Official October Team Bumpkins

afternoon all. cant beleive how quick this time has come around and were all starting to get closer to meeting lo's!

im in 2 weeks tomorrow to be induced :) think were ready now...

good luck everyone x
Morning everyone

Yeah, what is it with these period pains - mine are more frequent now and having them during the night as well!! Definitely getting more discharge now but nothing that I would obviously call a "show". I cant imagine these pains lasting for another two weeks and then going overdue.....I will be going mad by then!!!

Anyone else feel the need for a nap every afternoon? Even when I dont feel tired I manage to fall asleep for an hour. Reckon I woke up about 6 times last night with either period pain, hip pain, heartburn or the need to go to the toilet!!!!

Lets hope some of our babies come early or on time?!?!

OMG, you have literally just written exactly what I was going to write!!! I am exactly thre same. If I got overdue, I will be gutted... As soon as I hit 40 weeks, I'll be begging my MW for a stretch & sweep methinks!
oh myyy im soo craving a sunday dinner/carvary. Really fancy going out somewhere for one but no money =[ i really really want one soo bad =[... never like sunday dinners eaither but just want some chicken or turkey with loads of mash,peas,yorkshires mmm and loads and loads of gravey ......

=[ not fair!!
Just checking in quickly as we're about to go out for breakfast.

Went to hospital last night for a non stress test as I'd only felt Autumn 3 times in 24 hours.

Anyways we get there and the nurse pokes and prods her trying to wake her up, still no movement, would you believe as soon as she out the monitor on my belly, she woke up and was like an gymnast?? Always the way!

Anyways my OB was there delivering (They had 9 babies delivered Friday and 6 on Saturday lol) and he came in to see me, told me she passed the NST with flying colours and looked really healthy. He said I did the right thing in calling to get checked.

This kid is trying to make me grey before I hit 29!!!! :dohh:
11 DAYS!!!

Pip ~ :hugs:

Ok I'm off for pancakes and eggs, bbl!
Afternoon all,

Well there must be something in the air, maybe we are all nesting or something, even out OH's!!? OH and I have been gutting the house and cupboards. Still some clothes to finish drying and to vac up. We got some baby toys given yesterday so we have given them a wipe down and put them in LO's toy cupbord in the front room :dance: OH & I just having a cuppa, some cake and a bit of a rest now!

My poor sis is stressing at the moment. Her dog is really poorly, I am awaiting to see what happens as she has taken him to the emergency vet. Her dog had an allergic reaction on Friday so she took him to the vet, they gave him some antihistamines (sp) and some tablets. My sis went on a caravan holiday and they took the dog with them, she said he seemed to be much better but today when they got home he went downhill a bit again. Unfortunately after the morning drop in surgery had closed her dog had a fit so she has had to call the vet out on an emergency. The vet shouted at her about it saying why didn't she bring him in earlier as it takes him 45 mins to get to the vet surgery and he has just got home (1. her dog was ok then & 2. hang on ~ isn't call out part of your job?!?) It touch and go with him at the moment poor little thing :cry:

Edit: 16:45

I thought I would just add onto my last post since its been super quiet in here for a change!!

Pretty much most of the cleaning is now done that we planned to do today :D I just have the clothes to put away but will do that after OH's yummy sausage and chicken caserole he is cooking :cloud9:

My sis's dog may have either gastroentiritus or an e.coli infection, he is on a drip at the vets and they said he is touch and go and she has to call back at 6 to see how he is getting on. Its not looking good at all for poor doggy.

Hope everyone is enjoying thier day :flower:
Kte ~ your sister must be beside herself, if she's like me... LOL I cried when I had to leave the cat at the vets after his accident... But the dog's in the right place, I can't see what the vets complaining about it's not as if they don't get paid enough! Plus it's his own choice to live so far from work... Pratt!

XtaylorsMummy ~ I was like that last week for a roast dinner... Ended up with roast chicken pieces, roast tatties and veg... LOL we're so brassic it's not funny... I was saying to my Dad today, if something doesn't change soon on the money front, nobody but our kids will be getting christmas presents... To which my Dad replied I wouldn't blame you at all, not as if your nephews and nieces believe in santa any more... The youngest is 13/14 now... Not sure the rest of the family would see it the same way...

OH has worked like a little trooper today, he's got another coat to do on the wall and the flooring tiles to lift. Woo Hoo... Right off to do egg & chips for tea, dead healthy I know, but it's what I fancy...
Kte ~ your sister must be beside herself, if she's like me... LOL I cried when I had to leave the cat at the vets after his accident... But the dog's in the right place, I can't see what the vets complaining about it's not as if they don't get paid enough! Plus it's his own choice to live so far from work... Pratt!

That's what I thought about the vet, they told her to phone some other surgerys first to see if they would help her first as well, the cheek! She just rang me a few mins ago though to say TJ (her dog) has died :cry: She is devastated, so is her hubby and I dread to think how my little nephews will be feeling. Even I am gutted. She did the best she could though and so did the vets when she got him there, she just keeps blaming herself tho poor sis.​
Morning everyone

Yeah, what is it with these period pains - mine are more frequent now and having them during the night as well!! Definitely getting more discharge now but nothing that I would obviously call a "show". I cant imagine these pains lasting for another two weeks and then going overdue.....I will be going mad by then!!!

Anyone else feel the need for a nap every afternoon? Even when I dont feel tired I manage to fall asleep for an hour. Reckon I woke up about 6 times last night with either period pain, hip pain, heartburn or the need to go to the toilet!!!!

Lets hope some of our babies come early or on time?!?!

OMG, you have literally just written exactly what I was going to write!!! I am exactly thre same. If I got overdue, I will be gutted... As soon as I hit 40 weeks, I'll be begging my MW for a stretch & sweep methinks!

Me too...I cant imagine the next two weeks...although I am bored after 2 weeks maternity leave I dont feel able to move around so much so even going out to meet people is prob not going to happen!!! My LO was 2/5ths engaged at 34 and 36 weeks but I really feel he might be 1/5 ot 0/5 now as sometimes feel like he might drop out and very heavy down there!!! I'd love to prove my friend wrong who just keeps on saying "first babies are always late!". I was a first baby myself and was 5 weeks early but my son is obviously not following my lead!!!!
Evening girls

Well the sort out came to a halt as i had backche nearly all day along with a few cramps, but its all stopped now .. Sienna is certainly teasing me the little madam..

My OH just took some bump pics for me and i am shocked how big i actually am :rofl: Silly i know but you dont realise when you have been pregnant for so long i guess!

This is one of the pics just taken :blush:

36+4 weeks.jpg

Well i am off to sort out my make-up and chuck out the rubbish.. Catch you all later x
my lovely mum paid for me, OH and DD to go out for a meal =] we went mill on soar and oh my im so stuffed! had a 3 course meal lol yum!
Kte ~ I'm sorry to hear about the dog... Make sure you give her and family plenty of hugs... ~ Not too long to go now... You'll miss that bump once it's gone... LOL

XtaylorsMummy ~ Guess you got your roast dinner then... Gotta love Mum's sometimes they know just what to do... Glad you all enjoyed your meal...

Have a good evening all, not too long until bed time for me... LOL spend so much time zzzing away but never seem any better for it...
Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. I have a Docs appointment in the morning and a list as long as my arm to ask her about. Is anyone else getting really hot? I went to bed and had to get up again I just felt so hot and I seem to be itchy all over I had this earlier in week but it went away but tonight it's driving me nuts, my tummy, back neck feet everywhere are so so itchy. Will def mention this to Docs tomorrow.
Kte ~ your sister must be beside herself, if she's like me... LOL I cried when I had to leave the cat at the vets after his accident... But the dog's in the right place, I can't see what the vets complaining about it's not as if they don't get paid enough! Plus it's his own choice to live so far from work... Pratt!

That's what I thought about the vet, they told her to phone some other surgerys first to see if they would help her first as well, the cheek! She just rang me a few mins ago though to say TJ (her dog) has died :cry: She is devastated, so is her hubby and I dread to think how my little nephews will be feeling. Even I am gutted. She did the best she could though and so did the vets when she got him there, she just keeps blaming herself tho poor sis.​

KTE I'm so sorry about your sisters dog :hugs::hugs::hugs:
kte - I'm really sorry to hear about your sisters dog. she did everything she could for him x

crafty mum - i hope it goes well at the doctors - i've got my fingers crossed for you that the itching is not obstetric cholastis (sp?).

i saw our consultant and he has booked me in for a caesarian as he doesn't think i'll be able to give birth naturally! so my due date has been brought forward to thursday 15th october! i've been so excited knowing we'll get to meet our little man by then lol

now though i'm regretting telling family the caesearian date as they are expecting to see kai on the day of the section and we don't know what time it will take place for sure. it's booked for the morning but i was told if there are emergencies could be delayed till afternoon or even the next day. it would be nice to be able to have a couple of hours to recover from the operation before they are all demanding to see kai. Also i'm so worried about my little man having lung / breathing difficulties and being taking to special care but relatives (mine and OHs) only seem to be thinking about how they have to be there for the birth and getting annoyed about how such and such's going so their partner should be there too on the thursday! now i'm wishing we'd said nobody to visit on thursday as it's stressing me out. too late now though i guess. are you all planning on having a lot of visitors on the day of the birth? do you think I'm weird wanting a bit of quiet time?
anyone know if you can demand NOT to be allowd to go late for delivery? My OH has just been told he goes away for work on the 21st oct-26th oct... They let you go up to 12 days late before inducton here in Hampshire & dont like doing a sweep until you're 7 days overdue & another at 10 days overdue.
Now I'm freaking out thinking that if LO is late & they let me go the whole 12 days, I'll have to do the whole labour thing on my own because OH wont be around & we cant afford for him to not go away because it's really good money...
Can I put my parts on & insist I get a sweep done at 40 weeks regardless & so on, to make sure LO comes before OH goes away??????????

also, Kte, sorry to hear about the dog- the pic is adorable though...
cloud9mummy ~ hmmm, guess it is a bit late to retract the fact you've told them when you're having babe, mind you could just ask them not to come to see you until you're at home or even just the following day, as you'll be so groggy... I can't see why they wouldn't respect your request...

Florabean ~ Might be worth mentioning the fact that OH is going away and won't be able to be at the birth if you go over to your midwife when you see her next, she may surprise you... Worth a try anyway... Mine was panicing about my OH working nights, and me only having DS here during the night... LOL... I couldn't really see what difference OH working days or nights would make, he's still not in a job that he can be home within 1/2 an hour?!?! He drives upto Glasgow each night, so if babe comes when he's at work, he's probably gonna miss the birth... My back up is a friend & my Mum...

XTaylorsMummy ~ LOL glad you enjoyed your burger then...

CraftyMum ~ I hope all goes well at Dr's in the morning, hopefully the itching is nothing to worry about... Like you say better safe than sorry...

My bump has moved even lower, I feel as if it get's any lower it won't be far off my knees... All babe's movement is right down in my pelvis and near my belly button now... I'm glad that it's moved away from my ribs quite a bit now, no longer as painful... My boobs appear to have stopped growing now too, which is also a relief; I'm not going to end up all boob... (well not yet anyway...) I am pleased that I've about 4 weeks left now, the attraction of being pregnant has quite worn off now... I think my new mantra is "not long now, not long now" LOL seem to say it repeatedly throughout the day...

Anyway, gonna see if I can catch some more zzzz's before I've to get up with DS; just had breakie 1...
Morning all, sorry to hear about the dog Kte, it's always hard losing a loved pet.

Flora i'd ask about having a sweep early cant hurt to ask. I know they dont have to leave you as even though they can leave you here my consultant said they would book induction for me on due date if ive not already delivered (he gave the impression i'd deliver before though :shrug:)

Eswift I keep trying the not long now tact, although I told LO he can come from 37 weeks, ive even said oh you can come from next monday now :rofl: I was so faint after a little shopping and having cramps I ended up getting pushed round our massive asda in a chair :shy: Although I now walk so slow it would of took 3 days to do the shopping otherwise.

Cloud9 i'd tell family that it's partners only after the section. I think i'd want some quiet time but funnily enough I dont mind if mum turns up

Well my slightly sore throat is a full blown burning sore throat today, voice is cracking a bit too so looks like I might lose that. I seem to lose it for a few days at least every year.
Morning girls....

Had been to the delivery suite yday!!!! my LO freaked me out.... no normal movts for more than 5 hours yday.... My mom was super scared almost had tears inher eyes... so I had to call the midwife to let her know. Was being monitored for an hour or so...... and was told everything seemed normal.

baby was3/5th engaged andHR 160 :happydance:

unable to walk properly now... got loads of pelvic pains and pressure...... I waddle around like a DUCK! :dohh:

hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Ihave a growth scan booked tomorrow.... will keep all ya updated!

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