Official October Team Bumpkins

LK- they're a;ready out of stock on the website- the entire collection seems to be out of stock. Oh well; my boy can live witghout a matching rug & mobile. I was given a mobile (I love my Bear, or something) by my boss anyway, so that'll have to do. When he's bigger, we'd really like to do an underwater themed room for him, which would make his daddy very happy since he's a scuba diver, but it seems a bit pointless while we're still renting & it'll be at least another year before we can afford to buy.
Kte- I could try calling the other stores & see if they can get it in to my local one for me to pick up; hadn't thought of that, lol.
Oh well, gives me an excuse to surf ebay again. :)
Meggiemoo- they still had the bedding, curtains & stickers at my 2 local ones. It's discontinued nationwide according to the manager :( Get it while you still can! On a positive note, they'll be bringing out a new boys' set of bedding ready for xmas...

they got this mobile on ebay
Jo i got the 500mg ones from Asda :)

This link explains about taking them :) When i come to applying them down there i will break them open and use the oil whilst doing a perinial massage .. You can insert them and leave them to dissolve overnight though :) HTH hun xx
Thanks for that i just found that website and its explains everything - strange to think that back at xmas and new year i was desperately trying to get a baby in there now im talking about getting him out soon!
afternoon everyone. well have enjoyed my few days off work i guess, just worried i will be bored when my hols and maternity leave start! had to do a 24hr urine collection thing yesterday and take it back to hospital this morning - god im glad thats over with!! sick of peeing into a jug!

hope everyone has a nice weekend x

ps, welcome meg :)
Gosh... You've all been really busy again on here... Had a great read...:thumbup:

LK - Good Luck with your move... DON'T DO TOO MUCH!?!?!:hugs:

Kte - Won't be too long now until you start your mat leave... I've still got 3 weeks left, then I've 4 weeks leave and then mat leave starts 2 days before babe's due... Lads at work are counting the weeks now too... I'm counting the weeks till they all have their hols, made my weeks pass faster... Crackers I know, but every little helps...:dohh:

I'm not planning on a evict the babe project, well not intentionally... I'm sure OH & I will be like rabbits when I stop work... We're really starting to miss each others company, contact, affection and attention... Hehehe sounds like a lovely way to spend the morning when DS is out at school...:sex::sex::sex:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: I've a little story to tell, but bear with me; it makes me giggle just thinking about it... You all know by now I'm a postman (well woman anyway) When on my delivery at the beginning of the year, A lady kept walking past a parked car, looking at the windows, walking away and walking back to the car...

Odd I thought, just kept an eye on her as I was delivering the mail. She was still walking backwards and forwards to the car, looking through the windows, walking away and walking back to the car. When I got to the house near where the car was parked..

Well, when I got to the drive of the house I knew what was up... The people inside the house were having a midmorning session:sex::sex:, with the windows open... She was groaning and he was obviosly doing something right... The noises sounded similar to a small whining dog... Which the lady must have thought was in the car...[-X

Ok a nicer person than me would have left laughing:haha:... I just looked at the lady near the car, got her eye contact, looked up at the window... She must a gathered what the noise was, as she went a fantastic shade of red, did the whole mouth dropping thing, and walked away double quick:dohh:... Only to glance back at the house as she passed the drive...:blush:

Oh... I can tell you I nearly wet myself that day, it did make me chuckle; and I sorry, it still puts a smile on my face when I deliver to the house...:kiss:
Evening all :)

I hope so eswift! I need to find something to count down to in between! At least I won't be on my own next week as my friend in the office comes back off her holiday, we can go insane together then!

LOL - that is so funny you had to point it out to her! Oh dear! It's funny the noises people make! I used to be hear my next door neighbours at it when I lived at home with my Mum and Dad. Me and my best friend still laugh about it now, when they had finished (the neighbours) all we could hear was her crying / sobbing, it was more like she was upset than pleased! We never knew if her crying was a good of a bad thing (we were innocent back then!). . . but they kept on doing it so he must have been doing something right! We were always a little embaressed when we saw them :rofl:

I just went for a walk to stretch my legs. I only walked around the block and OH didn't want to come. Anyways, off I set but as soon as I got onto the street my cat appeared. Bless him, he trotted around with me and then came in for some food. He is so cute when he does that!
Hi Ladies
Just wanted to drop by and say thanks to you all for your support over the past few days, it meant alot to me. I am feeling loads better, still having bleeds but not as bad as ive been having im just so worried about my little man and praying he can hang in few more weeks.
I hope everyones ok and bumps i need to catch up with the thread!
Well I'm now back for my last night in the house...parents have gone off to their hotel to get some sleep as we are all reconvening here at 7.30am. Managed to buy the curtain poles and curtains for our bedroom and the lounge diner. Just got to put them all up now as dad didnt have the correct screwdrivers or anything to stand on lol.

Wishing I could go to bed. Had KFC for dinner and now feeling really quite sick. But have to wait for OH to finish work cos I have to go fetch him. That could be any time between 10 and midnight!
lk- you've got such a lot on at the mo, i'm sure you could do without feeling urgh. Hope tomorrow goes without a hitch.

Mumof4 - glad you're back. Hope lo stay's put at least for a while longer.

Kte - my cats are a little barmy too. One has a habit of walking ds half way to school and all the way to the local shop. Sometime he meets ds on his way home from school. The other one is never too far from the food bowl... He strolls across the road so arrogantly the cars stop and wait for him.little sod. You'd have thought that being hit by a car years ago would have stopped him, but oh no... He's got all day. Does make me laugh when he stops in the middle to lick his bits as the car's waiting for him... Told you he's a little sod...

Anyway, i'm all ready for bed, OH is at work, not happy tho, they've put him on days short notice again. He doesn't really mind, but it's the lies they tell him, he can't stand. If they've forgotten someone's on hols, why not tell him, rather than fob him off telling him that his job's cancelled? Don't they realise he talks to the bosses at bt each evening and morning. So he knows his job still needs doing... Oh well, we all only need the money, they shafted him like this last bh too... It's a rather large drop in wages and hours too... So much for sorting the finances out after the 3 weeks+ of days last time? Guess it's not their problem. Wish there were other jobs around here at the moment, there just so few, we've gotta be grateful he's working... Part of me thinks that's why the agency keeps lying to OH...
It can't be morning already can it??? I feel as though I've been a wake all night, babe has had one big party, I'm sure it started as I laid down and my head hit the pillow... I've ended up with one hell of a uncomfy pain half way across my tummy. Can I get it to move? Can I buggery... Then to top it all off my lovely considerate whining dog had me up at 2.30am, so no sooner was I back in bed my bloody alarm was going off... And I've still got the pain in my tummy... I'm shattered... God help anyone who speaks slightly off key to me today, I'll probably throw their words and gestures back at them and then burst into tears... Worst thing about it all is yet again we've so much to do...

Oh, well; no rest for the wicked... Letting breakfast settle (hoping it stays) then I'm off to get dressed... I'm so glad I've only 3 weeks left at getting out of my pit at 4.30 ish... It's starting to really suck... I know I'm not at work very long once I'm there... But by golly I'm so tired come the afternoon... I had a nap yeterday woke up with the shakes 2 hours later absolutely starving... Stomach growling, shaky and looking like crap... (seems a standard look at the moment crappy... either that or covered in dust...)

I'm sorry ladies, I guess I'm just not in a good mood this morning and it's not fair taking it out on you all when you 1st wake up... Right, I'll go get dressed and catch you all later... Hope you all manage to acheive everything you set out to do today, with no complication and have a wonderful day to boot... Love ya all...
Morning ladies.

Eswift - sorry you are having such a rubbish morning! OH got in a strop last night cos I complained that he always pushes my pillows off the bed in the night....with the effect that I actually slept straight through til 5.30am without waking!!! Woke up dying for a pee and when I got back into bed James decided it was party time. Luckily he only kept me awake for about 15 mins before I was out for the count again til the 7am alarm.

Well mum and dad will be here in 10 mins to commence operation move day lol. May be last post for a little while as we have to sort out internet and I'm not sure when I will have it again. Hopefully not too bloody long! Gonna have withdrawl symptoms lol. Have a great weekend everyone and chat to you all soon!
OMG, Im not kidding, Ive not popped on here for like a week and Ive got a million pages to read through :rofl: :rofl:

Hope youre all well! Im about to go through all the by the time Im done youll all be another week ahead! :dohh:
Morning all,

Eswift, oh I salute you for getting up at 4:30am! What is it that you do?? Hope the next few weeks fly by so you don't have to work anymore & can rest!

LittleKitten, hope the move goes smoothly, catch up with u when ur back :)

Mumof4, read ur post the other day, glad your little one is deciding to stay tucked up abit longer, make sure you rest plenty now!

Welll i'm up, not normally out of bed till 11 at weekend, but I had a pretty good night sleep for once :O ... fell asleep about 11 and woke up probs twice, about 4:30 and 5, didn't need the toilet though so fell straight back to sleep...feel like i've slept for a week!

I've got work today at 2, 3 more shifts and then i'm done! Can't wait, even though I only do like 16 hours a week anyway lol...however cause I didn't qualify for SMP, I get MA and could choose my best pay from certain amount of weeks, and as I used to do more hours, I will get more pay and will be better off..wahoo! Like it when things work out in my favour, who doesn't?!

Soo I think i'm going to relax till 2 now, might go meet my sister at work and see if she fancies lunch hehe! I'm reallly hungry, just had breakfast but already thinking about lunch!!

Weighed myself this morning & i've put on another shed load of weight :( ... I now weigh 12st 1....i've never ever been this heavy in my life!!! I've always been 9st ish, not looking forward to trying to get rid of it all!! Oh well little man wil be worth it :D <3

Anyway will catch up with you all later, hope you all have a good day!

morning all =]

Me and DP got abit carried away last night :sex: lol :haha:. DP said it was "to get that baby out of you" :haha::blush:.

Anyway, nothing happend :cry: Wore a pad last night though and very damp this morning TMI sorry.
Every time i turned over i got a shooting pain in my tummy like period pains, Thought that was something but nope.

I had a right werid thing happen last night. Was fast asleep, woke up needing a wee/drink. I must of been dribberling lol because i moved my pilow which was wet lol:haha: and for some reason i thought my waters had broken :haha: So i went loo and came back and sat for 5mins trying to work out if it was dribble or waters LMAO even though the pillow was under my head :blush: I was really sleepy lol
Good afternoon ladies,

Sorry I've not been on for a couple of days so I've lost track of what's going on. I hope we are all ok. :hugs:

It's been pretty un-eventful here! I seem to have gotten huge lately...I can't pick anything up off the floor anymore without emitting a noise reminiscent of an old lady! :haha:

Life is good though...apart from the lack of money. My mum is coming over tomorrow and bringing lots of baby stuff though so I'm looking forward to that...reminds me I promised her muffins! lol She's also having to bring us a bottle of milk and £10 for fuel as my pay is not going to clear until Tuesday at the latest......blasted bank holiday!! :growlmad:

Right, I'm starving so I'm off to make myself a concoction of food that's left in the cupboard.....sausage casserole with rice for tea.....and I had a cornetto for breakfast (It was a strawberry one!! lol)

Anyhoo, I hope we're all ok. Hugs to those who need it! :hugs:

Morning all...

Golly I'm glad it was quieter on here yesterday, not had so much to catch up on... lol...

Well, I had a day of mixed emotions yesterday, probably all from being tired... At work I was very quiet, the lads left me alone, bless; although they still made sure I wasn't carrying anything... One or two asked how I was, explained about the lack of sleep. Think we were playing chinese whispers as no-one (and I mean no-one) tried to be funny and take the micky... Made a nice change, I wasn't the only grumpy one either (the lad on the frame next to me was grumpy too... I wasn't on my own!!)

Went to the loo whilst there, found I'd had a bit of a bleed too (kept an eye on it all day) and nothing more... But boy did it play inside my head all day... Told OH about it, he made sure I did no lifting etc all day and kept sending me out the way... Bless him...

After work, went and swapped cars with my Dad, collected the kitchen units from the builder; he's already okay'd it with the lad I work with about me getting the units he's taking out of his kitchen too. Even told me to talk to him on Tuesday, when back at work. Builder has offered to take the units out of the lads house for me and bring them up to the house for us... Aww bless... I asked him "why, you don't have too" I got back, "I know, I like you and you've been very good to us.." As he gave me a hug... Said to OH "I know it's sweet of him to say that, but I'm not sure how I/we've been good to them; I've not treated them any different to how I'd treat anyone else..." OH said "Maybe, that's the difference, you've not talked down to them, or treated them as 'just the builder'..."

So, all I've to do now is see the lad from work, and let him know I'd like the kitchen units... etc and then we have a kitchen!?!?! Woo Hoo... Oh, builders also said I can call him and borrrow his trailer to move the units too, he'd even help OH etc as he doesn't want me lifting... I feel we've fallen really very lucky, now just have to see how things go and if the plan will come together...

Slept better last night, although I've now gained prickly heat under my boobs too. Now I know it wasn't hot yesterday and in all honesty I did bugger all... OH thinks it's a hormonal change or sommat that's causing it. I know I get very warm very quick at the moment, but even so... I smell of baby talc all the time, although the prickly heat under my arms has eased compared to what it was; it's still there... How can I keep under my boobs cool?? I've no idea - wear an ice pack inside my bra?? Can't believe we're coming into autumn and now I get the rash?? Not even as though we're having a heat wave...

Anyway... Off to make a brew and have a cold glass of water... Catch you later ladies... Have a lovely Sunday, I planning on watch OH empty the kitchen/diner ready for decorating and floor leveling... I enjoy watching others work... Something quite rewarding about it... LMAO...
hiya all..

Few questions lol..

My feet and fingers have swelled up a STUPID amount. My feet are that swallon i had a inprint of the sofa in it for agees last night =[. What shall i do? midwife has put it in my notes as i had +protein in urine.


DD has started waking in night again:cry:, she must of woken every 2hours last night. But she winging, and if i ignore her proper full on screams :nope: . Shes 18mths old. Any ideas what this could be? Her room was abit cold last night but she had pjs and a duvet on. But shes been doing this for the past 3-4 days. Its killing me :cry: . Really needs sorting before dexter arrives. Can not cope with two babies waking lol
Morning Ladies :flower:

Hope mums and bumps are ok
eswift-hope your ok put your feet up and rest if you can :hugs:
Well my bleeding has finally settled :happydance: lets hope stays away for few more weeks! Ive been feeling so tired over the past week just not in the mood to do anything but need to get things organised as the kids go back in a weeks time.:thumbup: My little man is lying in the most uncomfortable position ever feels like his body is against my left side and top of bump is kiling really sore to touch i think this boy enjoys giving me trouble :baby:.
Hope you all have a nice day xx
hiya all..

Few questions lol..

My feet and fingers have swelled up a STUPID amount. My feet are that swallon i had a inprint of the sofa in it for agees last night =[. What shall i do? midwife has put it in my notes as i had +protein in urine.


DD has started waking in night again:cry:, she must of woken every 2hours last night. But she winging, and if i ignore her proper full on screams :nope: . Shes 18mths old. Any ideas what this could be? Her room was abit cold last night but she had pjs and a duvet on. But shes been doing this for the past 3-4 days. Its killing me :cry: . Really needs sorting before dexter arrives. Can not cope with two babies waking lol

I would ring your mw and see what she says its best to be safe hun.
Your dd might be coming down with something if she doesnt normally wake at night i would keep an eye on her how is she in the day? x
mum of four: shes fine in the day, I think she could be getting hungry at night? or does she know something is diffrent and a baby is coming lol? i will ring midwife tomorrow then =] thanks!

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