Official October Team Bumpkins

So pee'd off, neighbours across the road having yet another party (was the same last weekend), kids as little as 6 running around screaming (they didnt shut up till 11:30/11:45 last time). All I want to do is go to bed.. but you can hear every little noise through our windows, I've got a stabbing pain in my belly and I just wanna rest, dunno how much more I can take before I start kicking off!! :growlmad:

If they're still making unaccpetable amount of noise after 11pm, it's classed as anti-social behaviour & disturbing the peace... You can call 112 on them & report them for noisiness. Also, you should keep an incident log, so every time they do it, write it down, the time, place, approx nature of the noises (party, arguements, cars, music etc) & just keep reporting it.
My sis had to do this for her neighbours as it was causing havoc for her & her 2 kids. The police came round the 3rd time she reported it & spoke to the people mking the noises... turned out most of them were underage, drunk & high so they got done for it. Funnily enough, she's had no problems since & no one knows it was her who reported them, lol.
Ohh thanks for that, I was thinking about writing a letter to my housing officer, see if he has anything to say about it, if he doesn't do anything I'll be reporting it, i sleep like a log, and if it's keeping me up when LO is here its gonna be bedlam. Definatly going to start keeping a log of it, didn't think about doing that lol. It's like quite a few people on the estate all go to different houses each time, and I don't want anyone to know it's me reporting them because they might get funny about it. I suppose if I did report it they could keep my details confidental :shrug:
yep, they have to keep it confidential for your own preotection. A letter to the housing officer would be a good place to start though. I hope they've quietened down now?
Morning Ladies...

Hope you've all slept well... I've not done too bad, up again for breakie at stupid oclock, but for the time being I've no heartburn... Mind my bump is solid... Just waiting for breakie to settle then I'm off back to bed...

I had neighbours once who kept putting their music on that loud that my toliet sistern lid used to bounce on the loo... They weren't having a party or anything he was just an arse... Took for the police to get involved, social services, local council and RSPCA before the police & council listened to my complaints as the neighbours had reported me to all the different agencies for crap that never happened. All because I went around to ask them to turn the music down, I wouldn't have minded but he never even answered the door. Made my life hell... I was lucky as Social services had been involved with my son for years due to the special needs help he had, so they back me up rather than investigating the allegations... It took for one council bod to come to my house when the neighbour had the music bouncing the sistern before they even sent a letter saying they would be taking legal action unless they stopped the behaviour... You've all my sympathy... In the end, the neighbour did a moon light flit... Surprise surprise...

Right I'm off back to bed, gonna gag the dog 1st, he's wanting to go hegdehog hunting so, whinging at the back door; he's already been out the front for a wee... He thinks I'm stupid too... Night all... or morning all???
Morning Ladies and welcome Danni!

No signs of anything for me - starting to think bubs is going to be a late baba like myself - due on the 11th Oct but not born til 25th - but we shall see!

Hope everyone is having a nice lie in. Not for me today :(
G'Morning ladies! :flower:

I'm up a little early today for my liking but LO is kicking like crazy and I couldn't sleep. Sat watching Supernanny lol

Today is a day for doing a few little jobs.....yesterday I said I was feeling a little off but I think I've managed to pin down what was wrong. It's like a calm before the storm kind of feeling. Like my body is telling me to chill out as I wont get another chance for the next 18+ years! lol Consequently I did very little yesterday apart from finishing all my packing and making sure I was comfortable. I've only got another 4 days until I'm 37 weeks and I think I'll be a little more at ease then! lol

Anyhoo, I hope that everyone has some nice plans for the weekend. Hubby is working all weekend so when he gets home this afternoon I'm determined to spoil him! Making a nice tea and generally looking after him....while I still can lol.

I'm convinced I'm loosing my plug at the moment....haven't found any evidence yet :dohh: lol but I just have this 'loose' kind of feeling downstairs lol. I guess we will have to see! Baby is very active at the moment and I really want a big bowl of cereal......can have it in 50 minutes once my iron tab has gone lol......coco pops or cranberry special k? or both!? lol :thumbup:

Right, I'm off to do nothing! :happydance::blush:

Have a good day ladies xx :hugs:
Morning :wave:

So tired today, just gonna have breakfast then shall be back on :)

Hope everyone is ok xxx
Morning girls

Well what a 48 hours i've had, on wednesday i started getting a headache... it was still there thursday so went to the Dr and discovered my BP was high.. I was told to get rechecked friday to see if it was coming down... so yesterday a commmunity MW came to my house and checked it to find it was still high... I was asked to goto the hospital and get checked for preeclampsia as a precaution...
I was checked over at the hospital and my BP was coming down whilst there and my wee was clear of protein so i got the all clear and as i suspected i am just generally ill with a viral bug.
The good news is Sienna is 2/5th's engaged and well locked in according to the MW i saw :) its only 1 week and 6 days at the most till she is born :wohoo:

I hope everyone else has been ok.. i havent read back as i still feel really ill.

Catch you all in a bit :hugs:
Hugs :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

Goodness, that's come around quick though! Hope you're all prepared :thumbup:
Morning all, hope you are feeling better soon

I have noisy neighbours they do my head in. If I hear Cher one more time I could commit murder. They also have a mini moto bike which they tend to start up by out back door so kitchen fills with petrol fumes. They got shouted at for that and I can tell when they have a party and its not just music as the smell of weed coming through from next door is terrible.

Managed to do a lovely dinner last night, I think M&S is going to be my saviour when i'm short on time when baby is here :rofl:
Aw hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

Im feeling pretty sick this morning :sick: i've managed to eat some toast but my stomach isn't very happy with me!

Getting loads of uncomfortable braxton hicks now, some quite painful and aching down my thighs, which I assume is just pressure with baby being fully engaged now.

I'm hoping something happens soon, but I can see him going over like my son did :(

Midwife coming tomorrow afternoon. Think the visits starts getting weekly from 37weeks. I'm not sure!

Time for a cup of tea now I think then best get my son dressed. We had a pj's day yesterday dont think I can get away with 2 lazy days! Hehe xxx
Midwife coming tomorrow afternoon. Think the visits starts getting weekly from 37weeks. I'm not sure!

I don't have an appointment until 38 weeks and then I think (not sure but I think) I will be left on my own until 41 weeks when I'm already booked in for a sweep. TBH I hope that this LO comes a little early (not likely I know) but it would be nice as hubby had 5 weeks leave and both of us would prefer him not to spend the first 3 weeks of it sat around with me waiting for labour to kick off! lol

Hope you feel better soon xxx :hugs:
Midwife coming tomorrow afternoon. Think the visits starts getting weekly from 37weeks. I'm not sure!

I don't have an appointment until 38 weeks and then I think (not sure but I think) I will be left on my own until 41 weeks when I'm already booked in for a sweep. TBH I hope that this LO comes a little early (not likely I know) but it would be nice as hubby had 5 weeks leave and both of us would prefer him not to spend the first 3 weeks of it sat around with me waiting for labour to kick off! lol

Hope you feel better soon xxx :hugs:

Really, cant believe its your last visit til 41weeks. This should be my 36week appt really but she had to cancel last week. From what I remember with my son I was checked every week from 37. And was given a sweep just 2 days after I was due. But may have changed. I have my visits at home now tho cuz.. Well I dont really know why lol she just thought it would be easier for me with having my son and struggling with spd. She's so lovely i'm going to miss her! Lol

Aw I hope your LO comes early for you. I dont suppose it would be much fun spending his leave waiting for something to happen :hugs:
:hugs: Big Hug to you babylove, hope your feeling better, thats great news aswell, wont be long till you meet your Daughter xxxxxxxxx Take care
Really, cant believe its your last visit til 41weeks. This should be my 36week appt really but she had to cancel last week. From what I remember with my son I was checked every week from 37. And was given a sweep just 2 days after I was due. But may have changed. I have my visits at home now tho cuz.. Well I dont really know why lol she just thought it would be easier for me with having my son and struggling with spd. She's so lovely i'm going to miss her! Lol

Aw I hope your LO comes early for you. I dont suppose it would be much fun spending his leave waiting for something to happen :hugs:

My MW is very laid back.....I had my booking in check at the birth centre at 36 weeks, then I have 38 weeks when she will do an internal...then that's it unless there's something wrong. It's all very laid back and just a case of 'when it happens, give us a ring' lol. :dohh: I may well have a 40 week appointment if she's in any way concerned which would be fine, but she didn't seem worried and because it's a clinic they book well in advance.

Gosh I'm bored lol...wish hubby would get home (not due home until 2.30 :cry:)
It's amazing how care varies everywhere. Im seeing mw on Monday so 36 weeks, then I have a scan at 38 weeks and consultant appointment to discuss birth plan and inducing me on due date.

Don't feel myself again today. Just had breakfast was very scrummy and pretty healthy for a change :lol:
Morning all,

:wave: danni1979

:hugs: feel better soon

:hug: for anyone else who is feeling rough and I have missed!

My kitten is driving me insane! She wants a hug but won't settle. She normally curls up on my tummy but obviously there is no room! I am all lumps and bumps. She is just sitting there purring and meowing at me and I can't do anything! ARGH!
... she is now cradled in my arms daft mog lol Hopefully she is sensing something and trying to get a cuddle in before LO arrives :lol:

I am hungry but only have toast in and not really feeling that . . . better than nothing I suppose. We really need to do a food shop!

I slept in today and now I am in zombie mode! I was feeling a big bogged down with what to do. I have lots of washing but I wanted to do my hospital bag and some stuff for LO when I need to wash work stuff as well. Then I figured I have two days to go at it so today I will do the nice stuff like my hospital bag and baby stuff! (They don't feel like housework-y type chores yet!)

We have 2 antenatal classes this weekend, one today at 2 and one tomorrow at 2.

Right I really should crack on! I can't believe the time already!!

Have a good day all x
Kte - I know what you mean about the houseworky type things! I have to do my washing today too so I can sympathise but I have to wait until next weekend to do all the baby stuff which is slightly annoying! lol

I'm starving.....I've got chicken and tomato sarnies awaiting me shortly (I know it's not strictly lunch time but I've been up since 6.30 so it is in my brain lol) Getting a bit frustrated now though as we have no money at the moment and all the sales are on. should get some pay through in the next week or so, by then all the sales will be finished....grrr!

I've also been looking at christmas shopping this morning. I've decided I'm going to make some decorations to give to people as we're skint.... and I love to cross-stitch. I've just started my cow decoration for LO's nursery which should be completed by next week (except for the initial which I will do afterwards. Hoping that will keep me occupied in the next few days as once the kitchen is gutted which I will be doing tomorrow (defrost fridge freezer, clean microwave, etc etc etc) I'll be left with little or no sorting out to do. :thumbup: This afternoon I'm sorting out the living room - but, must eat before that! lol

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