Official October Team Bumpkins

ad letter off work confirming I have worked for them long enough to get full maternity benefits so thats full wage for 6 months then drop onto smp for 3 then 3 of nothing. Still not sure how we are going to afford this.

Maffie - that's actually quite good. I'm on just plain old SMP and it's going to be a struggle. Just do what you can, things always work out for the best and time with bubs is what's important. :hugs:
I agree that is good! I only get 12 weeks full pay (although there is SMP in there, there is some % nonesense to do with my wage and the SMP that I can't quite remeber now, its all in my paperwork somewhere!) After that I am using up loads of my annula leave as my wage would be cut in half and there is no way we could survive on just that! Bills to pay and all that jazz.

I'm more bothered about the fact that my time with LO is cut short!
I think what is making it hard is the maintenance payments for oh's children, the monthly solicitors fees while the divorce is going through court and im stuck with big debts due to being windled by my ex :wacko: without the debts we'd be fine but with that combination it means we essentially will have less coming in than needs to go out.
Afternoon ladies. I'm getting really peeved with work. Had the letting agents on the phone again this morning saying they still havn't received a reply from my work to confirm my pay....this email was sent weeks ago FFS. And again Friday. And again today. So I went in after my scan and found that the 2 people its been sent to are BOTH on holiday! So I managed to get the unit administrator to give me her email so it's now been sent to her. Only I've tried to phone her to ask whether it has arrived and she isn't answering her phone! Grrr! If this doesn't get done today we won't be moving on Saturday.

On the up side the growth scan went well. His femur length was back up to near the 50th centile. His estimated weight is currently 3lb 14oz. So we will wait and see what the consultant says tomorrow.
Maffie - is there any way you could offer the debt companies less money for a bit? Maybe call or write to them, say your circumstances have changed and you can only offer them so much for a bit, whilst you are on maternity?

Little Kitten - hope they get their act togther so you can move! Glad the growth scan went well too :thumbup:
been midwife..

She told me off:cry: , Said that because dexter is mahoosive that hes pushing on my cervix, could be my plug or Hind waters :dohh: . But if i leak anymore i have to get my arse to hospital asap. She didnt measure me as she said hes big anyway so theres no point :blush: .

I had +protien in urine, first time this preg. Also have swallon feet & hands [ ? ] no idea what this means :dohh:

how would i know if my cervix is open or not? :blush: im getting stabbing pains up there and it hurts.

Also she said the BH's are because of the pressure from lil chunky monkey.
Maffie - is there any way you could offer the debt companies less money for a bit? Maybe call or write to them, say your circumstances have changed and you can only offer them so much for a bit, whilst you are on maternity?

Little Kitten - hope they get their act togther so you can move! Glad the growth scan went well too :thumbup:

Found the credit card companies rubbish. Since i've left my ex ive been getting on a more even keel and paying more off. Just hate I was taken for a ride by a man and he's out there swanning about with my belongings and things I paid for and I cant have them back or the money arrrrg.

I just hope once the divorce is through for oh we'll manage better. Thankfully I meet all payments now just worried about in 6-9 months time.
Maffie - is there any way you could offer the debt companies less money for a bit? Maybe call or write to them, say your circumstances have changed and you can only offer them so much for a bit, whilst you are on maternity?

Little Kitten - hope they get their act togther so you can move! Glad the growth scan went well too :thumbup:

Found the credit card companies rubbish. Since i've left my ex ive been getting on a more even keel and paying more off. Just hate I was taken for a ride by a man and he's out there swanning about with my belongings and things I paid for and I cant have them back or the money arrrrg.

I just hope once the divorce is through for oh we'll manage better. Thankfully I meet all payments now just worried about in 6-9 months time.

It's just typical there is no protection for these things when you really need it! I'm sure something will work out for you by then x
Maffie ~ I know it's none of my business and you've probably tried most things with the creditcard company. My friend and I sorted hers out to reduce her payments for a period (4 months I think to start with) when this period was up we resent the letters again for the same arrangement as agreed previously (4 months earlier) they were happy all round. She was paying what she could afford, and they were just happy to be getting paid... We got all the information for the letters to send from CAB website... All it cost her in the end was the stamps for the postage. The credit card company replied quickly and all was sorted in a couple of weeks. We did it with some other debts she had too... Catalogues etc... All were happy with the letters sent, nobody argued with the offer she made and all were happy to keep to the same payments the following period. We did all this over a year ago, she's happy as the debts clearing at a rate she can afford to pay, all she does is every 4 months sends copies of the orginal letters and budget planner... Might be worth a look, more so as finances are due to drop/change.... All the info's on CAB website, if you feel you'd rather talk to someone they're really helpful, and have been known to work on peoples behave to sort everything out for them too...

xtaylorsmummy ~ Hope your mw wasn't too hard on you... Sometimes it's hard to do right for doing wrong... Try to relax and not worry...

Littlekitten ~ I hope the letting company get the email they need today... It's a pig when things that are beyond you control go pearshaped, more so when so much it riding on it...

h702 ~ I really don't think you're being unreasonable; I do think your OH is being rather selfish though... Ok so he's not pregnant and not getting tired either; but he's got a resposibilty to you and bump. Not only in just keeping you happy, sweet and calm but also when babe is here... I'd be a bit concerned if he's like this now what's he going to be like when LO arrives? Are you going to be left holding the baby all the time? As he's not going to have been the one who gave birth? My DS came out with a classic today when out in town and my friend asked if he was going to help changing nappies... DS just said "Your baby, your mess, you change it!"... Guess he's been thinking about it for a while... All I could do was laugh... Just wait until OH hears that one...
lk - glad your growth scan went well, i get mine tomorrow. will be interesting to see how heavy he is cos were pretty similar dates too :winkwink:

maffie- at least you are getting some good pay from work, hopefully it will help. my work have said they'll pay 3 months full then 9months at 75%. really chuffed with that, it will help us out loads :cloud9:

well im off home now so have a good night everyone xx
Hey girls,

It sounds like everyone is getting a really good deal from their employer, I'm getting 90% of my salary for the first 6 weeks, 50% for the next 6 weeks and SMP after that :( Not quite sure how I'm cope on that and I might have to go back to work after 3 months because I'm on my own. Will just have to get FOB to pay something towards his son, grr.

Maffie - I've got a similar deal with my creditors to what eswift described, when I go on maternity I'm going to write to them again and ask for more reduced payments. Also, when you and your oh have the baby I'm pretty sure that he will be able to reduce his payments to his ex because he will have a dependant living with him. I would double check on the CSA website but I'm sure its a factor.

Littlekitten - I had a similar situation when I moved recently, my Dad is my guarantor (sp?) and they had to confirm his salary with his company but the guy never answered his phone. In the end the letting company just said that if I could provide a recent wage slip of his then this would be proof of his income as well. Got it over to them the same day and everything went through fine. Can you ask the letting company if they will do the same?

Been busy the last couple of days. My antenatal classes started yesterday, they're ok its just not a very lively group, no one would ask any questions and I had LOADS so I felt like I was dominating it a bit.

Also, I got the OK last week to work from home because of my diabetes, so this week is my last week working and then I've got two weeks holiday and then my maternity starts :happydance:

Friday was my last day in the office, it's been soo lovely not having to get up early and get the train to London. My team got me some lovely presents too, a little outfit, a gorgeous cuddly elephant, a Winnie the Pooh door hanger and they got me the Fisher Price link a doos baby swing! Bless them.

Better get back to doing some work, catch you all later
Doubler checked and yes payments to the ex will drop when baby is here. Also once court finishes in october should have a couple of hundred not going out to solicitiors and oh saysd he'll take over paying some more of the bills. He's on a bigger wage than me s makes more sense.

I am such a worrier. Thankfully dont have catalogues and things.

Just had a phone cvall froma card company and it was a scam. I realised but only after they got my year of birth. Phone the card company and they hadn't called me :shrug: cancelled the card and they confirmed thats immediate so no money can come off it. I feel like an idiot i just called oh crying down the phone about it. (I used to work for a bank). This scam call knew stuff about me more than I thought scammers could.
Hey all, I went away for the weekend to Dorset to visit my mum & stepdad, which was nice. Came home to & foiund that my OH had filled the bath with freaking scallops from one of his diving trips!!!!! that was a shock to say the least. Now the bathroom reaqlly smells, even though he's cleaned it. Anyone know how to get rid of fishy smells??????

Anymore updates on Mumof42009??? Hope she'll be okay & last a bit longer.

:hugs: to all who need them & :hi: to everyone else.
Bicarb is meant to be good for odours.

I was about to say exactly the same thing and then realised Maffie had already posted this. Try filling the bath with warm water and putting in quite a bit of bicarb, and then leaving for a few hours or overnight. (Take care you don't go out and leave the taps dripping ... you don't want a flood as well!)
I ended up phoning the letting agents again at 3.45 and just saying couldn't they take wage slips instead as work are being totally useless. I have to fax them last 2 months wage slips and last 2 months bank statements. So OH bless him has taken them to work with him to fax them off this evening. Feeling relieved now cos I have my parents coming up and have rented a van too so I would have been fuming if I couldn't have moved.

Got on a bit of a cleaning spree again today oops...have hoovered all downstairs, cleaned the kitchen and living room, cleaned up the conservatory and sprayed and cleaned the dining table. Now off to pack the shoes into boxes.

Has anyone else noticed they are going to the loo a bit more often? I've been for a poo 7 times since yesterday lunch time and its making me wonder whether this is that clear out they talk about?! Hope not. Not ready for him to come out just yet lol.
Fresh lemon is excellent too for getting rid of smells, wipe on wipe off... LOL I don't quite know why, but if you're interested potatoes work well on mirrors too... Full of useless information like that...

Maffie ~ You're forgiven for being duped... I got duped years ago, by an american company 'you have won a holiday! Can we take a deposit' Gave my card details; got off the phone call creditcard company, the company had taken the money under a different name to what they gave me. Got all the money back, thank goodness... Felt such a pratt... Couldn't believe I'd done it?!?! duh! And I couldn't even blame being pregnant!!! So you're not alone... Big Hugs...

Florabean ~ I hope you get rid of the smell soon... What a lovely present to come home too... I'd have prefered a nice meal...

Golly I'm shattered today... No nap, cooking OH & DS left over mince and new potatoes for their tea... I'm still full had a lovely salad for my lunch and a bag of hot & spicy crisps earlier... (Had a tom cat pestering me, almost had his head in the bag; gave him one thinking he'd not eat it. How wrong was I??? 6 big crisps later he was still munching away... Had to put the bag down as he was going to get inside the bag... LOL)

Anyone elses cat like odd food? My dog likes grapefruit juice, and pears (not together lol)
lol eswift pets are funny. My dog loved carrots and grapes. she stays with my mum now and she walks past the fruit bowl and just takes a mouthful of grapes as though they are there for her!

LK I think as baby moves down more pressure can be put on things liek bladder and bowel. I certainly cant go as long without weeing and cant eat as much as he keeps kicking my stomach.
I just scared myself. I just told oh 'oh from next Tuesday we can say the baby is due next month' I then proceeded to panic :rofl:
Maffie - don't feel bad for being duped, at least you took action! I hate it when the actual banks ask for your DOB etc, I don't understand why you have to prove to them that you are you, we should be able to ask them security questions too!

Eswift - my cats like chocolate cake and potatoes! One of them even snuck into the treat tin we have and stole a chocolate crispy square!! Funny things! We just had to remove what seemed like 100s of grass seeds from Fluffy, he has the longest fur, bless.

Eveything is tasting weird today, and yesterday if I think back. I had some bucuits earlier and all I could taste was salt. I had a burger for my tea (yet another non healthy tea :nope: - must try harder! But . . . I did have a meeting after work until half five and it is bed time now so we needed to eat quickly) . . anyway as I was saying, the burger tasted like orange juice! Which I have been avoiding as I hate the taste since I have been pregnant. Just can't get the tastes out of my mouth either, eating other foods, having other drinks and I have tried brushing my teeth too! :wacko:

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