Official October Team Bumpkins

still no where near. its takin the piss tbh. been waiting since 8am yday, 3-4cm dilated, no contractions. so fed up gettin loads of pressure in my bits but NOTHING... 3 people have gone into labour while iv been here!!!!!

:hugs: :hugs: Not long now ! Hang on in there ! xx
taylorsmummy - did they just do a sweep to induce you? i hope it gets going soon, im in on monday to be induced and was really hoping it wouldnt take longer than 2 days! walking is supposed to help i think? x

chaos - your so close now!!!! hang on in there it will be over before you know it xx

maffie - im having alot less movements than usual too, keep trying not to panic. i think maybe they just dont move as much cos theyre being squished? or we just dont feel it as much. hope he boots you soon tho ;)

hope everyone else is doing ok, cant believe how quick this time has come round
Well had lunch and went to sleep as felt rough, head hurts. I hope I perk up before I have this baby!

Taylorsmummy sounds strange to leave you so long, have they not put a gel in?

Hang in there Chaos sounds like Autumn wont be far away now.
wont put gel in as im already dilated. iv done loads of walkin but nothing. i can feel hes really low when i go loo, my floo floo is really swallon and sore.. so fed up.
wont put gel in as im already dilated. iv done loads of walkin but nothing. i can feel hes really low when i go loo, my floo floo is really swallon and sore.. so fed up.

have they not mentioned breaking your waters yet?
yeah "im on the board" aparntlly waiting for labour ward to not be so busy.... hmmm anougher lonley night in hospital listenin to labouring women!
Still no signs for me - I just know I'm gonna go over!!! :-(

Have the consultant on Tuesday to book for an induction date but hopefully I won't make it!!!!
Good Luck xTaylorsMummy & Chaos!! Exciting!!

MW said Im fully engaged, I lost my plug 2 weeks ago now and am getting regula period type pains - so she doesnt reckon Ill be long! We shall see though :dohh:
I have no signs what-so-ever! LO has been a super wriggler for two whole days now. I keep telling them if they want to come out and play now then that is fine for me and they will have lots more room! I keep on getting a little bum up near my ribs, MW said baby is the right way round but a little to one side (I knew that from the bum!) :D Still ceph 5/5 but I am happy with that.

I am starting to 'think' my way to labour now, in my head it can come anytime, even before I finish work! . . . I was almost tempted to help OH shift a large TV to get things moving (obviously I didn't as I knew really it was a bad idea). I have thougth for ages that LO will go over but I am trying some sort of reverse psychology on myself :rofl: Its' just sooooo hard when you hear about everyone else!

Thinking of you Chaos :hugs:

Oh dear TaylorsMummy ~ hope you get sorted out soon :flower:
Goodluck to Taylorsmummy & Chaos!!! come on girls!
well i have been for my last m/wife appointment today, and i had a sweep, not very nice girls at all, she said she couldnt do a proper one, as my cervix was still high, deffo will not be having another!! got a appointment friday with my Consulatant so we shall see what she says, since having this done this morning, im so uncomfy and feel like i need to wee all the time, so fingers crossed xxxx
Sw, good luck Chaos! Thinking of you! So exciting!

I'm due Friday but no major signs yet... I've just got a seriously upset tummy and threw up 3 times today. MW said this could be a sign, I hope it is!
Hey guys! Just popping in from 2nd Tri.
Taylorsmommy, we are rooting for you!!! Can't wait to meet little Dexter! (btw, LOVE the name)

Keep us posted! Now that I know where you are updating I will keep checking in here! :)
ah this is such a LOVELY thread, I havent been keeping up with the October Bumpkins so much has been going on, how exciting! Mt C section is booked in for the 14th of October and just cant wait now!!! 2 weeks tomorrow, so nice to read everyones preggi day tales, most certainly got me through a listless day catching up! Hope you are all well!
Hey everyone,

Chaos and Taylorsmummy :hugs: - Not long now.

I've finished my filing!! Woohoo! And i found a few things that I thought I had lost! Bonus! That was my last task to do -

All we have to do now is sort out the nursery and then LO can officially make an appearance!

I'm 37 weeks tomorrow :happydance:!! I'm quite scared as hubby was born at 38+1 and weighed 8lb 12oz!!! His Mum is only a small woman...same height and a little bit more slender than me, so if she can carry that size....eeek! Hubby has said that he's going to keep a close eye on me from tomorrow onwards as he's impatient now! lol.....he's impatient!!! would be better if we could just stay in until the evening of the 10th.....please baby!

Right, I'm going to put my feet up and then put a cottage pie on for tea....with lots of gravy and some broccoli on the side.....yummers!

Have a lovely evening ladies xx :hugs:
Phone L&D for reassurance and they said baby may just be having a quiet day but I still have to go in. So just need to pop some clothes on and head off.
Hey ladies; thinking of you all. I feel like I'm dying- I spoke too soon last night when I said I was sdtarting to feel better... Being heavily pregnant, stupid sciatica, heartburn from hell is nothing compared to staying up all night coughing my guts up, throwing up from coughing so much & stinging my back of my throat like crazy; I feel like a lil kid who just wants their mummy... God I hope I feel better soon. Gonna phone Drs tomorrow & get an appointment coz I can't hack feeling this ill.

Anyways, :hugs: to everyone. xxxx
Maffie - good luck at hospital hun. Hope LO moves for you soon.

Florabean - sorry your feeling so ill. Hope your a little better tomorrow :hugs:

Maffie let us know how you get on sweetie :hugs:

Florab hope you're on the mend soon - how rotten :hugs:

Taylor's mummy try and relax lovely, just tell yourself that it won't be for days yet and that'll tip you into it probably :happydance: fingers xd for you, it's awful being stuck in hospital :hugs:

Chaos come on girl - you can do it, we can't wait to meet Autumn, tell those furbabies it's time to vacate the moses basket now!

Hope everyone is ok - I've got a flat full of damp plaster ready for painting :shrug: great hey!

On a MUCH lighter note - my pram came today (to mums) YAAAYYYYYYY, have had muchos fun pushing it round the garden like a looney :rofl:

Has anyone else's sickness returned? Mine is back with a vengeance - I'm sick at least 3 - 4 times a day at the moment. Uch.

:hugs: and :kiss: to all

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