Official October Team Bumpkins

hello ladies... hope eyeryones enjoying their weekend!

Had been shopping today..... got a new jacket for the winter - from matlan and a pair of shoes. I think this would be the last I will shop again until LO is born! Gosh it was so tiring..... my legs ache, bad headache after the bright sun here! :dohh: was shattered......

Came home in the evening.. enjoyed a cup of fruit salad with a glass of orange juice.
Really enjoyed the Meg Ryan's movie - "Its all about the Women"..... the end of the movie freaked me out!!!! A women was giving birth.... *phew* is it that painful!!???!!! :wacko: Can I bear it????:nope: :shrug: It was hard.... But I really enjoyed it.... it was kinda funnu looking at people around her, she was abusing her hubby etc etc...... I told my DH - I would be worse than that!!! This time it was his turn to freak out!!! :haha:

Feel kinda feverish today.... prob coz of all the walking I did for more than 3 hours!!!!

Today my tailbone hurts..... dunno if it means anything??!?

Alright... have a nice Sunday girlies.... enjoy the last days of freedom! lol

what do contractions feel like in early labour just been lying on sofa with adam and got pains in my pubic bone area, so i got up and had a bounce on ball and been gettin like period pains but feels like im belly is being pulled down iykwim? from like inside..

Kept coming and going but not regular i dont think =/ , anyway sat on sofa now and they okay now just feel like im going poop/wee my self lol
Evening all,

Can't sleep (whats new lol) more so as I have things flying around my brain, oh and my twitchy leg is driving me insane!

OH is crashed on the couch. I left him there 2 hours ago. My feet were all swollen and puffy and he kicked off when he sat down and I put my legs on him. It's not as if I get chance to be comfy ever anyway and they really needed to go up. So I took myself off to bed instead. I just couldn't sleep becasue I am so wound up about going to his uncle's funeral on Monday. I am going to support him but it is turning into such a hassle. Originally we were going in the Porsche (its a 1980's model with nice leg room and low down seats). The idea was so that I would be as comfy as possible since we are travelling from Yorkshire all the way to Buckinghamshire (during commuter traffic with roadworks on the way). Obviously with Bonfloss's LO arriving early I'm not exactly keen to travel all this way as anything is possible!! I only get one day off work (OH gets two and his parents are both retired) so it will be a case of travel down, go to crem ceremony and then head back. I am going to be worn out for work the next day as I can't switch off and relax with other people about. Now his monther has decided she wants us all to travel together meaning there will now be 4 of us cramped togeher in a different car. We were arguing about this all last week with his parents and OH was trying to pursuade them otherwise. Today I just got wound up even more though as his mum and dad came for tea. His mum was like 'have you told the hospital you are travelling so far?' and 'its such a long way you will be uncomfy' I KNOW THIS ~ I TOLD YOU THIS BEFORE AND NO ONE SEEMED TO GIVE A DAMN!!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: His dad did kindly offer me a bean bag to rest my feet on but as nice as the offer was it's pointless, it will just make me even more cramped in the bloomin car (I am 5ft 9 and have long legs). I feel bad for thinking that I don't want to go but at the same time I feel I have a valid reason not to go!

Sorry Ladies, just had to get it off my chest. I am so stressed with it all!
Is anyone finding with due date getting closer that everytime you ring OH when hes at work/out he answers the phone all nervous?
Is anyone finding with due date getting closer that everytime you ring OH when hes at work/out he answers the phone all nervous?

Not yet but I think he feels like it will still be forever away since he wants LO here now!

To top off my evening my bloomin' MP3 keeps wanting to play the same 2 songs over and over even though it's on random as there are 100s on there!
Well I am tired to the point where I hope when my head hits the pillow I will just sleep!


Night all x
just a quick question that im panicking about.. iv got 90 to take with me for parking food ect on monday... will this be enough? i get paid 20 on tuesday.. just panicking i havent got enough money ect!
Yup specialkala,my OH is really jumpy if i call him at work bless..
Just sat here and munchedmy way through an entire tube of pringles and dip,i am a pacman.,lol.
xx xx
Is anyone finding with due date getting closer that everytime you ring OH when hes at work/out he answers the phone all nervous?

Everytime my OH leaves the house and asks if he needs to take his phone I yell 'YESSSS incase I go into labour'. Scares the life out of him but you never know!!!
XTaylorsMummy ~ I'm sure that you have more than enough money... I'm not even sure we'd have that available in our accounts even now; after our shopping spree and the bills that are due out... LOL... Try not to worry too much love...

Kte ~ I really understand where you're coming from with the concerns about travelling so far now, hehehe... I'd be the one driving them all down there... Seem to get travel sick since being pregnant... LOL... Along with the morning sickness, wonderful... It's funny as I was out and about yesterday as you all know with OH shopping, after another funny turn and having to find something to eat; I admitted to OH I don't think I'll be travelling too far away from the house now, until after LO is here... We were only 30 mins away from the house, walked around B & Q, travelled 30 mins to the town where my Mum & Dad live (so still only 30 mins away, in a slightly different direction) I had well and truely had enough once we arrived home... So the thought of being coped up in a car travelling so far down south from here just wouldn't be done, I'm sorry... I be the one ringing to say my thoughts are with you all etc and staying put... As I did with my own uncles funeral in Scotland earlier in the year. It wasn't that I don't care or won't miss him etc it's the whole practicality and strategics of getting there, being confinded, uncomfy, struggling once there are knowing/finding somewhere to thrown up if the occasion arrises... Everyone was fine and understood... Hope you can find some happy medium...

It's 2am, I can't sleep! OH is zzzing away bless him, dog's asleep on one chair, one of the cats on the other, DS is away with the fairies and I'm not really sure how come I'm awake! I'm not hungry, I was so uncomfy in bed. 3 times in 3 hours I've trotted to the loo to pee... Only to get back into bed to want to trot back again 20 mins later... My bump has been rather active since going to bed, I'm either too hot or when I chuck the blankets off I'm then too cold. I was scratching away at my tum, whilst getting the feeling I'm gonna pop soon. All babe's movement feels as though it's really low down under my belly button and towards the back of my pelvis... I don't feel as though I'm in pain, just uncomfy...

I've had horrid horrid horrid amounts of yucky discharge today (had to change my pad 3 times) My boobs were pouring milk when I settled into bed earlier and now just feel rather tender... I kinda hope that this is all a sign that my cervix might be opening (maybe wishful thinking) but I'm really feeling past my best now, I'd kinda like to be out of the queue now... (I'm sure you all know the feeling, the one where you've been waiting to go on the log flume for 3 hours now, it's starting to rain and the winds starts blowing around; you've 30 mins left in the queue before you'll even get on the ride. And you know you're gonna end up absolutely wet through and cold... But when you got into the queue you'd have been quite happy to run through the sprinkles in the front garden naked as the sun was cracking the slates and there was no breeze to be seen or felt...) Anyone want to take my place?

Today I hope to do the last load of washing for the weekend, slowly work my way through the ironing and use my (abuse my) dish washer for the 1st time in what feels like a year... Well, it's not worked since before Feb... LOL wasn't worth fixing while we weren't here... And not been a top priority until now... OH absolutely hates washing the pots... It was my one pet hate when at college (DS was just over a year old when I started; it was the one job that I struggled to keep on top of all the while I was there... When I qualified as a Nursery Nurse, I was lucky to walk into a job at one of my placements until I started Uni; with my first wage I went and invested in the dish washer... It had a small dent in the side, so it cost my just over £100... It's a slimline one, has done sterling service for me in the 6 years I've had it...) I know it sounds daft, and as long as I've had it, it's only required OH to give it a hot wash out 3 times to bring it back to life when it's broken down... I know I kinda feel bad but I had to admitte that it's now about time I started to save for it's replacement to go into the new kitchen/diner... I feel as though it's almost treason... In the time I've had the dishwasher MIL has had 3; and my own Mum has had 1 and got rid of it, as it kept blowing fuses... Turned out it was a faulty socket in her kitchen rather than a faulty dish washer... LOL sods law...

Ok I'm waffling, I'm gonna see if I can settle on the sofa for a few zzzz's if not I'll see what crappy tv there is to watch... What a fun way to spend the night! Rather have a cool glass of wine and a piece of white chocolate, haven't got either in so no chance...
Is anyone finding with due date getting closer that everytime you ring OH when hes at work/out he answers the phone all nervous?

Mine gets worried if he comes home from work and I'm not home- he thinks I've been taken to the hospital and I wasn't able to get a hold of him. He's starting to get worried about drinking a couple beers in the evening in case he has to drive too- too cute :)
Morning all, well felt off colour yesterday but went and did some food shopping. Walking does start to bring on period pains now. OH wasn't impressed that my hospital bag isn't done, :lol: will do it today had to convince him i'd do t and he said you might not get to tomorrow. I am so wanting baby to come now as sleep is becoming non-existent!

Had some lovely big burgers for dinner, OH is good to me.
Maffie ~ I so hear you loud and clear... I managed a few hours on the sofa, about 4 ish... DS ment well, came downstairs, gave me a cuddle and a kiss; which woke me up... Not to worry, I'll catch a few zzzz's later... Hopefully... Good Luck bag packing...

Morning all... Just had a lovely warm bowl of fresh made porridge... Yummy... First time in a long while since I've had something other than cornflakes...

Have a lovely day all...
I've watched a little tv and hads a little snooze on the sofa. Feel rough this morning. Just not myself.

Just eaten a lovely raspberry glazed krispy kreme dongut
Morning ladies - still no baby lol (I can see most posts in this forum starting that way for the next few weeks! lol :haha:)

eswift - I wouldn't feel jealous...I'm knackered but the only way I can sleep is to wear myself out completely! Got to finish the washing, do the ironing, finally do the effing filing (been wanting to do it for 2 sodding weeks and its annoying me now! lol) and sort through the cupboard under the stairs. If I get time I've got to put the vaccuum around too and maybe mop the kitchen floor.......I think we can safely say I'm nesting. I've only felt LO move once this morning so keeping an eye on him/her as they are normally beating me black and blue by now, but maybe they're worn out too!

It's hubby's last Sunday at work today until after his leave. He leaves the house at 8.30 and then he's not back until 7pm :cry: I always miss him so much but it's the last time he has to go, and he's only got another 9 shifts until he's off, mostly earlies too! :thumbup:

Xtaylorsmummy - I'm sure that's more than enough money. We will just about be able to afford the fuel and the £10 parking permit lol. Luckily, I'm allowed to take our own food in so hubby wont have to rely too heavily on the WVS which rather conveniently is right outside the birth centre door! lol. I'm waiting for the pay-off to come through from my work thing....that would come in very handy right now let me tell you!!

Anyhoo, time for brekkie! Toast with Jam and a big glass of orange juice with my iron tablets. I will be so glad when I don't have to take these anymore. Does anyone know how long after birth your levels return to normal.....I know that if I have any bleeding it could take some time but I'm hoping that it's only going to be a couple of weeks.....I don't think my lower portions can take much more!

Have a great sunday ladies! :hugs:
Morning Ladies,

:hugs: to all that need it

No signs of anything at the moment I am officially working on getting LO out I am so done with being pregnant at this stage.........

Work tommorrow but this will be my last full time week yeyyyyyyy.. Il be on maternity but still doing 2 & 1/2 days but I dont mind it will keep me busy and anything better than full time ...

Hope you all have a nice sunday xxxxxxxxxxx
Hiyaaaaaaaaaa girls :)

Well my cold virus was the quickest in history and i now feel bloody fab :) really chirpy and upbeat.. makes a bloody nice change from feeling like a zombie the last few months :lol:

My boy is off out with his nan & grandad so we are gonna take the dogs for a stroll round the park later :)

Have a good sunday girls and i'll catch you soon xxxx
Hi all.

V jealous of krispy kreme doughnut Maffie! Can't get them where I live! OH made carrot and walnut cake yesterday so may have a piece of that instead and a bowl of coco pops.

Well ladies I'm 38 weeks today! We're off to Bristol at 12:30 for OHs parents Ruby Wedding anniversary party so hoping bubs stays content in my belly :blush:.

Have a fab day :hugs:
I know I'm not on my own in saying this but 'COME OUT BABY'!!!!

So yesterday we walked around the shops all morning then to Sainsburys, had my epo and rlt, bath with clary sage, curry for tea, bounced on the ball, had a back massage with clary sage and nothing, absolutely nothing:dohh:

What makes it worse is that my cousin came home from Australia for his dads funeral, its the first time he has been home in 15 years and its unlikely I will see him again for a good few years, unless I win the lottery!, so everyone would love this baby to come whilst they are home, its the first time he has seen my 2 boys aswell, they go back on the 13th October, I'm due on 6th, having a sweep next Wednesday (fingers x) please will my baby to come out, I'm ready now, freezer is stocked too!!!!:hugs:
Just a quick question to those who had to have the drip, to they numb ur hand first? I asked at hospital the other day about numbing cream for it and the midwife said they put a shot of local antiseptic in because the needle is quite big when i had it with taylor i only had numbing cream and it hurt so so so bad =/

im so tired today, like i could fall asleep right here right now. Think my body is gettin me ready for tomorrow lol

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