Official October Team Bumpkins

Afternoon all. I've had a great day today: got up, peed, was still half asleep & literally feel arse first into the loo where my darling OH had left the seat up!!! Had a cup of tesa, which I then proceeded to drop all over the kicthen floor (thankgod it's lino not carpet), then had a cherry Muller yoghurt which I spilked all down my nice white top. Figured enough was enough & went back to bed, lol!!!!! Didn't get up again until 12:10pm but feel much better now & even my backache has alleviated today, so let's hope things carry on looking up!!!!

Re those who want baby early/late etc. I dont care when I have my LO, so long as he holds off till after my b'day (the 23rd sept) because my OH has NO time off work untill then & is working the Southampton Boat Show, so will be really hard to get hold of if anything does happen, which really scares me. Anytime after that is just fine though... My hosp let you go 12 days overdue before induction or c-section, so hopefully I wont be that late, but either way, so long as baby is safe, happy & healthy I dont care. :)

Oooh and 36 weeks today!!!! :happydance:
:happydance: Congrats on 36 weeks today :happydance:

I have decided I would prefer my LO to come on time lol! I not so fussed if they were born the same time as my aunts baby or my cousins but I know my mum grumbled that my nephew was almost born the same day as her, they are one day apart and thats around the overlap we would be given before hospital get involved! What will be will be I guess, like you say, so long as they are happy and healthy thats the main thing :)
lol, you can imagine how peed off my mum was when I arrived at just before 8pm on HER 27th birthday, meaning they had to casncel their dinner reservations & what not. Still, it's not like I did it intentionally, lol, & I did only take 3 1/2 hours from start to finish to make my way out, so really, I dont think she has a right to complain.
If my LO does come on our birthday, that's gotta be some kinda record! 3 generations of 1st borns all on the same day? hahaha.
Be just my luck now, lol.
What a birtday present at the end of it tho! Lol At least you were quick for her instead of dragging it out!
yeah, we were all quick. I was 3 1/2, my sis was 45 mins & my bro was 'the hard one' at 5 1/2 hours & he was 2 weeks early. We all weighed between 6lbs 3oz-7lbs 7oz, so as far as I'm concerned, by mum had it easy! And my god I hope to take after her!!! :rofl:
Afternoon Ladies...

Golly, what a day? I still feel crappy, still having tightenings and very uncomfy... So far since yesterday lunch I've managed to keep down 2 slices of toast... Bummer...

Went and dropped friends apple crumble off, came home and went back to bed with OH at 11am, slept until 2ish... I'm so out of it today...
back from hospital, had to be on moniter for half an hour and then had scan to check fluid, but everything is okay =]

Being induced at 38 weeks!! im 37 weeks tomorrow!! yay
XtaylorsMummy ~ I am so glad that everything has gone well today... Only a week to go... Bet you're getting excited, and yet nervous too...
Gosh that's two more October babies arriving early!
:happydance: I'm 33 weeks today :happydance:

:hugs: to all, have a great weekend!
This baby can arrive any time from the 11th October (which I've just realised is a month today! lol) - before that and hubby will be killed by his boss as they are short-staffed! He starts his 5 weeks leave then so the earlier in that the better. The hospital will let me go a full 14 days over without induction so it could be any time up to the 4th November. I would not like that as hubby goes back to work on the 16th.

'Operation Evacuation' will begin in earnest from the 10th October (which is 38w 3d) :thumbup: And I will be on the RLT from 36/7 weeks (haven't decided yet) and the various massages too!
aimee lou glad the toothache has settled for you.

I just want this baby out of me now so I can kiss goodbye to hyperemesis once and for all, I'm just so fed up it's been so hard and I thought I would've got a break at some point but nope it's clung to me since I was 6 weeks and it's really getting me down as I'm tired and sore and just can't cope with throwing up all the time and being unable to eat and drink properly anymore. :cry:
Urgh I've had a sucky few days! Had had a few days of contractions which settled after a warm bath. Then yesterday evening after more than 24 hours of constant lower back pain I sat on the loo and kept trickling this fluid. Phoned delivery suite as I couldn't get hold of the midwife and they said it sounded as if my waters had gone and that I had to come in and expect to stay in til he was born! Phoned OH and got him to come home from work to take me in and was put on the monitor which showed I was contracting (up to 63% on the Toco). They couldnt tell whether my waters had gone and thought that it was likely my hindwaters had gone and that James had shifted position so they wernt leaking out when I coughed on speculum exam. So lucky old me got made to stay in overnight on the ward (which is mixed antenatal and postnatal so I got no sleep as there were babies screaming all night). Luckily didnt lose any more fluid overnight and when they put me on the monitor this morning the contracting was much less and only hitting 20% on the toco. So the dr who saw me this morning has decided that its unlikely my waters have gone (I give up at this point I honestly do) and that I can go home but that if the pains get worse or I get any more leaking I am to go back. So now very tired, and very disillusioned with the whole situation. Just wish now he would make his mind up and not give me any more false alarms before he arrives. I think 4 episodes of contractions plus 2 episodes of 'have your waters gone, we think so, oh no we don't anymore' is quite enough thanks young man.
Big :hugs: littlekitten. At least he's staying put for now and you're home. Did they give any more steroids this time for his lungs?

Stay positive hun, you're nearly there and odds are that he will be fine even if he does finally make up his mind and come soon.
hey everyone.

havent had time to catch up sorry.

lk - sorry your lo is messing you about!! hope he makes his mind up soon :)

had my growth scan on thurs, cant believe they said he was weighing around 5lb 7!!!! my bp had gone up so they have altered my bp meds, said if they cant control it with that they will just deliver him. so ive only got til 3 weeks on monday at the longest - getting very worried now!!!!!!!!! it seems like it will be here in no time and were not ready!

There's been another October baby born by emergency c-section!!!!!!!!!!!!! JShaw has had her little Gavin- the post in in the thread link above for those of you who want to check it out. I believe she was due 3rd october, but isn't on the front page of the bumpkins thread.

These october babies really are in a rush to get started in the world, aren't they?! Maybe they want to be Virgos instead of Libra's or something?! lol.
Chaos- I just noticed throuhg the '10 questions' thingy I did in the 3rd tri section that there are yet more october peeps coming out of the woodwork, lol, that aren't on the front page yet...

hippobelly- 28th oct, team yellow
per16 is no longer team yellow, she's having a girl
ladyty2k- 9th oct, girl
lyre- 15th oct, boy
catstorey- 27th oct, boy
sara_k- 9th oct, girl
harmonybunny- 23rd oct, boy
RFbump- 19th oct, girl
firstprincess- 18th oct, girl

There may be more, but those are the ones I noticed, lol. And there seem to be a few more ladies expecting girls, at last!!!!!
Morning All...

LK ~ Glad you're home safe and sound... There is one plus side even though James is playing up, for the time being any time he's staying put is time well spent for him. I know all the tooing and froing is a pain... But, it's always best to get checked out... Fingers crossed, he's staying until the EDD now...

H702 ~ Golly 3 weeks will take no time at all to pass... I'm sure it'll soon be Christmas and I'll be nowhere near ready for santa's arrival this year... Hope they do the trick with your bp by altering bp med...

I had such an uncomfortable day yesterday, I'm convinced that I'm getting loads of BH at the moment... They get into a pattern then I go chill, relax in the bath do anything to see if I can get the discomfort to ease, and then they vanish...

Not sure I can keep this up for the next 5 weeks though... I had bugger all sleep Thursday night at best I had 3 hours (4am - 7am) hence going back to bed at 11am (Slept until 2pm ish) Then I was back in bed for 10.30pm... Been up to pee twice, then up for breakie at 4am... Still awake now... For the time being no pains!?!?

So glad I'm not the only one who's starting to find thing rather fustrating at the moment. I can't lie, I will be glad once babe arrives now, although I would like them to stay in there until EDD... I wonder if there's a better way of dealing with the BH's? Any advice?!?!
Morning all,

:happydance: 34 WEEKS TODAY :happydance:

Why is it on a Sat morning I just can't get motivated?!? Argh. Have 3rd Antenatal class today, it's the relaxation and breathing one so should be quite amusing!

:?: Just a thought ~ does anyone else here have to pay parking at the hospital? Everytime me and OH go we pay but have seen so many other people just park up and walk in!?! On the hospital sheet we were given it says bring change for parking . . . so I don't understand why people aren't paying and why they are getting away with it. It's something I will ask on the tour but that isn't until the 23rd. I just wondered if anyone was aware of some kind of scheme? OH and I have a plan to park at a friends house who lives nearby to avoid paying when the time comes but I just don't understand why no one else seems to bother - there are signs and pay machines all over the place!

LK ~ Glad you are back home :flower: James seems to think he is ready then must realise he is actually quite comfy in there! Lets hope he behaves from now on so you will know when it is the time, it must be really frustrating thinking it's maybe time and then it's not :hugs:

Florabean ~ I would love my LO to be a Libra but they woulld have to arrive a few days early! If they come on time they will be a Scorpio :S

Eswift :hugs: Sorry I have no advice but I hope someone can help or they ease off for you x

I hate it when my cats pretend they want a cuddle but really want to steal my breakfast milk! Naughty mogs!

Right: Cupper no.2 time then best move my ass into gear, think I will find some tunes to start filing to. :coffee:

Enjoy your morning everyone x
LK~ glad ur back home! not feeling that great these days... couldnt come online much! will message u sometime later.

will be 36 weeks tomorrow!!! yayyyy....

am off to NHS antenatal class today.... dunno wat to expect though!!!!!

will catch u all in the afternoon!

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