Official October Team Bumpkins

Hi everybody! Hope you are ok and those that are feeling a bit off it soon feel better! Finally finished work yesterday but still don't think I quite beleive it that that is it for the next year or so! 38 weeks tomorrow and although I don't want the baby to be late - she due 11 October - I am looking forward to at least a few days relaxing before she does decide to make an appearance. Managed gym this morning so don't think will be doing too much else today!

Have been reading messages daily but not posted much as didn't like to when at work as felt 'naughty' not working and then when home last thing I wanted to do was spend time on the computer but hopefully can become more involved now!

Hope you all have a good day x
ooh i've lost my plug.. so scary lol I know it doesn't mean anything is going to happen but still makes it all so real! Especially with bubs being fully engaged now, it really could happen at anytime! Im excited but so nervous about going through labour again!

I have so much washing needs doing, I need to tidy my room desperately, seems i've been cleaning the house as normal but for some reason ignored my bedroom.. Which has somehow over the last week become a place for caeden to keep his toys! They are all over my floor! Lol

No motivation at minute. Might have a quick tidy round in a bit and put some washing in. Actually think i'll have an hour sleep first, so tired. Make the most of DS being at his grandads!

ohh im havig a panic attack lol...

is anyone shaving there bits before birth? =/
ohh im havig a panic attack lol...

is anyone shaving there bits before birth? =/

Nope, I hate being shaved down there because when it grows back its SO sore, more so where the knicker elastic sits around the tops of your legs.

I have one of those eyebrow trimmers and I trim it down real short so I aint got to put up with the razor rash. Its so short it looks clean shaved anyways.

Alas now it includes a lot of maneuvering with mirrors and learning when you go one way in the mirror, its actually the opposite way in practice ;)

i was told you are the person to contact to be added to the october due date list.
i am due on the 29th of October and am team yellow


i was told you are the person to contact to be added to the october due date list.
i am due on the 29th of October and am team yellow



If anyone notices any Bumpkin births / new Bumpkins on the 3rd Trimester forum, please let me know via PM or something so I can update the front page as I aint checking in every day at the moment and am prolly missing birth posts.

Ta! :)
Good Afternoon All...

Been and spent a fortune, on radiators and floor leveller... Woo Hoo we now own enough radiators to heat the house for winter... LOL through the central heating... I know pathetic, but do you realise what a mile stone it is...

OH is going to fill the holes in the kitchen diner and level the floor tomorrow. I'm gonna have to empty my washer as it's not spinning and emptying the water out so there's another job for OH. Then he's gonna look at the dish washer, to see if he can get that working...
Good Afternoon All...

Been and spent a fortune, on radiators and floor leveller... Woo Hoo we now own enough radiators to heat the house for winter... LOL through the central heating... I know pathetic, but do you realise what a mile stone it is...

OH is going to fill the holes in the kitchen diner and level the floor tomorrow. I'm gonna have to empty my washer as it's not spinning and emptying the water out so there's another job for OH. Then he's gonna look at the dish washer, to see if he can get that working...

Ahh hun, I can sympathise with you!!
DH is off out to get the new radiator for the hall and some filler for the floor, we had tiles down but have taken them up, the walls are totally painted n finished now and my carpet goes down Monday week, 1 day before DD!!!
He is also doing the utility at the same time, has grouted the floor tiles in there today and is hoping to get the wall plastered and painted and units (only 2) in this week, I never see him at the mo!!!
Feel very guilty as I cant get around much, bloody spd, and just seem to give the orders out......oh and make the cups of tea and bacon sandwiches:munch:
We did venture out together this morning to buy some meat from the market, going to make some chilis and bolognese tomorrow to put in freezer for quick meals when baby here, picked up a curry for tea, hoping it may do something:thumbup: some shortbread also found its way into the basket, which went down very well with a cuppa this afternoon!!
Have ordered my nursing bras aswell, Mothercare never seem to stock my size, whatever size I happen to be is always the one they havnt got:growlmad:

Right, need to get myself out of this chair, clean the bathroom and do some dusting, taking the old tiled floor up made alot of dust:dohh: then I'm off for a clary sage bath before my curry and X Factor!!!

Have a good sat nite girls :hugs: x
JLo ~ Thanks for reassuring me we're not alone on the DIY challenges... The utility can wait until babe's here... LOL My washer is connected and working, so the units and floor can wait until probably after Christmas now... Although, it depends as we've got all the stuff to do it... I'm kinda wishing to at least see OH sometime before/after babe arrives...

I now know why I love him... He's fixed my washer and dish washer... Woo Hoo... I can now cheat... I now get to abuse the dish washer... I'm so excited!!!
JLo ~ Thanks for reassuring me we're not alone on the DIY challenges... The utility can wait until babe's here... LOL My washer is connected and working, so the units and floor can wait until probably after Christmas now... Although, it depends as we've got all the stuff to do it... I'm kinda wishing to at least see OH sometime before/after babe arrives...

I now know why I love him... He's fixed my washer and dish washer... Woo Hoo... I can now cheat... I now get to abuse the dish washer... I'm so excited!!!

Yay, for the dishwasher:happydance: the things that please us hey!!!

I wanted the utility done so I can bring the tumble dryer in from the garage before baby is here, as dh is a builder the garage is his domain and I have to fight my way past all his stuff to get at it:dohh:

Our living room is next, and last, on the list, although my dad has just been put on short time at work so I'm hoping on his days off that he will take pity on us and come to do some painting in there. I really want it done before xmas as everyone is coming to us this year:thumbup:
i just been out and brought 3 wicker basket thingies from asda, one for "spare" clothes i.e sleepsuits/vests/bibs/socks one for nappies/wipes/nappy bags and one for bath stuff and iv put them on the book shelf in livingroom so i dont have to keep running upstairs:haha: lol

Also just brought box of 9 huggies wipes for fiver annndd a cute blue blanket for a pound from asda :happydance:

just brought alot of magazines for labour bag on monday:coffee: lol
Hello, all :) . I'm glad my electrifying incident made you chuckle lol. Luckily i haven't been so stupid since!
I've just been speed reading to try catch up on the past few days. Big congrats to Bonfloss!!!!!!:happydance: It feels so weird being so close to the end now, i almost had a panic attack when i realised that Bonfloss was due the day after me! It really can happen any time now, wow:wacko:
I just got back from 3 hrs of sitting in A&E with my mum. She fell of a chair whilst wall-papering and has ruptured all the ligaments in her foot and ankle:dohh: She's now in plaster from knee to toe and is getting around on crutches. She's terified that she wont be able to drive me to hospital on the big day and that she'll miss the birth. Tbh i'm terrified of her not being there too but i can't let her know that because i really don't want to make her feel any worse so it's brave faces all round here. I think a nice hot indian for tea is in order :)
Evening ladies,

How are we all?

Hubby is making chilli for tea and I feel thoroughly spoiled. I've defrosted the freezer and cleaned out the fridge all ready so that's one less job on the list! :thumbup: Not much left to do now really....cannot wait to get my dining room back! :dohh:

Hubby says he thinks baby is engaged as my tailbone is apparently 'sticking out a mile'....I sat on his lap and it gave him a dead leg! :blush:I've also been getting some really bad back-ache and some questionable stuff in my knickers (sorry TMI! lol)....seriously, this baby only has to make it another 14 days! That's it......not long in the grand scheme of things. 10th of listening little one!
im so hungry lol got chicken pie, chips beans and gravy for tea lol

watching what katie did next lol
im so hungry lol got chicken pie, chips beans and gravy for tea lol

watching what katie did next lol

Oooh don't! I really wanted pie but we had it the other night so was hubby's choice.....I'm going to make a couple tomorrow ready for bubs arriving!

not fair! And I'm glad I'm not the only person who mixes beans and gravy!
it was yum yum yum lol.. iv made no food/brought no food for when baby here! oh shite i competely forgot!!!
JLo ~ I hope your Dad takes the hint, fingers crossed... Once the kitchen/diner floor is levelled, Calverts can come fit the Lino. Radiators need replacing in the livingroom & kitchen diner as both rooms have increased in size, the radiators from these two rooms need repainting and fitting into the kids bedrooms... Then the units we've been given can be attached to the walls, and the plumbing done then it's a case of saving up for my cooker... Furniture can be moved back from MIL and we're almost finished... Our room just needs the floor sanding and then varnishing. The utility needs the laminate floor fitting, units fitting and the outside tap refitting... All were disconnected or taken out when builders were here... No quick job as OH is working nights... He's doing well at the moment... My washer works and the drier is on top of it working... Happy Bunny... Plus plenty of room for the airer too... Considering we've had the entire house to redecorate, carpet and unpack. I think we've done well to get this far in the limited time we've had, and OH has had to do most of it on his own... Not been good to watch... At least we're able to be here and not having to stay at my parents...

XTaylorsMummy ~ Love the sound of the baskets, I was looking at getting some for LO bedroom as we've put some low shelving units in there and thought it would keep some of the odds and sods in place and tidy... Sounds like you got some bargains... Good Luck on Monday if I forget to tell you otherwise... Hope all goes well...

Harmonybunny ~ Sorry to hear about your Mum... I'd be thinking of ways to get your Mum to still be at the hospital with you, since you both would like her there at the birth... I'm not sure, but I think my Mum's planning on being at my house too when LO decides it's time. She was there when DS was born and was a great help...

Aimee-Lou ~ You really are putting me to shame... Stop it!!! LOL You sound so organised and still managing to bend, clean and work harder than I am... I went to B & Q with OH this morning, we had to leave there pretty sharpish as I ended up going a horrid shade of white, feeling rather sickly and shaky... LOL we abandoned the trolley told the assistant we'd be back after having something to eat... They were trying to find someone to search for another item for us... As they only had 1 on display... After food, something sweet and a sit down, I felt much better... Babe has been reasssuringly active and still making it hard to walk, bend and sit... OH just holds my hand as I waddle very slowly at his side...

We've just had kebab and garlic bread for tea... OH is finishing my meals for me as I'm unable to eat a full meal... I've to eat often and yet I can't eat much in any one sitting...
i feel sick after tea but now sat on sofa with laptop watching passport patrol eatting a bar of milka happy cows chocolate <3 yum lol

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