Official October Team Bumpkins

:hi: to the newcomer's on the thread. :)

Totally had a weird dream last night- my house got raided by the police & I woke up screaming. OH nearly had a heart attack & said, "I haven't packed anthing for myself & I dont have any change for the carpark!" He thought I'd gone into labour in the night, bless him. I'm fine though; just got freaked out & couldn't settle back to sleep again. Ended up totally missing my 34 week midwife appointment & felt really bad about it. I NEVER miss appointments. Luckily my MW called & was all concerned thinking I was ill or something, so we've resceduled for next week instead...

Off to my nephew's 1st birthday party tomorrow, then on weds I'm going with my OH to Sussex to see his mum & the ponies. Should be interesting. She cares more about her precious horses than her son or me or future grandson, lol, so will be intrigued to see what she has to say to us, considering she hasn't bothered to come see us since xmas.

Was a total pratt earlier today & managed to poor boiling water on my hand while making a cup of tea; it's really sore between my fingers now. Wont be doing that again in a hurry. I'm defo getting more & more clumsy as this pregnancy goes on. Keep bashing my bump into things & opening cupboards into my hips & whacking my head on the bedside table... Feel like a walking disaster area!!! :rofl:

Anyways, happy Monday everyone & :hugs: to those who need them & :) to everyone else.
Hiya girls :hi:

Sorry i havent been about the last couple of days, i have been so tired and VERY grumpy! So :hugs: to all in need of them and a big hello to all newbies :wave:

Well girls i am in shock, with my last 2 kids i never leaked in the boobie department until they were born, but today in the bath i noticed i am leaking a tiny bit of colostrum(sp?) :happydance: I came down after my bath looked at my OH and said "mumma's got milk" and he just looked at me like i was crackers! It really cheered me up as i have decided to give BF'ing a proper bash, rather than just doing a few days... I even spoke to my belly and told Freya that we definatly have everything ready now :lol:

I am starting to get some strong BH lately too and my belly has dropped even more, so will be interesting to see if she is engaging tomorrow at my MW appointment... Can you believe that after tomorrows appointment i have only 2 left at the most :shock:

Right enough of me waffling on about boobs and bellies ... Hope you are all ok and have had a nice day xxxxx
Evening all,

Well OH and I are much more chilled this evening, think the peace brew worked. He made a nice tea - chicken kievs, boiled potatoes and some green beans. It was soooo delicious! We were sat down on the couch together after and LO kicked really hard, so hard that OH felt it on his leg - he thought it was me going to be sick at first! lol It was quite nice for him to get a surprise kick, it always interests him what LO is up to and what it feels like.

Everyone seems to be moving on so quickly! It feels like I have months & months left yet before LO arrives!
Evening all,

Well OH and I are much more chilled this evening, think the peace brew worked. He made a nice tea - chicken kievs, boiled potatoes and some green beans. It was soooo delicious! We were sat down on the couch together after and LO kicked really hard, so hard that OH felt it on his leg - he thought it was me going to be sick at first! lol It was quite nice for him to get a surprise kick, it always interests him what LO is up to and what it feels like.

Everyone seems to be moving on so quickly! It feels like I have months & months left yet before LO arrives!

Just think from tomorrow you can say you are due next month :happydance:
Hi All!

Hope everyone has been enjoying the bank holiday, despite the crappy weather... no holiday for me, been at work as normal but can't complain since today was my second to last Monday... can't believe I finish a week on Friday then that's it for a whole year! Woop woop!

Can't wait to see who is going to be next to pop.... we'll be like buses, probably very little will happen for a few more weeks then they'll start coming along in batches every day!

Sorry to all the ladies who have had enough of being pregnant... it'll all be done soon enough then we get to the good bit! Psychologically I feel ready (wierd since we haven't even finished the nursery or got a pram or a crib yet!) but physically I think I will be a while yet. No braxton hicks, don't feel particularly big or uncomfortable or anything (not that I'm tiny, I'm measuring normal and have put on 2 stone - ooops!)

34 weeks today though! Only 6 more weeks to go! Have a sneaky feeling I might be a late popper though... mum had to be induced with both me and my brother so not sure how it will all pan out.

Just have to share this link with you from an email I got today:

I was especially enlightened by the bit that says "You might feel sore, bruised or swollen around your vagina after giving birth"

really...? do you think???? :dohh:

anyway, hope everyone is ok...

Evening all...

Hope everyone is enjoying the evening...

I'm getting a bit bored of BH (mine are painfull and result in no sleep!)

Is anyone here thinking of using re-usable nappies...we are seriously thinking...have brought all the stuff for terried nappies!! Feel not too brave about it lol

Ooohhh btw just packed 'stanleys' bag ready for BDay...I'm getting so stressed that I won't be ready!!

Anyho...have a good evening xxx
It's REALLY hard to get out of bed at night now to pee, I have to kinda just roll out on to the floor. Then I can't walk properly and bend my ankles cause I got the same achy fluid build up in them haha so I shuffle across the floor. Hubby said he can always tell when I'm up for a pee cause it's *fidget fidget THUD shuffle shuffle shuffle*

LOL literally whole family know when i'm going to the toilet at night as all they hear is "Ouch, ooh, right...ahh, tsssssssssss....ouch, ooh, eee...zzzzzzzz"...every morning my mum says "Heard you at 3am and 5am last nite" etc...."sorry mum" Lol!
Congrats on moving to the last box, very jealous!!

KTE - big hug hun :hugs:, DP is exactly the same with me sometimes when all I want is a hug...either way I end up in tears, says he can't win! If he hugs me when i'm feeling emotional, I cry...if he ignores me and see's it as me moaning at him, I cry! lol :( Hope he accepts your peace offering cup of tea and gives you a big cuddle!

Yemii, sorry you didn't find any good bargains at the car boot, I never have the patience for them!!

Mrs029 - How lovely that you got a surprise scan! Hope your UTI clears up soon.

Eswift- Love the leap and learn thingy! We was looking at that or a jumperoo, think we will have to go for the Jumperoo though as haven't got loads of space and that you can fold away at least and will fit in the cupboard under the stairs when little man isn't using it! Leap and learn looks so much more fun though :(

My mum and dad got back from their weekend away today, they had been shopping and bought yet more things for little man :happydance: they can't resist lol!! Bought him a really cute outfit and also a very typical bib that says "My grandma loves me" lol!

Today mum has been having a big spring clean so I decided to help her, must be my nesting instincts setting in as I NEVER help :blush: and normally sneak out to escape! Found it quite therapeutic in a strange way, least I will be able to sleep tonight :dohh: hehe!

Agreed to do some over time at work tomorrow :nope: I really don't want to now as my cousin is coming down from Birmingham with her 5 month old baby to see my Grandad, she will only be here till 5 and i've agreed to work till 6 :cry::cry: just my luck! Going to push it and ask if I can leave early, don't think they will be very happy tho!

Anyone else watch Big Brother? I'm loving it this year, although will be glad its over as it means I will goto bed before 11pm! Who do you think will win?? I'm hoping Rodrigo or Sophie...can't stand Siavash and really hope he doesn't win!!!

Yemii ~ I've an obsession with reusable nappies... Don't be nervous of them... I found with DS as long as I kept on top of the cleaning etc and had them made up ready to use they were no different from using disposables... And saved me a fortune... Hence using them again...

MeggieMoo ~ I've been surprised by how small the leap and learn thing collapses so small and everything they can do with it..

Gotta run to get ready for work, have a great morning all... Catch you all later xxxx
Morning all

WEell woke at 3.30 this morning for a wee then bubs decided it was time to play, so 30 minutes of wriggling, kicking and rolling and I gave up and came downstairs! Just ben watching Star trek enterprise back to back since. I'd better nap later so i'm not shattered when I see the midwife.

Nice easy day for me I think. Need to get some washing on and i'm planning on making a french apple cake and spag bol, was going to go to aqua natal later but have a feeling i'll be :sleep:
Morning girls....

well ladies this is it.. we can now say that our babies are due next month :) feels great doesnt it lol. I reckon we will have a few more early babies in the group though.

Had a really crap nights sleep again and getting fed up with it now :( But i keep telling myself that this is all so worth it.

Got MW tonight and am looking forward to seeing what position my little lady is in..

I am off for my coffee and to TRY and wake up a bit.. Catch you all in a bit xx
Evening all,

Well OH and I are much more chilled this evening, think the peace brew worked. He made a nice tea - chicken kievs, boiled potatoes and some green beans. It was soooo delicious! We were sat down on the couch together after and LO kicked really hard, so hard that OH felt it on his leg - he thought it was me going to be sick at first! lol It was quite nice for him to get a surprise kick, it always interests him what LO is up to and what it feels like.

Everyone seems to be moving on so quickly! It feels like I have months & months left yet before LO arrives!

Just think from tomorrow you can say you are due next month :happydance:

Lol this is true :happydance: One of the first thoughts this morning was . . . 'wow 1 month to go, at least I have LO's hospital bag done' . . then the slow realisation of. . 'oh no! I forgot to wash the baby vests!!!' :dohh: :rofl:

I didn't feel LO moving about much last night but they must have done. I feel really sore at the top of my ribs and have a funny feeling down below, almost like I had a stitch, it's all just on the left side. I wonder what they have been up to!

Enjoy your MW appointments Maffie &

I be back in a bit (lol) cup of tea me thinks! x
Morning all...I'm KNACKARD lol spent most of the night feeling very sick and unable to turn over incase I couldn't get to bathroom in time! OH had belly ache! So spent a lot of time moaning!!! Eeek have so much to do but sooooooo tired!

I'm off to group today and then town to get last of school stuff...1 more sleep till I'm child free in the daytime! Then its just waiting for stanley to arrive!!

Can I be cheeky and ask if anyone on here or anyone u know has/had GBS? I have it and can no longer have my homebirth but I'm also very worried that I won't get the right amount of antibiotics (sp?) As my first labour was only an hour and last stage 16mins!!! I slept through the whole thing and only just managed to get hospital in time! Do u think they may induce me to make sure stanley gets all the antibiotics he needs?

Anyways take up and catch u all later xxx
Morning all !! Yey our babies are due next month :happydance: :happydance: Scary !!!

Have had a crap nights sleep the last two nights ! I dont know how im going to make it through work today.

Hope you are all well xxx :hugs:
woww i can say if i get induced dexter will be here in 26 days!!! orrr a month on the 3rd! arghh thats so scarey lol We trying to get DPs car all sorted this week, it had new tyres last friday, MOT on sat and got tax on thursday to pay and his insureance on sat! But thank god once thats over we will have money! and then next friday doing a major food shop then BABY SHOPPING! nothing i need now, apart from towels. But will give me something to look forward to lol
Can I be cheeky and ask if anyone on here or anyone u know has/had GBS? I have it and can no longer have my homebirth but I'm also very worried that I won't get the right amount of antibiotics (sp?) As my first labour was only an hour and last stage 16mins!!! I slept through the whole thing and only just managed to get hospital in time! Do u think they may induce me to make sure stanley gets all the antibiotics he needs?

Anyways take up and catch u all later xxx

I have GBS, I don't think they will induce you for that. My OB basically told me, when my waters break, go on in and get the drip in my arm. They are very good at monitoring babies for symptoms for it and catching it very early should they get infected with it. Try not to worry :) :hugs:
Blah Blah, bitch, moan, up since 4am blah. :coffee:

Ok *breath*

I got REALLY nauseous last night, was the oddest thing. I couldn't even get off the sofa to get a cup of water. Ah well its better now,

Cause I'm due the 1st .. and that's a Thursday, I like to say I'm due at the end of September haha. Makes it seem like less of a hike to the end.
Hi ladies,

Sorry to hear you've been suffering Chaos....I've had a bad week or so for sleep but it seems to have gotten a bit about 6-7 hours last night! :thumbup:

You're a lucky thing though...we have 7 weeks to wait until the EDD...I still think we're going to come out early though. Bubs seems to have ballooned and gotten quite heavy over the last few days. And we've been really active...dropping a couple of times a day and then kicking me to smithereens in an attempt to get back up again. Quite funny in a way, but quite uncomfortable lol.

Still, I've got a fun day ahead of me. Got washing and ironing to do...... at least it's less than a week until my birthday :happydance: and according to hubby I'll be old! But I don't care! :thumbup:

Will be nice to be able to say that we're 'due next month'....sounds so much closer than we're 'due in October'...although it may stop those funny looks I get from shop assitants which are usually swiftly followed by 'you're really big aren't you!' lol.

Have a good day girls! :hugs:
Thank you chaos...I just worry coz I didn't have much notice of daughter arriving and my waters didn't break (I didn't have any left)....
Morning Loves...

Chaos ~ I'm sorry that you're suffering... I know it's quite fustrating not being able to get off the sofa/bed anything low... I'm doing much better since we've moved in the sofa from storage... It's higher and firmer... Not having to get OH it get me out of the sofa.. As OH was checking the inside of the old sofa, he found DS's gameboy, and a library book as well as other crap, but also found that the sofa springs and wooden struts had broken... Guess we needed a new sofa, anyway...

I think I agree that it's nice to be able to say babe's due next month... LOL the lads at work all were commenting about me having less than 3 weeks at work... I can't believe that it's just over 6 weeks now, that's shorter than the summer hols.
Hi bumpkins,

Chaos ~ :hugs: to you! I know how you feel...... lastnight I was in tears :cry: couldnt get out of bed! had severe pain..... in ma pelvis..... loads of pressure....
Have you been referred to physio?
my midwife did refer me.... but never heard from them since..... :doh:

me thinks LO is changing its position.... awkward positions make me breathless... and painful under ribs.

Well got MW appt 2morrow appt... gottu tell her abt this.

Ohh ya.. ladies.... its wonderful to say...... AM DUE NEXT MONTH!!!! yayyyyy..... I am so done with it..... and I just want bubba to be out asap!

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