Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning everyone.

I have my 33 week consultant appointment today. Not very excited about it though.
With my dd I remember we drove the 30 miles to our local hospital for this appointment, and the consultant asked how I was feeling (fine) and had a palp of the belly and that was it! Waste of time and fuel.

At least this time it's at my local Health Centre so it's only a 5 minute walk for me!

I am feeling ok, just generally run-down. Had the cold again, got a few spots and an ulcer. Only 50 days to go though!!!!

Right I had better go and persuade my dd to get ready for school. It's her 3rd week of Priamry 1 and she cries when I leave her at the gate in the mornings :(

Have a nice day everyone (especially all you lucky non Scottish people on a Bank Holiday!!)
Morning all, not been about much this weekend has we had the boys and i seem to have come down with a bit of a cold bug. Baby hasn't been as active last few days but I think it's because i'm run down. He's still moving about but not as frequent as i'd like. No kids today so going to chill a bit in between baking and see if things pick up. Have midwife tomorrow.

32 weeks today :happydance:

OH's ex is still driving me potty but whats new there hey :lol:

Welcome to the new comers on the thread :hi:

oooh those torch tests sound like a load of tests I had done at 12 weeks :shrug:

Also have a question. Is it possible sperm is making me lose bits of my plug? When we last :sex: I had a full day of loosing something and wasn't like discharge much too thick and hard to describe sorry tmi :blush:
Morning all, hope you all managed to get some sleep!

We are off to a boot sale today so hoping for some bargins.

Have a good day x yemii x
Morning all ! Hope you all had a nice weekend and Im so jelous you have a bank holiday over there !

No news really had a very boring weekend but thats just what I needed !

Hi to all newcomers .

Morning all, hope were all well xx Well were off shopping today and were going to have our Lunch at Frankie & Bennys!!! its our anniversary Tommorow too xxxx have a great day ladies catch up later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm just cleaning today seeing as I didn't do it yesterday! Can't believe we're in Sep tomorrow, our LAST month babieless!!! xxx
Morning all,

Just a quick hello before I go and vac the stairs!

Sorry Maffie - I'm not sure :hugs: Hope someone else can help / has the answer. Hope you feel better soon too :flower: Congrat's on 32 weeks :happydance:

Hi & Welcome yemii_2009 :wave:

Hope the appointment isn't too frustrating Mrs029 :hugs:

Enjoy your meal sam76 :thumbup:

I am the same daopdesign - an extra day to clean, but I'm still enjoying it - sad huh!

Right I am off, my cats are driving me mad so the vac will soon quiet them down!!

Enjoy your day no matter where you are or what your doing :D
i think/hoping this could be the start of something. Have sharp pains at top of bump, abit of back ache that makes me feel like i need a number two TMI. and bolts of dirariah [sp] all night, and a dull tummy ache. Fingers crossed! lol
morning all, hope everyones well and having a good bank hol :)

ive come down with a cold :( still shouldn't complain its the frst time through the whole pregnancy that ive felt this crap, so not too bad! and only 5 days left at work til im done :) quite looking forward to going in to work this week, think its going to be busy with it being month end so it should go quick!

just crashing on sofa today and eating chocolate me thinks..

anyone know where you can buy that raspberry leaf tea stuff and when you can start taking it?? im getting a bit over being pregnant now! cant wait to get back into my normal clothes :)

have a good day everyone x
Good Afternoon Ladies...

Well,so far today all I've done is eat... LOL breakie at 4am, breakie 2 at 7.30am, snack at 11am and bacon buttie just... Think I've gone from having 3 meals a day to about 20 snacks... Roll on tea time, Lamb chops... yummy...

We had a walk around a car boot today, all I brought was safety net for a crib... OH is slowly working his way further into the kitchen/diner... We so much stuff, I know it all needs sorting out but the storage is still in storage... Think we just going to store the stuff in the caravan for now until kitchen/diner's decorated and floored. Then the storage can come back, and the stuff unpacked and put away or binned... I have a feeling there's a lot of stuff that will probably just be chucked... As we're working our way into the kitchen we're coming across so much stuff that the damp/weather has knackered...

We've to pop out later as I've an ebay win to collect 'a leap frog learn & groove bouncer', putting it away for Christmas... LOL I know it's gonna be too young but DS won't understand if he's the only one who'll have presents... DS had a bouncy car when he was little, he spent so much time in it... I found it a god send... Really like the leap frog bouncer, plus I've paid less than £30 so I'm happy... OH has not said a dicky bird, only that he thinks it's a good idea to try to get bits for Christmas before we get there...

Mrs029 ~ Hope appointment goes well...

Glad to see everyone else is trying to make the most of their bank holiday too...
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone's enjoying the back holiday!

Me feeling like crap since 2 days... I hardly get any sleep during the night...... and I sleep during the day.

LO moves to a position above my ribs - which makes it so uncomfortable, I go breathless and giddy if I dont wake up soon :cry: it is so uncomfy!!!! :nope:. Is it something serious?? Gottu tell ma mid-wife about it!!!!!

Got a bit of SPD - feeling really hard to get out of bed! have to struggle for 2-3 mins to get up... :nope: wake up my DH 3-4 times everynight!!!! :dohh: poor him, he doesnt complain!

Got Leg cramps - horrible feel like muscles ache.... pulled apart! Toes n ankles painful.. prob coz of the weight!

It has become hard to turn sides on the bed...... feels like the whole weight shifts from one side to other... which is getting un-comfortable!!!!!

got my 34 week appointment on the 2nd Sept.... My Birthday :happydance::happydance: Hopefully I will get a decent sleep by then.

Hope everypne enjoying their day! :hugs::hugs::flower:
Well that appointment was so NOT a waste of time!!

I had the midwife first who discovered protein in my urine, so she has sent that off to be tested. My BP was fine though.

Than I saw the consultant (Who was running 30mins behind) but he had the portable scanner with him!!!
I so wasn't expecting anymore scans so this was a great surprise!
Baby looks perfect, mesuring bang on etc. I even saw up his wee nose :rofl:

The only thing is my fundal height is still 1 week ahead, but thats because of excess fluid. My AFI is 18, which is on the high side of normal. I was the same with my dd too. But that at least explains why the bump is a wee bit bigger than it should be, and baby is measuring fine.

Apart from that I have a trapped nerve at the top of my bum which is making any movement agony, especially walking :(
I also hope I don't have an infection, but I am sure they are easy enough treated.

Next midwife appointment at 34weeks, next Consultant appointment at 41 weeks! (Quite surprised at that as my dd was 2 weeks early!)
Good afternoon ladies,

How are we all. Sorry to hear everyone seems to be achey etc. I was in agony last night but it seems to have eased this morning thank goodness! Baby seems to have grown about 3 inches outwards in the last day.....boy I'm huge!!

Anyhoo, we're still skint, blooming bank holidays! Grrrr which means we're living on beans on toast and coco-pops as we have entirely run out of food. Had to borrow £10 off my Mum for fuel...that felt good! My Mum also brought a load of baby stuff over, bedding and moses basket stands and all sorts. Bless her! We are going to be decorating the nursery in the next couple of weeks (hubby has a long weekend) and I so cannot wait to get everything put into the room, properly laid out and all the clothes etc out of the boxes. 35 weeks seems a good point to do this....I know a lot of you ladies are a lot more organised but thanks to work I've had to wait. It will make it all a lot more real!

Quick question...maybe a little TMI but last night while :sex: with hubby, I felt some really weird fluttering 'down there'. It seemed to coincide with when hubby was playing with my breasts. I know that nipple stimulation can be used to induce labour....but how much would actually cause baby to make an appearance or is it unreliable. I would prefer not to give up on 'intimate time' if I don't have to.....I'm sorry but my drive is higher than a kite at the mo! :blush:

Right, I'm off to have a quick tidy up etc around the house before hubby gets home! Have a great BH ladies....I'm thoroughly bored so i'll be glad when he gets here. I really need the company!
I was really looking forward to OH getting home but when he did he took my 'I have been alone and going insane' de-stress as me having a go at him. Which is not true, I just wanted to talk but what a mistake. All I wanted was a hug and to be told 'don't worry about it all' but no. More fool me. He just said there was no point me moaning to him . . . so thanks for the moral support, I know where I can't go next time I just need a chat to get things out and feel better. (Sorry that's why its probabily all in here now!)

Today just feels like a waste of time, I have been itching for today for ages and it has been a complete and utter flop. I really wanted to get things sorted but no matter how hard I tried it seems I wasn't supposted to. The vac was problematic although it is working now, it just too 10x longer to vac up than expected.

I hung the towels out to dry only for the washing line to break and them go all over the gammy back garden. Its a right tip out there at the moment. They only collect our rubbish one a fortnight and I can't drag the bin round the front anymore. OH was late back home on bin day hence we have 2 weeks worth of bin bags outside festering and another weeks to add on top of that. I feel like such a scruff :cry: It doesn't help that the cats have been and raided some of the bags so there are bits of food everywhere.

Roll on next week when my sis comes to help us clear all the crap but I didn't want the house to get any more of a mess. I didn't really want to rely on any extra, I feel like such a failure.

I want to go finish a load of washing now but next door neighbour is out and he can talk for England and I just can not be arsed with niceties for the sake of it today.

My going home pants I was going to use to bring LO home in have a hole in them and I just scuffed my 'new' trainers (only had them a month) on the front and they are now wrecked. Not as if I have the funds to replace them either.

Hope everyone else is having a better day than me. Roll on work :nope: NOT. Think I just need a week off to tackle it all but I have no holiday left at all due to my crappy matenity entitlement. Oh well.

P.s aimee-lou - I heard you have to do it an awful lot to get things moving enough. It does produce some kind of hormone that helps but I don't think it would set you off. I'm sure posted a like a few days ago about gettimg bubs out and it mentioed it on there!
Kte ~ I'm so sorry you're having a crappy day:hugs: It's a shame when OH's take what we say the totally wrong way... My OH has had to put up with an awful lot of my moods swing since we've been expecting... LOL Generally he's been good, when I start to rant he just stands and listens then give me a hug; just before the water work start...:blush:

Aimee-lou ~ If you're still enjoying the bedroom action I wouldn't worry; make the most of it love... Won't be much time when babe arrives... Like Kte said, I sure it'll take more than a little nipple action to bring babe out... I'm looking forward to taking OH to bed tonight :winkwink::winkwink:
Thanks eswift. Think it's just one of those 'its all getting on top of me moments'. I have offered OH a drink so hopefully he will come round at my peace offering. Think I do just need a hug!
Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

First and foremost, I'M ON THE LAST BOX!!! :happydance::happydance:
SO excited haha. I'm hoping Fridays full moon might do something to move Miss Autumn along lol.

Got a busy week this week. Tomorrow is our 2nd appointment at the lawyers regarding the bankruptcy. We find out which chapter we can file, if we need to lay any thing back and how long it will take to file. I'm nervous.

Thursday I have my 36 week appointment. I'll now be going weekly. I also have to schedule my last ultrasound. for 37/38 weeks.

My hubby actually said my bump looked lower yesterday also.

Wendesday after a month of me trying to get hold of someone we have the builders coming in to check the house. It was built a year ago, and this is to fix things now the house has 'settled' .. things like nail pops and in some of the rooms the skirting boards have come away from the walls, some of the grout between tiles have cracked, just normal things that happen to a new house as it settles. I'll be glad to get it done tho so I aint go to worry about it with a new baby.

It's REALLY hard to get out of bed at night now to pee, I have to kinda just roll out on to the floor. Then I can't walk properly and bend my ankles cause I got the same achy fluid build up in them haha so I shuffle across the floor. Hubby said he can always tell when I'm up for a pee cause it's *fidget fidget THUD shuffle shuffle shuffle* lol

TaylorsMummy ~ I'd inform your MW about the swelling just to be safe. Push a finger in to the swollen part for 5 seconds and see how long it takes for the indentation to go. A certain amount of swelling is normal, but only the MW can tell the extent and if you need treatment.
Maybe you should also mention to the MW about being so down....

Mumof4 ~ I hate that sore part of the bump thing. I dunno what Autumn does in my but there is a certain spot on the left side of my bump, about the size of a cookie cutter and if she lays against it, it hurts SO bad. I'm glad you're doing better :) :hugs:

Daopdesign ~ Welcome to the thread! I added your due date to the first page of this thread. :) From the blue ticker I assume you're expecting a boy?

Thrussell ~ Of course you should still be here!!!! :hugs:

Flora ~ Aww that's nice of them to set that stuff up for you.

Eswift ~ I'd be inclined just to give your MW a ring and just mention it to them, tell them you feel fine. Better to be safe than sorry .. :hugs:

MeggieMoo ~ LOL you'll be praying for those 'quiet Sundays' soon :rofl:

Yemii_2009 ~ Welcome to the thread! I added your due date to the first page of this thread. What are you expecting? Have fun at the boot fairs!

Mrs029 ~ Hope you feel better :hugs:

Maffie ~ Congrats on 32 weeks :happydance::happydance: Re sperm, yup. The chemicals in sperm can help the cervix dilate, its why the Drs tell you to have sex to help labour along! :)

Lindak ~ *wave*

Sam ~ Have a great lunch and happy anniversary for tomorrow!

Kte ~ LOL my Winston is terrified of the hoover, the moment I touch it, his arse is dust and hiding upstairs. Murphy finds a high vantage point and just stares at it as I move it around.

H702 ~ Hope you feel better. Baby isn't ready to come out yet! 37 weeks is full term. I don't think those old midwives tales work to be honest, baby aint gonna come out until they are ready. I feel you on feeling totally over pregnant tho, am DONE!!!

Ok breakfast time!
Well the bootsale was a big disappointment! No bargins at all! Tho we did go into stafford town centre and I managed to get a changing bag for 8.99 instead of 50.00!!!! Well impressed.

I'm sorry so many of u are feeling crappy...hope it passes and u can enjoy the rest of your day. I've been waking up with horrid headaches for the past few days, sometimes they go but today it seems to want to stay!!!
Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

First and foremost, I'M ON THE LAST BOX!!! :happydance::happydance:
SO excited haha. I'm hoping Fridays full moon might do something to move Miss Autumn along lol.

Got a busy week this week. Tomorrow is our 2nd appointment at the lawyers regarding the bankruptcy. We find out which chapter we can file, if we need to lay any thing back and how long it will take to file. I'm nervous.

Thursday I have my 36 week appointment. I'll now be going weekly. I also have to schedule my last ultrasound. for 37/38 weeks.

My hubby actually said my bump looked lower yesterday also.

Wendesday after a month of me trying to get hold of someone we have the builders coming in to check the house. It was built a year ago, and this is to fix things now the house has 'settled' .. things like nail pops and in some of the rooms the skirting boards have come away from the walls, some of the grout between tiles have cracked, just normal things that happen to a new house as it settles. I'll be glad to get it done tho so I aint go to worry about it with a new baby.

It's REALLY hard to get out of bed at night now to pee, I have to kinda just roll out on to the floor. Then I can't walk properly and bend my ankles cause I got the same achy fluid build up in them haha so I shuffle across the floor. Hubby said he can always tell when I'm up for a pee cause it's *fidget fidget THUD shuffle shuffle shuffle* lol

TaylorsMummy ~ I'd inform your MW about the swelling just to be safe. Push a finger in to the swollen part for 5 seconds and see how long it takes for the indentation to go. A certain amount of swelling is normal, but only the MW can tell the extent and if you need treatment.
Maybe you should also mention to the MW about being so down....

Mumof4 ~ I hate that sore part of the bump thing. I dunno what Autumn does in my but there is a certain spot on the left side of my bump, about the size of a cookie cutter and if she lays against it, it hurts SO bad. I'm glad you're doing better :) :hugs:

Daopdesign ~ Welcome to the thread! I added your due date to the first page of this thread. :) From the blue ticker I assume you're expecting a boy?

Thrussell ~ Of course you should still be here!!!! :hugs:

Flora ~ Aww that's nice of them to set that stuff up for you.

Eswift ~ I'd be inclined just to give your MW a ring and just mention it to them, tell them you feel fine. Better to be safe than sorry .. :hugs:

MeggieMoo ~ LOL you'll be praying for those 'quiet Sundays' soon :rofl:

Yemii_2009 ~ Welcome to the thread! I added your due date to the first page of this thread. What are you expecting? Have fun at the boot fairs!

Mrs029 ~ Hope you feel better :hugs:

Maffie ~ Congrats on 32 weeks :happydance::happydance: Re sperm, yup. The chemicals in sperm can help the cervix dilate, its why the Drs tell you to have sex to help labour along! :)

Lindak ~ *wave*

Sam ~ Have a great lunch and happy anniversary for tomorrow!

Kte ~ LOL my Winston is terrified of the hoover, the moment I touch it, his arse is dust and hiding upstairs. Murphy finds a high vantage point and just stares at it as I move it around.

H702 ~ Hope you feel better. Baby isn't ready to come out yet! 37 weeks is full term. I don't think those old midwives tales work to be honest, baby aint gonna come out until they are ready. I feel you on feeling totally over pregnant tho, am DONE!!!

Ok breakfast time!

Yey final box !! I cant wait to get there its my next milstone to get to....... Good luck tommorrow xx
We are expecting a boy...Stanley Arthur Buster daughter chose arthur and my 4yr old nephew said buster lol we can't wait.

Going on holiday in 3 weeks, really looking forward to it but just hoping stanley stays where he is (we've had lots of problems and pregnancy with daughter was very problematic) it would just be my luck to go into labour after driving 7hrs to devon!!! 4days holiday may turn into a week at least lol

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