Official October Team Bumpkins

Mornin' Girls,

Gah 5am and awake, truthfully I aint :sleep: all night. :coffee:

So .. SINGLE DIGITS!!!!!! 9 freaking days haha. Today is also the first day of Autumn, so she really needs to vacate the womb now! I have my 39 week check today so we'll see if I'm anymore dilated/thinned. I don't want to get my hopes up tho cause I've not really had any sort of BHs the last 4 days.

SO .. had a bit of drama here ... long story short, I don't talk to my mother (for 13 years, no one in the family does but my Nan/Auntie), she lives up in Buffalo, NY. She is a selfish cow who tries to buy people. She paid for my Nan and Auntie to come over for 3 weeks .. due to go home on the 29th. Well basically she's been her normal bitch self for 2 weeks, she made them pay 'housekeep' while they were here, cooked one meal, made them do the rest, has generally been horrid to them. Last night it came to a head, she told my Nan she should be dead and not Grandpa, kicked them out to some middle of no where motel, gave them two tickets and told them to fuck off home. My Nan is 76 years old. Bloody disgusting. I think she's lost the last two bridges she had in the family.

Maffie ~ Hope you're feeling better. When my feet get swollen, I stick them in a bowl of cold water, it feels SO awesome and really helps.

Keerthy ~ Glad everything turned out ok with the visit to the D.Suite. I was there on Saturday. :hugs:Congrats on 37 weeks :)

TaylorsMum ~ Good luck with the sweep.

Craftymum ~ Hope the results come back with a good result :hugs: try not to worry.

Flora ~ Re the bras I was told if you get measured before your milk comes in, to get them a cup bigger.

Neon ~ Re the belly ring, I got a plastic pregnancy one, they are longer and flexible I still have a good half a CM space on my bar and my belly button is REALLY stretched. I tried to put my old one in the other day and the bar only went half way along the tunnel lol.

Lindak ~ Congrats on the last box!!!

Jlo ~ Congrats on 38 weeks :) :happydance:

Lastly, some Tuesday cuteness for you :) How considerate of me to get them their own rocking bed! :rofl

Ok frosted shreddies calling my name!
Oh Chaos - sorry about your cant chose your family hey! Aint that the truth! x
Maffie ~ Hope you're feeling much better, and I hope that once you get some liquids inside you, you'll loose the hungover feeling... Wonder what you had that caused it? I can't eat tesco's jam doughnuts... They make my lips and tongue go all tingly... DOn't fancy pushing my luck any further...

Chaos ~ You certainly don't need enermies with family like that! Bet you're glad you can choose you friends... My cats have been really good and stayed out of babe's moses baskets/chairs etc... Mind you put a cardboard box down and they're both side asleep on their backs... They do look rather settled though... sweet... Guess babe will be evicting them both... LOL

Baby.Love ~ Enjoy your walk... DS keeps coming home with his pockets full of conkers, after taking the dog for his walk...

XTaylorsMummy ~ Hope you're not hanging about too much today...

My midwife has already called this morning to rearrange her time... LOL I said I wasn't looking forward to it all today... I've no where to be, so not bothered when she arrives... 2 ish...

Off to find a bag of very unhealthy but yummy plain crisps...
Pootle ~ hmmm sounds a bit weird on the family front if you ask me, they obviusly not thinking at all!!

Chaos ~ sorry to hear about what happend to your Nan and Auntie. Cute kitties! They obviously want to be the babies for you a little while longer before the competition gets here! :rofl: Mine are banned from all things baby as they just malt 24/ bless 'em. My white mog likes black things and the black mog likes white things, typical!! Congrats on single digits too :happydance:

~ i'm thinking food now too! Hope my MW doesn't take too long. I have no where to be this afternoon either but I just hate the waiting!!
OMG girls i just went to Mothercare and got some nursing bra's... i now measure up to an F cup :shock: my ribcage has only gone up 2 inches so thats fab :) But seriously an F!

The pains have eased off but getting some popping/bubbling sensations down there! gonna have some lunch and then a nap.. Catch you all in a bit xx
Hey girls,

I too had a sore throat, I took some Vicks First defence granules to help your immune system, they come in little packets and you just pop them in your mouth. There was nothing on the box saying pregnant women can't take them. Well the sore throat went. Might be worth checking out?

Not long till October!
god how long does it take for midwife to come?! do they normally not ring you eaither?
Thanks eswift im guzzling the fluids and feel better now ive had a sweet breakfast (toast with redcurrant raspberry jelly).

Taylorsmummy not sure, can you ring the mw? Ive never had a home visit how do you get those?
Hey girls,

I too had a sore throat, I took some Vicks First defence granules to help your immune system, they come in little packets and you just pop them in your mouth. There was nothing on the box saying pregnant women can't take them. Well the sore throat went. Might be worth checking out?

Not long till October!

Thanks, will be sending oh out tonight to get some, feels like I have a solid hard lump at the back of my throat........poor me!!!

Pootle, we had a similar situation with in-laws when I was pregnant with DS2, their ruby wedding anniversary was the day after he was due, had to buy something to wear for the occasion, knowing I might not make it.
Had the pressure of ull be there he hasnt dropped yet, loads of time left, umm actually I dont really feel like been sociable and answering the same bloody questions all day:growlmad:
As it turned out, baby didnt arrive so we were at the party, 25 miles from home, had awful hayfever, looked like poo. Everyone was commenting on the size of me, yep cheers for that one!!, and telling me my bump was too high and he wouldnt be here for ages.
Well low and behold as if to prove them wrong he was born at 11.25am the next least it shut them up for a bit:haha:

There are certain things we have to do to keep the peace sometimes but expecting you to do the whole sociable thing when you are that pregnant is not really fair:hugs:
Thanks Jlo, glad it's not just me!! My MIL seems much closer to my SIL than my husband although who knows why - they are always round there and never round here (we live 5 minute drive apart!!) Who knows whether that will change when LO arrives. She wrote on the invite to bring the baby as well if he has arrived?!?!? I just find it so odd - why does she think I would take say 2 day old baby to some party and when me and OH prob knackered and just getting settled at home and me probably struggling to sit down !!! But I was also saying to OH last night that we think their noses will be out of joint if we dont go?! All I know for sure is that the same thing would never have been done when my SIL had twins last year!
Thanks Jlo, glad it's not just me!! My MIL seems much closer to my SIL than my husband although who knows why - they are always round there and never round here (we live 5 minute drive apart!!) Who knows whether that will change when LO arrives. She wrote on the invite to bring the baby as well if he has arrived?!?!? I just find it so odd - why does she think I would take say 2 day old baby to some party and when me and OH prob knackered and just getting settled at home and me probably struggling to sit down !!! But I was also saying to OH last night that we think their noses will be out of joint if we dont go?! All I know for sure is that the same thing would never have been done when my SIL had twins last year!

Sorry, but I would have to say tough if their noses are out of joint over it!!
Is he your first child? I know with my first I was in hospital for 3 nights, I did lose alot of blood and had lots of stitches due to ventouse, but I felt like I had been hit by a train and when I went home I dont think I went back out for a week!!!
Knowing what my inlaws are like if DS2 had arrived early and I had taken him he would have been passed from pillar to post with MIL clucking all over him as the proud grandmother, which I understand but their is a time and a place and a party when you have just given birth is not it:hugs:
Good afternoon ladies,

Hope we're ok - I'm ok. Had what I can only describe as false labour yesterday....but yet again no baby yet so I think we're ok. I just sat on my ball and breathed my way through.

My travel system didn't arrive!!!!!! :growlmad: I've called Mothercare this morning to see where it is and they can't find it so they will ring me back this afternoon after speaking to head office. I have a horrible feeling that they just couldn't find us yesterday (I'm literally middle of nowhere kind of thing! lol) but at least that way a neighbour hasn't pinched it!!

I'm feeling a bit useless today.....I feel like I need to prepare for LO's arrival (yesterday didn't help lol) but I can't actually do anything as the nursery is still really full with furniture that I can't move, and I'm so tired as my mind is racing......wish I could just get it all sorted. Btw....does anyone know where I can get a stencil for jungle plants like bamboo....I've had a quick look but may end up finding some clip-art or something. I've got some stickers of elephants and giraffe's so I think that some plants would look nice.
I'm off to catch up on the posts! Hugs to everyone who needs them! :hugs: xx
Yes he is our first (not their first grandchild though). Another comment was made along the lines of "if I'm in hospital then OH can go to the party after visting hours" (NICE). I dont know why but I dont think my MIL likes me that much or doesnt like the fact that I'm more independent and stand on my own two feet more than her daughter. I just cant put my finger on it. For some reason she thought the due date was 29/09 - not that it would make much difference - we're either going to be late/in hospital/or new parents but I think she thought "oh well, the party is after your due date" so thats OK!!
Pootle ~ Try not to get yourself too worked up with the family thing... I get on fine with my MIL but SIL and family I can't stand... Really gets my back up, we've tired to be nice inviting kids to parties etc, trying to involve the whole family with meals and get to know them as we all live within 5 miles of each other... OH and I have been together almost 10 years and I still can't do right for doing wrong, where they're concerned... SIL always turns what I say around and spouts crap so MIL gets the wrong end of the stick... More so come Christmas as my other SIL lives in Manchester there's a run up there to be done... I offered one year to send all the stuff special delivery (as all the stuff was little, you know CD's etc) well SIL twisted it round that I was going to get MIL to pay for it to be sent... I wasn't... OH was working, no time off; I'm not sure where in Manchester to go (I've driven there 3 times, always with OH giving me directions) So, I then suggested as it was our turn to take the stuff, then I could meet BIL half way at the services... To which SIL twisted round to the fact I was being awkward and OH was just trying to get out of doing the trip! I was livid... In the end BIL met the other BIL in the services closer to us rather than the one half way and did so last year too... I don't get involved any more... Balls to the lot of them... This year I'm gonna push some noses out of joint this year over christmas any way, as I did last year too...

LOL not as if my nephew and nieces are small and believe in santa... Our kids are the youngest in the family... Most of them are over 15 now and they still do chrsitmas lists for everyone (even the adults!) My family stop buying for the adults when they have kids, and stop buying for the kids when they reach 18... Otherwise it gets silly... LOL

We've not got the money this year that we normally have, nor have we any fall back that we normally have. We're currently living not just month to month but also week to week due to OH now being paid weekly and not knowing what his wages are... Hence why my kids come first... They can all go swivel and I'm quite happy to tell them all where to go... OK that sounded quite bitter, I'm not; I love Christmas (my B'day on the 20th December too) But do strongly feel Christmas is for kids not adults...

Anway rant over... I promise... Just think...

Some people you can please some of the time, others none of the time; so you're best off pleasing yourself. Then at least someone's happy...

Sounds good to me... LOL
Pootle ~ Try not to get yourself too worked up with the family thing... I get on fine with my MIL but SIL and family I can't stand... Really gets my back up, we've tired to be nice inviting kids to parties etc, trying to involve the whole family with meals and get to know them as we all live within 5 miles of each other... OH and I have been together almost 10 years and I still can't do right for doing wrong, where they're concerned... SIL always turns what I say around and spouts crap so MIL gets the wrong end of the stick... More so come Christmas as my other SIL lives in Manchester there's a run up there to be done... I offered one year to send all the stuff special delivery (as all the stuff was little, you know CD's etc) well SIL twisted it round that I was going to get MIL to pay for it to be sent... I wasn't... OH was working, no time off; I'm not sure where in Manchester to go (I've driven there 3 times, always with OH giving me directions) So, I then suggested as it was our turn to take the stuff, then I could meet BIL half way at the services... To which SIL twisted round to the fact I was being awkward and OH was just trying to get out of doing the trip! I was livid... In the end BIL met the other BIL in the services closer to us rather than the one half way and did so last year too... I don't get involved any more... Balls to the lot of them... This year I'm gonna push some noses out of joint this year over christmas any way, as I did last year too...

LOL not as if my nephew and nieces are small and believe in santa... Our kids are the youngest in the family... Most of them are over 15 now and they still do chrsitmas lists for everyone (even the adults!) My family stop buying for the adults when they have kids, and stop buying for the kids when they reach 18... Otherwise it gets silly... LOL

We've not got the money this year that we normally have, nor have we any fall back that we normally have. We're currently living not just month to month but also week to week due to OH now being paid weekly and not knowing what his wages are... Hence why my kids come first... They can all go swivel and I'm quite happy to tell them all where to go... OK that sounded quite bitter, I'm not; I love Christmas (my B'day on the 20th December too) But do strongly feel Christmas is for kids not adults...

Anway rant over... I promise... Just think...

Some people you can please some of the time, others none of the time; so you're best off pleasing yourself. Then at least someone's happy...

Sounds good to me... LOL

Your a woman after my own heart hun:dohh:

Gotta look after you n yours:hugs:

Families ehh, if only we could pick them. Dont be bullied by them pootle and do what ever you think feels right on the day, they will get over it and if they dont its their loss:hugs:
I really love going to my mum's at Christmas and if im not up to it this year she has said she'll bring the family and Christmas to us. OH's mum is great also. it was our first Christmas together last year and I loved seeing both our families. I think im very lucky as they are all pretty decent folks.
thanks for all the advice guys! I think on this occasion for sure I will be doing what I feels right for me and LO and stuff anyone else.

Just back from MW, LO still 2/5ths!! and has been at 34, 36 and 38 week check!!! However he is also ROA Right Occiput Anterior and quote from one website :-

These anterior presentations (ROA and LOA) are normal and usually are the easiest way for the fetus to traverse the birth canal


MW reckons with pains I've had that could come so that when I am 40+2 there will be no need for next appt. I hope so..........................
im so so so mad!!

Midwife turned up at half 12.. to tell me she is not willng to do the sweep because in this county they dont do it till 41weeks! She then went on to moan about me being induced! So i know have to go to hospital tomorrow to have the sweep [i live in leicestershire the hospital im at is in warwickshire] and a blood test! not happy tbh. She doesnt feel to see which way baby is or even to see if hes engaged! she put heart beat thing on for like 5secs and then left.

Also i think my waters might be leaking? my pants are really wet, and smell like water [?] and when i wipe down there i have a yellow watery discharge?
Taylorsmummy ~ how annoying! Why does she waste your time like that! I would be so mad right now. I know its late on in the day but could you not get a new MW?

My MW has still not appeared yet, I wish she would come. OH is getting cranky now. He normally has a nap in the afternoon due to his shifts but he is obviously putting it off, so is now getting a bit irritable. He also decided to do some DIY in the cellar (which we are convertng to a computer room and utility / storage room) and tired DIY sometimes makes him irratiable too. He just doesn't want to waste the afternoon but I can't cope with him being all cranky either. I am can't do anything as when I leave the room he starts making lots of noise which is making me worry that if I am in another room I will miss her at the door or miss a phone call or something :shrug: :dohh: :wacko:
its so annoying aint it kte! i might just wait till tomorrow, and hopefully i wont see midwife again till baby is here lol. She was just like "i dont understand why they want to induced YOU anyway" blah!! i really dreading blood test tomorrow! shall i cover my arms in emla cream?

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