Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning all . . .

**News on Bonfloss**

I recieved a message from her at 00.01!

We had a gorgeous baby girl at back of 9. All well but we are in shock x

She also said that her baby girl had been in a funny posision so she had an assisted birth. Hope she has a speedy recovery :flower: :hugs:

Congrat's to Bonfloss and her OH on their new baby girl :happydance: :happydance:
Congratulations to bonfloss :hug:

Thanks for letting us know kte, oooh I cant wait to see pictures.

Well oh was stuck at work overnight I fell asleep for 2 hours on sofa before went to bed but the cat kept waking me up every hour, she opened a wardrobe door and scratched the bedding out, she kept licking my face, then jumped in the cot. I had to put her outside in the end.

I was awake every hour, not used to oh not being here and my bladder was being naughty. I also feel lots of scratches in my bits as I call them :lol: I walked downstairs with legs open this morning. Baby feels so low I cant see how he can get any lower other than out. :shrug:
Congrats Bonfloss!!! Send some labour dust our way as well!!

Was awake from 4am this morning with some really bad period pains in my back and strange twinges in my stomach but although back still a bit sore the twinges have gone. Convinced myself it was the start of something but obviously now.............................:wacko:
Congrats to Bonnfloss....

Flora - They are scary dreams

Well ladies I am 36 weeks today :happydance:

4 weeks left wooo hooo

Had a rubbish sleep last night knew it was to good to be true having a run of good nights sleep.

Hope you are all well xxxxxxxxxx
Hearty Congratualtions to Bonfloss!!!!!! :hugs: Waiting to see the pictures.....
Congratulations to Bonfloss :happydance:

Well done for making 36 weeks lindak

I had the worst nights sleep last night, period type cramps, and lower back pain isn't very nice, when I finally did drop off it wasn't for very long because I soon woke up to pee! Probably one of the worst nights sleeps throughout pregnancy, good excuse to take it easy today :coffee:
Morning girls and bumps:flower:

I am shattered, DS2 was up half the night with a hacking cough that kept making him sick, hes only 3 so hard to explain to him that if he stopped coughing and crying he wouldnt be sick!!!

We have my uncles funeral today at 12:cry: My cousin has flown home from Australia for it so will be quite an emotional day I think, just pray my waters dont break in the crematorium!!!!!

Had appointment with consultant yesterday and I am having a stretch n sweep nxt Wednesday, fingers x, if the midwife refuses to do it, because I wont be 40 weeks, I can go to MAU and they will do it, I hope it works!!!!

Anyhow, :hugs: to all that need them, make the most of the sunshine too x
congrats bonfloss!!!

Well still no baby.. But leaking alot, losing more mucus plug since 1pm yesterday. My floo feels like its on fire [??]. Not had no more pains just feel weried lol going into town today just to look round lol. Taking each day as it comes, iv got to friday so now have money for parking ect... next step is monday for induction day =]
Thanks for Bonfloss's well wishes and congratulations ~ I have been passing them on for you all (as well as the picture requests!) :flower:

Congrats on 36 weeks LindaK :thumbup:

Hope something happens for you soon Taylorsmummy :hugs:

OH trapped me on my side of the bed this morning! I didn't have enough room to do my usual whale movements to get out of bed! lol He wouldn't budge for ages cheeky bugger!

Had two cuppa's this morning and they were sooooo nice :coffee: lol . . . I may go for No. 3 just hope it's as nice :lol:
Bonfloss ~ CONGRATULATIONS!?!?! Hope you're both home soon...

Anababe ~ I feel for you at the moment, as having a 2 year old to entertain when you've no energy... I'm so glad that DS is older and has all his day at school, Thank goodness...

Pootle33 ~ 4am is not a good time to be up, is it? My dog after yapping at the dog in the garden this morning at stupid o'clock is now asleep under the chair now...

JLo ~ My thoughts are with you for today... It's never nice going to a funeral even without being so tired and walking on egg shells to boot...

Just had breakie 2 and I'm gonna meet my Mum for lunch today, I'm looking forward to getting out of the house... I'm walking wide legged all the time now, and can't walk for long nor stand... LOL it's awkward to sit too... See told you I'm so over being pregnant now... Right while that thoughts there, lets go ball bouncing... LMAO... OH was rather crude yesterday when I said I'd been ball bouncing... I won't tell you what he said but I'm sure you can catch the drift about bouncing balls and evicting babe... LOL

Have a good afternoon all...
Morning ladies,

Hope we're all ok today.

TaylorsMummy - hope something happens today! Keep thinking positive thoughts and hopefully the walk around town will encourage things along (I've heard walking with one foot on the curb and the other on the road can help speed things up!).

Jlo - hope today goes ok for you. :hugs:

I've had some sad news too. I don't know if people remember, but my dog Gilbert was very poorly. Unfortunately, he had a bad turn and had to be put down yesterday morning. It's really sad because he had been doing so well but it all just got too much for him. :cry: RIP Gilbert. Mum is going to take his ashes to his favourite walking spot next week....I'm a bit sad becuase I can't get over there (hour and a half away and I can't drive, and hubby is working every single day until the 3rd!) But at least he's not in any pain any more......still very sad news :cry:

Right, I have so much to do today. I'm hoping not to get a phone call from the dr today....they said that they would be calling me if my iron was still low, but otherwise it'll be when my MW appointment is in 2 weeks!

I've got loads to do today. I've written a list of 'jobs' that will need doing when I go into labour (washing up, fresh water for dog etc) so that we don't have to worry about stuff when I get home from hospital. Hope that hubby doesn't mind....they're not major jobs but I really don't want to come home to a mucky house lol. I also need to do a few chores and some filing...hubby has asked for BBQ for his tea.....there was me hoping for a simple meal like beans on toast lol.

Anyhoo, I'll be off....hope everyone is ok. DOn't know about anyone else but I feel a bit strange. Not in pain, not achey, just a bit I'm a bit off. Just need to get to next wednesday!!!! Lets hope we get there.....and I'm sleeping well now after my insomnia bout....thank goodness. I can't cope without my sleep! :sleep::blush:

Be back on later ladies. Have a good day and I hope we have some nice plans for the weekend. Hubby is working through so I'll have plenty time to get my jobs done.....and prepare for the car boot next Saturday (this time hubby has suggested it so I guess we must be going! lol).

Byeeeee xx
Aimee-Lou, hang on in there! I keep having "feeling odd" days - I think it's partly because being on maternity leave suddenly frees up lots more thinking time, so you start to actually notice how you feel. Fingers, legs etc. are all crossed that you make it to full-term so you can get birth centring.

Bonfloss, congrats on the birth :) Anybody know how early she was?

Wrote our birth plan this morning - got it down to less than one page of A4, and I've tried to be rational and reasonable (ha! Me?) so that I don't get the healthcare staff's backs up as soon as I walk into the room;-)

This afternoon is a "get some home cooking in the freezer" session, I think.
colsy - Bonfloss was 30 days early! I sent her a text wishing her a happy 30 days left and she replied she was in labour! She was due on the 24th Oct!

aimee-lou - sorry to hear about Gilbert :hugs:
Colsy- Bonfloss was due same date as Kte, so was just over 36weeks I think?

Congratulations BONFLOSS, please share your secrets how you got her to arrive so early?!! Hope all is well and can't wait to see pics! :baby:

Jlo, hope it goes as well as it can today xxx :hugs:

Aimee, :hugs: so sorry about poor Gilbert.

Taylorsmummy, sounds like that sweep is working,won't be long now!!

Maffie, can I ask where you have ordered your elle tens from please? I've seen what I think is a good deal on hiring one,just wanted to compare with you really.

I've forgotten lots of things I wanted to say to people now :dohh:

Someone mentioned having sharp pains in lady bits?..yeah, me too..made me yelp out loud last night,felt like someone had shoved a sharp object up there!! OUCH! OH nearly had to peel me off the ceiling!
Going to a friends later to collect aload of baby stuff she says I can have, theres a moses basket with stand, Avent sterilliser, changing mat and a few other bits n pieces she says :happydance: The plan is to wait and see what she gives me,then write out a list of things still needed then get most of them this weekend. The main ones I need are gym ball (getting one from Argos tonight) cot bedding and maternity pads. Also I have to arrange hiring a tens machine, and we need to buy a new hose pipe to fill the birth pool with. Oh and I should really go get measured for a nursing bra again but think it's advised to wait untill 38weeks to do that.
Congratulations Bonfloss, cant wait to see photos :hugs:
Aimee-lou so sorry about your dog :hugs:

And to all you lovely ladies :hugs: lets hope we start to go into labour very soon

Can someone please explain 3/5 engaged means, midwife wrote this on my notes today.


Helz i've bought mine as I thought it will get used for the next baby and maybe after this birth as its meant to be good for back aches. Got it from boots as they had 10% off mum and mum to be stuff.

I'm feeling a bit odd today, pains at the top of bump and tightenings.

Colsy I have to do my birth plan with consultant at 38 weeks which seems late. My wants are pretty basic. Just gas and air and my tens, allowed to walk about (dont think i'll get that if induced though) and only spinal if emergency (but I know in emergency they ave already said id have a general)

I've been warned I will bleed more than average due to the blood thinners I am on, so thats worrying me some what, other thing is if i'm ill I dont want baby giving a bottle.
Can someone please explain 3/5 engaged means, midwife wrote this on my notes today.



Hope this helps, I had some confusion with it all a few weeks back! :hugs: When the MW checkes LO's position:

If 2 finger widths of your baby's head is felt, it is written as '2/5' palpable or 3/5 engaged

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