Official October Team Bumpkins

Congrats Mer:)
Hope you have a quick recovery and LO is doing well!
Chaos is back at home and in early labor.
She is going back in when her contractions get more regular. She's a bit more dilated and 80% thinned so not long now, they are saying.
She pulled the muscles on one side of her stomach so she's in some pain:(
Hopefully Autumn won't keep her waiting too much longer!
She is getting some rest, so if I hear any updates I will let everyone know!
Congrats to all the new oct mummys wow the bumpkins are all coming out early! Hope everybodys doing ok i dont get much time to drop in with my little man being in scbu. He is doing well now in a normal cot its just his feeding they need to sort and soon as thats sorted he can come home hopefully by end of week.
Ive been put on antibotics as my c-section scar has got infected and its killing me but he was worth all the pain!
Mumof4 ~ It'll be fantastic news when you're both together... Hopefully, this weekend will be the time...

Chaos ~ Hope you're not in labour too long...

Mer ~ Congratulations love...
still waiting! 3cm no contractions yet had a sweep again and there not put gel in waitin for a bed in labour so i can have waters broken...x
Hello Ladies....


My BH's were getting more and more troublesome since yday. Could not take it anymore.. so called the delivery suite this evening. I was told to come in so that I can be monitored.

Went to Del suite around 6 20 pm and waited for the mid-wife.....
Took my urine sample - was told there were a few leucocytes in them..... and it was sent for examination.... and I would get the results thru ma GP.

Was put on the CTG, LO was moving loads! thank god!!!

MW told me I was having contractions... which were mild & kind airregular and not full blown yet! And I would need an internal examination.
Alrite... was OK with it.... got ready.... THE PAIN was HORRIBLE!!!!! body went warm.... and I was in tears!!!!! :cry: Gosh!!!! I dinno it was so so so uncomfy and painful!!!!

She could not find my cervix probably I was too anxious and did let her do her job!!!!!! Such a Shame! :dohh: She did try doing again the 2nd time.... :nope: It was painful!!!!

So now am not sure if my cervix is open/closed!!!!
LO is 3/5th palpable, cephalic presentation and LOA position (wonder wat it is?! tryign to google)

MW wanted to keep me in tonight, but since I stay 10 mins walk from the hospital I was sent home and was told to come back if contractiosn get stronger n closer/if waters break....etc etc etc

Well, have my regular GP appt tomorrow morn at 9 am.... and I was told to keep my appt!

Mumof4 ~ hope LO and u get home soon together... this weekend!

Taylors mum ~ 3 cm dilated! hope its not long!!!! :hugs: good luck

So hows everyone doing today?????
in so much pain contractions are regular 4-5 min apart. cant sleep at all, feel sick and loads o pressure on bum! on my own still wont ring dp!!
Congrats to Mer01 & her princess- can't wait to hear name, weight etc. :)

Taylorsmummy- Kim, I really hope you're ok. My mind has ben on you all day, wondering how you're getting on & stuff. Finger's crossed you're able to cope with the pain & get some much needed rest before you go into full blown labour mode... :hugs:

Chaos- ooooh great news! Really hope everything goes as planned & Autumn makes her arrival in true style & grace, lol. Thans for the updates DJGirl. :)

Mumof42009- glad you're okay. Hope Adi is doing ok & getting bigger & stronger by the day & will be able to come home real soon. :)

It really is beginning to get exciting for the Bumpkins isn't it? Brings home that chances are each day, we'll be getting news of someone having a bagy pretty much from this point onwards, lol.... and scares me like hell at the same time!!! haha.

Does everyone have a text buddy who they're gonna let know as & when things happen so they can update on here? I dont have one, but now I'm thinking I should as I plan to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after the birth, so it would make sense to have someone I can let know... anyone wanna be my labour of love text buddy, so to speak? :shrug:

Anyway... my throat is still very sore & scratchy, but the cold seems to be alleviating a bit, so hopefully I am on the mend & will be healthy again in a few days. My OH has a day off tomorrow (yay!) so we're gonna blitz the house, go shopping, get me a new gym ball coz i managed to puncture mine already (clutz!) and pay in my birthday cheques, which I'm sure my bank will appreciate, hehehe, as my account is looking a bit dire these days thanks to having to live off of crappy MA from now on... Thankgod OH has a decent wage otherwise we'd be screwed... or more to the point I would be since everything is in my name still!

Anyways, much love & lollipops to you all & good luck to everyone who's starting to 'feel things' or who are being indiced/having sweeps/sections etc over the coming few days. :hugs:
Wow...just look at all the progress around here! No updates to report on Chaos yet, but Keerthy, I hope things either progress or stop hurting!
xTaylorsMummy, sorry to hear you are in pain:(
Hope things move along a little quicker for you!
No progress for me to report to anyone other than feeling like my belly is going to explode and that there is no room left in there for LO at all. I fully expect my little guy to keep me waiting another 2 weeks or more. It would just be too easy on my heartburn if he decided to show up soon:)
Hope all the other ladies are doing well around here!
Congrats to Mer01 & her princess- can't wait to hear name, weight etc. :)

Taylorsmummy- Kim, I really hope you're ok. My mind has ben on you all day, wondering how you're getting on & stuff. Finger's crossed you're able to cope with the pain & get some much needed rest before you go into full blown labour mode... :hugs:

Chaos- ooooh great news! Really hope everything goes as planned & Autumn makes her arrival in true style & grace, lol. Thans for the updates DJGirl. :)

Mumof42009- glad you're okay. Hope Adi is doing ok & getting bigger & stronger by the day & will be able to come home real soon. :)

It really is beginning to get exciting for the Bumpkins isn't it? Brings home that chances are each day, we'll be getting news of someone having a bagy pretty much from this point onwards, lol.... and scares me like hell at the same time!!! haha.

Does everyone have a text buddy who they're gonna let know as & when things happen so they can update on here? I dont have one, but now I'm thinking I should as I plan to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after the birth, so it would make sense to have someone I can let know... anyone wanna be my labour of love text buddy, so to speak? :shrug:

Anyway... my throat is still very sore & scratchy, but the cold seems to be alleviating a bit, so hopefully I am on the mend & will be healthy again in a few days. My OH has a day off tomorrow (yay!) so we're gonna blitz the house, go shopping, get me a new gym ball coz i managed to puncture mine already (clutz!) and pay in my birthday cheques, which I'm sure my bank will appreciate, hehehe, as my account is looking a bit dire these days thanks to having to live off of crappy MA from now on... Thankgod OH has a decent wage otherwise we'd be screwed... or more to the point I would be since everything is in my name still!

Anyways, much love & lollipops to you all & good luck to everyone who's starting to 'feel things' or who are being indiced/having sweeps/sections etc over the coming few days. :hugs:
Aww, flora...I would volunteer but I imagine you want someone in the same country to have that job!:haha:
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I can relate. I just had the worst cold/flu/sinus thing a week or two back. I realized that being 9 months pregnant and sick was actually probably the one thing more miserable than being 9 months pregnant!:hugs:
there's been another October little girl born:

So cute!
Florabean :hugs:
I'm applying for position of text buddy :thumbup:
Have meant to get round to requesting one myself so would solve everything :flower: Let me know so can PM you my number x

Mer - wahey!!!! Well done lovely, let us know the details asap

Does anyone else feel like it's all a dream seeing these birth announcements? I keep thinking we're all still in 2nd tri....going to get a shock on the 15th if I don't accept that things are REAL aren't I....:haha: :hugs::kiss:
Remember how scary the 3rd tri forum seemed a few months ago? Crazy that we are all so close to the end. Now for a good scare, I check out the postpartum forum :lol:
Hey girls,

Thanks for the well wishes. Thought I'd poke my head in between contractions haha.

I'm still at home, it's 2am and contractions are bouncing between 4 and 11 minutes apart, so nothing regular yet. They are pretty freaking intense but manageable. I'm only really feeling it in the bottom half of my bump and they radiate down my thighs which kinda sucks.

The worse part is I've pulled all the muscles in the left side of my stomach so it makes doing anything feel like I'm being stabbed whilst being kicked by a horse lol. I'm wondering how I'm going to push if they are still painful cause I can't even blow my nose atm :dohh:

Gross moment .. but in case any of you get this and wonder if its normal .. I'm also loosing a lot of what I can only describe as "goop" down there its blood coloured now, I get a bout a 10p size blob every time I go to the bathroom. OB said its totally normal and it means the cervix is changing.

As of 2pm I was "a loose finger" dilated and 80% thinned out. I'm hoping these contractions are doing more for that. We'll see tho.

Congrats Mer! Keep in there Taylors Mum!

Can someone please keep a list of the new babies being born, I will update .. I just can't sit still long enough to do it at the moment. :hugs:
morning chaos, hugs to you. With both my previous labours i never felt any pain in my back was always my thighs, felt like i had ran a marathon the nxt day but soon eased. Hope things progress quickly for you x

Wow taken ages catch up, only been away couple days lol

Mer - congrats hun, cant wait to see pics :)

Taylorsmummy - hope your ok and LO is here soon!

Chaos - oh good luck hun, hope things move along quickly for you :hugs:

Wow its getting close now, starting to feel so real! I'm very nervous now wondering if today will be there day!

My son is climbing on my bump for a cuddle and to watch tv sat on me, it hurts so much but dont want to push him away :( bless him!

Off to get breakfast now. Hope your all ok!xxx
Morning Girls!

Anyone told these little October bumpkins that we're still in September... LOL...

I've had a horrid day yesterday complete with sickness and generally feeling crap, this morning I've been sick already again today, I'm not sure if it's the ms back or if I've picked up a bug... My bump, Hips & back were so sore yesterday too, ended up in a warm bath by 4pm, had a few paracetamols too... As I say I'm not sure if it's a bug or just part of the pregnancy thing...

OH took me to tesco's shopping yesterday afternoon, I've decided that as of the end of this week I shall be doing the shopping on line and getting it delivered when OH is up and about as I really can't bend to empty the trays they bring... I tried to order the shopping yesterday for the end of the week, however, I lost all motivation and concentration; I didn't get it ordered at all... Will see if I can do it later today or tomorrow, if not OH will get a list and will have to either do the shopping or the ordering on line...

I struggled to walk around tesco's yesterday, can't bend well to empty the trolley on to the belt, I ended up packing the bags rather slowly; everything is at the wrong height, so heavy and just impossible to do... I'm so fustrated!!! I have to rely on OH to do things I'd normally do, DS has stepped up to doing the housework for me too... I'm not sure what I'd do without them both at the moment... I feel so hopeless, useless and isolated...

Mum has been a great support, as babe is so low and everything is ready for babe to arrive, I should be expecting to do less; and basically she keeps telling me to enjoy the opportunity of doing very little... I know she means well, but I can't even take the dog out... Being confined to the house is now starting to really do my head in!!! And now the sickness haas joined it... (Bummer!)

Hope you all have a lovely day, I'm gonna see about having a pj day - well until I've to go get my hair cut... It's really nice hearing about the new arrivals I hope everyone one is doing well and get home safe and sound with their LO's....
Morning all

Chaos hope contractions progress for you and you'll soon have your little girl.

Taylorsmummy hope they get you sorted soon

Eswift when you get a tesco delivery I get them to bring the trays into the kitchen and they unpack them onto the worktops. Not sure if ive just got a good guy who brings mine. Not used them for a while though as brother keeps coming and I sit in a chair around the supermarket :rofl:

Been feeling rough and sick.Baby is quiet again, it picks up occasionally so going to phone hospital if ive not had some serious kicking by lunch time.
Morning Girls!

Anyone told these little October bumpkins that we're still in September... LOL...

I've had a horrid day yesterday complete with sickness and generally feeling crap, this morning I've been sick already again today, I'm not sure if it's the ms back or if I've picked up a bug... My bump, Hips & back were so sore yesterday too, ended up in a warm bath by 4pm, had a few paracetamols too... As I say I'm not sure if it's a bug or just part of the pregnancy thing...

OH took me to tesco's shopping yesterday afternoon, I've decided that as of the end of this week I shall be doing the shopping on line and getting it delivered when OH is up and about as I really can't bend to empty the trays they bring... I tried to order the shopping yesterday for the end of the week, however, I lost all motivation and concentration; I didn't get it ordered at all... Will see if I can do it later today or tomorrow, if not OH will get a list and will have to either do the shopping or the ordering on line...

I struggled to walk around tesco's yesterday, can't bend well to empty the trolley on to the belt, I ended up packing the bags rather slowly; everything is at the wrong height, so heavy and just impossible to do... I'm so fustrated!!! I have to rely on OH to do things I'd normally do, DS has stepped up to doing the housework for me too... I'm not sure what I'd do without them both at the moment... I feel so hopeless, useless and isolated...

Mum has been a great support, as babe is so low and everything is ready for babe to arrive, I should be expecting to do less; and basically she keeps telling me to enjoy the opportunity of doing very little... I know she means well, but I can't even take the dog out... Being confined to the house is now starting to really do my head in!!! And now the sickness haas joined it... (Bummer!)

Hope you all have a lovely day, I'm gonna see about having a pj day - well until I've to go get my hair cut... It's really nice hearing about the new arrivals I hope everyone one is doing well and get home safe and sound with their LO's....

Big :hugs: hun x

I fully sympathise with you, I always do the grocery shop but had to give in this weekend and send HD with a list, like he hasnt got enough to do at home, felt really guilty as it was the one thing I was still doing but I was having to do it with one of those mini trolleys as I couldnt reach to the bottom of the normal size ones, DS1 is only 6 and as much as he tried to help he couldnt reach either, what a site we must have looked:haha:

DH has been really good and listening to me moaning about my sore hips and the shooting pain I keep getting down my leg, puffy feet and ankles.....and the list goes on, he is working so hard to get things done and was plastering till gone 9 last nite, mmmm thinking about it is that just to get away from me moaning and get out of giving me a foot rub:dohh:

I am trying to be nice to everyone but the patience is running thin now, on the school run I keep getting 'have you not had him yet' or 'are you still here' what does it bloody look like, arghhhh!!!!!

Anyhows have a good day girls, DS2 is home today, no preschool on Tuesdays, have no idea what to do with him, perhaps we will bake something, it doesnt involve leaving the house then!!

:happydance: 39 WEEKS TODAY:happydance:

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