Official October Team Bumpkins

Well i'm showered and dressed. Felt a bit rubbish and thought a tepid shower might cool me down. Managed to vomit all over the bath :sick: Not sure ifi'm coming down with a bug but dont feel quite right.

Managed to get the washing machine on, and hopefully will manage to make dinner later.

I think baby just had hiccups, had quite rhythmic movements for about 10-15 minutes, they felt quite strong not felt anything like that before, was very weird seeig my tummy move. Think I might make my own alien home movie soon!
Maffie ~ I was just reading your last post LOL... I managed to cook lamb chops etc yesterday for tea, it smelt lovely. Babe was jumping about like nothing on earth, as I went to dish up. I had to tell OH you do it, I had to run (well, as best I could) and threw up everywhere... Really enjoyed my tea and babe was still jumping about afterwards too... OH was just rather, what was that all about... Only thing I could put it down to was babe was wanting the food faster than I could do it... LOL... Just came over all funny...

Keerthy ~ Hope your back pain eases soon, probably best to mention it to your mw too...

LK ~ Glad your move went well... Bet you can't wait to get fully sorted...

I'm not too worried about the labour, come what may... I'm looking forawrd to getting my body back... So fed up of feeling as though there's not enough room in here for me... I was more concerned about making it to the hospital, but I feel so much more at ease now... As for pain killers and birthing plan... I'm quite easy going and open minded, at the moment I've my tens machine and we'll play the rest by ear...

OH so wants to be about when babe arrives, so we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed... Otherwise he'll be in Scotland or else where if it all happens when he's at work...

I do think the worst bit about all of the birth etc, is having no idea as to what may happen... LOL no point worry about what we can't control...
Well just had a disastorous midwife appointment, basicvally she's questioning my consultant as she thinks its uneccessary that im seen so often. She said my bumps too big (I think she measured me wrong as bump as always measured spot on). She couldn't understand why i'm on clexane injections, seen as I didnt have a dvt. She wouldn't book me in for appointments between the consultant appointments even though the consultant has had it like that for a couple of months now.

She barely stopped talking so didnt get a chance to ask what I wanted about the jelly I was loosing (from reading on here and googling I think its bits of plug). Said i'd had reduced ovements sunday/monday but I was feeling run down and sick and she said well you can always go up to delivery if you feel you need to.

Arrrrrrrggggg. Dont want to see her again, oh and she went to feel baby's position and pressed so hard I was in agony and baby wasn't impressed, felt liek she was pushing baby's head out and she went 'oh well thats definately a head'

I bloody know its a head I can feel it myself without pushing a pair of hands through me.

Sorry to rant girls.
Maffie ~ sorry u had a crappy appt! :hugs: I don understand y these MW behave like this ...... Grrr.... I met another mid-wife in the same surgery last week as mine was on a holiday. I felt she was better than mine. Unfortunately, I dont think I can continue with the new one.

Ohh another 5 weeks.......
Just poping on before going home from work:blush:

Maffie~ Thanks am sure waiting all those years will have been worth the wait.

Colsy ~ You have inspired me Thanks

Kte ~ Hope your LO turns for you, when will you find out!!!

Aimee-lou ~ Where are you having LO, its sounds fantastic, I would love to go to Castle Hill Birthing Centre in Hull but as am high Risk they wont accept me:cry: ~ :hugs:am with you on that, am pleased they booked me in for C-Section but I would love to try natural just see what it 's like, I feel when you have a section you miss out on the bonding or maybe this was because I had DD at 32 weeks and she was ill!!!

Eswift ~ like your comment "no point worrying about what you cant control" your right and I think this is the right way to look at it.

Thanks Again, am feeling alittle better about the birth now, its hard just talking with OH although he listens its not the same as talking with other pregnant ladies going though the same emotions:hugs:


Hiya girls

well i am back from my MW appointment and all went well, other than the fact i need physio as i have SPD hence all the nasty aches and pains in my pelvis and the extreme heaviness when i stand/walk :cry: The good news is i am measuring spot on at 34cm and Freya is still head down but free! the MW said she is loitering with intent :lol: BP etc all perfect too.

The chances of me trying naturally have been reduced too if i go into labour :( she said with old c-sec scars and SPD it would be hard going.. but aslong as Freya is safe thats all that matters...

Anyway enough of me rambling.... Catch you all in a bit xx
KKSARAH - that's where I'm going. I wrote a review of my experiences so far.

Are you going to Hull instead? The staff at both are fab! We've transferred completely from York as they were so impressive!
hiya girlies and babies =]

Does anyone else cook tea, feeling proper hungry and then when it comes to eatting it cant manage it? Iv jsut cooked burger and chips [mm healthy lol] and proper looking forward to it, havent touched my chips and had half a burger! =[

Also im so chuffin hot its untrue lol.

Me and dp [woowed:blush:] this afternoon while dd was in bed lool. i fell straight asleep after:blush: woke up thinking my waters had broken running to the loo :haha: :shrug:
hiya girlies and babies =]

Does anyone else cook tea, feeling proper hungry and then when it comes to eatting it cant manage it? Iv jsut cooked burger and chips [mm healthy lol] and proper looking forward to it, havent touched my chips and had half a burger! =[

Also im so chuffin hot its untrue lol.

Me and dp [woowed:blush:] this afternoon while dd was in bed lool. i fell straight asleep after:blush: woke up thinking my waters had broken running to the loo :haha: :shrug:

Hubby is bringing me a cheeseburger home as I can't be bothered to cook and we've only got beans in the cupboard. I know we only have about £5 left but this cheque WILL clear tomorrow! :thumbup:

I'm starving now but he wont be home until 9.30....I want my burger (with salad I hasten to add!! lol)
KKSARAH - Next MW appointment is on the 16th Sept so she said if LO is still breech then we will be need to start trying to get them to turn. She mentioned that they offer Moxybustion (sp!) first which is Chinese method and if that doesn't work then it's off to see a consultant where they will scan bump, use something to relax my tummy muscles and then use their hands externally to turn LO . . although there is still a chance LO may just turn back anyway! They will also discuss the best birthing option if LO is still breech.

Glad to hear your feeling better about the birth :hugs:

Maffie Sorry to hear about the bad MW appointment - was it your usual MW? :hugs: It always freaks me out when they grab the head.
Maffie ~ :hugs: Are you sure you didn't have my midwife???:hugs: There's always one who things they know better than the consultants and GP's... You poor thing, hope your next constultant appointment goes better...

XTaylorsMummy ~ I still try to cook meals, but seem to be eating less than I normally would, LOL; Plus I'm sure I've reduced OH's portions too... Not that he's complained yet... I've had days when I've cooked a meal and eaten none of it, or eaten it and lost the lot... I'm not too worried tho, as I tend to pick all day...

KKsarah ~ I'm sure bouncing on one of those birthing balls, sitting lent forward rather than backwards and arching over on all fours is suppose to encourage LO to turn... In the Hypnobirthing book they tell you to try to relax and picture LO turning... I'm not sure if any of it works LOL but hey, taking some quite time out can't be a bad thing... My problem is as soon as I relax I'm zzzzzing away for Britain... LOL... Had a nap on the sofa, thought I'd been asleep about an hour... Only to find I'd slept for over 2 & 1/2 hours... OH walked in 1/2 an hour later to fond me still groggy lying on the sofa trying to work out how I was going to get up... LOL... I was going to hoover up after my nap before he came home... LOL

Spoke to the lad from work today about the kitchen units he's taking out... He's more than happy for us to have them & he's going to be taking the out in bits and pieces starting in about 3 weeks... He was shocked that I offered OH services to help him... But it works out well timing wise for us too as OH as the floor to level, the room to paint and we've the lino to get fitted... Which we were planning to do in the next couple of weeks... So the 3 weeks works out excellent for us too...
:hi: Everyone and :hugs: to all who need them :flower:

Havent been around past few days been really busy trying to get my living room sorted, all the painting is done just got to get some border and new curtains! Carpets being laid next monday so everythings going to be nice and fresh for when this little man makes an apperance.
I had a small bleed this morning but its settled again now, im feeling so much pressure down below and im sure he is stuck in my hip cause its killing me.:cry:
:happydance:I was 33 weeks yesterday im hopeing he stays put at least another 2/3 weeks:happydance:
Eswift my consultants are great, so are the hospital midwifes. OH says just ignore her she obviously thinks she knows better than the docs. She looked put out when she said I would only get 2 growth scans and I enjoyed telling her my next one was the 3rd :rofl:
Evening everyone...everyones days seem more intersting than mine...tho I'm sorry the mw was so horrid!
I'm having trouble finding food tempting enough to eat! I cook for OH but never eat it myself! Tho on saying that I'm off to my mums on sunday for a roast so I hope I can manage that!

Have the MW on friday am...first time with the community one...just moved over from the homebirth team :(

Really looking forward to tomoz...daughter back to school and I can go town without 'can I have???' Oh the joy!!!

Been in a lot of pain today...all round my sides...bump is hard as a rock! Stanley moving well still but I just feel 'weird' if that makes sense!
Evening ladies :hi:

Not posted for a while, but still been lurking!!!

Hello to anyone who has recently joined.

I'm 35 weeks today:happydance: really need to hit the fast forward button though I am so ready for my little man now, everything is sat here waiting for him, the boys are asking every day when is the baby going to be here, bless um!!

Midwife for me tomorrow, am quite sure that he is lying transverse so if thats the case I will be referred to consultant, he has been breech all the way though. I wont be letting them turn him though will be booked in for c-sec. A girl I work with let them try to turn hers and it resulted in a massive bleed and emergency c-sec, her iron levels plummeted and still not back to normal now, she gave birth in May!!!
So we will see what tomorrow brings and where we go from there.

Tiredness is hitting in big time now, I will be glad that DS1 is back to school on Friday and DS2 starts 2.5 days at pre-school next week perhaps I will be able to catch up on some:sleep: in the day!!

:happydance:14 hours left to work, just tomorrow and Friday, bet they are the longest 2 days of my life:rofl:

:hugs: to all x

Watching friends and monica is stipping for chandlar. Just asked adam what would he prefer me or a stripper to strip for him, and he said hes not fussed! =[
Wow i'm absolutely drained! Worked from 9 till 4 then went straight to town to meet my cousin and her little one! Had a fab day outt but walked farr too much and now I just ache from head to toe!

Just had a nice bubbly bath and read abit of my book, waiting for Matt to get in then we going to watch Big brother on channel 4 +1 together...think I will be asleep within seconds!!!

I have my MW appt on Friday, can't wait to see how everything is and hear the heartbeat we go every 2 weeks after that? or will my next appt be 36 weeks?

:wave: Just want to say hello to you all, hope your okay...haven't read the messages from today - theres too many lol....Chatter boxes :p!

Will try catch up tomorrow!

Night all :sleep: :kiss:
Morning All...

Awaiting Breakie to settle... Sickness has become a bit unpredictable... It's so unattractive... LOL got into to bed, snuggled up next to OH last night, coughed and had to leg it... What not to do at bed time, I'm definately not going to miss the sickness when babe arrives...

I hear you all with the sleep thing and the achy hips, back, sides and the rest... So uncomfy, but hey not long left now for wany of us really... I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of the LO's when they start making their apperances...

OH got a bit of a panic on yesterday, when I told him babe is due next month, and is now closer than the summer holidays were long... LOL he was so funny, talk about headless chicken impression... He didn't stop until tea time and then started on again afterwards... He make me tired just watching at the moment... Still won't let me do much... Not that I'm moaning... Find it hard enough to get out of bed, off the sofa, fill the washer... LOL... Didn't think I'd ever apprechiated my normal figure, but I'm gaining some apprechiation for it at the moment...

Once I see my mw, next tuesday (busy day then, I'm at the eye consultant after work; then to the mw) Poor OH has gotta come with me to the hospital as we don't know what they're going to do... If they use eye drops, I can't drive... Anyhow, from next week I start to see mw every 2 weeks... We also have our anti-natal class Monday evening and it's DS's 1st day back at school too... Not sure how I'll last awake at the classes as there on from 6.30 - 8.30... I may be zzzzzing at the back...

Best go get dressed... Have a lovely morning all...
Morning ladies,

nothing much to report this morning....... Except aches, pains n sleeplessness.

Well, jus woke up..,,, havin a cuppa!

Am 26 yrs old today..... Happy birthday to me :cake:

Next b-day will have my LO!!!! :)

hope everyones doing well .,,,, have a nice day darlings !!!!!

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