Official October Team Bumpkins

just wanted to say thanks for all the birthday messages. :)

Had a quiet day (OH was working away last night & didn't gt back till late this eve) but got a parcel off one of my uni friends with a nice kimono style silk dessing gown (blak pink) & a load of jasper conran baby gros, so hat was cool, then got a massive bouquet of flowers & some chocs that OH sent too, so that made me all happy. Went to my sister's & picked my nephew up from school, then went to Nandos for a meal wigth my bro, sis & 2 nephews.... then my OH turns up too, as he finished his day a lil early, so that was the best surprise :)

Got tons of cards, a bit of money, a 19" flat screen TV, an i-pod & i-pod speakers, a red & silver necklace & earrings set, flowers, chocolates... My mum called me from Paris & said she was having a great birthday there too, so all in all a good day.

OH has managed to swing tomorrow off work, then he's working straight through till whenever he gets a call from me to say I'm in labour, lol. I really cannot wait to get this baby out now as I feel almost crippled by my sciatica, back pain (always my left side?), trapped wind, constipation & period style cramping. I've been bouncing & swaying away on my gym ball like nobody's business hoping it'll start something off, but no luck yet. Roll on monday when I see my MW again & can ask her for a sweep.

anyway, night night. :sleep:
Morning Ladies...

Hope all have had a great night... LOL yet again, I'm up at stupid O'clock for breakie... I've a gut feeling that babe's gonna want feeding at this time when it arrives too... Guess I must have been really wicked...

I had a lovely chat through facebook, with my sister & DS... It had been a while since she's emailed let alone chatted... She's back home in just over 2 months... Awww bless, she's excited... (She's due home half way between her B'day and mine, so it'll be something to look forward too....)

OH was up about 9pm, last night... He was ok, rather groggy; I suppose that's to be expected considering he normall gets up about 6ish... Hopefully, he'll be able to get to bed earlier...

I'm thinking after the discomfort and how tight my bump feels, I too am going to have to start bouncing about on the ball; OH is more than happy to start 'baby move out' next week. I'm struggling to move not just up and out of bed, but also around the house now etc... Guess this is the whole melon betwen your legs situation... From my prospective it's no fun... The hip thing has returned again (started having paracetamols again) According to MW this is because babe is so far down and keeps moving back to back with me... (DS was like that until labour all them years ago... OH just laughed when MW told us yesterday...)

Right I'm off back to bed for a couple of hours, TV at stupid O'clock really is crap... See if I can catch some zzz's instead...
Morning all,

For a moment there I actually felt that, despite the usual getting up and peeing all the time, I had slept for once! Well, that was until I reached work and now I just feel like the bags under my eyes have appeared again!

We had the hospital tour last night, it lasted about an hour. We saw the Delivery Ward and the Birth Centre (OH and I are booked into the Birth Centre). Both were lovely. I thought it would be a bit more busy / hectic than what it was lol! :haha:

30 days / 1 months to go :yipee: :wohoo: lol
Kte - I hear ya! I slept last night too! Hubby also left me in bed as the car had to go in for it's repairs at 8.30 this morning. It's just occurred to me that my notes are in the car.....I hope he remembers to take them out and bring them back in the courtesy car.

We have our pre-birth 36 week check today at Jubilee. Hopefully the bloods etc will come back ok and we can carry on with the plan. It's like taking your exams at school! I'm so nervous!

Anyhoo, best go call hubby and check he's got them or we may be going to Hull via York this morning!! lol :dohh:

Have a good day girls...will update this afternoon when we're back.
39 weeks today!!!!!!!!!! cant believe it!!!
Im over the moon i really am xxxxxxxxxxx :baby:
wont be long now ladies
Morning Ladies,

Flora - Sounds like you had a lovely bday and wow you got lots of lovely pressies !

I slept ok last night I am still getting those pains in my lower back and abdomen ! I had a dream last night that I had baby and for the first time he was a tiny baby not a 6 month old size with old man head lol ... It was a lovely dream then woke up and realised I was still pregnant :cry:

Hope you have a lovely day xxxxxxxx
Glad you had a lovely birthday Flora, and you got some fab pressies.

Well I've got an afternoon of fun at the hospital today, have the diabetic clinic at 2pm, anaesthatist at 2:30 and the consultant at 3:10. They all run late though so I'm guessing I won't be out til about 5 :(

My consultant is giving me my date for induction today though!!!!! Wohoo, can't wait.

I hope she doesn't mind :blush:

Just thought I would let you all know ~ Bonfloss is in labour!! (Her LO was due same day as mine on 24th Oct) so her LO wants to come a month early!!!

Lets hope everything goes well for her :thumbup:

Good luck and congrats Bonfloss! :flower: :hugs:
Congrats on 39 weeks Sam, so cant wait to get there, although im trying to evict before that :rofl:

OH has work then out on a do with work then back in for a release tonight so wont see him till the early hours. Going to really miss him.

I seem to have a sore hip this morning I must of slept funny.
urgh. 4am :sleep::sleep::sleep::coffee::coffee:

Still not awake enough to write much, but Congrats Bonfloss!!! :)

On the plus side, 39 weeks today!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:7 fricking days, people!

I'm off on a wagon ride around a zoo today, hopefully the bumps will encourage lil Miss Autumn lol. I have a feeling she's gonna be in until next Thursday at least.
Congrats Chaos :happydance:

Good luck bonfloss...oooooooh im so excited for all these babies :wohoo:
Goodluck Bonfloss xxx Thinking of u xxxxxxxxx
good luck bonfloss!!

Iv had nothing since the sweep yesterday [thank god keeping legs crossed till atleast saturday lol]. No mucus plug, waters ect lol have had abit of stomach ache but nowt major lol. Hoping when i get to hospital on monday im like 3-4cm lol
Congrats bonfloss........

Oh my god Chaos your last couple of week have flown in .. well they have to me and I feel like I am dragging lol ... Fingers crossed those bumps get things moving for ya x
lindak - I had the same this morning, the dream!! LO had been born and i woke up and he wasnt next to me, OH had left him in his travelcot downstairs (dont even have one of these yet), and he was all curled up asleep and I picked him up awwwwwwwwwww and then my fone rang and woke me up n I was really annoyed haha xxx
lindak - I had the same this morning, the dream!! LO had been born and i woke up and he wasnt next to me, OH had left him in his travelcot downstairs (dont even have one of these yet), and he was all curled up asleep and I picked him up awwwwwwwwwww and then my fone rang and woke me up n I was really annoyed haha xxx

I know its horrible when you wake up isnt it !! But we will have out LO's in our arms soon x
Afternoon Ladies...

Chaos ~ fingers the bumpy trip will get things moving LOL... So close yet so far...

Bonfloss ~ Good Luck girl... Hope all goes well...

Aimee-Lou ~ Hope all goes well this afternoon...

LindaK ~ I'd like to sleep long enough to have a dream... LOL I'd like enough sleep to feel the benefit after waking up...

OH came home with the car full of kitchen units again... Doesn't look as though we'll need to buy any more... I'm well chuffed... Hmmm question is where to store them??? LOL probably in the livingroom when the lino's fitted and back to the kitchen diner once the glue's dry... Still so much to do, and so little time... Poor OH is doing 12 hour shifts, working all weekend on the house and sleeping when he can during the day...

DS and I are off for a walk around the secondary school tonight, should be interesting if nothing else...

Right have a good afternoon, and hope all your appointments go well... I'm off to go bounce on my ball... Maybe a nap later... Have fun...
Afternoon all,

Thanks for all your messages to Bonfloss, I have let her know you are all wishing her well. I will keep you updated if I hear any more news.

:hugs: x
Hey :wave:

Not been in here a while, i keep forgetting to post :blush::dohh:

Bonfloss - Good luck hun, hope all goes well!!

Chaos - wow 39 weeks already! Cant believe you only have a week left :D FX'd the trip gets things moving!

Eswift - ooh you have reminded me about birthing ball.... i need to get one! haha been meaning to buy one for weeks, my memory is terrible :lol: Bless your OH working so hard! Will be worth it when its all finished and bubs is here :hugs:

Cant believe how close we are now.. im 37 weeks on sun :yipee: Cant wait to meet Logan! Ive been having lots of dreams about labour last week or so.. ill be doing my best to get him out come Sunday :rofl:

Hope everyone is ok :hug:


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