Official October Team Bumpkins

cloud 9 I'd also just tell your family that the op may not take place until the next day and that it is partners only after the op but tell everyone they are welcome to come the following day or when you feel ready for visitors. I'm sure your baby will be fine though as you will be around 38 weeks when it takes place - my due dates the 15th too!

Well my appointment is at 9:40 this morning so lets hope itching is nothing to worry about but it really is sore and there's no rash or anything and it's mainly my feet that are the worst. My GP tends not to listen and just brushes everything off that you say to her, she's been there since I was a baby and just think she can't be bothered anymore or something. Hubby thinks if she just brushes me off then I should just ring hospital when I get home, though I have an appointment for growth scan there on Friday but I guess that's too long to wait in case it is something like OC esp now I'm approaching 37 weeks. Will let you all know how it goes.
Have a good day everyone xxx
ooooh and im 35 weeks today :happydance:

Feeling a bit weak this morning, might have to eat more. My body keeps clearing out too, sorry tmi. Also getting some tinged mucus so im hoping plug is going..... I can hope!!!
Morning all,

Well I was hoping that all the hard work yesterday would knock me out for a nice long sleep but no such luck. I struggled, kept on waking up and taking forever to get back off again. Oh and the stupid dreams and nightmares!!

cloud9 ~ OH and I want some quiet time just us a new family. OH will call people but only when we are ready. I think you should explain that you will need time to come around after the c-section and that your not 100% sure when Kai will be arriving (due to other sections etc). I'm sure they would understand . . that way your not saying don't come but you can just put them off for a while longer until you are all ready x

craftymum ~ good luck with the appointment, if she brushes you off, go double check at the hospital like you say :flower:

Thanks for all your messages about TJ :hugs: I will be calling my Sis in a bit as in all the madness she lost her mobile too.

Well I think LO has shifted a bit ARGH!! They had hiccups again this morning, (does anyone else's LO have as many hiccups?) but it was over in /near my right hip rather than down below, get back down there LO!!
Morning Ladies,

Keerty Congrats on 37 wks & on baby engaging !

Craftymum- Goof luck with your app

Maffie - Congrats on 35wks !

Still getting the odd twinge starting to bother me now and baby didnt stop moving all day and they were really rough movements the made me jump and actually hurt !

Hope you all had a nice weekend xxx
i was wide awake at 3am this morning lol just couldnt sleep for nothing =[ had a horrible dream =[.

im so hungry this morning lol but cba to make any thing lol. got midwife coming tomorrow for sweep! yaay! and a week today il be in hospital pooing myself lol
I'm still at a loss as to how we're going to afford these last few bits and pieces. ...
Boots changing equipment (lotions and potions)
formula (cartons etc)
Changing Mat
rain covers for pram & car seat
smoke alarm
3 x baby gates
Paint and decorations for nursery
travel cot, mattress and sheets
Cot bedding bale

Well, you don't need baby gates for ages.

And do you REALLY need a monitor yet? Won't baby be with you most of the time for the first few weeks?

The nursery decoration can probably wait too, because presumably baby will sleep in your room for the first few months?

And smoke alarms ... get them free ... phone up your local fire brigade and they will send a couple of nice men round to do a fire safety check on your house, including checking your existing smoke alarms (you do have some, don't you? If not, your landlord (I think you're renting) is being VERY naughty and illegal letting the property to you without decent alarms in place) and supplying and fitting replacement and additional alarms for the places where they're needed.

Oh, and your lotions and potions ... most sources reckon plain old warm water is by far the best thing for baby skin up to the first month or so ... so again, you can hold off buying baby toiletries for a bit.

Hope some of that helps xx
I'm still at a loss as to how we're going to afford these last few bits and pieces. ...
Boots changing equipment (lotions and potions)
formula (cartons etc)
Changing Mat
rain covers for pram & car seat
smoke alarm
3 x baby gates
Paint and decorations for nursery
travel cot, mattress and sheets
Cot bedding bale

Well, you don't need baby gates for ages.

And do you REALLY need a monitor yet? Won't baby be with you most of the time for the first few weeks?

The nursery decoration can probably wait too, because presumably baby will sleep in your room for the first few months?

And smoke alarms ... get them free ... phone up your local fire brigade and they will send a couple of nice men round to do a fire safety check on your house, including checking your existing smoke alarms (you do have some, don't you? If not, your landlord (I think you're renting) is being VERY naughty and illegal letting the property to you without decent alarms in place) and supplying and fitting replacement and additional alarms for the places where they're needed.

Oh, and your lotions and potions ... most sources reckon plain old warm water is by far the best thing for baby skin up to the first month or so ... so again, you can hold off buying baby toiletries for a bit.

Hope some of that helps xx

We dont provide them for free anymore :) - unless youre vunerable ie - disabled, elderly, single mum etc....

Just incase you were relying on getting them free - it may be different in different counties....but we dont do it here. Stopped about 18months ago x
We dont provide them for free anymore :) - unless youre vunerable ie - disabled, elderly, single mum etc....

Just incase you were relying on getting them free - it may be different in different counties....but we dont do it here. Stopped about 18months ago x

Must be county-specific, as we had ours free just a few months back and we're def not considered needy or vulnerable. We're in Derbyshire. I'd have thought that the small cost to the fire brigade of doing these preventive checks and providing alarms would far outweigh the bigger costs of dealing with a house fire. Prevention better than cure and all that. Some financial people (as in the ones running the fire brigade, in this case, I mean) are just so near-sighted.
We dont provide them for free anymore :) - unless youre vunerable ie - disabled, elderly, single mum etc....

Just incase you were relying on getting them free - it may be different in different counties....but we dont do it here. Stopped about 18months ago x

Must be county-specific, as we had ours free just a few months back and we're def not considered needy or vulnerable. We're in Derbyshire. I'd have thought that the small cost to the fire brigade of doing these preventive checks and providing alarms would far outweigh the bigger costs of dealing with a house fire. Prevention better than cure and all that. Some financial people (as in the ones running the fire brigade, in this case, I mean) are just so near-sighted.

Bloomin' Government they dish the money out :growlmad: - they dont give the same to each county though :shrug:

Anyway, all I was saying in check with local authority coz its not 100% guaranteed they will be provided (the alarms, not the safety check) for free.

If you buy some alarms though they will fit them for you during a safety check. :hugs:
Afternoon Loves...

How's everyone doing? I've bummed about this morning and done absolutely bugger all but eat... Mind I didn't sleep too well last night, and the BH's are starting to do my head in, plus I'm peeing for britain (what feels like every 10 mins)... I'm feeling so tired yet again...

OH is just moving about, so the bed's free... Will see what he's planning to do this afternoon then I may just tiptoe up the stairs back to bed, or may just get dressed and hope to sleep well tonight... Yeh right... LOL I know it's been too long since any of us have had a proper nights sleep...

Hope all went well this morning CraftyMum...
Thanks for the advice ladies.

I've looked at the shopping lists and cut them down so I'm happier now. Still unfortunately do need gates though....only 2 now the Dog needs to be stopped from going upstairs. The training is going well but he still has the odd slip up and I find him laid in the washing basket or on our bed!

Decorations may also have to wait a while anyway as we may be getting an emergency lodger so that's the spare room gone lol.

I hope we're ok today.....good luck to everyone who needs it and congrats to all reaching milestones. I had a terrible nightmare last night that I went for my check up and was told that I would have to go to hospital right then and there as the baby was coming. I was then rushed by ambulance to the thing I know I'm holding a little boy who is the spitting image of my hubby! Awwwww....was well worth the panic. I think I could cope now if anything like that were to happen.

Exciting day for us today....we have a delivery arriving (at some point....not here yet! :growlmad:) of our travel system!! :happydance: We got to sort that out this afternoon, I can't wait!!!! Cot should be arriving on Thursday/Friday. Woohoo!!!

Have a good day ladies xx:hugs:

EDIT: just got a nearly new monitor off ebay for £10! One less thing on the list!! :)
well after an hour and a halfs wait in the Docs surgery (they were running so far behind) I got blood tests for liver function results should be back on Wed but I'm really worried as I've read a bit about OC now and everything says that you need bile acid tests too which take a week or more to come back but it also says that the tests I had don't always show it up and may need to be repeated weekly but problem is I don't have time as it also says they would usually induce baby by 38 weeks and at almost 37 I'm running out of time. I'm at the hosp on Friday for another growth scan so I'll talk to them as well depending on what happens with blood results. Really have myself all worked up over this now.
craftymum try not to wind yourself up too much about it, alot of stuff online scared the hell out of me but my consultant put my mind at rest, i have had 4 tests for OC all came back negative but i was still scratching myself till i bled, not so bad now except one foot is really bad. i found some aqueous cream with calamine lotion in it from boots which really soothed the itch.
:hugs: for craftymum... I really hope everything will come back clear & ok... I know that when I get really itchy, aloe vera gel (the 99% stuff from holland & barratts, usually about £2.99) worked wonders; it really cooled & soothed my skin & was literally the only thing that gave me any relief. I keep some in the fridge now as I seem to get very itchy at night times, which makes it even harder to sleep. I hope you feel better soon.

Congrats to those who reached milestones today & Keerthy, glad things are okay- you're so lucky to have your mum around for you too. My mum's buggered off to Paris for the next 2 weeks! lol.

Thanks to those who replied about me asking for an early sweep- I've decided that when I see my MW on 28th, I'll speak to her about it then; can't hurt to ask I suppose... It's just a bit scary coz I've always just made the assupmtion my OH will be there to support me, and the thought that he might not be totally blew my mind. I spoke to my sister (she's the only family I have that lives in the same county as me, the next nearest is my soon-to-be FIL & I defo dont want him there, lol, as lovely as he is! haha) and sahe said if I'm totally stuck, she will be my birthing partner if Craig can't make it & her neighbour has said she'll babysit for my 2 nephews if that is the case. So long as she stays up my head end & isn't looking at my wah-zoo during lobour, I'm happy to have my sister there; and she's done it twice before, so at least she wont be phased!

Anyways, how's everyone doing?
I ventured out of the house & walked into town today. Managed to buy a new mirror for my en suite & a show rack for the bottom of my wardrobe so we can have things more out of sight, instead of lining the hallway, hehe. Also did some washing, did the washing up, changed my bed (I spilled curry super noodles on it at lunch time, grrrrrrrr!) and re-packed my hospital bag coz I'm convinced I've forgotten something, but just can't think what, lol.

Has anyone been measured for a maternity/feeding bra yet? I'm waiting till I'm 38 weeks (this fri) then goibng to Mothercare to get fitted for some. My sis gave me some sports style t-shirt bras that have the little clips on the straps so you can breastfeed, and they're really comfy to sleep in, but coz of the racing style back & high front, I can't wear a v-neck top or anything like that with them, so I want to get some 'pretty' ones iykwim?

Anyways, better go start something for dinner soon. Roll on my tesco delievery this evening!!!!!
flora theres no harm in asking, i got induced with chloe as her dad was going to be away i was 40 weeks when i asked and they would've let me go to 42 without doing anything other wise
Hi :)
My first official day on 'maternity leave' today. I've had a similar day to Florabean. Popped into town to finish hospital bag shopping and have a smoose. Just trying to clean loads and tidy frantically. My Neighbours caught me cleaning the front door yesterday :laugh2:. Not sure if it's nesting or what but I'm buying stupidly on Ebay and trying to organise the house asap eek! OH has started working 50 hr weeks so means I have more time to sort stuff which is good. Not so good if I go into labour hmmmm...
Thought I would share some of my strange 3rd tri conditions. Please don't look if eating your dinner :D
When I bought my pregnancy bar I never imagined that my skin would entirely stretch along it but now the ball is making an implanted ball shape in my skin (left of ball). Has anyone else got/had this? I really, really don't want to take it out.
Not sure if you may remember me going on about this 1st to early 2nd tri but my feet are finally more like elephant feet :wacko:. Honestly - my feet (aside from their normal wideness) and ankles are never normally this size!! All I can wear is my Birkis. I HAVE NO ANKLES and my toes are like sausages!!!!!
feet.jpg. It really freaks me out as my Gran died 3 years ago and had odema in her left arm (lymphedema) and it reminds me of her..

Right off to make beef stroganoff now... Hope you're all OK :hugs:
thanks everyone I'm trying now to calm down a bit think it's hard though when you first suspect these things - will def have to get some cream as Doc never suggested anything for relief at all.
Flora - hope you get your induction no harm in asking but it's good at least that you have some back up support just in case your OH can't be there.
Neon, yeah, my belly button did that too, it then became red & inflamed & sore (but not infected, thankgod) so I took it out & got a bioflec belly bar (a plastic one) from Argos for £3.49. I had to take it out last week though, as my tummy is sore to touch these days & the bar was just making it worse. I poke it through every morning & night though so it wont close up & it seems to be fine now.
Ooh, jayne & emmad (having twins) are ebing induced today/tomorrow, so should have a couple more october early babies within the next 48hrs!!! All very exciting; their threads are in the 3rd tri section. :)
do you think i need the bloods done before next monday? i cant get anywhere to get them done till thursday! do you think if i go on thursday it will be too late?

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