Official October Team Bumpkins

Afternoon, glad to be leaving work soon. Enjoying the sun though, may get some new sunglasses at the weekend to celebrate the nice weather.

Eswift, sorry about your hubby
Hello Chaos,

Could you add me to the list - I've just moved over from 1st tri and due on the 28th Oct (for any keen observers, think my ticker is still a day out!) xxx
Woohoo! I have a car again! :happydance::happydance:

I'm so glad to be out of work but just been informed that MIL is coming to visit TOMORROW!!!! Eeeeeeek! Looks like i'm going to have to get to cleaning soon!
Aimee-Lou; have a wonderful time with the MIL...

I've been back to see dr again today; still off work! I now have a chest infection - Thanks Dad... So we really need a big cross on the door, as Dad, Mum & I all have chest infections and antibiotics to boot. Dr asked how I felt apart from chest infection as he said it's come on quick. Mentioned about house, architect, baby (obviously), MS, energy & OH job. He sat there open mouthed and said you've fair reason to complain and feel tired, you're defences are bound to be really low and there's no wonder you've ended up with a chest infection too. I'm so sorry to have asked and this has all happened since February; no wonder you're here and I'll need to see you next week too; even if it's just to make sure that the infections gone. Try not to worry. I'm so sorry.

He was so lucky I didn't end up in tears in his office. I'm trying not to let things get on top of me. I keep trying to see some small things as a step in the right direction. Like MS has stopped most of the time now (thanks to medicine), although I've the infection. I've progressed from MS... I know crackers but it's helping.

Even to see the new Architect tomorrow, means we're 1 step closer to getting the report to prove the plans are wrong, which will help our solicitor. Small mercies, I think..

I'd love some sleep but not sure that's gonna be so easy tonight coughing and already been sick with it all. (TMI, I'm sorry)

Thank you all for your thoughts and kind wishes xxxx I love you ladies xxxx Thank you for just being you!
Eswift :hugs: hope you get better soon.

Im up as hayfever is playing up and cant stop sneezing. Means im going to be very tired at work tomorrow
Morning all,

Sorry haven't been here for a while. Have so much happening in my life right now!

I have been staying in India at my parents since 2 months. My husband finished his contract with BT and came to India a month ago. Fortunately, he has been offered a job @ the NHS back in the UK. I wanted him to get back to UK and work there...... and I would join him a month or 2 later after he finds a house etc etc
Unfortunately, he isnt ready to take me with him. He is scared I cannot handle on my own and wants to stay back with my parents.Its so hard to stay without him...... I mean am so attached to him nowadays!!!! (prob coz of my hormones...)
No matter what I say he is scared to take me with him......

We are still discussing on this matter........ I know its silly to put it over here! But I need some suggestions.....

So hows everyone doing today?????? Sorry for not being here frequently!
Eswift - thanks! I hope that you start to feel better soon. I know it sounds odd but there is a school of thought that in order to bounce you have to hit solid ground. It would sound to me that by making that move to get your plans rectified you have started the upward phase! Really hope things come right soon hun xxx:hugs:

Today is going to be a fun day. Full day at work (no meetings so small mercies there....I can just hole myself up in the office and play on here between emails and reports!) but then I have to go to the shops, then go home and entertain the MIL for 3 hours until hubby gets home. Then she will be here until about 3pm tomorrow. Hubby and I have decided to be as dull as humanly possible. She gets so over-excited about the baby and starts screaming and jumping up and down....really quite frustrating when all I want to do is sleep until next tuesday! :rofl:

Hope everyone is ok....enjoy the sunshine tody guys. i've heard this is the last good day (drat was hoping to go in the garde tomorrow as it's a tip!!)

OH my god!

I have just felt what can only be described as a pushing from inside my uterus....felt like baby was stretching the sides out to give themselves more room. Not painful...just obviously not gas, or muscle spasms.....Oh wow!!

Feels wonderful! And I know I'm lucky to have this so is obviously a show off just like their Dad! :rofl:
Mornin' Bump n Mums!

Wow it's been quiet here. So I had my OB app on Wednesday, they took more blood from me to test for Downs blah blah, also to see if I got a bladder infection. Fun times!

We have having an official gender scan on Saturday! It's costing 99 bucks (about 60 quid) and we asked for a 2D scan as we only want it for the sex and she said, oh we'll do a 3D one for the same price for you!! Excellent! We also get a DVD of it, 10 coloured photos, 20% off our 25 weeks 4D scan and a bunch of other Mummy goodies. I'm so excited.

Today I got a half day at work. That just improves my mood immensity lol.
We went out and had a Chinese last night, and I got crispy duck and veg .. I woke up this mornin' feeling totally hungover. Strange how certain food does that to you.

Littlekitten ~ I'm glad the OH realised he was being a total jerk. He could have at least got you some chocolates too!!! ;)

Aimee-lou ~ Awesome news regarding the car. I hate not having one when it breaks. Congrats on the kicks!! It's so awesome :)

Eswift ~ Lawsy Mercy lady, you are in the wars at the moment aintcha. Rest up and take it easy and get over that chest infection. :hug:

Maffie ~ Regarding hayfever ~ I never suffered from it back home in the UK. The first year I moved here, o.m.g. Their spring here, everything gets covered in this fine yellow dust ... which is of course pollen. It basically looks like someone got a flour shaker and just dusted everything. It's horrendous! I guess my body is more used to it now as I just get a bit sneezy, but eugh!
I hope yours eases off soon :)

keerthy ~ Tell him you're a grown woman and you'll be fine, and you won't be alone because you'll have him there with you. Besides there's loads of preggie wimmin on here you can meet and make friends with (Just look at the meet up section for your area) You can also join some pregnant wimmin activity classes over there and make friends. Men are such worry worts!!

Lucy Lu ~ I added your due date.

Oh I got this text yesterday, made me laugh:

Quote of the date:

'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.'

And on that note, time for work! Have a great day :)
Hey, can i get popped on ur list? Im due 24th october (just got official date today at 14 week scan!)
You girls sure are quiet today! *shakes the thread*:headspin:
Sorry - I'm here! I think everyone else is out in the sunshine! lucky buggers!!!! :rofl:

Only 20 minutes left at work for me then I have to go and be entertaining! :hissy: All I actually want to do is pour myself a big glass of OJ and sit in the garden in the sunshine with the dog!!! My Friday night.....gone! :hissy: Damned Mother in Laws!!!!! :rofl: May have to hide in the supermarket for an hour or so!! :rofl:
Yea it's really hot here today also. Supposed to be in the 90's this weekend. The North Carolina summer has appeared at last! :happydance: Although the sun here is so strong I have to wear factor 80. Freckly fair English skin don't hold up well here lol.

1hr and 10 mins and I'm outta here! I'm going to get some plastic creats so I can plant some veggies We can't plant in the soil here because it's basically red rocky clay. Really sucks!

Why does the last hour always go so SLOW!!
ok...well, I've been hanging onto this for awhile...but I guess I might feel better if I let it out!

I have been out of work since November when I (the temp) had my contract end so a regular employee could keep their sucked, but there was not much I could do about it.
I went on unemployment and I have been actively looking for work since then. I became preg in January, and still looked. Now that I'm passed the 3 month mark, I'm so scared that I won't be able to find another job so that I can qualify for maternity leave. I just heard on the news how women who are coming off leave have found that they have no jobs to come back to, and hence have no hours to qualify for unemployment. Also, some women are also experiencing being outright fired cuz they're expecting...

I didn't want to, but I called Social Assistance to find out if in the worst case scenario that I don't find work (my unemployment ends in November, baby's due October 22) if I would be able to get help...and they told me that they only give $1000 a month to a family of 3, and since my OH makes slightly more than that, I do not qualify.

I beg anyone to show me where a family of 3 can live on $1000/month?!?!?! I am so disappointed with our stupid shitty government...I don't know who voted these morons back into power, and now there are so many families struggling and suffering, and there seems to be absolutely no one who gives a shit!

We have to get rid of our car (which we need to visit with OH's other 2 kids who live 200km away) OH is crushed, and I felt like such a :witch: for having to give us both a much needed reality check. We are struggling so much, and have no savings, and if we don't ditch the car, then my baby will be sleeping on the f***ing floor, and yet...the government is not interested in helping.

I'm so scared that we will become homeless or something, and there are no jobs anywhere, so it's not like we can even OH has a job, and he says it's not a good idea to quit it and move elsewhere (which I agree)...but I have so many skills and even I can't find work. And, I can't do the physical work I used to do (I'm an electrical technician by trade)

I'm terribly sorry for unloading all this, but I'm so scared all the time, and it absolutely kills me to have had the thought that perhaps we should've terminated...Of course OH was appalled at my suggestion, as I've been waiting for a baby for so long, and he said 'what if this is our only chance?' of course we didn't...but it's gonna be so hard, and I don't know if we can do it. It's hard enough for us to make it with just the 2 of us. We don't even have enough $$ for me to be eating properly, and I'm losing weight, and I'm so scared!

I don't want to be without my LO, but I don't want to put a child into a situation where we might not have a place to live!

Again, I'm so sorry this had to come out like this. I don't want to spoil anyone's glorious sunny day or weekend.
ok...well, I've been hanging onto this for awhile...but I guess I might feel better if I let it out!

I have been out of work since November when I (the temp) had my contract end so a regular employee could keep their sucked, but there was not much I could do about it.
I went on unemployment and I have been actively looking for work since then. I became preg in January, and still looked. Now that I'm passed the 3 month mark, I'm so scared that I won't be able to find another job so that I can qualify for maternity leave. I just heard on the news how women who are coming off leave have found that they have no jobs to come back to, and hence have no hours to qualify for unemployment. Also, some women are also experiencing being outright fired cuz they're expecting...

I didn't want to, but I called Social Assistance to find out if in the worst case scenario that I don't find work (my unemployment ends in November, baby's due October 22) if I would be able to get help...and they told me that they only give $1000 a month to a family of 3, and since my OH makes slightly more than that, I do not qualify.

I beg anyone to show me where a family of 3 can live on $1000/month?!?!?! I am so disappointed with our stupid shitty government...I don't know who voted these morons back into power, and now there are so many families struggling and suffering, and there seems to be absolutely no one who gives a shit!

We have to get rid of our car (which we need to visit with OH's other 2 kids who live 200km away) OH is crushed, and I felt like such a :witch: for having to give us both a much needed reality check. We are struggling so much, and have no savings, and if we don't ditch the car, then my baby will be sleeping on the f***ing floor, and yet...the government is not interested in helping.

I'm so scared that we will become homeless or something, and there are no jobs anywhere, so it's not like we can even OH has a job, and he says it's not a good idea to quit it and move elsewhere (which I agree)...but I have so many skills and even I can't find work. And, I can't do the physical work I used to do (I'm an electrical technician by trade)

I'm terribly sorry for unloading all this, but I'm so scared all the time, and it absolutely kills me to have had the thought that perhaps we should've terminated...Of course OH was appalled at my suggestion, as I've been waiting for a baby for so long, and he said 'what if this is our only chance?' of course we didn't...but it's gonna be so hard, and I don't know if we can do it. It's hard enough for us to make it with just the 2 of us. We don't even have enough $$ for me to be eating properly, and I'm losing weight, and I'm so scared!

I don't want to be without my LO, but I don't want to put a child into a situation where we might not have a place to live!

Again, I'm so sorry this had to come out like this. I don't want to spoil anyone's glorious sunny day or weekend.

I am so sorry for all that you are going through, but remember, you are not alone! There are people out there who don't have any skills and need to find work. No, 1000 dollars a month is very little, and I have no idea how you would manage on that, but I know one thing, if you have to figure it out until more money is coming in, you will:shrug: People have been doing it for years. I keep reminding myself of that fact! That doesn't make it easier for you. I do feel awful for you OH being so upset with the car situation, too, but I know it will only be temporary. :hug: Just try to stay focused on what you can control and kep your head up! Have you looked into see if there is other temp work available? At the very least, it would be something. I really feel for you, girl, it sounds like you are having a rough go of it right now!
Thanks for ur kind words djgirl...I know it will get easier, and we'll do what we have to in order to make it, I just get so scared when I'm alone in my own thoughts!

I've contacted all the temp agencies in my area (I've been a temp off and on for about 5 years now), and they're all saying that it's pretty dry out there right now, and everyone is competing for the same job...I just worry that someone who isn't preg is gonna get hired b4 I do...but, I did get a little good news...someone I met randomly had offered me some work setting appointments for them (he's a busy financial planner...which is what I'm studying for at the moment also), and I will be meeting with him on at least if I can set some appts, I can get a little extra coming in...that helps right?

I have to have faith that the situation is VERY temporary! I'm hoping things turn around pretty quick, but it's so discouraging to know that there is no one to help but your own self! That's a lesson my mom taught me long ago, and it's true again!

I feel so much better after letting it out...I've been carrying it around for so long now! Thanks for pointing me back to the positive side of the situation. I hate having negative thoughts!

:flower: :kiss:
Anytime, girl, I know how easy it is to start getting down and worrying. That is when I really have to take a step back, let it roll off my back, wipe off my knees(or my tears:) and get back "on the horse"! The good news is, anytime you feel bad, you can come on here and vent it out! We are all hormonally nutso right now, we have to lean on each other!LOL
Im here but Im quiet cos Im having a crappy day,damn hormones.

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