Official October Team Bumpkins

morning all, well first day on my leave and i was up at the crack of dawn!!! The weather is awful here, blowing a gail too, hope everyone is ok, right im off to put some washing on xxxx
Morning all,

I was so awake at 6.00 this morning but was comfy and wanted to cuddle up to OH, I fell back asleep and feel worse for it - I hate it when that happens!!

sam76 - thats just typical, it would be nice to have a bit of nice weather during leave before the autumn weather appears! Although I do enjoy the Autumn season, usually when it's dry and dusk is settling in and all the little birdies are tweeting and flocking together getting ready to migrate.

I hate having to come into work today :nope: not only is it hard as OH is off but all week I have been really up for gutting the house, I just know tomorrow I won't be bothered! At least my friend is coming over so I will HAVE to do it! Work is too quiet at the moment, I'd rather be spending my time more productivly.

Hello & welcome :wave: Meggiemoo, it's always nice to have more people come and chat with us here :thumbup:

eswift - I LOVE the new carpet smell!! I think they really do make a difference. My sister just got some for her home, the floors were that wood stuff clicks together (forgotten the word!) but now she has new carpets in it has transformed the house and makes such a difference. I think its good you get to recycle the kitchen too. I was watching a programme the other day about building new homes with recycles items from old homes and it looked really good, when it's done right, people would never know. I recently had a new kitchen put in and to be honest it's a bit dissapointing, one of the doors has got water damaged already, you would think they would be a bit more hardy being built for a kitchen!

Maffie - I was worrying my hair was too long, shoulder length! I am getting mine trimmed but only really as I need it thinning out. If you got yours cut it would be such a change!! My friend at work said she just used to get up, brush her hair and then slap on a bobble, not time for anything else! There is another woman at work who has hair as long as you and there is no way she would have had it cut, I think her little girl is about 5 now, I'm sure you will be fine!

LittleKitten Bet your excited about key day!! Hope it all goes smoothly for you!

Well, Im off for my morning cuppa, see you all later xx
Morning Ladies !

32wks today :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Thank god its friday , I have nothing planned for the weekend but just really glad this week is over !

Hi Megan - welcome to the fold :wave:

Had a MW appt yesterday. All looking good. She said my BP is perfect (which seemed to amaze her, as she thought it would have gone up after my bleed and hosp admission a couple of weeks ago), my bump measures exactly the right size for dates, baby is cephalic and still free (i.e. head down and not engaged), my bump is all one colour (a bizarre comment, but she seemed pleased with this), and baby's HB is doing exactly what it should - nice and loud and giving little slow-downs and speed-ups now and again.

All I need to do is hang on in there for at least four weeks, and then the birth centre should accept us. (Before 37 weeks, they usually say no thanks :-( )

Oh, it's just started raining again. What a surprise. So who managed a barbecue in this so-called "barbecue summer"? Not us, for sure.
Thank you for all the welcomes :D

KTE - Hope work isn't too bad today, atleast its friday....when do you finish for Mat leave?

Colsy - Glad all was well at your MW appt! The weather is awful isn't it, no BBQ's here either, think we managed one actually at the start of June? Normally I would hope for a nice September, but actually quite happy if it stays like this as I don't mix well with heat being pregnant...i'm like a human radiator atm, DP can be freezing cold and i'm always melting!!

Maffie - Eeeek that doesn't sound good, glad your okay now...yeah Wythenshawe would be more practical for me too, is it a pain to transfer hospitals now??

Lindak - Happy 32 weeks, we must be due on the same day...sure i'm 32 weeks today too..can't see my ticker till i've posted lol

You all sound like you have busy but good days today, lazy day for me as the heavens have opened and it doesnt look like its going to stop! DP is home early on Fridays so think we will have a nice cosy afternoon watching films, maybe a takeaway later!

Well I didn't get any sleep at all last night it seemed :( i'm soooo tired, think I have insomnia...looking forward to a nap after lunch!!

Pesky dog wants letting out, why is it always just as i've come back upstairs from being downstairs?! Lol, all good for exercise I suppose.....

x - My boyfriend sister has armed me with Raspberry leaf tea, I have 2 un opened boxes of it, can't wait to start taking it...quite like the taste lol!

LittleKitten - hope the key exchanging goes well...when do you move into your new place? We're currently looking at places to rent, hopefully it wont be long! Have pretty much all our furniture, just need to find something suitable and reasonably priced!!

ESWIFT - I lovee new carpets, feels lovely on your bare feet!! Kitchen sounds good, don't blame you for taking what you can get, everything is soo dear! Hope work goes okay for you today

Thank you for all the welcomes :D

KTE - Hope work isn't too bad today, atleast its friday....when do you finish for Mat leave?

Colsy - Glad all was well at your MW appt! The weather is awful isn't it, no BBQ's here either, think we managed one actually at the start of June? Normally I would hope for a nice September, but actually quite happy if it stays like this as I don't mix well with heat being pregnant...i'm like a human radiator atm, DP can be freezing cold and i'm always melting!!

Maffie - Eeeek that doesn't sound good, glad your okay now...yeah Wythenshawe would be more practical for me too, is it a pain to transfer hospitals now??

Lindak - Happy 32 weeks, we must be due on the same day...sure i'm 32 weeks today too..can't see my ticker till i've posted lol

You all sound like you have busy but good days today, lazy day for me as the heavens have opened and it doesnt look like its going to stop! DP is home early on Fridays so think we will have a nice cosy afternoon watching films, maybe a takeaway later!

Well I didn't get any sleep at all last night it seemed :( i'm soooo tired, think I have insomnia...looking forward to a nap after lunch!!

Pesky dog wants letting out, why is it always just as i've come back upstairs from being downstairs?! Lol, all good for exercise I suppose.....


Work is ok but I have only seen 2 people since I got here, its more disheartening than anything! They are all off on holiday at the moment and I'm stuck here until the 9th October - that's my last day before my maternity leave starts (1 month, 1 week and 5 days to go lol!)

It will get busier soon when the new students come back (I work at a Uni)but its just dragging at the moment!

Congrats on 32 weeks today as well :happydance:
Well I have the keys woohoo. Went to the house to check that they have put up the blinds/curtain poles....surprise surprise they havn't. So the first thing I've had to do is phone the bloody letting agents who is going to phone the landlord and get back to me. I don't particularly like the idea of everybody being able to see me sleep tomorrow night thanks very much. There are holes where the curtain poles should be so I guess I could get my dad to put some up for me but it's a pain in the frigging ass!
Welcome MeggieMoo88 :hi:

Congrats on 32 weeks lindak :happydance:

I am now on 4 weeks annual leave then start my matty leave :) Felt very strange yesterday, girls I work with gave me flowers and chocs and the patients were all offering me best wishes. Having night out on 11th sep so looking forward to that. Still can't believe how time has flown, feels like yesterday when we got our BFP!

Hope you are all well and have a good weekend.
hi ladies...

Megan ~Welcome to team bumpkins! :hugs:

Eswift ~ congrats on new carpets! house must be looking as new right now! :)

Lindak ~ congrats on 32 weeks! :hugs:

LK ~ wen are you moving?? don't forget to gimme ur number... I am gonna miss you!!!!

Had been to my GP for the medical certificate..... which my exam centre requested ... Ohh did I say I am giving an exam on September 8th and 9th. Fingers crossed I will be fine.:baby:

Exam will be 3 hours each day...... I am not able to study atm..... feeling very tired, sleepy and achy since morning. Woke up hungry lastnite @ 3 am ....... felt weird..... had a warm glass of milk! and couldn't get back to sleep!!!!!

Hows everyone doing today?????
Keerthy - Move house tomorrow. You have my mobile and I will let you know the house number when I get a line in lol.
I really really fancied some cherries again so the best I could do was cherry cola - big mistake!

Good luck with your exams keerthy, i'm sure the 3hrs will pass quickly when your sat there! Hope you can get some revision in :flower:
:hi: meggiemoo88 :) welcome to the bumpkins; I think we're all chatterboxes, lol.

Well, I'm 34 weeks today. 2 weeks till project evict baby lees begins, lol. Am walking everyday because I am so bored to tears at home. I have been cleaning & cooking like a crazy lady!!! And spending endless hours on facebook & atching the most horrendous daytime TV imaginable, hehe. I dont know how my sis can cope being a stay-at-home mum; I would be so bored. (I say that now, but I can guarentee in 6 months time when I go back to work, I will be begging to stay home with my LO).

Went to B&Q and Babies R Us last night with my OH's dad. He bought us the set of chest of drawers I wanted for the baby's room & also a massive vat of paint so we can repaint the whole house so it looks all clean & fresh again. OH has invited 2 of our mates from university round this weekend so we can get it all done. I'm so excited!
Then in babies r us, OH bought me one of those maternity support band thingies (I heard they prevent stretch marks because it supports the weight of your bump more & stops the skin from sagging so much; I'm willing to give anything a try for the sake of vanity, lol), some nipple cream, sudocreme, a nappy holder thingy & some stickers for the wall that match the bedding we have. Was a bit miffed though, because we have almost the entire Safari Friends blue range from there & now they've discontinued it, so what's left is left. All I'm missing is the mobile & the rug, so I'm kinda frustrated, but the stores in portsmouth & southampton dont have them anymore, so looks like it's tough luck. Oh well, maybe I'll come across them on ebay or amazon or something?

Anyways, hope everyone's well. :) Have a fantastic bank holiday weekend everyone!!! :) I got my 34 week midwife check-up on monday, so hopefully all's ok & I'll be measuring normal again, unlike last time. (at 32 weeks I was measuring 29cm, but since then I've put on 5 lbs, so I'm sure it'll be fine now.)

Take care ladies!!!!
Afternoon all,

Today is driving me mad lol ~ I am bored and so is OH but I am stuck at work and he is stuck at home. Debating if I should go home at 3pm or not. If I do, I don't make up any extra flexi hours and if I stay until 4 I gain an extra hour this week. Plus the Department Head is in and will probabily grumble that there is no one in the office (then my boss will get it even thought we can finish at 3 on a Friday and they are fine with it) even thought he (the head) only turned up at 1.30! Think it's best I stay :(

florabean - Typical they have become discontinued! Couldn't you ask the store to ring another branch and see if they have the missing items left? Maybe try in the sell/wanted section in here too if ebay or amazon gives you no joy!

EDIT: Congrat's on 34 weeks too :happydance:

My bump feels a little cold at the bottom today, even tho the rest of me seems warm. Wonder if its becase I am too warm? I'm not sure if I should try and warm my bump up or if thats the wrong thing to do! :wacko:
Florabean - I have the safari friends moses basket, its sooo cute...gonna try get hold of the bedding set for the cot too...hope it hasn't been discontinued near me :cry: !

KTE - Not long to go now till 4 & you will be on your way home! :hugs:

LittleKitten - good luck with the move tomorrow :thumbup:

Well I have just had the longest nap ever, I deff needed it though!! Fell asleep after dinner at about 1pm and woke up at 3pm :blush: , DP woke me up with a nice cup of tea :thumbup::coffee: ....he's been called out to another job now though so i'm on my own again :(, rain seems to have stopped for abit so might take the dog for a nice long walk, have abit of energy from all that sleep hehe!

We're off out to a friends surprise 21st tonight, I can't wait! Known her since primary school but haven't seen her in a while due to her being at uni etc so can't wait to see her! Gutted that I can't drink, means I will be the designated driver...ohh well!

Hope everyone has a nice evening :wohoo:

x x
LK- they're a;ready out of stock on the website- the entire collection seems to be out of stock. Oh well; my boy can live witghout a matching rug & mobile. I was given a mobile (I love my Bear, or something) by my boss anyway, so that'll have to do. When he's bigger, we'd really like to do an underwater themed room for him, which would make his daddy very happy since he's a scuba diver, but it seems a bit pointless while we're still renting & it'll be at least another year before we can afford to buy.
Kte- I could try calling the other stores & see if they can get it in to my local one for me to pick up; hadn't thought of that, lol.
Oh well, gives me an excuse to surf ebay again. :)
Meggiemoo- they still had the bedding, curtains & stickers at my 2 local ones. It's discontinued nationwide according to the manager :( Get it while you still can! On a positive note, they'll be bringing out a new boys' set of bedding ready for xmas...
Damn, spoke to soon about the rain....this weather is awful!!!

Sorry poochy :(
Morning all :)

Meggiemoo :hi: welcome to the bumpkins babes.. Dont feel silly joining us at this point, we are pleased to have you come chat with us :)

Blimey girls i aint liking the pains this morning! i have got period type aches in my pelvis and from what i have read it means she is engaging! i knew she was dropping into my pelvis but seriously she is way too soon to be engaging!
Well i am now armed with EPO capsules and am starting them next week.. just gotta get some RLT now :)

Hope you are all ok and looking forward to the weekend :hugs:

Leah what size EPO capsules have you got? Am looking to get some but dunno which size 500mg/1000mg. Also i think i know what to do with them but not 100% lol do you put them in and leave to dissolve? :blush: I'll look a right tit if thats not what you do with them but im sure i read it somewhere lol

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