Official October Team Bumpkins

Just a quick question to those who had to have the drip, to they numb ur hand first? I asked at hospital the other day about numbing cream for it and the midwife said they put a shot of local antiseptic in because the needle is quite big when i had it with taylor i only had numbing cream and it hurt so so so bad =/

im so tired today, like i could fall asleep right here right now. Think my body is gettin me ready for tomorrow lol

Oh my goodness, can't believe it's tomorrow for you xtaylorsmummy! I'm sure they will be able to help if you mention about last time you had it.

Good luck with tomorrow....and we'll be waiting for an update with baited breath!!

As for me...bubs woke up after a long lie in this morning and proceeded to beat me up when I was on the phone to hubby! lol. I know I shouldn't worry as this child is so bloomin active, but even just an hour without feeling a kick can make me feel uneasy lol.

jlosomerset - I'm off to fill my freezer this afternoon! Made a couble batch of chilli last night (well Hubby did anyway!) and I'm going to bake a pie or 3 too! Might make some soup too as I have rather a lot of leeks and potatos in the cupboard....can't remember if hubby likes it though! hmmmmmm :shrug: I hope that baby comes soon for you! :hugs:
Afternoon all,

I just had a quick scan but will cath up properly later. OH is not well and my leg is still playing me up so we are both just taking it as easy as possible today.

I heard from Bonfloss this morning. They are fine, everything is going well. She is still in the hospital at the moment as she is healing from the assisted birth but is hoping to get home tomorrow :flower:
Hope everyone is having a nice sunday! I am so glad that I have no work tomorrow and therefore won't have that sunday evening feeling later. 38 weeks today too but I still have a feeling my baby is going to wait so preparing myself for another 4 weeks of pregnancy but fingers crossed won't be that long!
Good afternoon girls

The suns out and I feel like proper poo, typical. I think LO has moved because I can't feel her movements very often, and when I do it's really weak, if it's still the same in a couple of hours I think I may ring the hospital, better to be safe than sorry I guess. AND I've got the dreaded cold, so bunged up, sore throat, cough, headache, you name it I've got it! Already been back to bed today, so I think it's gonna be feet up with the eastenders omnibus this afternoon
Good Afternoon Ladies...

My washer is still working hard, OH is working hard, DS is working hard and I'm sat watching them all... OH is fitting radiators, DS is filling the dishwasher (he's hoovered through too bless him)... I'm shattered...

I know DS ment well when he kissed me this morning I nearly shot off the sofa, I'd only been asleep 3 hours ish... Bless him... I've lots of horrid horrid yucky discharge again today... Not sure if it's a good sign or not... Been bouncing and sitting on my ball, but I'm so tired I'm so clumsy today... Nearly fell of the ball twice, spilt coffee all over the side, and nearly covered the entire kitchen in porridge too... Maybe I should go try have a nap since the boys are busy doing tasks and chores...

DS isn't being over worked honestly, he went swimming too this morning... He loves having his freedom and knows he's gotta help out and is gonna have to once babe arrives too.. Infact I think he's gained confidence and independence since having to do things himself... Plus he's keeping the house tidier (even his bedroom too...)

Right I'll catch you all later have a great afternoon...
special_kala - Is anyone finding with due date getting closer that everytime you ring OH when hes at work/out he answers the phone all nervous? OH says he isn't getting nervous but he keeps panicing about me not having my phone right by my side in case I go into labour! i'm off to wales tomorrow for 5 days whilst hubby is staying here and he keeps asking me not to go as he's really worried i will give birth in wales haha

maffie - i hope you're feeling better soon x did you manage to get your hospital bag packed? i'm thinking i will do mine when i get back as don't want to be trekking it all way to wales anyway lol

taylorsmummy - can't believe your big day is nearly here!! good luck tomorrow xx

eswift - we all deserve rests :D
Talyors mummy - Can't believe it!!!!!! Good luck dear!!! :hugs:

Alrite ladies.... 38 weeks today!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Though am scared, anxious...... :wacko:
Keerthy we due same day! I am with you re nervous and excited all at the same time! Think what worries me most is not knowing when something will happen and not knowing that it has when it does if that makes sense!
thanks ladies!!

im soo scared its untrue, if i think about it i have a panic attack :nope:... and im quite sad about not being preg anymore even though iv not enjoyed it! =[

My little girl is off to my sisters at 5 and im dreading it! im going to miss her so much, iv cried at the thought of leaving her! i dont want her thinking weve left her:cry::cry::cry:

me and OH having chinese tonight and watching xfactor then early night i think :sleep:

im bring pram/moses basket/bouncer down once tinkerbella has gone, and then hoovering upstairs :shrug:

picking my other birth partner up at 7am in morning, going to be shattered!
Good luck tomorrow TaylorsMummy :hugs: :flower: We shall all be thinking of you x

Found another new arrival! Oct-bump has had a little girl . . . here is her thread (I have PM'd Chaos too :thumbup:) birth-announcements elle-francia-here

Congrats on 38 weeks Keerty & Bingers :happydance:

Hope you get some rest eswift x Bless your DS for waking you up with a kiss! Even if it was an early wake up call for you.

My right leg is still playing up, cankles are bad but when I only have one cankle it's just plain unfair!!! lol Tried all sorts and it just won't go down. I'm keeping my eye on you elephant foot!!

OH is making cheesecake *Yummy* It smells soooooooooooooo nice!

I forgot to say, I took my moses basket apart the other day to wash it all and now I can't figure out how it all goes back togther! :rofl:
Goodluck TaylorsMummy xxx thinking of u xxxxxxx
Keerthy we due same day! I am with you re nervous and excited all at the same time! Think what worries me most is not knowing when something will happen and not knowing that it has when it does if that makes sense!

Yayyy!!!! :thumbup:

Its a weird feeling isn't it????

I really dunno wat will happen... since its my first!!!! Hopefully... I can manage!! :shrug:
cripes it's all feeling a bit real now, isn't it?

Good luck tomorrow, Taylor's Mummy xx
:hi:to the couple of newbies to the thread.
I've just done a quick scan of the posts, as I'm not feeling too well & the text keeps jumping allover the screen, making it kinda difficult to read.
Just wanted to say I feel like poo- my tonsils are inflamed & red & I have a stinking cold. Had my 5 yr old nep0hew staying with me this weekend, and bless him, we had to have a long chat about the baby because he is now convinced that once the baby is here (he keeps calling the baby Henry for some reason, lol) he wont be able to stay opver anymore & is feeling abit left out... I *think* I said all the right things to reassure him & include him in everything & he was good as gold all weekend, even attempting to vacuum my lounge (so funny coz I have a massive dyson & he is a lil midgit boy, hahaha) an stuff to make himself useful while I was moaning about feeling lousy. My OH is taking him swimming next weekend in the pool at his work, so he's getting a whole pool to himself to do some snorkling in, so hopefully the little bit of spoiling will make him remember he's still one of my number 1 boys, lol.

lso, on the news front, I think I might have begun to lose my plug... TMI warning here, but all day I've been getting clear little lumps of jelly stuff in my knickers, which I've never had before. Could just be discharge though, so dont wanna get my hopes up. Got midwife first thing in the morning though (ugh) so will ask her, along with my thousand of other dumb questions I need to ask & have answers for....

Taylorsmummy & Mer01, good luck with your inductions & c-sections tomorrow; will be thinking of you. Look after yourselves & I can't wait to hear your baby news & see pics etc. :) Finger's, toes, legs etc crossed for you for speedy deliveries & quick recoveries :hugs:

Better go to bed now or I will never be up in the morning...

Take care everyone. xxxx
Good luck Taylorsmummy.. try to stay as calm as possible hun and just keep thinking not long now till you meet your little man x

Well girls its back to normal today as my OH is back to work :( His operation worked we think but he got an infection last week which meant he was home longer than planned lol! I am still feeling rather chirpy and have more energy than normal so i am chuffed... And today is my LAST MW appointment before meeting little miss Sienna :shock: I am hoping my BP is back to normal when i see her and that Sienna is still engaging! although i reckon she will be free again and is just playing games.

Last but certainly not least Mer01 is having her baby girl today by c-section :cloud9: I have started a thread in 3rd Tri but will keep you girls updated in here too as i get any news..

Have a good day girls and i'll catch you all soon xxx
XTaylorsMummy ~ Good Luck Girl! I'm sure you'll be in good hands, hopefully it'll all go quickly without too much pain and struggling... I'm looking forward to hearing that all's well for you and babe... Good Luck Love...

Mer ~ Hope all goes well today...

Well after my long soak in the bath last night, the back ache didn't ease; guess I was just absolutely buggered. I managed a slight nap later in the afternoon, I thought I'd slept for hours; woke up feeling rather groggy and crap. Went downstairs for a drink only to be told by OH I'd only been asleep for about 15 mins!?!?! How disappointing! So all in all I managed to have 3 & a quarter hours of sleep yesterday... Thankfully, last night I did sleep much better, yes I was still backwards and forwards to pee, up at 3am for a drink and then back up at 7am to get DS sorted for school... I do feel so much better than I did yesterday...

The floor levelling just didn't happen this weekend, not for the want of OH trying. There was a hole that needed concrete in it, well; that was still wet last night... I hoping that OH is able to do the leveller this afternoon... Maybe it's wishful thinking...
Taylorsmummy and Mer01, good luck today, can't wait to see pics!

I'm 37 weeks today!!! :wohoo: Only 9 days left until I'm induced, still feels like ages though!

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