Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning all

36 weeks today :happydance:

Just seen midwife who managed to scare me saying inductions hurt far more than natural labours, this is the midwife who always contradicts my consultant. Although sher is chasing up the aneasitist as ive still not seen them :shrug:

Baby bit quiet last night and this morning so mw said phone L&D if things dont pick up today.

OH slept on sofa last night to see if we'd both get some more sleep and neither of us did :rofl:

I pretty much got my bag packed yesterday, baby's bag today then i'll probably tip them out and repack better :lol:

Good luck to taylorsmum and mer cant wait to hear all about the babies :flower:
Morning all. I've noticed that quite a few girls know ages in advance that they're going to be induced on a certain day, and I was just wondering why this is. I can understand an elective caesarean being planned in advance, say if the baby's breeched, but why do some girls have to have an induction planned in advance, often before their due date?

I'm a bit zonked this morning because I had to have EIGHT pees between getting ready for bed last night and getting up this morning. OK, three of them were while I was reading in bed last night, but that was in the space of half an hour. I don't know where all the fluid comes from - when I go, they're usually quite big pees! I'm sure you all needed to know that;-)

Lots of head engagement (I think) going on yesterday and today. Keep having sharp, very low pelvic pain. It doesn't feel muscular at all, so am guessing it's not little contractions. Feels more ligamenty and as though the bones are moving apart - interspersed with a few rather piercing pokes in my bits. Can't say I'm enjoying this particularly.

By the way, am I the only girl on here who hasn't got round to doing perineal massage? I keep planning to (I am 37+2, so really should start), but I seem to be cooking with chillies every night so don't want to get my hands anywhere near my bits - ouch!

This morning's tasks are to pack my and baby's bags. Then use up the cauliflower in some soup to add to our growing pile of freezer meals.
argh im so mad! been here since 8and waiting for a bed! because im high risk alll the beds aretaken so now sat inward where women are being induced and bored!!!
Morning all. I've noticed that quite a few girls know ages in advance that they're going to be induced on a certain day, and I was just wondering why this is. I can understand an elective caesarean being planned in advance, say if the baby's breeched, but why do some girls have to have an induction planned in advance, often before their due date?

I'm a bit zonked this morning because I had to have EIGHT pees between getting ready for bed last night and getting up this morning. OK, three of them were while I was reading in bed last night, but that was in the space of half an hour. I don't know where all the fluid comes from - when I go, they're usually quite big pees! I'm sure you all needed to know that;-)

Lots of head engagement (I think) going on yesterday and today. Keep having sharp, very low pelvic pain. It doesn't feel muscular at all, so am guessing it's not little contractions. Feels more ligamenty and as though the bones are moving apart - interspersed with a few rather piercing pokes in my bits. Can't say I'm enjoying this particularly.

By the way, am I the only girl on here who hasn't got round to doing perineal massage? I keep planning to (I am 37+2, so really should start), but I seem to be cooking with chillies every night so don't want to get my hands anywhere near my bits - ouch!

This morning's tasks are to pack my and baby's bags. Then use up the cauliflower in some soup to add to our growing pile of freezer meals.

Hi Colsy the reason I may be having an induction is im on blood thinners, as I developed some clots on a superficial vein and incompetent valves in a major vein during this pregnancy. So I inject blood thinners every 12 hours (so the clots I had in superficial vein cant get in my lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism)
If I go into labour naturally while on these meds I will bleed alot and if I need a section I cant have an epidural as they can cause clots in the brain so i'd have to have a general in an emergency. (also doesnt help having asthma)

Means its safer to plan baby's arrival and get me in hospital off my injections and get baby here, I need to have the injections for 6 weeks after baby comes too.

If I go into labour naturally I have to be checked if im having regular pains to check im not in labour before I can inject. I can imagine that may be quite a few trips up to the hospital over the next few weeks.
Morning all. I've noticed that quite a few girls know ages in advance that they're going to be induced on a certain day, and I was just wondering why this is. I can understand an elective caesarean being planned in advance, say if the baby's breeched, but why do some girls have to have an induction planned in advance, often before their due date?

I'm being induced because I have gestational diabetes and there is a slightly higher risk of stillbirth for GD babies if you go to term.
Morning Ladies,

Hope you are all well , I have been having these pain in my lower back the last couple of days wondering are they just normal or is it a sign? I have also just gone to the bathroom and sorry tmi but there was some thick stuff there sort of like snot sorry again !! Do you think this is normal discharge of could it be my plug ?

Morning all. I've noticed that quite a few girls know

By the way, am I the only girl on here who hasn't got round to doing perineal massage? I keep planning to (I am 37+2, so really should start), but I seem to be cooking with chillies every night so don't want to get my hands anywhere near my bits - ouch!


I still havent done it yet, cant seem to bring myself to putting my thumb in there lol ... :blush:
Morning all. I've noticed that quite a few girls know

By the way, am I the only girl on here who hasn't got round to doing perineal massage? I keep planning to (I am 37+2, so really should start), but I seem to be cooking with chillies every night so don't want to get my hands anywhere near my bits - ouch!


I still havent done it yet, cant seem to bring myself to putting my thumb in there lol ... :blush:

I'm like this too :blush: My husband *has* agreed to help me out, but he's never actually offered at any point, and me being a muppet, am too embarassed to ask :rofl: Think I maybe just need to bite the bullet and ask him, I'm 39 weeks now, it's a bit ridiculous! I'm telling myself that 1 week (or 2, if she's the 1 week over I think she'll be) is better than nowt!
Colsy, I haven't started my massage yet....I'm actually in 2 minds as to whether or not to bother as I'm so swollen 'down there' it's probably not a good idea lol. I too seem to be cooking with chillies or peppers and don't really fancy the idea of putting anything like that near anything sensitive! lol

Soups for me too today....Leek and Potato! I'm trying to gradually buy an extra of everything that we normally eat to put in the freezer....sausages and Bacon being the main things as hubby is a bit of a fiend for them lol. I will also get about half a dozen pizzas next time in in the supermarket lol. :thumbup:

Bubs seems to have settled down after the past week of false labour pains, stabbing pains, aches, vomitting etc....I had a slight inkling that I was going into slow labour, but it all seems to have stopped. Bubs is still moving around (seems to have run our of room and thinks there's an escape hatch somewhere on my left! lol

I'm still waiting to hear back about my work settlement. I've checked the wording on the email and I wont get the money until 21 days after the contract is received back from me signed...well that scuppers my plans of a pre-birth shopping spree. I have however decided what I'm going to treat myself too....hubby has insisted that I spend at least some of the money on something just for me as I'm the one who's had all the stress. He's getting some stuff out of it for his bike etc, so I'm going to buy a sewing machine! I've wanted one for ages (years and years) but £150 is a lot of money to spend on even a basic now's my chance. I was going to get a load of x-stitch stuff, but I figured that you can gradually buy these up as you go along......I'm going to start making my own baby clothes and things for while they are small......have a fab pattern for bibs that you can make out of old towels!! :thumbup:

Anyhoo, I'm off as I have to do a few little jobs today. Hubby wont be home til 9 :cry: but I'm counting down the days until his leave now....12 to go and he has 4 of them off!! :happydance:

Have a good day everyone. Good luck to Mer and to taylorsmummy on their inductions....these October babies aren't half keen aren't they! Welcome to a new week.....and it's October on Thursday!!! :flower::wacko:
Hi girls

I sarted the day with good intentions, 2 loads of washing out and washed the front door down, it was looking very grubby!, then I stopped for coffee and my motivation has gone:dohh:

Need to move myself and pop to doctors to get prescription for DS1 and to post office, have a feeling a milky way has my name on too!!!!

Made a batch of bolognese yesterday and going to do a chilli today, DH bought some carton soups for the freezer too so we are getting prepared.

Is anyone else finding that they want to eat junk.....or is it just me?

Have a good day girls and babies x
Uh oh!!! Just seen an advert for maltesers, now what do I do, milky way or maltesers, lol:winkwink:
LOL I have been eating junk food for most of this pregancy, with cornflakes thrown in for good measure... Not quite sure how I've managed not to put much weight on; think that has much to do with the sickness not ever really having gone away...

I'm just about to go make myself a chip butty with beetroot... I've no idea why but that's just what I fancy... I've eaten so many jars of pickled beetroot I've a feeling it's a craving... That and silver skinned onions... I've no corned beef in or I'd be having that too and moaning about heart burn all afternoon...

OH is zzzing away again, DS is at school and the chores are still there to do... I'm so uncomfy, bump is so low, I can't even do my maternity trousers up when I'm sat as they hurt my bits. I can't stand for long as my hips/back start rebelling. Thank goodness to being able to lean on the sink when brushing my teeth, and the fact that DS will help once he's home...

Right off to cook my chip butty...
Re: perineal massage- I had fully intended to do this, but have just never gotten round to it. I got the gel & downloaded some articles & tips on what to do, but still.... I figure if I tear, I'll tear at the end of the day. Everyone else in my family did, so I probably will too; such is life, lol. :shrug:

I hope taylorsmummy & mer01 are okay today. 2 more babies shouldd be here my tonight I guess! Very exciting. :)

Re junk food: yeah I want to eat junk too; no cravings, but just like it's easier to eat junk than it is to cook something nutricious & healthy. I think with me it'smore laziness than anything.

Well, I'[m still feeling a bit rough today; my throat is very red & inflamed & I still hacve my cold, but I'm just tking paracetamol & drinking tons of water & resting... If I still feel like it on weds, I'm gonna go to the docs, but I'm sure it'll pass.
Had my 38 week midwife appointment first thing this morning; was all very dramatic. When I got there, it turns out my midwife is on a training day, so I was seeingh the duty midwife, which was fine, as she's lovely. BUT.... just when I got there, another lady was having a crisis, so she saw her first. I had to wait nearly 40 minutes; she then came out crying her eyes out & was being sent to the big hospital for an emergency scan as it looks like she may have lost her baby. Totally knocked me for 6 that did & even the midwife looked all upset & shakey. Definitely dont envy their jobs, that's for sure.
Anyway, I was her last appointment this side of lunch, so that worked in my favour coz I was able to ask her all my stupid questions, was given a cup of tea & a tracker bar (how cool is that?!) and basically had a good old chat about everything.
I'm 38+3 now, but still only measuring 35cm, but she says it's fine as baby & me are growing each appointment. He is now fully engaged (yay!) and the right way round, nothing wrong with my urine, no swelling, baby has good steady heart rate & my pulse was a perfectly normal 120/80, which is actually the highest it's ever been, lol.
We discussed my birth plan and local breast feeding support groups, ho9w much change to take to the hospital, what pain relief options I have 7 all that jazz. She has reccomended that due to people in my family being allergic to Pethadine & also my asthma (which isn't very well controlled) that I definitely avoid Pethadine, suggesting I go for gas & air & water pool/bath at first, then go for an epidural if I feel I can't cope, which I am perfectly happy with.
Spoke to her about my possible show last night (I had more of the snotty stuff this morning too, sorry if that was TMI, lol) and she said it's all good & all pointing to the right direction. :)

I also had the chance to speak to her about me not going too overdue coz of OH havfing to work away nearer the end of Oct, and she was really understanding; so she has booked me in for a sweep on 12th october (if I haven't already had him by then, obviously) when I'll be 40+3 & if that doesn't work within 4 days, I'll be given an induction. Hopefully it wont come to any of that as I'd prefer to go it naturally & let him come when he's ready, but it's good to know I have these options available if I need them so I wont have to worry about going into labour without my OH or a birth partner there.

So, all in all, a good day so far for me. :)

Hope everyone else is okay. :hugs: to y'all. xxx
Hiya girls :flower:

Good luck for today Taylorsmummy!!

Is it just me or is anyone else getting really excited about October babies arriving? I can't wait to get online at every opportunity to see if there are anymore new babies or if anyones gone into labour!!

Another crap nights sleep for me again last night..needed to have a wee every 2-3 hours even though I'd not drunk anything. It wasn't long ago I could go all night (11-7) without a bathroom trip,sometimes I had to go at around 3am but now my bladder has gone C-razzyy! Do we think this means that my boy has moved further down? Suppose I'll find out at my 36week midwife check on Wednesday. I had alot of period like pains yesterday too and I could only manage 5 mins of hoovering before I had to sit down cos the tops of my thighs ached so much!
I'm so excited to be onto the last box on my ticker! And the fact that I'm due a month today!!! I've ordered my tens machine too, it's being delivered on Thursday along with breast pads and maternity pads, so I'm just about ready!
Im still loving junk food but im trying to cook when I feel up to it. I did roast potatoes and carrots last night with a medley or cabbage, leek and broccoli and steak and lots of horseradish. Tops off with rhubarb crumble and custard, yum yum yum. Made fairy cakes too but they were wolfed down in minutes :rofl:

Just had lunch, bacon and tomatoes and might indulge in an ice cream in a minute.
Jlosomerset - re: the important decision....I too say both, and get me a twirl while you're there! lol

I'm really in the mood for junk....lots of pastry and for the last 3 nights I've made some form of chip (granted they're home made, roasted with olive oil but still :dohh:). I didn't get round to making pies yesterday so may have to today. I did however, have a go at a swiss roll which turned more into a swiss fold as I left it to cool too long :dohh: - hubby enjoyed it though!

Right, On with the paperwork! Cup of tea and some garibaldi's will get me through! lol:thumbup:
well i dont think my baby will be here anytime soon! still waiting, what makes me mad the two women who came in at the same time have been started off but not me! feel likee they have forgotten about me tbh. Aparntly labour suite is very busy,so why start them off and not me? argh sorry for my moaning lol
that sucks taylorsmummy. I hope they find a bed soon & can get you started- it must be so frustrating having to wait. I'd be going mental by now... :hugs:

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