Official October Team Bumpkins

Afternoon all, well im still full of energy so i've made the changing unit. i'm not so hot and sweaty. Will have to find something for lunch in a minute. Baby has been quieter today, but still kicking. i think he doesn't agree with my activity levels :rofl: Gave me a right good boot when I just sat down.

Hmmmm need lunch but dont know what to have :shrug:
I thought baby was making an early appearance last night while I sat at the bar (drinking bitter lemon, I should add!) doing the pub quiz. Baby didn't stop kicking for about two hours, and then suddenly I got this really sharp pains - and I mean pains, not just discomfort - in my pelvis. It didn't feel anything like what I imagine labour might feel like, but I tell you it was so painful that I suddenly gripped hold of the bar and couldn't move for a few minutes. The poor bar lady was most concerned about me. Meanwhile, OH looked a bit worried cos he'd had three pints and therefore wouldn't be able to drive anywhere! The pains subsided a bit, but you know they hung on in there somewhat, so I still felt very odd once the quiz finished and we walked home.

I am guessing it was baby's head engaging a bit more and kind of pushing the pelvic bones apart. Does that sound right to anybody who knows about these things?

Today, baby is wriggle-tastic again (I suppose it's pretty uncomfortable once its head gets stuck in my pelvis, poor creature), and I feel a bit "funny" but not in pain. Keep feeling a bit nauseous, and getting the occasional period-type pain.

Any thoughts, anybody?

Oh my, is this all because one of the pub regulars last night said "There's no way you've got three and a half weeks to go. I am absolutely convinced we'll be seeing baby before then"?!

And still got quite a bit to do - and "me time" to make the most of - so actually I'd defo rather baby hung on in there for a little bit longer.
Hope everything goes well for Bonfloss- wasn't she due to go for a scan on Friday cos her midwife thought baby might be breech??!
Hope everyone else is good,not much time just now,be back later xxx
Hope everything goes well for Bonfloss- wasn't she due to go for a scan on Friday cos her midwife thought baby might be breech??!
Hope everyone else is good,not much time just now,be back later xxx

Yeah she was, I'm hoping that wasn't the case as she said that she was 6cm this morning, I am guessing they wouldn't let her give birth naturally if her LO was still breech :shrug: I have sent her a few messages but obvously don't want to pester her too much due to her being a tad occupied!
Hello, ladies. Hope that you are all doing well :) . Big congrats to those reaching milestones today! I'm 36 weeks tomorrow:happydance: Seems like my pregnancy has flown in!

Yesterday i had the most unbelievable bout of pregnancy fuzzy brain to date. First off i had a physio appointment to see about my SPD. I turned up in my joggers ready for some moving around and was promtly told to strip down to my undies:wacko:! I really should have seen this coming but you know how it goes, brain just glosses over and it doesn't even cross your mind. Anyhoo, i'm standing red faced in some grey Bridget Jones's and a white bra. I sheepishly apologised for my mismatched and highly un-attractive underwear and the physio (such a sweet lady) just said, "oh don't worry about that at all. It's all about the comfort. You should see some of the sights i see in here!" Made me smile :)
Anyway, my friend decided to build the baby's cot for me whilst i was at physio. She called me and said that Babies R Us had screwed up and sent us a cot side that didn't match. So mum and i got back to the house, called the store and took the cot side back in to change it. It was only then that i realised we had been sold the wrong cot!!! Obviously i was upset. We tried to explain to the sales assistant who was so belligerant with no people skills at all. He just kept banging on about how the cot we had chosen comes in two coluors and it wasn't the stores fault that we had taken the wrong leaflet to the cashdesk! I argued and said that i wasn't aware there were two colour options as only one was on display, i even showed him the pictures of the cot i had taken in the store on the day we bought it to show the OH and the receipt for the matching bedding! He was refusing to change it so we called the manager. I have never wanted to smack anyone so much before, i would see the point if there had been a price difference or anything but both cots were the same price and besides all of that the bloody thing we were sold was faulty!!! The manager came out, admitted that it was the stores fault for not stating that the cot came in two colors and having the leaflets for both colours in the one holder on the one cot they had on display. What a kufuffle! After all that hassle they decided to change it, it only took them 30 mins to decide that! By that time my blood pressure was through the roof.
To top it all off i got home, booted up my laptop, popped my charger in and it refused to work. I took the charger out and it came out with the pin inside it from inside my laptop. In my stupid rage and fuzzyness i shut down the laptop and tried to remove the pin from the charger...with my teeth:blush:! I hadn't turned it off at the mains. I was given an electric shock. I burned my lips and i was terified i had just hurt the LO. I just lay and cried hysterically until i felt the LO move around happily. I have seriously never felt so stupid in my life before. I just couldn't wait for the OH to get home and hug me, i must've looked a right state! Anyway, he made it all better and i'm hoping that today is an improvement on wouldn't take much lol!
Sorry about the long post, i just really needed to get it all out before i exploded. What a day:wacko:
Oh dear, Harmony Bunny - sounds like The Day From Hell for you. I hope today has gone better, that baby is still moving around loads, and that you've now sorted out the cot. :hugs: And always remember - sometimes, when we look back on days like this a few weeks or months down the line, we end up laughing about it, even though at the time it just felt like the shittiest day ever.
Oh dear, Harmony Bunny - sounds like The Day From Hell for you. I hope today has gone better, that baby is still moving around loads, and that you've now sorted out the cot. :hugs: And always remember - sometimes, when we look back on days like this a few weeks or months down the line, we end up laughing about it, even though at the time it just felt like the shittiest day ever.

Aaaw, thank you hon. It was a doozy wasn't it! Today is much better and the LO is busy merrily kicking hell out of me so i'm pleased. We recorded his heartbeat and kicks and popped it on a cd for my mums birthday today seeing as he was in full blown show off mode :) . Hope she loves it! Oh, i don't doubt that i'll be having a chuckle about it later. I'm just dreadin the day that daddy brings it up at the dinner table, "oh, did mum ever tell you about the day she tried to eat the charger and kick start you into being born!":blush:
just been shopping brought a new steraliser from boots, tommee tippee one was 40 now 19.99 lol. Went loo and lost some plug! got really bad stomach ache/back ache liek trapped wind. going bed soon i think =[
just been shopping brought a new steraliser from boots, tommee tippee one was 40 now 19.99 lol. Went loo and lost some plug! got really bad stomach ache/back ache liek trapped wind. going bed soon i think =[

Wow, bargainous steriliser! Not so great about the back ache though. Jump into bed and get all comfy, it's what i've been doing all day and it's done me the world of good:thumbup:
Colsy ~ I think that the pain I had last week, sounds very much like that you experienced at the quiz. So probably as you have said was babe engaging. As after the pain and feeling off babe was as it is now fully fully engaged... Sounds like your friends in the pub are like my mates, I'm just waiting for them to start placing their bets as to when LO will show...

Annababe ~ I was thinking about you the other day, Glad you've finally posted again. You're right it has been a while... Hope all's been well since you were last on here...

HarmonyBunny ~ Not sure if placing a live plug into your mouths is a recongnised way of starting labour... LOL... Hope you're mouths ok... You sure you haven't been speaking to my DS, he electricuted his fish last year; he put the air pump into the fish tank as he wanted to see what would happen... Silly lucky sod, had his arm in the tank when he did it... The air pump never worked and the fish were all dead the following morning... He was so lucky... Hopefully, you won't have many more days like that...

XTaylorsMummy ~ Ooo Maybe your sweep is starting to work?? Keep us informed....

Maffie ~ Could you share the energy thing about, or let me know what your secret is, please... All I've done much to the dogs annoyance is crochet him a t-shirt... LOL DS said I was cruel... Hehehe I've found a use for all the left over wool... Poor Dog, Glad I've only got a yorkshire terrier...

Anyway, best make a move as we've to get to the secondary school early; I'm gonna do tea when we get back so we're all eating together as I'm missing OH and I think he's missing me too... As when I've tip toed upstairs to the loo, he keeps popping out to rub my tum and tell me he loves me... Aww bless him...
Well the energy burst wiped me out eswift and I ended up having a long nap.

Harmonybunny ouch :hugs: hmmmm not a good thing electrocution it hurts!

Now i'm alone tonight so do I dig through the cupboards for dinner (not done the shopping this week yet) or be naughty and buy take away?
Maffie ~ I attempted a chinese tonight, I got home a little late and OH is so tired but I couldn't eat it all! argh! All this hunger and so little room lol!

I was given £50 to spend this week which is a treat! Petrol and cat bikkies came out of it first. I went to ASDA on the way home and couldn't resist buying a new sleep outfit for LO :happydance: Its cute and has a baby Taz on it :cloud9: I was tempted to buy a sleeping bag with Taz on too but they only had 3-6 month size left and I was worried by that time that the tog would have been too much, hmmm on reflection, January maybe not. :dohh: Ah well, I will pop back when I have a spare £10. I also got a brush and comb set and a nail scissor set for LO too. Going to boots to get some nappies and the free changer bag tomorrow. :D
Hi everyone, hope we've all had a good day!

The check up went well...the midwife was a little 'dizzy' :lol: but she was really nice and got blood out of me pretty much straight away.....which I was impressed with! lol

She checked me over and said that everything is fine - :thumbup: woohoo :dohh: Just got to wait for the bloods to come back and then we should be good to go. Still have 5 days more until we're full term but all being well we're on course for a water birth! :happydance: (They've even said that if my iron is still low, they'll up my dose and try again at 38 weeks via the community MW!! :thumbup:) Also, they've made me my next appointment which is for 41 weeks for a stretch and sweep.....scary to think that my next appointment will be to bring the baby on, rather than just check vitals!

Btw We did leave the notes in the car so had to go to York, pick them up, then drive to hull! Never mind - but over an hour and a half in the car brought on some fabulous BH's!!!!

Anyhoo, hubby is cooking tea at the moment, tex mex tonight.....drat forgot to ask for sweetcorn! Grrr best catch him quick.

Night girls!! :hugs:
im so fed up tonight lol...

iv all of a sudden gone in a fowl mood, and extremely tired. My boobies are soo sore and leaking a little, my fairy feels like dexter is trying to rip it open! and ever movement he makes hurts! getting braxton hicks near pubic bone that hurts =[
Well Chinese is ordered, shouldn't of wasted the money but OH is out having fun before going back to work and I cant be bothered with cooking.

I can certainly feel baby moving right down in my lady bits, might have to get on my ball in a bit!

Told mum about my energy burst and she thinks baby will come next week :shrug:
Hey ladies! Finally managed to get back onto the internet for the night as I have come to work with OH. Well have had an interesting 2 weeks. Am on twice weekly midwife visits as my blood pressure was high. Has come down a bit now so if it is ok Saturday and Wednesday I can drop to once weekly visits. Had a growth scan last week and he was weighing 5lb 11oz. He is still head down but is now not engaged at all cheeky little monkey. In alot of pain and just wishing he would come out now. Been 7 weeks since I lost my plug so you would think he would make his appearance soon. Having some very painful BH so hoping it wont be too much longer. Right I'm gonna go grab some food and I will be back.
Taylorsmummy: sounds like your sweep is starting to take effect; let'shope it wont be too much longer & that if/when you do go into labour, it'll be hassle free & speedy.

Lindak: I keep having flashes of drems where my LO is born & I'm filled with such a HUGE joy & then I wake up hot n sweaty in my bed & it's like, 'dammit!' lol. But I also keep having a recurring dream where the midwife delivers the baby & then puts him strsight on my chest & I forget to hold him & he slides off & smashes like a glass on the floor; freaking terrifies me. I have now added in my birth plan that he's got to be wrapped up before I hold him & that OH has to hold him first then hand him to me coz I know 100% he wont let go unless he knows I've fully got him; silly I know, but I just can't shake it.

Kte: thanks for letting us know about Bonfloss. Hope she's okay!!!!

Harmonybunny: had to LOL @ your laptop charger incident :rofl: Defo preggo brain moment!

Cahos & Sam76; I can't believe you guys have less than a week nbow till your due dates. It has gone sooooo quick! Scary quic, but man, you must be so excited. Good luck for on-time deliveries! :)

Everyone else: hope you're all doing ok & not in too much discomfort. To put it bluntly, my fanny aches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :dohh: I've been getting a lot of non-painful BH at the top of my bump area, but also some sharp, scratching/stbbing like pains down in my vagina area, like LO is trying to claw hs way out. I know that's impossible, and is probablt just the head engaging more & putting pressure on my pelvis & nerves etc, but man, it totally stops me in my tracks when I get it, which was about 10-15 times today... Oh well, 2 weeks to go till Edd. I can't believe how fast this whole thing has gone; even though the last few weeks are dragging like hell, for me, this pregnancy has passed with the blink of an eye & I thanks the stars I haven't had any major issues.

:hugs: to everyone & night night to those asleep & :hi: to those with preggy insomnia.
Morning Girls...

Ok it's still dark outside, the dogs scouting in the back garden. Think he's looking for the hedgehog he was harrassing last night... Poor thing, it comes back each and every Autumn; I'm not sure why as the dog is a pain to it... The hedgehog hides under the shed, whilst the dog yaps at it... So far he's quiet... (That didn't last long, hehehe; I'm such a bad neighbour...)

OH is still at work and I've an hour until DS will be up... So it's not worth going back to bed... The walk around the secondary school was hmmm a hassle... I managed just over an hour... I had enough by then they were trying to show us each and every section area 17 in total (we managed 6 in the hour) I was hungry, uncomfy and struggling with the up and down stairs. I really didn't fancy still trailing around the school at 10pm... As it was by the time we got tea and DS to bed it was 10pm anyway... I was shattered... More to the point DS is gonna be so tired at school today... Poor Kid...

Mind you I slept reasonably well, LOL from about 11 until 4 ish... Ended up with the need to pee... LOL no rest for the wicked...

XTaylorsMummy ~ How you doing???
Hope Taylorsmummy and Bonfloss are ok.

I have been having contractions every day for a few hours then they disappear again. Soooo tiring!

Had my m/w appointment yesterday, everything is fine.
He has finally started to engage, only 5/5 and brim, but because he's my 2nd, that could mean he's on his way, especially with the daily contractions.

When I woke up for my 3rd pee of the night at 3am, I could feel him SO low down I was walking with my legs open.

I feel very tired this morning, like I am hung-over, but otherwise in no pain at all!!

These babies are teasing us all I think!

Have a nice day and weekend all xx
Morning :wave:

Harmonybunny - lol bless you with your charger! That is def something I would do :rofl: glad your ok tho!

Taylorsmummy and bonfloss - hope your both doing ok!

Littlekitten - fx your bp comes down hun, not long to go now. Dont worry bout losing your plug so early it can re grow :hugs:

Eswift - aw i'm not surprised you could only manage part of looking round the school, no one would get me walking up and down stairs now! Lol

Everyone else- hope your all ok :hugs: sorry Im using my phone and takes me ages catch up, I cant remember it all lol!

Everything ok with me, been having some pains lately but im now thinking it could be baby engaging as I looked in mirror last night and my bump has really dropped now. At my last check he was just on the brim and that was just over 2 week ago.

I have my midwife visits at home now which is nice, she's coming sunday and will be doing another blood test, to check my iron. I need it to be higher to get my home birth so fx'd its up! It better be with how these iron tablets make me feel, I really dont like them!

I'm so tired now, finding it difficult looking after my little boy (he's nearly 2) on my own. My dad is in middle of moving house so not getting much help at min and caeden is certainly keeping me busy. I just dont have the energy tho! Not his fault I know, I feel so bad I cant play with him the same, poor thing!

Anyway I think he wants breakfast now. Have a nice day ladies :) xxx

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