Official October Team Bumpkins

omg this SUCKS.

Hang on in there hunny, were all behind you:hugs:

Get bouncing on that ball, pace the hallway lots, its what worked for me last time and most importantly breath!!!!!

The end is in sight for you, although it probably doesnt feel much like it now, and every contraction brings you one step closer to meeting your little girl :cloud9: x
Good luck Chaos and everyone else!!!

Look away now if TMI.............................this morning I thought sod it I'm trying these natural methods and had sex with DH. He was more than happy to oblige. Already a few hours ago and not a twinge but for the purposes of experiment thought I would share. I also have some pineapple to eat later....................please come out LO!!!
Wow not been on this thread for a couple of days, looks like lots has started to happen!

Congrats to all that have have their gorgeous babies!

Good luck to everyone in early labour, hope you all progress quickly and get to meet your LO's soon!

For eveyone else still waiting, hope you are all ok!! :hugs:
Good luck to everyone!!

Well I am 37 weeks today!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Getting lots of gooey type discharge, but no contractions yesterday.
I think my 'slow' labour has stopped completely for the moment!

Aw chaos hun, not long to go now, hope things move along quick for you. your little girl will be here soon! xx

Oh I agree with the shopping. I'm on my own so cant ask anyone to do it for me. I now have to get a few things every couple days rather than a bigger shop once a week now. I just cant manage it and I dont drive so its impossible to push my sons pram full of bags! I think i'll start doing it online now I need to get the freezes stocked up. I'm not one for cooking myself i'll cheat hehe

mrso- congrats on 37 wks

chaos - :hugs: thinking of you xx

taylormum- :hugs: thinking of you x

its all action here this morning , was at hosp app this morning and they reckon baby is well down , ( whether that means engaged I dont know ) !

Come on baby come out now !!!!!!!!!!!!
Think my baby is trying to scare me again, only 1 movement today, tried a hot shower and a cold fizzy drink. Going to eat some food and if nothing im phoning L&D. Tummy keeps feeling tight and I just dont feel quite right.

Gosh i just want to hold a happy healthy baby.
Think my baby is trying to scare me again, only 1 movement today, tried a hot shower and a cold fizzy drink. Going to eat some food and if nothing im phoning L&D. Tummy keeps feeling tight and I just dont feel quite right.

Gosh i just want to hold a happy healthy baby.

Maffie, I'm the same today. Tummy tight all the time and I feel totally off the planet. Baby hardly moving at all, but I think this is quite normal as we get nearer the time, simply because there isn't much room in there now for the little bumpkins to kick (can anybody confirm this?). I feel zoned out, like I've been spliffing all night. Good job I've stopped work, cos I don't think my clients would appreciate the abilities of my brain right now;-) Maffie, I hope you get some kicks soon to put your mind at rest. xx
Maffie ~ I hope you get some serious movement very soon...

Keerthy ~ Hope your BH either come to something or bugger off...

JLo ~ Glad to see I'm not alone being so pathetic... OH just like your's keeps himself very busy so I don't have to moan at him... LOL out of sight out of mind LOL... He's just gone to his pit... He was home late this morning, but did make a few calls applying for a permant jobs. Always hopeful... Although the agency are reasonable, OH would prefer a 'proper' job'...

Chaos ~ So close yet so far away... Keep bouncing, keep calm and try to relax... oooo I'm so excited... Not long now... Breath... Hope it's not too long now...

Glad to see I'm not the only one, who's gonna take the easy option with the shopping... At least there's an alternative available... What to have for lunch, that's light easy and not gonna bounce??? Damned, if I know...
Ive just rubbed my tummy and got some mild kicks but its not like normal. hmmmm will see how I go over the afternoon. It's weird how our bodies make us feel isn't it.
Aw maffie try not to worry too much. I remember with my son I went 4 days hardly feeling him, then just the odd movement and I was very worried but he was fine. Theres not much room for them now. I'm only getting them quite low down now and def not as often as usual. Hope LO kicks soon though to make you feel better :hugs: x
Maffie ~ hope LO perks up for you soon x

I'm struggling at work with the moment now . . . only 8 working days to go! :happydance:

I am 'jet lagged' from yesterday I think. Will finish work at one and have MW appointment. Need food.

Sorry ladies, that is the extent of my brain power at the moment!

Good afternoon everyone!

Maffie - My LO seems to be making the most of the lie ins just like his mummy at the moment. I don't feel anything until I've had lunch....which can be a little disheartening when you're woken at 5am with the need to pee! Also, hubby has noticed that the movements seem a lot less's just pains in my cervix and back have replaced them! lol

How is everyone? I'm going to have to read back and see if there are any more updates - :hugs: to Chaos and Keerthy!!

I've got all the paperwork to's my last big task and I'm determined to have it all done today as I'll be damned if I'm going into labour with letters and filing that need doing! It's all stacked around me (took me a while to gather it all together) but now I have no choice but to deal with it!

I got a phone call re: my money this morning. My union rep has signed it all on my behalf and I will receive a cheque by the 19th of October! :thumbup: Well I have to wait and see when it arrives now....could really do with it by the 12th - keeping fingers crossed! lol

Anyhoo - hope everyone is ok....I'm off to make myself a bowl of soup and a roll for my lunch then I'm setting into the paperwork! Wish me luck lol :coffee:
Maffie - Hope lo moves about soon , if not why not ring your hosp so that you can put your mind at ease.
eswift, good luck to the OH on the job front.

Maffie on the movement front, the midwife told me to make a hot and a cold drink and take a bit from each until they are gone, have something to eat then lie down for half hour and if still no movements then to phone back. It worked for me, fingers x it will get your lo moving.

Well we made the flapjacks, probably the most expensive flapjacks going mind you, we had nothing in so had to buy all the ingredients, cost me £10!!!!:dohh: Have just put the chocolate on them and waiting for them to cool now, I hope they taste nice after all this effort and money!!!

Going to put DS2 to bed in a bit, much to his disgust so I can have some very precious 'me' time before we do the school run, he will sleep just doesnt want to admit it!!!
omg this SUCKS.

Bless your heart...I knew you would be up in the middle of the night and online!:haha:
C'mon Autumn...seriously, stop torturing your Mommy before all the really hard work starts!
I will be thinking of you today and waiting for updates(while "willing" Autumn out of your womb):thumbup:
Maffie and Colsy..hope those babies start moving around for you a little more. Mine has been very quiet recently. He seems to have his biggest fits in the evening while I am on the sofa watching TV and trying to relax. He pushes and jabs and looks for a little more space, which there is none. The rest of the time I don't feel much of anything other than an occasional nudge. I agree though, if you are getting worried, call. You're too far along to be worried by something right now. Better to just be able to relax and wait for LO. Of course(and this is TMI), I let DH know that my mucus plug came out or started to come out last night and of course he went into a panic. I had to spend the next hour trying to convince him that I am not yet in labor. No dear, just because my back and belly hurt does not mean labor. They have been hurting for weeks. :haha: He has no idea. I can already tell who will be the calm one when the time really comes:rofl:
Another quick update on Chaos!
Her contractions are at 7 minutes...she goes in when they hit 5 or her water breaks...and she's trying to relax right now.
She called the labor ward and they said they think probably sometime tonight!
Says she is currently "dying" in the tub...bless her:(
Keep hanging in there, Chaos! Only hours away, now!
still no where near. its takin the piss tbh. been waiting since 8am yday, 3-4cm dilated, no contractions. so fed up gettin loads of pressure in my bits but NOTHING... 3 people have gone into labour while iv been here!!!!!

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