Official October Team Bumpkins

I think I just made my mothers night lol. Told her I had written my birth plan and that it said I wanted OH there and her if she could make it....we were on webcam and she was grinning like a cheshire cat lol. She's been my younger sisters birth partner for both her kids and cos we live 85 miles away I think she thought she wouldn't be asked.
Sounds relly nice LK - my mum is on standby if OH is at work and can't get there in time (he drives to Derby & back each day and his wagon is resticted to 56mph so if he is at work it may take him a while!) but its not really been 100% agreed. I would most rather have just my OH there with me tho, that is the only thinkg that is set up in my head - just me and OH. At first I thought it would be weird having my mum there but thinking about it, it would be nice to have someone there. My sis will want a piece of the action too but she lives 2 hours away and is not the fastest driver or the most on-time person bless her. Plus I could see friction between her and my mum! Argh, so lets just hope labour is long enough that OH can make it if he is at work!!

Can't sleep properly today, only really due to paranoia. I usually get over myself after talking to OH, I just feel daft saying anything at the moment as there is no real reason for it. I think i'm just a little freaked as he and my best friend who I have known since I was 3 have been getting on really well. I don't think anything is going on, don't get me wrong, I just think I am feeling a little over sensitive and it feels like i'm a bit pushed out - like 'she is supposted to be my best friend' kinda thing. Its good they are getting on tho, took him a whole year to accept/like her as the first time he met her she was VERY VERY drunk but they just suddenly realised now, well in the past few weeks, that they have a lot in common and that they do get on. I think its becasue I only have a few close friends and I am close to him as well I like being the common denominator for the two but they seem to chit chat happily away whilst I am not about so I feel a bit left out - daft I know, I'll get over it I am sure. It's only been over the past few weeks and it has been based around her coming over so maybe it just becasue it's all so 'new' and things will settle down. Plus for so long she has been 'banned' from the house so now when he says things like 'invite her over for tea' or randomly 'get her to come over' etc nothing to full on it just feels a bit weird! Anyways . . . rant over!!

Must try and get some :sleep: asI have a MW appointment tomorrow at 2pm so really should try and be on form and make sure LO is nice and chilled and rested!

Night all x
Kte ~ It took OH, My Mum & sister to get along; Dad was fantastic from beginning... As OH is 15 years older Mum is only 3 years older than him, she found it really hard. But funnily once she got over herself and accepted that OH wasn't going anywhere even with all the hassle she caused by just being her 'comments like what's he doing here? I'm not talking to him,' never really talking to him. They actually have loads in common and have lots of the same interests, years have gone by and they mainly get along very well... My sister on the other runs so hot and cold OH still tollerates her quite a bit... lol... Probably just as well that she lives away and only come home occasionally, but even I find her hard to get on with... But must admitte when Mum & OH started to get along it was a shock to the system... They were talking...

LK ~ Lovely news about you Mum... My Mum was at the birth of DS, not planned just turned up and didn't have time to leave, I found her very supportive, she chased after mw and helped rub my hip... whilst ex kept trying to blow on me - not the best move... lol (think my actual words to him were, "stop ***king blowing on me or I'll clout you!") Never did figure that bit out???

I've found that my sense of smell is far too sensitive, OH has said everything stinks to me... Food I've gotta fancy it to want to eat it, not eating quite so much or as many meals; doesn't seem enough room in there for food and babe... But have been drinking more water... Been so dry & thirsty...

Hope all's well with everyone... Seemed rather quiet on here yesterday, I do hope everyone's alright and not too many babes are trying to make early appearances...
Morning all, baby was dancing away in the early hours. I've not had such bags under my eyes since working nights and going to uni through the day! Is anyone struggling to roll over in bed? My back cracks horribly when I do. I think its weight of baby and everything.

Kte hope the mw appointment goes well.

It's hard when parents/friends dont get on with oh's, my mum hated my ex and she wa so right :rofl: I dont know whow but she has a great knack for being right.
Morning everyone,

Maffie - I kind of have to prepare myself and then suddenly flip myself over in bed, it hurts a little if I roll over gradually.

Eswift - Its funny how senses go topsy turvy again in 3rd tri! I think maybe it's the smells that are messing up my food.

I'm kind of craving cherries at the moment, but the naughty kind, like on a bakewell tart or cherry cola!

My ex and my sister didn't get along very well for about 5 of the 7 years we were together - that proved very awkward at times!

I think it did good to get all the thougts out of my brain last night! I was thinking again about it this morning whilst driving to work. The other night he took her home at about 10.00 and I was so tired I stayed at home and went to bed. OH dropped her off and stayed for a quick coffee and they ended up chatting, I woke up and it was 12.00! So I text him as I was kinda worried he was so long, although it does take 20 mins each way to get to her house, they said didn't realise the time and he came home straight away. Once he was home and I had moaned that I thought he could have been in hospital and a text would have been nice, OH and I had a chat until about 3.30am discussing what had been talked about (mainly my ex) and how he felt about us and our future. He has been very caring since so I shouldn't grumble! I think I need to get over my silly 'my friend thing' as really it did him good to get a third perspective on my life with my ex (not just my sisters or my version!) Plus, I would rather he talk to her about anything that him try and talk to his ex, which he does attempt to do every now and then (and that buggs me 100x more!). Also . . .(last point sorry lol) I know that, even as both out friends, ultimately, she wouldn't let him take the piss out of me. So I should be relieved really!

:hugs: to all x
Morning all. how are we all feeling, slept abit better last night too, but i was awake at 5!!!! off to work i go again, i finish tommorow, and i cant wait !!!!!!!
Morning girls. Been awake since 7.45 cos OH's alarm went off and he still carried on sleeping and finally got up at 8.40am lol. I usually go back to sleep for an hour after he goes to work but this morning I just couldn't relax cos I'm waiting for the lady at the letting agent to phone me to let me know she got my pay slips and bank statements so I can finally make the actual appointment for Friday to pick up our keys!! OH was supposed to fax them last night but couldn't figure out the machine lol so he scanned them in to the computer and emailed them instead hehe. If she hasn't phoned by 9.30am then I'm going to phone her cos otherwise I will be on edge for hours and James really doesn't seem to like the adrenaline lol.

Got my consultant appointment at 2.45pm so we will see what they say this time. Don't think they are going to do much as he is now head down. Be interesting to see if he actually has engaged at all cos mum always was engaged at 32 weeks and he has dropped alot and feels like he has started to engage lol.
Good luck with consultant LK and the letting agents.

Just noticed i've moved up to penultimate box on my ticker :happydance:

Just had coffee pizza and cake for breakfast :rofl: it's like im at uni again!
Yay just had an email from the letting agents to say that everything is completed and we can pick up the keys between 9am and 12noon on Friday! So relieved. Now celebrating with a cuppa lol.
Yay just had an email from the letting agents to say that everything is completed and we can pick up the keys between 9am and 12noon on Friday! So relieved. Now celebrating with a cuppa lol.

Congrat's :happydance:
Has anyone else noticed they are going to the loo a bit more often? I've been for a poo 7 times since yesterday lunch time and its making me wonder whether this is that clear out they talk about?! Hope not. Not ready for him to come out just yet lol.

I ain't done seven poos since yesterday lunch (how do you get the time?! :rofl:) but certainly I am doing more than usual. Like you, I am most definitely not ready for Li'l Pudd'n to pop out yet. Still got kitchen, dining room, hall, stairs and landing to finish. And a log burner to buy, otherwise we'll all freeze.
Yay just had an email from the letting agents to say that everything is completed and we can pick up the keys between 9am and 12noon on Friday! So relieved. Now celebrating with a cuppa lol.

Yay :happydance: You must be excited to not have to live with other people now, just you and oh (for a little while at least)

Just dont let the moving and getting everything set up stress you out.
Well I'm very lucky cos my mum, dad, nan and brother are coming up to move us. I don't have to do anything at all lol. Almost all the packing is done and mum and dad are coming up early on Friday to finish the packing for me.
Oh My God..

Last night i went bed with abit of pain in my left side. Was okay not too bad. In the night its got 100% worse!. It feels like its at the bottom of my ribs on the left side. Only way i can discribe it it feels like iv broken a rib .

It hurts so much when i cough, try and go for number two [sorry tmi], or just lift my arms up. My lil monkey is a big baby, weighes about 6lb7 atm and im only 34weeks!

I sat crying on the toilet this morning, so fed up but all dp could say was "dont start friggin crying!".

I had the most rubbish night sleep, could only sleep on my right side or back.

Any idea what this could be?
iv tried moving him lol. hes shifted to the other side.

Im so fef up its untrue, im willing to try anything to get him out. I cant stop crying
Morning Laides,

LK - Congrats xx Bet you are so relieved

Taylormummy - :hugs: Hope the pain eases for you soon ..

Last night sleep was better than the night before but not great. Have my 3rd ante natal class today. I have had some pains in my bump again, like muscular pains. Nothing major just the odd twinge.

This week has dragged in so far, I wish it was friday.

:hugs: to all xx
im so so so mad! Adam is still in bloody bed!!!!! im feeling like poo today =[ taylor keeps wanting me to pick her up and i cant anymore =[
im so so so mad! Adam is still in bloody bed!!!!! im feeling like poo today =[ taylor keeps wanting me to pick her up and i cant anymore =[

oooh I think it's time for tv on, washer on, vacuum going, rearranging noisely of cupboards. :thumbup:
Lol Maffie thats the sort of thing I would do. I'm getting nervous about my consultant appointment this afternoon. Don't know why cos James is now head down so it's not as if we are going to be discussing my birth options anymore.

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