Official October Team Bumpkins

I wasn't going to start with the eviction process until after 36 weeks.

Ha very big brother! :haha: I love it!!

Well girls, I'm having a really crappy day! So far hubby has had a letter through telling him he's being fined for a parking ticket from nearly 4 years ago!

I got my pay the form of a freaking cheque when I have DD's coming out tomorrow and after the weekend. I'm so angry I could cry...last two months it's been bank transfer!! Grrr I am sooooo mad and there's nothing I can do but pay it in as the accounts dept only work Mon-Wed! Looks like I'm spending the day on the phone re-setting DD's ....what a pain!

Along with all the DD's....we have NO MONEY at all left. I think there is £4 in the bank and there's no fuel in the car or the bike, we have about £5 which we can scrat together if needs be but I'm going to have to clean out the cupboards to feed us until Tuesday. Yet another item to add to the list of discrimination complaints (I'm the only member of staff who's not paid by bank transfer, and I've been trying to get it sorted since November last year!!!!!!!!!) :growlmad:

Sorry to complain ladies. It also means that all the things we were planning on doing are going to have to be postponed until next week, and I was really looking forward to it all!

Apart from that - and the lack of any sleep to speak of - things are fine! I'm trying to get all the filing sorted so at least all the paperwork I need is in front room where I can get to it easily.
Hope we're all having a better day than I am ladies!! x :hugs:
Oh aimee-lou what an absolute pain. I'm also off to the bank today to try to sort out our finances. Luckily I got paid today but cos the bank have changed their rules on when you can extend your loan we had to borrow the deposit from OHs boss so he now won't get paid for September....luckily the 12th repayment went out today so I can now go in and extend the loan so we actually have some money for food this month.
Aimee sounds like work are doing everything they can to be difficult :hugs:

Well my morning sickness seems to be back, just the nausea bit but it's driving me potty.
hey everyone,

had my growth scan yesterday and all was well, he weighs 4lb 3 and is NOT breech :)!!! yay! had to see a different consultant tho and thing she was being over precautious making me do a 24hour wee collection today and take it in tomorrow :( was hoping to go out for a bit today too but cant be far from the toilet :( never mind, once ive been in the morning i can go out shopping :)

hope everyones having a good day :)
I wasn't going to start with the eviction process until after 36 weeks.

Ha very big brother! :haha: I love it!!

Well girls, I'm having a really crappy day! So far hubby has had a letter through telling him he's being fined for a parking ticket from nearly 4 years ago!

I got my pay the form of a freaking cheque when I have DD's coming out tomorrow and after the weekend. I'm so angry I could cry...last two months it's been bank transfer!! Grrr I am sooooo mad and there's nothing I can do but pay it in as the accounts dept only work Mon-Wed! Looks like I'm spending the day on the phone re-setting DD's ....what a pain!

Along with all the DD's....we have NO MONEY at all left. I think there is £4 in the bank and there's no fuel in the car or the bike, we have about £5 which we can scrat together if needs be but I'm going to have to clean out the cupboards to feed us until Tuesday. Yet another item to add to the list of discrimination complaints (I'm the only member of staff who's not paid by bank transfer, and I've been trying to get it sorted since November last year!!!!!!!!!) :growlmad:

Sorry to complain ladies. It also means that all the things we were planning on doing are going to have to be postponed until next week, and I was really looking forward to it all!

Apart from that - and the lack of any sleep to speak of - things are fine! I'm trying to get all the filing sorted so at least all the paperwork I need is in front room where I can get to it easily.
Hope we're all having a better day than I am ladies!! x :hugs:

What bank are you with Aimee.Lou? My OH and I had a problem with money coming later than it should with Halifax and the gave us an emergency loan type thing, which obviously was paid back when the money went in - maybe see if your bank offer something similar?
I wasn't going to start with the eviction process until after 36 weeks.

Ha very big brother! :haha: I love it!!

Well girls, I'm having a really crappy day! So far hubby has had a letter through telling him he's being fined for a parking ticket from nearly 4 years ago!

I got my pay the form of a freaking cheque when I have DD's coming out tomorrow and after the weekend. I'm so angry I could cry...last two months it's been bank transfer!! Grrr I am sooooo mad and there's nothing I can do but pay it in as the accounts dept only work Mon-Wed! Looks like I'm spending the day on the phone re-setting DD's ....what a pain!

Along with all the DD's....we have NO MONEY at all left. I think there is £4 in the bank and there's no fuel in the car or the bike, we have about £5 which we can scrat together if needs be but I'm going to have to clean out the cupboards to feed us until Tuesday. Yet another item to add to the list of discrimination complaints (I'm the only member of staff who's not paid by bank transfer, and I've been trying to get it sorted since November last year!!!!!!!!!) :growlmad:

Sorry to complain ladies. It also means that all the things we were planning on doing are going to have to be postponed until next week, and I was really looking forward to it all!

Apart from that - and the lack of any sleep to speak of - things are fine! I'm trying to get all the filing sorted so at least all the paperwork I need is in front room where I can get to it easily.
Hope we're all having a better day than I am ladies!! x :hugs:

What bank are you with Aimee.Lou? My OH and I had a problem with money coming later than it should with Halifax and the gave us an emergency loan type thing, which obviously was paid back when the money went in - maybe see if your bank offer something similar?

Kte - I'm with the Co-op but I have a really basic account. I hadn't thought to ring them tbh....may try it as a first resort otherwise I've got 8 bills to move as it wont clear until the 3rd and we have a lot coming out on the 1st. Thanks fo the idea!

Maffie - oh yes, this is just the latest incident. I'm getting sick of it to be honest....beyond a joke I believe is the phrase I'm looking for.
:hugs: thats ok, hope they can do something like that for you x
:hugs: thats ok, hope they can do something like that for you x

I love you! :cloud9::hugs:

I just called them, they have put a postponement on all my DD's until the 5th. I need to call them on the 5th, they will re-instate so that the companies can claim or I can pay them over the phone. It will say on the record that the DD was amended by the bank so they cannot charge/get mad at me!

Now I just have to fine the money for a pint of milk and £5 of fuel for the bike! It's not perfect as I will still have to call everyone on Wednesday next week (ish) but at least I'm calling them with good news not bad!

Thanks for letting me moan girls! Much needed catharcis! :hugs:
:hugs: thats ok, hope they can do something like that for you x

I love you! :cloud9::hugs:

I just called them, they have put a postponement on all my DD's until the 5th. I need to call them on the 5th, they will re-instate so that the companies can claim or I can pay them over the phone. It will say on the record that the DD was amended by the bank so they cannot charge/get mad at me!

Now I just have to fine the money for a pint of milk and £5 of fuel for the bike! It's not perfect as I will still have to call everyone on Wednesday next week (ish) but at least I'm calling them with good news not bad!

Thanks for letting me moan girls! Much needed catharcis! :hugs:

Lol! Excellent! :hugs: So glad they could help you :flower: Like you say, even though you have to call them next week at least its with good news and you don't have to worry in the meantime x
Well good mornin!

I've had a busy few days and bump aint hit the sofa lol. Needless to say it's catching up with me and I need a lazy day!

35 Weeks today!!!
:happydance: :happydance::happydance: :happydance:

Autumn is doing something with something pointy in me, be it a knee, elbow .. I dunno, but it bloody hurts!! I have this one REALLY sore spot on my left hand side about an inch diagonally up from my belly button. I just think its where shes pressing against the area, it feels like a reallllllly tender bruise and when I rub it to encourage her to move what ever limb it is, she whacks me harder with it! She's sassy haha.
This pain comes every few days or so, I think its when she is facing outwards. Still head down tho! :)

I love to sit on my exercise ball though, it is SO comfy. I was reading how to use it when pregnant. They suggest on all 4's with belly hanging down to help the baby turn and then for comfort and to open up your pelvis, on top with legs open like a bloke would sit and rock to and thro and bounce. I got this ball a couple years ago with a yoga CD .. this is the most use its ever got haha.

We also interviewed a pedatritian yesterday to be Autumns DR once she's born. I knew the DR anyways, but she really made me feel good in our choice not to do VitK/HepB/Eye goop at birth and to delay vacc. I love it when you find a DR on the same page as you.

All other things are good. I went on a "mums night out" last night. I'm on a "mums" group. They are all really nice. We went to a place called PF Changs, its a Chinese restaurant. REALLY good food and I ate a starter, a main and pudding, I was SO hungry. It only cost 20 bucks. I was still hungry when I came home lol.

Eswift ~ Yikes hope the MS goes. I had that for a few weeks recently but its gone again now.

Babylove ~ Gawd my husband needs that op. He snores like a freaking rhino. I have to wear ear plugs at night! They gave me a blocked ear on Sunday and I had to go get it sorted at the DRs. Meanwhile, he continues to snore! Men!
Re movements ~ No more flips, but certainly she gets a good swift kick in there most days. Its mostly hiccups and the odd elbow going across my belly.

TaylorsMummy ~ I feel you, I'm totally done also, however too early for Dexter yet, he still needs his time in there for his lungs. A lot of babies born before 37 weeks (full term) need breathing help. He'll come when he's good and ready, those old wives tales aint gonna do jack to get him out until then :)

Aimee ~ Sorry you're having a crappy day. :hugs:

Ok I need to shower and get breakfast!
taylorsmummy: I think you're safe to start taking raspberry leaf tea capsules from 34 weeks. The other obvious ones are spicy foods (doesn't work if you're used to spicy foods though apparently), good old sex, cranberry juice, eating pineapple etc etc. There was a thread about all the ways to get your LO outin the 3rd tri section; it was quite interesting & novel, lol.

This suggests that spicy food, cranberry juice and pineapple are best avoided before this time. Is that right? Blimey, I find it hard to live without a few hot chillies and pineapple juice in my fridge - better take a bit more care.

No idea if those thing are safe before 34, sometimes even 36 weeks. Maybe I should actually ask my MW this on monday?!
I eat enough spicy food to kit out an indian, chinese & a mexican restaurant & always have, so I doubt that will have any effect on me what-so-ever. I still drink cranberry juice coz it really quenches my thirst & so far, I'm fine, lol.

Once I hit 36 weeks, I'm gonna start trying everything & anything; if it doesn't help, at least I'll have fun in the process. :) The only thing I'll have to avoid is pineapple coz I'm allergic- it makies my tongue swell right up & I start lisping & get ulcers all over my tongue & cheeks. Not pleasant, lol.
taylorsmummy: I think you're safe to start taking raspberry leaf tea capsules from 34 weeks. The other obvious ones are spicy foods (doesn't work if you're used to spicy foods though apparently), good old sex, cranberry juice, eating pineapple etc etc. There was a thread about all the ways to get your LO outin the 3rd tri section; it was quite interesting & novel, lol.

This suggests that spicy food, cranberry juice and pineapple are best avoided before this time. Is that right? Blimey, I find it hard to live without a few hot chillies and pineapple juice in my fridge - better take a bit more care.

No idea if those thing are safe before 34, sometimes even 36 weeks. Maybe I should actually ask my MW this on monday?!
I eat enough spicy food to kit out an indian, chinese & a mexican restaurant & always have, so I doubt that will have any effect on me what-so-ever. I still drink cranberry juice coz it really quenches my thirst & so far, I'm fine, lol.

Once I hit 36 weeks, I'm gonna start trying everything & anything; if it doesn't help, at least I'll have fun in the process. :) The only thing I'll have to avoid is pineapple coz I'm allergic- it makies my tongue swell right up & I start lisping & get ulcers all over my tongue & cheeks. Not pleasant, lol.

I've been told not to worry and to just eat as normal. I think you would have to eat about 40 pineapples to bring on labour, so half of one is not going to make a difference. baby will come when they are ready.....(although I'm willing to take as much :sex: as hubby can handle! :blush:)

From the day I hit 37 weeks I will be trying everything.....potentially with RLT making an appearance at 36 weeks. The operation will truly be on from the day hubby starts his leave which is 38w4d. I've always thought that I would go early and now that I'm booked in at the birth centre I actually uttered the words 'I cannot wait for labour' lol. Lets hope that bubs plays balls and comes relatively on time and with very little intervention required.
Hiya girls and bumps, how are we all today?
Im knackered from work,again and feel so guilty for the kids cos all I can manage to do now is just sit down and relax. Feel like I should be taking them out somwhere. Ive got awful period like cramps too,Im sure it's Ethan moving abit further down as Ive read,I think on here that when that happens it can cause abit of cramping as the head touches the pelvis? Ive been told at work today that my bump looks lower than yesterday too, so maybe connected?
Decided that Im going to continue to work untill the 1st October,when I will be 36 weeks. Unless I am really struggling,then I will leave earlier,but it's nice to have a date to aim for. I think it's 5 weeks today, but Im only working 3 days a week anyway so Im hoping I can see it through.
just coz I'm kinda bored being at home on my lonesome, if any of you bumpkins wanna add me on facebook, my addy thingy is:
(my real name is Fleur, but people call me pretty much anything flower related or that begins with F, hence the name florabean, lol.)
Just let me know you're from bnb, or I'll be thinking, 'who the heck is that?!' lol.
About the eviction notice [lol]. Im 35weeks on sat but being induced early =]. Iv got consultant at 36weeks and hoping to have him out soon.

I had a walk into town with dp and dd today.. Oh my. Toke the icandy <3 out and its a dream! its so easy to push and light! I LOVE IT. but gutted the wheels are dirty =[.

I got down the town, did my shopping but was in too much pain i couldnt walk, got a sore stomach and back ache so made DP go get car lol. Still feel so achey =[
you can get wheel cleaner stuff from halfords. It's in an orange spray gun thingy. Think it's called wheely clean or something silly like that. I remember my sis using it all the damn time coz she was obsessed with her wheels being perfect, even when my nephew was nearly 1, she was always going on about the wheels, lol. (she's so OCD sometimes)
Must be nice in a way for you ladies who know exactly when your LO is making an appearance. While I love the fact that we don't know what we're having or when we're having it, part of me would love a good date to plot my plans against....(also slightly paranoid that baby will be born on my ex's birthday but I will endeavour to keep my legs pinned together if we get to the 27th.......hoping to have them out well before then!! lol) We have so much to do/get before baby gets here and with all the spanners going into the works lately it's going to be tight!! :wacko::dohh:

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