Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today
Chaos so sorry you are having a hard time at the minute, hope you feel better soon

Eswift glad you're a bit more comfy now you've got your sofa in, did you not find any money down the back of it :winkwink:

I had an awful day yesterday, was up at 5am and back to bed at 7, then got up at 11:30 and went back to bed after an hour or so until 4pm, I just felt so sick and drained all day and could hardly keep my head up but that's just the effect of the hyperemesis on me especially if I overdo it the day before which I did as I went out on Sat morning and then on Sunday again for a couple of hours and unfortunately it's more than my body can deal with at the minute, I then spent the evening throwing up as usual but I'd been trying to fight it all day by just taking to my bed and avoiding fluids (drinks make me sick instantly) but it was gonna happen no matter what :cry:

On the plus we are due next month :happydance::happydance: I cannot wait as this has been such a hard pregnancy for me and I really hope bubs decides to be nice to me and come at 37 weeks - I need this to be over asap as I feel like I have been pregnant and more r less housebound forever!

have a good day everyone and take it easy :hugs: to all who need them
morning all.

sorry you were feeling sick chaos :(

im still feeling bit crap with this cold but at least only 5 days at work left!!!!! woo hoo! and ive got stuff to do so the rest of this week should go quite quick :)

might try and get my hospital bag ready next week, still need to buy loads. got some nighties from primark - bargain! and a dressing gown and dark towel just need the dreaded maternity pads and other stuff!

have a good day x
Morning all...I'm KNACKARD lol spent most of the night feeling very sick and unable to turn over incase I couldn't get to bathroom in time! OH had belly ache! So spent a lot of time moaning!!! Eeek have so much to do but sooooooo tired!

I'm off to group today and then town to get last of school stuff...1 more sleep till I'm child free in the daytime! Then its just waiting for stanley to arrive!!

Can I be cheeky and ask if anyone on here or anyone u know has/had GBS? I have it and can no longer have my homebirth but I'm also very worried that I won't get the right amount of antibiotics (sp?) As my first labour was only an hour and last stage 16mins!!! I slept through the whole thing and only just managed to get hospital in time! Do u think they may induce me to make sure stanley gets all the antibiotics he needs?

Anyways take up and catch u all later xxx

I am a carrier for GBS i've been told I must go to hospital at first sign of labour, so even if that means for every false start i'll be going in.
I went to look in primark the other day for a nighty and all they had was pj's!! Typical!! ](*,)

:hugs: Chaos, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well.

Big :hugs: to craftymum, if anyones deserves their LO to come nice and safe and early its you so you can start feeling better soon :flower:

Someone was asking me how my pregnancy was going and I know I can't complain, somtimes I feel like it but then think of how others are getting on in here and keep it zipped as I feel very lucky. I am also very weary as I know I am not out of the woods yet as they say.

Someone was asking me about when I am back - HELLO on count down to leaving thanks! So don't want to think about coming back yet lol :haha: I told them what the plans were and they said - 'well, yeah, all being well, you never know' :saywhat: :dohh: Foot in mouth much?!? Good job I am in a better mood today is all I can say!!
Oh dear...EVERY false start! That could be interesting! Poor OH lol. I have a growth scan and consultant on the 16th so will speak to him about it tho he is a bit useless!!
Hello all, been to see my mwife this morning, all is fine, bloods etc, she had a good feel of my tummy, and she said Georges head is sat at the top of my cervix, so hes getting ready to get into position!!! Also today is my Wedding Anniversary too xxxxxxxxx have a nice day and i will catch up later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello all, been to see my mwife this morning, all is fine, bloods etc, she had a good feel of my tummy, and she said Georges head is sat at the top of my cervix, so hes getting ready to get into position!!! Also today is my Wedding Anniversary too xxxxxxxxx have a nice day and i will catch up later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Good to hear about your appintment

Happy anniversary too :cake:
I'll just see false starts as a chance to hear bubs heartbeat and stuff. We dont have a car so will be interesting if I start in the middle of the night.
Hi to all you October Bumpkins, av been reading all your posts but just not posted:blush:

Its all starting to get very scary now, at one time we were so excited to get to the mile stones in our pregnancies and wish the weeks away to get that step closer but now theres not long left at all and its all very real and were all having babies to hold in just a few weeks time:happydance::cry::happydance:

I dont know if its just me but is any else scared of whats ahead of them in the next few weeks!!!

Sorry for barging in, am just getting a little scared and all you lovely ladies are at the same stage as me:hugs:

Thanks Sarahxxx
Welcome you're not barging in :hi:

I just want my baby now. Ive been wanting for years so i'm ready now.

Gosh must say i'm roasting today. I feel like i've been sat in a sauna!
Hey ladies! 8 pages to catch up on yeesh lol. Still in the process of getting internet in the new house so am using the internet at the old house as I'm back to pick up the last few bits. Welcome to the newbies. Move went well. All in and pretty well settled now. Bathroom is full of stuff lol but the rest of the house is sorted. Luckily for us we have an ensuite so I can still pee without climbing over stuff lol. Nursery stuff is being delivered today and tumble drier is being delivered on Thursday. Can't wait. Had my anaesthetic review this morning which was fine. Went through the options for pain relief and said if I want an epidural I will need to ask fairly early on as it could take longer to put in due to my scoliosis. Right got to head back home now as got lots to do today. Catch up soon x
Its all starting to get very scary now, at one time we were so excited to get to the mile stones in our pregnancies and wish the weeks away to get that step closer but now theres not long left at all and its all very real and were all having babies to hold in just a few weeks time:happydance::cry::happydance:

I dont know if its just me but is any else scared of whats ahead of them in the next few weeks

The birth itself doesn't scare me. This may sound a bit weird to those of you who aren't long-term yoga lasses or hypnobirthing advocates, but in some respects I'm actually looking forward to the birth. Obviously I know that some of it may be very painful, and I also know that things may not go exactly as I want them to, but still I am very relaxed about that side of things.

No, what scares me is the idea of actually bringing home our baby and suddenly there being three of us. I just have to remind myself that girls all over the world do this every hour of every day, and then go on to have more kids, so it really can't be that bad, otherwise the human race would have died out by now!

Hey ladies! 8 pages to catch up on yeesh lol. Still in the process of getting internet in the new house so am using the internet at the old house as I'm back to pick up the last few bits. Welcome to the newbies. Move went well. All in and pretty well settled now. Bathroom is full of stuff lol but the rest of the house is sorted. Luckily for us we have an ensuite so I can still pee without climbing over stuff lol. Nursery stuff is being delivered today and tumble drier is being delivered on Thursday. Can't wait. Had my anaesthetic review this morning which was fine. Went through the options for pain relief and said if I want an epidural I will need to ask fairly early on as it could take longer to put in due to my scoliosis. Right got to head back home now as got lots to do today. Catch up soon x[/QUOTE

Nice to hear from you LK!
Glad move went well..... and all things are sorted out! :flower: :thumbup:

hope the LO is doing fine.......

Do keep in touch!

Glad the move went well LK

Colsy I think im only worried about getting through it with baby and myself healthy and ok. I actually thought to myself i've suffered some pretty severe pain in the past which was made easier by knowing it would come to an end. So i'm trying to think it will be positive pain. If that makes sense. I just hope I get to my antenatal classes before sproglet makes an appearance.
Colsy I think im only worried about getting through it with baby and myself healthy and ok. I actually thought to myself i've suffered some pretty severe pain in the past which was made easier by knowing it would come to an end. So i'm trying to think it will be positive pain. If that makes sense. I just hope I get to my antenatal classes before sproglet makes an appearance.

Definitely makes sense to me. If you KNOW and TRUST that each surge (or contraction) is impermanent, then you KNOW that in a moment, or a minute, or half an hour or whatever, the pain will go away, even if it may come back again. And of course, the best thing is knowing that at the end of the whole experience, you will have a beautiful baby to call your own.
Welcome KKSARAH :wave: I'm somtimes excited and other times nervous!
Colsy I think im only worried about getting through it with baby and myself healthy and ok.
Maffie - I agree, its not actually the birth that is scaring me as such, I just want things to be ok afterwards, if that makes sense!

Glad the move & the appointment went well LittleKitten :thumbup:
Thanks Ladies :hugs:

when you put it like that, its not as scary, I have a c-section booked at 39 weeks in case my previous c-section internal scar ruptures as the baby will be bigger and there is a big possiablity of this happening, if I go into labour beforehand they want me to try natural which am very happy with its just I had a bad experince with DD and I know this may not happen again, its just the IF!!!
I am going to try and say positive and stop reading other ladies birth stories as this does not help LOL

Once again Thank You :hug:

Thanks Ladies :hugs:

when you put it like that, its not as scary, I have a c-section booked at 39 weeks in case my previous c-section internal scar ruptures as the baby will be bigger and there is a big possiablity of this happening, if I go into labour beforehand they want me to try natural which am very happy with its just I had a bad experince with DD and I know this may not happen again, its just the IF!!!
I am going to try and say positive and stop reading other ladies birth stories as this does not help LOL

Once again Thank You :hug:


I agree with the 'IF' - it would be nice to know one way or the other how it will happen, eitehr natuarlly or c-section, then you can psych yourself up. When its inbetween it's a little harder to feel prepared.

I was all geared up for a natural birth (although I was quite ok with the possiblity that if anything went wrong during it then an emergency c-section could happen). Since being told that LO is breech and if they don't turn it could be a c-section I am a little stumped now! It's just the 'IF' - if they don't turn then it could be that but if they do then it could be done naturally. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
Colsy - I too am not worried as such about the birth. I'm not doing hypnobirthing or anything like that but since going to the birth centre and seeing how we can have the birth that WE want, I feel whole lot more at ease about the whole thing! We can take music, have aromatherapy, all sorts of things that I'm actually really looking forward to. I know it will be the most painful experience I will ever go through, but as long as I remain calm, keep perspective and have my husband by my side, I truly believe that it will be a very rounded experience! It just seems perfect...just got to keep myself healthy, which is incentive enough for anyone!

Glad the move went well LK :hugs:
Afternoon girls

LK: I'm pleased the move went well hun x
KKSARAH: Hiya stranger! I am booked for a section at 39 weeks too :) But i am kinda hoping i go into labour before so i can atleast TRY and have a go .. Good to see you over here with us hun :hugs:

Well girls i am so unmotivated its stupid, i am so tired and am not even dressed yet :blush: although i am sorting myself out in a mo as have MW later.. Gonna try and eat some lunch but am finding my appetite is vanishing lately :(

Right time for a kick up the bum and sort myself out... Back in a bit xxx

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