Official October Team Bumpkins

Glad I found this thread, was looking for ages! doh :)

I am due October 4th, can't wait!!!!
mum of four: shes fine in the day, I think she could be getting hungry at night? or does she know something is diffrent and a baby is coming lol? i will ring midwife tomorrow then =] thanks!

Yeah could be she can sense somethings going on kids are good at sensing things lol!
She could be hungry or just wants to know you are there for comfort xx
well i dont know if i should be in this group anymore. i'm booked in for an induction on the 16th sep. not long now 17 days yay
im really hoping the consultant will induce me eariler then 39 weeks. If i get induced at 39weeks it will be 26th sept.

I really do just want to cry to him lol im so fed up its untrue, Cant lie on my left side in bed cause my hip and stomach hurt, cant turn over anyway! Iv swelled up like a ballon, my stomach is so heavy! he must weigh a good 7lb already =[
Morning all, well were cleaning today from top to bottom, and then keep on top of it, just incase Little George arrives early!!! catch u all later xxxxxxxxx
Daopdesign: welcome to the thread :) Happy 35 weeks also!

Thrussel: are you being induced, or having a c-section on 16th sept? ither way, best of luck & I hope everything will be okay for you. Why not stay in this group, AND join the septembryo's group in the 3rd tri section too, so you get the best of both worlds???

I've got a full house this weekend. My OH's 2 best friends from university have come to visit for the weekend. Stayed up pretty much all night watching crap TV & movies and eating toast, lol. Was just like living back in our uni house, haha... and now I have a whole kitchen full of washing up, grrrrrrrr. Oh well, tis nice to have the company. They also built the baby's set of chest of drawers for me, which meant I could sit & go through all his clothes. I'v been so anal that I've done each drawer in size order, with each type of clothing put together etc. I will literally KILL my OH if he messes it up! :rofl: Can start painiting tomorrow, then gonna hire one of those rug doctor carpet cleaners. Want my house spotless before bubs comes.
hiya all..

Few questions lol..

My feet and fingers have swelled up a STUPID amount. My feet are that swallon i had a inprint of the sofa in it for agees last night =[. What shall i do? midwife has put it in my notes as i had +protein in urine.


DD has started waking in night again:cry:, she must of woken every 2hours last night. But she winging, and if i ignore her proper full on screams :nope: . Shes 18mths old. Any ideas what this could be? Her room was abit cold last night but she had pjs and a duvet on. But shes been doing this for the past 3-4 days. Its killing me :cry: . Really needs sorting before dexter arrives. Can not cope with two babies waking lol

Think I'd be keeping a close eye of her, as my DS when little only woke up during the night when he was coming down with some kind of urgh bug/cold or infection... Could be worth checking her temp...
Oooo Florabean ~ You've really made me chuckle... I've been like that with the babes stuff too, OH has yet to go near the babes clothes and wardrobe... God help him if he ventures near the stuff or even moves anything... LOL he was questioning my actions this morning as I started to dress the moses basket... LOL, ok I know I'm too early but I've washed it all and was making sure I had all the stuff in the right place... As it was it's not... Half the stuff's was upstairs in the ottoman and the rest is in the utility ready for taking upstairs to be put away...

I'm supervising OH dismantling and dusting the TV before he empties the crap out of the kitchen/diner so he can start with the decorating and floor levelling before lino is fitted... So much for him to do and so much supervising to be done... LMAO ~ taking it all in good humor...

I'm a bit concerned... I'm spotting... (I think...) There's blood, but nothing to write home about, didn't have this last time and I don't feel unwell... Keeping an eye on things over the weekend to see how/what's happening... If it doesn't come to anything more I'll be happy...

Mind you, I was talking to OH about what happens if babe arrives early a couple of days ago, as the house still has much to do; and alot of the furniture is still stored else where... It'd be just my luck... LOL if LO does decide to make a early show, just to catch us out... After much thought we've decided that we can stay in babe's room even with the moses basket, it would mean moving all the nappy changing table and stuff to the top of the landing. Hey, it's big enough and would mean that there'd be enough room for babes moses basket and stuff in the room along with our bed and the rest of the stuff in there...
Mumof4 - it's a relief to know you are feeling much better.

little kitten - i hope the move went well!

eswift - love the 'dog in car' story hehe

welcome to the thread daopdesign

thrussell - not long at all until you meet your little one! what made them decide to induce you 2 weeks before due date?

had appointment with anaesthetist last week - they put me on the maternity ward to wait for appointment. i was really enjoying peeking at the new mums with their newborn babies and trying to imagine myself there in a few weeks time... then noticed that there were no TV/internet unit things! shocking! lol
daopdesign - welcome to the thread.

Taylors mummy - hope you find out what is wrong with your DD, poor thing!

Sam76 - I've gutted my bedroom today, skirting boards and everything, feel sooo much better after you have done it don't you!

Thrussel- 16th sept is a good day ;) it's my b day hehe! My 21st birthday may I add...will be heavily pregnant, not that impressed lol!

Clou9mummy - I know what you mean, I can't wait to be the one who has just given birth on the ward, staring at my baby in the little crib next to meee!

Eswift - oh goodness, think you will be one of the only ones hoping your baby will stay in a little longer then hehe, I cant wait to evict this little man, will be starting at 37 weeks!!!

Hello to everyone else, hope you've all had a nice weekend!

Well i'm home alone AGAIN...mum and dad have gone away for the weekend to Chester for their wedding anniversary, they've been together 23 yrs now!!
Matt has gone to football this morning then straight to watch football in the pub afterwards :( so its just me and the dog!!
Think i'm going to have a nice relaxing bath and pamper myself a little, then have a read of my book! Don't like Sundays, quite to be doing something or at least with someone!!!

Little man was a little quiet last night, started to panic abit and told my mum and she was ready to ring the delivery suite to see what they think... then little man gave me the biggest prod ever and made me jump and wince a little actually lol! I think he must of been stuck and couldn't move, then all of a sudden he released himself and my goddd it made me jump! Little monkey!! Hes making up for loss of movement today, most deff!

meggiemoo - at the moment it still feel like that time will never come!!! The mums looked like they were too exhausted to look at their babies lol i did start to go pale when curtains were pulled around one bed and 4 midwives started pulling gloves on and getting big bed mats out...!!!

just read back a bit and noticed some posts that i had missed...

maffie - the TORCH screen is a blood test that tests for viral and some bacterial infections that could be passed from pregnant woman to fetus. The following infections tested for apparently are:

T – Toxoplasmosis / Toxoplasma gondii
O – Other infections - Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Varicella-Zoster Virus, HIV, and Parvovirus B19.
R – Rubella
C – Cytomegalovirus
H – Herpes simplex virus

I asked when they would let me know the results and they said would be up to 2 weeks if they come back 'abnormal' otherwise we won't hear anything so fingers crossed don't hear from them...

chaos - I don't find the consultant reassuring as he is always so grave and vague! Even when he was telling us the baby is in the oblique lie he seemed very concerned and somber even though I was only 31 weeks at the time.
Mumof4 - it's a relief to know you are feeling much better.

little kitten - i hope the move went well!

eswift - love the 'dog in car' story hehe

welcome to the thread daopdesign

thrussell - not long at all until you meet your little one! what made them decide to induce you 2 weeks before due date?

had appointment with anaesthetist last week - they put me on the maternity ward to wait for appointment. i was really enjoying peeking at the new mums with their newborn babies and trying to imagine myself there in a few weeks time... then noticed that there were no TV/internet unit things! shocking! lol

i have been bleeding for the last 5 weeks and in alot of pain.
hiya all.. Yeah i think DD is coming down with something, shes very snotty and clingy =[ poor baby.

Iv been asleep all afternoon so tired its untrue. DP has had dd lol.

My feet are killing for how swallon they are and my fingers look like sausages =[ I fel really dizzy light headed this afternoon =[
Evenin' all :laugh2:

I am worn out - did yet another car boot today but thankfully I have tomorrow off so I can :sleep: a little and get the house nice and tidy and organised - been itching to get stuff sorted for weeks! Plus my sis and bro in law come next weekend to help OH shift heavy clutter that is waiting to go to the tip so finally feel like I will have a house again :happydance:

TaylorsMummy - really does sound like you should speak to the MW - sooner rather than later to be on the safe side! :hugs: Hope your DD gets better soon too :flower:

Florabean- I wish I were orgnaised enough to have clothes in age order. OH and I were packing LO's hospital bag this afternoon and the clothes are all mixed in ages - it was driving me mad. OH kept on picking clothes that were for 3-6 months. Trouble is we have been given most of the clothes so thats why they are so mixed. We are waiting to find out what LO is before we go out and stock up on outfits! I will make some sence of it now though after I have washed everything. OH can't keep out clothes in order so I know I have no chance of him keeping LO's in order!

eswift Hope the spotting stops for you :flower: :hugs: I have been having awful hot flushes these past few days, although I think my bump had grown again so that may be why. I had to get changed into heatwave summer etire yesterday to try and keep cool. Then I would be so cold my jumper came out! :wacko: Your cat has some serious attitude! There is one down our street that has 3 legs (it got run over) and it certainly tries to make up for the fact - it is such a bully! Hope your feeling better from the other day too, its ok for you to feel bad and have a vent in here with us, I think we have all had our fair share of moans in here! We are all here for eachother :hugs:

Littlekitten Good luck with the move, hope it went smoothly and your enjoying your new pad :thumbup:

Honeysunshine Nice to see you here again, good luck catching up - I was worried that I had only missed 1 day - thankfully it was quiet in here for a change :rofl:

Meggiemoo You are brave getting on the scales - I am avoiding them :dohh: I'm not going to think about my weight until after LO is born! Glad LO stopped being cheeky! :thumbup:

Cloud9mummy Fingers crossed for you that you don't hear anything :hugs:

Mumof42009 Glad bleeding has settled :hugs: Hope you have someone to help you with organising the back to school :flower:

I think, lastly but not at least, hello :wave: and welcome to daopdesign

Congrats's to anyone hitting a milestone :happydance: I know there were a few of us hitting 32 weeks yesterday!

Sorry if I miss any later posts from this evening! It took me a while to catch up to here - I had to make notes!! :rofl:

OK, I am off to get a nice refreshing drink and go was some more of LO's things (for the hospital bag). Can't wait to get them on the airer/dryer. It will be the first batch so will look super cute!! :cloud9:
hey all, how crap is the weather this bank hol??? Kinda sucks that it isn't nice and sunny; espesh since I live 5 mins from the beach (I live literally right on the middle of the south coast) but feel like I've hardly been there this summer coz of the weirdo weather.
Got my 34 week midwife appointment tomorrow; hopefully everything is still A-Ok. :)
Managed to get a rough birth plan written too while my OH & his 2 mates were playing X-box thismorning. It was actually a lot harder to think about & do than I thought it was gonna be, but I feel glad it's pretty much done- Gonna show my MW tomorrow & see what she thinks.
It's one of my nephew's 1st birthday on tuesday, so will be at my sister's surrounded my screaming toddlers all day. Oh fun! Had NO idea what to get him; my sis said not to get clothes or toy as he has tons already. What the hell else do you get a 1 year old though???? We ended up buying him a sit on tractory/car tyoe thing from Toys R Us coz it says suitable for 1-3 yr olds so I figure even if he's too little for it now, it'll be good for him to play with later & also bought him some 18-24mth bodysuits & sleepsuits in bright colours with funky patterns on from Asda coz agin, he can grow into them. My sis will probably moan, but oh well. My OH also bought my 5 yr old nephew a wicked pair of black 'reef' flip flops with little white & silver skulls on them so he doesn't feel left out, lol.

Anyway, enjoy what's left of the bank holiday everyone!!!! :)
OMG! What is wrong with me.....I have done nothing but eat ALL day, and tbh it hasn't been the healthiest of stuff :( Jaffacakes, Chocolate spread on toast, chicken super noodles for dinner, choccie biscuits with my cup of tea... I blame my mum for not being here and feeding me good stuff! and Matt did the shopping for the weekend while they are away and went way overboard with crap....god help us when we move out, we will be living on pizzas,takeaways and jaffacakes!! hehe :(

Matt has just said he is going to make salmon with new potato's for jaw nearly hit the floor...didn't even know he can cook, hope i'm still here later & alive LOL

KTE - sounds like you have been busy, hope you have a nice chilled out day tomorrow!

Florabean - Hope all goes well at your MW appt tomorrow...well done on writing your birth plan too, I haven't even thought about mine yet - oops!
Have fun at your nephews 1st b day party...aww!! My friend was the same when it was my god daughters 1st birthday, she didn't want any clothes or toys for her, so we bought her a really cute personalised cutlery set with a knife, fork and spoon, so cute seeing her try to feed herself with them!!

Taylors mummy - You sound really fed up :( take it really easy, I know its probs not that easy with your daughter around, get your fella to take her out for a few hours or something? I would deff speak to the MW about how your feeling, surely swollen feet hands etc aren't a good sign??

Good Evening Ladies...

OH has worked really hard... aww bless and he's manged to empty half the diningroom/kitchen... I'm tired from just watching him lol... We've got a bit of a problem, as we're not wanting to fill up the rooms already finished, we've found we've basically nowhere to put any of the stuff that's stored in there... Plus we've no ladders small enough to get up the stairs to the loft... Gonna have to see if my Dad's got some tomorrow... Then at least we can store some stuff in our tiny loft...

We've talked and think maybe storing the stuff in the corner of the livingroom only whilst he cracks on in the kitchen diner... It only highlights how much crap we have... Nah how little storage we have as all our units are in storage at OH's mums...

Spotting seems to have stopped now, thanks goodness; OH has made sure all I've done is supervise... I'm hoping that, there's no more... Just going to keep an eye from now on...

Glad you're all making the most of your long weekend...
Hi everyone...sorry to barge in...I've been reading this thread for weeks but never had courage to post! (Silly me lol)

I'm yemii and I'm 32weeks today!! Due 25th Oct. I have a 10yr old daughter.

Hope everyone is having a good evening xxxx Yemii
Hi Yemii!!

I'm due just before you, my DS is also 10 years old too... I'm quite excited and yet quite nervous about starting again...

Glad you've had the courage to post, the ladies on here are really nice, comforting and full of advice... So, welcome to the group...

I've just had breakfast, OH is zzzzing away upstairs but who can blame him it's stupid o'clock in the morning... Certainly going to be an interesting week next week as OH is back on days again... Quite looking forward to having some company in an evening... LOL still won't be awake much past 9pm... I only manged to 8pm yesterday, came down really groggy, pins and 'needlely', wasn't sure what the hell was going on... Anyhow, when my head hit the pillow that was me until 3.30am...

Longest sleep I've had for a while... I'm definately going to have to try and have a nap today, as I think that going into overdrive on an afternoon is doing me no favours... Went to bed with a headache and have woken up with one too... bummer...

Hope you all have an excellent day today, not sure what we're doing; might have a ride to a car boot, hopefully going to collect another ebay item... Sometime today we're going to have to get my car from my parents house as I need it for work tomorrow... At least I'm only on a 4 day week this week...

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