Official October Team Bumpkins

Hey :)

Sorry not been around much, i do read up on how everyone is doing every day though :)

Not much to update with me, sickness has gone 'shh' i say that and it comes back haha im feeling pretty good lately.

Bubs moving around alot more now, can only feel when im lay down in bed and theres no distractions but she was really busy last night, jumping around :cloud9: hehe

My private gender scan has been changed now, so im going on Wednesday not Sat. Ill only be 15+3 but the lady said they shouldnt have a problem even then. She said theres two of them in that day to have a good look and if they are really struggling to get a good view then i can go back for a free scan :D Its a 4D scan so hoping they'll be able to see then i dont have to go back! But im soo excited anyway just to see how jellytot is doing! :happydance::dance:

Hope your all ok! Off to put Caeden to bed now then make my tea :)

Oh dear it seems as though this bad luck thing is either catching or we're all suffering in some way.

We must try to stay positive with it all and realise how much stronger we will be when we finally reach the otherside. To stand there and wonder what all the worry and stress was about, look at us now...

At least that's what I'm looking forward to being able to do hopefully very very soon...

Won't be too late to bed tonight I'm shattered. Busy day totally with trying to juggle everything and being at the right place for the right time and still managing to do those little jobs that don't take long but need doing... OH did the cleaning for me so that saved me one big job. He can be so good at times...

Hopefully, I won't keep him awake too much tonight he was rather grumpy this morning... I just can't do mornings at all at the mo, and I'm still needing 2 breakies before I try to do anything. Odd considering half an hour and 2 slices of toast later and I'm normally ready for the world... Not any more... urgh...
Hi ladies.
Wot a nitemare couple of days everyone has been having:hug:
Had my own nitemare last nite, we had a burning smell coming from the electric cupboard, on closer inspection, the cable coming into the house was boiling hot and the black box thing was even hotter!!!
So at 7pm we had to turn off electric and call out Western power, were told they would be with us within 4 hours, they came at 10.20 and had to strip it all out and replace with new, meanwhile we were sat in silence with 2 candles, longing for a shower n a cup of t!! They eventually left at 11.45, so very late nite for me and worked today too so knackered now, the trouble is the boys have gone to stay at my aunties tonite so we were planning on going out tonite but both too tired:sad2:
We are both sat here contemplating wether we can be bothered to shower n go out or to just get a chinese!!!!
jlosomerset - think I'd order the chinese to be delivered, have a long hot shower and enjoy the time you and OH have without the boys... If you really want to leave the lights on too.. Since the wiring works... now...

Have a lovely evening either way xxxx
:rofl:Geez girls! Between bad times, bad luck and hormones, we are a sorry group. I am just sleepy since I woke up around 4am. My own fault I guess but I couldn't bear to just lay in bed anymore.
:hug::hug::hug:to everyone, and I hope you all have a good weekend!
Hi Everyone

:hugs: to you all! I thought we should be all be feeling alot better now we are in 2nd tri think its all bull cause i feel so sick this morning :rofl:
Got loads college work to catch up on which im sure will get slowly done today ive decided to go back and finish my course to give me something to concerntrate on instead of thinking about the bad things all the time :happydance: im sure ive depressed some of you on here with all the problems ive had :cry:. Im just glad its my last pg in a way cause dont think i could do this again so stressful :blush:.
Hope your all ok and :hugs: to everyone having a rough time

Hey =]
Mine's due on October 19th.
Can I be added to the list please? ^^
Afternoon girls!

Just poking my head in quickly. Grass has been cut, rose bush planted, tomato and cuecumber plants planted! lol been busy.

We're off to the gender scan in an hour, so am really excited about that. Will return later with pictures and what not.

I'll pop back later to catch up from yesterday.

Neferet ~ I'll add you later tonight :)

Have a great day!
Chaos - I hope you scan was everything you hoped it would be and some more. How exciting. Can't wait for the low down...

Bumpn3gals - I hope that you're not trying to be all work and no play. Glad you've decided to finish you course. Good Luck... It will be worth it...

Today has been almost a step backwards on the ms front, I was awful until about 10.30 ish. I have had very little energy because of that too, I'll be very glad when the antibiotics start to kick in, hopefully tomorrow... I'd hate to tell you how many times I've coughed and then needed to pee... It's so not funny, I feel almost incontinent...

Visited the house to get some of my craft stuff, well that was a really bad move; I couldn't breath after because of all the dust. I thought I'd try to give myself something to do, I normally enjoy my card making. I brought myself a dog cross stitch to do 3 weeks ago, started it and found that my eye gets too tired too fast so I'm not really up to doing it. Will try again later on in pregnancy. I got some of my card making basics, most of it really is very well packed away; and we've not really got the room to move stuff to hunt for the some of the other stuff. OH was really good and carried the heavy box for me. I'm such a hopeless weakling at the moment...

I've done some painting with the craft stuff, not really in the mood to do anything more with it today, will have a go in the morning when I've more energy. I've already had a bath this evening and an hours kip. As I'm not sleeping much on a night due to this bloody chest infection I'm absolutely shattered now... Won't be long until I'm zzzzzing again. Woke up needing to eat, so had a huge bowl of cornflakes.

That's another thing, my tastes have changed so much, stuff I really like normally make me feel so queezy and stuff I'm not into (like cornflakes) I'm enjoying; it so off putting... OH just keeps looking and not saying a word, Dad just keeps giving me sideward glances and smiling. Can't say I won't be glad when the babes here, I'll be so over the moon!! Seems a very very long way off at the moment...
hey can you add me please due on 23rd

Think ive finally got rid of morning sickness starting to get me down abit hopefully it wont come back
Urgh urgh urgh. Thank god today is over. Worked 2 long days in a row (13 hour shifts) and they were both hectic and horrid. Walked home tonight and flopped onto the sofa which is where I have stayed for the last half an hour. Im exhausted and headachy. And very grouchy. And I am home alone all night which sucks. Anyway grumble over.

Hope everyone is having a better day today. We seem to be a right sorry lot at the mo lol. Chaos hope your scan goes well.
Yes Chaos, looking forward to hearing how the scan went! Hope you girls are doing better! I just got finished painting the trim on our house. Took forever, but it looks great, so it was worth it!
So many other projects the prego lady must do around here while she has some energy!LOL
djgirl1976 - Whilst you're on about having energy, fancy passing some my way, please? I'd love some...

I'm very mixed up at the moment, I'd love to have the energy to contemplate doing anything; but Kindad in some wierd way that as there's nothing to do at the house at the moment probably just as well that I've no energy... Now I know somewhere that makes sense.

Same way that OH could have been painting the house this week, but as he's out of work and there's no house to paint; he can go job hunting. Which is needed. I have this feeling that everything will come right all at once and hopefully we'll be up for it when it happens. Fingers crossed it's not too far away... I really don't want to be that big I'll not be allowed to help.

OH has been really looking after me, carrying boxes, shopping etc. Not doing therunning about after me but not been expecting me to run around after him either - which is normal. He normally has very little free time, I try to make it so he doesn't have to worry about the silly things, shopping, clothes, washing etc. So I guess it has been nice for me not having to do it. Dad has been doing most of the house work, hoovering etc. I keep doing the laundry, but don't seem to have the energy to Iron it yet again. May try later on, see how I feel...

Hope you all have a lovely day... I feel like a mouse, all alone wit just the dogs for company; they're both zzzzzzing away here. Guess babes gonna be an early riser... DS was and he's only just starting to have lie-ins...
OMG I am SO tired! I have zilch energy. I fell asleep on the train on the way to work on Fri and nearly fell asleep at my desk.. Yesterday was similar - my friend and I went to a NCT nearly new sale - she's due in June. We were both shattered afterwards. Got some fab bargains though!
I slept so much yesterday and went to bed early. It's a real pain though as I have so much to do and the house is a complete hole! :hissy:
16 weeks today though and have really started to show this week!

Hope you're OK eswift.

Look forward to pics Chaos!

Hope you are all cool :)
Hi All

I'm due on the 27th October and joined about a month ago but have felt so i'll haven't accessed my account.
I'm still feeling awful, is anyone else I'm 13 weeks 5 days and still feel nauseaus or vomit on a night and suffer from tension headaches down one side. Is anyone else like this as I feel i'm never going to come out of this!!

Mornin' all!

Well the scan went really well :) We are officially on team PINK!!!

The 4D was *amazing* .. I wasn't expecting it to be so clear this early on.

Here are a couple of pictures and a movie. There are 3 movies in total (The original was 20 minutes long so I had to edit and cut it up a bit), you can get to them by looking at my you tube account. I didn't want to flood the post out with links lol.

Click to watch 4D ultrasound!

Sobersadie, Neferet, RaInBoWs, Krissssiiii.x, Pocketbird30 ~ Due dates added to the list :)

Cinnamongirl ~ :hug: to you. Sorry you're having problems. I agree with what djgirl said.

Helz ~ You feeling any better today?

Jlosomerset ~ Wow, lucky you were able to locate the burning and were in at the time. That's so scary.

Eswift ~ Grr @ mornin' sickness. Something that really helped me was sprite.

Littlekitten ~ Woah, those are some long shifts. I used to do the same a few years ago, no way what so ever I'd be able to do it now lol.

Pocketbird30 ~ I had morning sickness right up to 14.5 weeks, then it all of a sudden vanished. I was also exhausted up until 16 weeks and then suddenly my energy came back. Don't get me wrong, I still need to go to bed early, but I can now make it thru the day with out napping. It will pass and you'll feel better soon. Try eating ritz crackers when you feel ill or drinking some slightly flat sprite. It always helped me. I did some reading on MS and the reason it is so bad in the AM is because your blood sugar is low and it recommends you keep a little snack by your bed to eat before you get out of bed in the morning. Something like a biscuit. Also its best to try and "graze" thru out the day .. supposed to help. Hey anything is worth a try right? Hope you feel better soon :)

Ok it's 6am and I need to get some shut eye lol. Its taken me most the night to get this ultrasound converted and edited in a format that stupid you tube accepts.

Have a great morning all!
pocketbird30 - I hope you start feeling better so very soon, it does start getting you down. Apparently you're now at the stage where you should start feeling better, less sickness and more energy. I've yet to find that, but I'm always hopeful...

And Welcome to the group, there are some lovely ladies and they're all very supportive. I've found it a great support since joining. Hope you find it the same xxxx

Thanks ladies xxxx

Chaos - What wonderful pictures! They are fantastically clear..
Oh Ps:

All our new bump growers ~ Come join the facebook group. If you put "Team Bumpkins" in the search bar, it will bring it up and you can just join. :)

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