, I've still got plenty of time to play...
Has anyone seen the thread in 3rd tri? Mumof4 is in hospital...had a big bleed and is now having contractions.
Fingercrossed that all's well in the end for Mumof4, coor that's another LO on it's way!

Ok here's a picture taken this morning of my bump... It seems huge, and can't help thinking I look as though I've pillow pushed up my jumper... What do you think???
Thanks for letting us know LK....I really hope everything is ok for both her and LO. :hugs:

Well I'm feeling very odd today. I woke up in a right mood. I've been all upset about nothing in particular, managed to upset hubby by saying that he finds me boring, and cried over the fact that the dog wouldn't come in when called. Gotta love those about frustrating. I'm normally a ver stable individual. Good news is that scrambled eggs on toast and a toffee mousse later and I'm feeling better.....just going to call hubby and apologise then take woofer for a walk in the sunshine, that's if I can drag myself away from the GP!

Also going to make bread and a caramel crispy cake this afternoon to stock the cupboards up.
Well I'm now officially sick of bloody packing. Have packed 2 black sacks of clothes and bedding, 2 boxes of random stuff, as well as the 2 boxes of dvds. Still have to pack all the kitchen stuff, the books, the rest of the clothes, the baby stuff (although may not pack this as such cos its all still in its packaging in carrier bags). My parents are coming up on Friday morning so they will help me finish any packing and dad will flatpack the wardrobe and bed for me. I'm so glad they are coming up and my nan and brother are coming on Saturday to help with the actual move. Going to be a long day cos we are picking up the van at 8am Saturday and once we have moved the stuff from this house to the new house we have to drive to Luton to pick up the sofas from OHs parents house.
Afternoon all,

Congrats too Bonfloss - and anyone else hitting 31 weeks - we moved up another box!!!

Did another carboot today, we made a bit so it makes the early morning's worth it and I was super pleased with the bargains we got LO, I bought a baby sleeping bag for £1.80 (bartered down from 2.00 as at the time we had made no money) it has never been used and originally from ASDA so it would have cost £10 brand new :D OH got LO some toys, a Percy the Tank Engine toy for when they are a little older and a xylophone toy from ELC too, combined price - £3!

Super tired tho now, as soon as the work uniform wash has been done I am having a nap, OH is asleep on the couch already!

Hope Mumof4 is ok, I have seen the thread in 3rd tri now thanks LK.

Hope everyone else is ok too and feeling a bit better today :flower:
Golly LK that really is going to one very long day... I'm not sure I'd manage... Good Luck!!!

I've finally managed to take pictures of the clothes I've made... And the chair I brought... Hope you like them...


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Mornin' Girls,

First off :hugs::hugs::hugs:to all you leaky Mums.

We went to a house warming party last night, we took separate cars cause I knew I wouldn't last the night, I stayed till 11 but think I over did it a bit cause boy I feel rough this mornin'. Nothing particular really, just that rough hangover feeling ykwim. I wouldn't mind if I had been actually able to drink!!! lol.

I'm going to try and get the nursery finished today none the less.

I'm reading another book at the moment. It's called "The Vaccination Book" by Dr Sears. Its regarding delayed vaccinations. Hes not telling you NOT to vacc, just be aware of what you are putting in your kids body. He explains the pros and cons very well with out using scare tactics, as many Drs do as its been drilled in to them kids must have this and that.

My job I just finished was working at a Holistic wellness chiropractors and we had a lot of his stuff, I really like his work. He has a website

His schedule basically says, Spread the vaccs out. Rather than 6 a month, give 2. Only ever give 1 aluminum based vacc at once so the body has a chance to detox it out the system (too much aluminum can cause brain toxicity) and only give one "live" vaccine at once so the young immune system has a better time of fighting it off.

He explains what each drug is, what disease it treats, how common it is, the pros and cons of the drug, the different brands, how its made and what it contains in the actual vaccine .. very factual rather than just "his opinion"

The end result is the same, your child gets vaccinated, but its just spread out over a wider period of time rather than bombarding the young body in the first year. It also answers the scare tactics Drs use, as in "Your delayed vaccinated child is a danger to vaccinated ones" ... well ... if vaccinations work ... WHY is my child a danger to your fully vaccinated child?

I'm going to be refusing the Heb B vacc at Birth here for Autumn and delaying that one. I do not want my child stabbed with needles just as she comes out of the womb, I want her to be able to breast feed and be un stressed. I think I'm also going to ask to split the MMR up in to three when it's time.

Anyways! I just thought I'd mention the book just in case anyone here was thinking of a delayed vaccination schedule as its really good information :)

I had a really nice .. almost complement the other day! I was at the craft store getting some stuff and the woman behind the counter said, "how long you have left?" I said 5 weeks, she said "Well you've hardly put on any weight!" I laugh and said, 41lbs right there in boobs and belly!! Her eyes nearly popped out her head hahaha.

Eswift ~ lol your SIL sounds like my Nan. Its a running joke in our family that she goes thru the alphabet of illnesses every 6 months.
I think your bumb looks great! :)
The clothes look really really good. Talented lady :)

Lindak ~ I started wearing my wedding bands around my neck about 3 weeks ago. I can get them on in the AM but by the time I got home to take them off at night they were stuck firmly on lol.

LK ~ Yikes, yup the chemicals in the sperm are good at thinning out the cervix, its why the OBs/MWs recommend sex to get labour going!

Yikes, lets all send Mumof4 good vibes ~ There was just an update on the thread, first post. For those who aint seen here, here is a direct link:

Aimee ~ awww :hugs::hugs:Poor husbands must be at a loss of what to do with us sobbing pregnant wrecks haha.

Kte ~ Yay for bagins! I think Ima hit the yard sales next weekend.

Ok I need to go hoover my car out, have a great day!
hi ladies,

Thanks littlekitten! Hope you take it easy on packing....

Mumof4 ~ hope everything is alrite with her ! :hugs:

Eswift ~ lovely dresses honey!! they are really cute.. :)

Kte ~ sounds like a nice bargain! :thumbup:

Chaos ~ nice book!! will try to find it at the local library!

Feeling rather tired today! couldn't sleep well last night.... aches, pains and pinches... in my tummy!!!!! my ladybits are swollen and sore now!

Very tired today...... going breathless wen I sleep, prob coz LO kicking ma ribs etc! so propping up a few pillows.... and trying to sleep.

Got midwife appt 2morrow @ lunch... gottu make a list of probs I have to discuss with her... :haha:

Hope everyone's enjoying the lovely weather......

Have had to give up on the packing for now. Have packed 2 boxes of random stuff, 2 black sacks of clothing and bedding, an ikea bag of clothes. And then helped my housemate in the garden. Now got more period type pains so sat on the sofa taking it easy and waiting for the ice-cream van to come around hehehe.
kte - thanks for the hugs and excellent bargain spotting there!

taylorsmummy - i hope dexter holds off arriving x

eswift thanks for the best wishes - that's a great bump pic and i like your knitted outfits too.

little kitten - good luck with your move!

i haven't been on here for a few days as been feeling really down and stressing after googling short ribs to see if there is anything positive at all and it is all about how it's lethal to newborns as the lungs don't develop enough to survive :( feel really upset but trying to enjoy each day i have with him in case it is that severe...
Oh hunni I must have totally missed that.I didn't know anything about baby having short ribs. I've never heard of it but I do know that googling things is never a good idea cos they tend to only have one side of the information. Wait and speak to your consultant. I assume you will be seeing a neonatologist?
Oh hunni I must have totally missed that.I didn't know anything about baby having short ribs. I've never heard of it but I do know that googling things is never a good idea cos they tend to only have one side of the information. Wait and speak to your consultant. I assume you will be seeing a neonatologist?

the ribs were only picked up at the scan I had on thursday which was our 5th scan so far. OH says that the consultant said that the lungs should be ok if baby was given as long as possible to grow before born. I focused on the bit where he said the ribs were short which was slowing down lung growth so hopefully OH is right that the ribs should grow enough in time for lungs to be large enough!

consultant mentioned that I might have to have a planned caesarian cos baby is in oblique lie. i had come round to the idea of a caesarian but cos consultant seemed concerned about it cos would mean the baby being born earlier than due date I'm doing my best to get kai to begin to engage so hopefully I can be put down for a natural birth and he can have some extra days to mature. i have noticed he's moved a few degrees round to pelvis so fingers crossed! :wacko:

when we next see consultant next thursday i will see if he will clarify. He is always so vague though! He asked if we'd like to see a paediatrician and I said that I'd find that really helpful. Just waiting for appointment now. Has anybody seen paediatrician during pregnancy? Anybody know what kind of information they might provide? Is it about care baby might need when born?
Let you all girls know that Mumof42009 is in the hospital - currently no updates yet, there is a thread about it. started by me. Shes a October bumpkins. xxx
Thanks ladies, I don't feel so bad about my bump now... Glad you like the outfits...

Went and had a tour of the labour unit, well; it was rather odd... They took us all into the room with the birthing pool in (it was the same room I gave birth to DS in all them years ago) As it is a low risk unit the ward isn't being used, they have 5 rooms (1 with the pool) and are keeping you in over night and then sending you home the following day. Asked about how much notice we have to give them etc... Explained why, and then got told I've to speak to the midwife about getting a home birthing kit sorted just in case...

And I've to call as we leave the house... They laughed when I mentioned about having no idea what a contraction feels like, as I called the hospital and went in when OH at the time and my sister were getting on my nerves... OH told them that he's using that as he key to get me to the hospital... Like yesterday...

They midwives there were very sweet, and said that as long as I had the kit at home; if I called the unit etc, they would make sure no matter what time of day etc they'd get my midwife there if need be... Their idea not mine - I'm still not keen on the whole home birth idea... But hey, I'll talk to midwive again when I see her in 2 weeks... OH keeps telling me just to go with the flow...

I'm not anxious about the birth at all, just the getting to the hospital... I may have to just get the dog crate out and really get on top of the house sooner rather than later and just accept the whole home birth idea. They were all very much reliterating the 2nd birth is quicker than 1st due to your body know what to do and you having done it all before...

Spoke to my Mum this evening about it all. She was on that her labour with me was hours; but with my sister she was in labour about (as my Dad jumped in with...) 3 miles... Your sister was here and coming wether we wanted her or not. The receptionist wanted your Mum to book in as she doubled up; the recptionist he sprung over the counter pushed your Mum into a wheel chair and ran through the hospital to the labour ward. Once there he said come and see me later when you're not so busy and we'll book you in...

So I guess quick labours do run in the family... My Nanna on my Dad's side told me after DS was born, as she gave my arm a nugde; "It's like podding peas, in't it?"

Oh well... Best go make my 2nd breakfast for work tomorrow...
Cloud9mummy - a paediatrician will be able to give you a bit more of an idea of what baby might be like when it arrives, and the care it may need. Sounds positive that they've only just picked it up cos babys lungs should have had a fair while to mature.
Evening girls. Well had a nice afternoon nap which was much needed. Just spent the last hour making homemade goulash. I'm stuffed it was scrummy. OH said it was lovely too. Just finished off with brownies oh made earlier.

I'm wondering how i'll manage to keep making homemade food when baby is here, although i've been so tired recently that I sometimes struggle now.

I have another growth scan in the mornign then a consultant review so excited and nervous about that.

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