Official October Team Bumpkins

I can't believe I'm up again. I've been lying in bed for an hour trying to get comfy and it's just not happening! I'm knackered but still can't sleep so watching Don't tell the Bride to try to get me to fall asleep. Hubby is up at 5.30 so not long to wait for him lol.

Hope that the labours are going well for Chaos and Taylorsmummy....I don't know why but I keep thinking that if they're in labour, then it's me soon and nothing is ready for bubs and I'm on the lookout for anything as baby really can't come yet! :nope:

Well, it's past midnight so.....

37 weeks today!! :happydance::happydance:

Right, I'm off to try to get some shut-eye.....after I've watched my programme! :haha:
Hi all, just in from the hospital, had to have bloods done as BP hit 150/94 thankfully no protein and bloods ok. I have to go straight back in if headache worsens or I have visual problems.
Baby is kicking again but they are concerned I have extra fluid occurring very fast, im also swollen but not showing for pre-eclampsia in blood at the moment. I have to have urgent scan and go in for day care assessment on Thursday, but if I worsen tomorrow then back in again.
:hugs: least they didn't find anything sinister.

Put your feet up and try to relax.....Hope you feel better! :hugs:
Maffie, sorry to hear that, but at last you have the sense to get checked out & stuff. Hope you feel a bit better soon & the swelling & BP go down... :hugs:
Wow, Maffie, that stinks, but at least you are ok for the moment! Do try to relax if you can...keep that BP lowered! I hear you on the swelling. I was awful for several days in a row but the last 2 have not been bad, so I hope it stays that way for a few to give the body a break!
Flora-hope you are feeling better! Keep hanging in there and soon enough you will be improving:)
No word from Chaos recently!
I sent a message a few hours back and nothing! I let her know we are all hoping she is doing well and send our love from the Bumpkins:D
Hoping that means she has progressed into labor nicely and is delivering/resting at the moment!
I will make sure to update when I hear something!
Thinking of you Chaos :hugs: Hope you are progressing!
Any news Tylorsmummy?
Sorry to hear you have beem poorly Maffie. I know my feet are so swollen and no more room for bubs so generally ready to meet :baby:...
Hope you're feeling better this morning florabean1981
Congrats on 37 weeks Aimee

Well - feel real crappy and irritable today and have done since about 4. Tripped over DPs trainer middle of the night which may have triggered it. Least don't have to go to work! Argh that would kill me off..

So another chill day today pottering, cleaning and now sleeping at strange times as up so early. Starving!
Morning :wave:

Maffie - sorry your not feeling great but glad your ok for now. Make sure your resting hun.

Neon - hope your have a good day relaxing, i'll be doin exactly the same today, im so tired!

Flora - hope your feeling better today.

Taylorsmummy and chaos - fingers crossed things have progressed for you both :hugs:

I'm so tired this morning. DS came in my room to wake me up 20 mins ago but we're stil in bed I cant get the energy to move yet lol he's just playing with his toys so he's happy for the moment. Wish I could go back sleep though :(

Morning girls

Chaos: I hope all is going/went well.. :hugs:
Taylorsmummy: I hope things have progressed for you x

Well here we are ladies

38 weeks today & Only 9 days till my c-section

I cant believe its single figures now! Have been feeling mega tired again so chilling as much as possible... I hope everyone is ok... :hugs: to you all xxx
Morning all congrats on 38 weeks :happydance:

Im feeling okish apart froma mild headache, I never expected my BP and temp to be up, just so glad bloods were clear otherwise id of had to stay in. Looks like i'll be in for the day Thursday as they want the consultant to review me as I seem to of developed alot of fluid in my tummy. Means I get to see the baby on scan again. At least my bags are pretty much packed now :lol:
Morning Ladies...

Maffie ~ I hope that all's ok when you go to hospital today. I'm thinking about you anyway...

Chaos ~ I wonder how you've done? IS Autumn here???

XTaylorsMummy ~ I hope that you've had an eventful night or at least have an eventful day today... Fingers crossed...

Florabean ~ Hope your GP has a miracle cure for feeling crappy ready for you... Big Hugs... I'm feeling so much better today than I have for the past 2, the sickness has eased... Thank goodness...

Aimee-Lou ~ Hope you managed to catch some zzz's last night aventually...

JLo ~ Shoppings ordered and should be delivered Friday; even though I'd lost interest when doing the order the day before, when I went back onto the site yesterday it had saved all the items I put on the day before. Wow, saved me loads of time & hunting for stuff... OH will be excited about having to sort the shopping and put it away... LOL Feel as though I've managed to still do at least 1 chore in 2 days...

Yesterday, I took it very easy; pj day, well until lunch time anyway. Then got ready had lunch and went to hairdressers... I felt so much better yesterday evening and slept reasonably well... Still wish the need to pee would not occur quite so often 4/5 time a night...

I finished a bonnet to go with the dress and coat I've crochet... Gonna have a try to do a pair of booties too.. I've seen a lovely cape I'd like to do too, gonna see about some nice wool (not sure what colour to do it? Any ideas, would like it to be able to be for either sex as we've still no idea...) Will see how I get on...

DS has swimming tonight, so I get to meet a friend for coffee while he's there, quite looking forward to that. The company is so wanted...
Why do things always go wrong, work have messed up my wage!!!! They are looking into it ive only been on mat leave 6 weeks and its dropped to what should be getting in 6 months :dohh: Thats going to make bill paying fun!

My mum is popping over today which im glad of, I could do with some company. Need to phone hospital soon to get booked in for tomorrow.
Maffie ~ What a bummer? Hope they don't take too long to work out the problem... Fingers crossed... Not what you need...

Right Shower time... Catch you all later... Have a great day all...
Morning girls:flower:

eswfit, well done on the shopping, at least the OH doesnt have to leave the house that way and you can put your feet up and enjoy:thumbup: wow 9 days:happydance: I am very jealous, would love to know which day my lo will put in an appearance!!

Maffie, glad they let you home last nite, your hospital must work mega quick with the bloods and everything else, ours seem to keep you waiting for ever!!

Am awaiting the news of any new bumpkins, its getting so exciting now:happydance:

Have midwife this afternoon and am hoping she will do my sweep, fingers x, if she refuses then I have to go to the day unit for them to do it. Lets hope it does something, although I am dreading the labour I wanna see my lo.

:hugs: to all x
Morning Ladies,

aimee - congrats on 37wks - congrats on 38 wks

maffie - glad you went and got checked out ! hope all test go ok for ya

Chaos & taylorsmummy- hope things are coming along nicely xx

Slept bit better last night although woke at 5 this morning lo had hiccups ! Really trying to get him out now but nothing seems to be working !! I suppose when he is good and ready he will come out ! This week is draggin aswell I keep thinking its thursday :cry:
. . . I was thinking it was Thursday too LindaK! Glad it's not just me!

7 working days left . . . my brain is just not up to it! At least most of my major jobs have been done, it's just the nice easy stuff but I think that makes it harder as I am getting quite bored. I am also getting a little frustrated as I have set stuff up, shown people how to do it and then they change what I have done or mess up the system. Something I will have to get over and just rectify when I get back! :dohh:

Sam76 ~ hope the sweep works for you x

~ congrats on 37 weeks :happydance:

~ hope you feel better :hugs: OH has something similar at the moment and it seems nasty. I really hope he doesn't want to share it. I hope the doctors can help you and ease it :flower:

Maffie ~ hope you get some good rest and feel better soon. Not long until Thursday and seeing LO will be nice. Hope everything will be okay for you :hugs: Hoep work can pull thier finger out and sort your money quickly too! :flower: ~ congrats on 38 weeks :happydance:

Well, best get on with some work!
Morning everyone

38 weeks today :) only 2 days till induction :happydance:
Congrats Babylove!!! wont be long now
Well girls 1 day till im due!!!! SCARY!!!!!!!!!! cant believe how quick the last few weeks have gone, i must admit im so nervous and scared but cant wait!!! i hope he doesnt make me wait to long till i meet my son!!!!
Congrats everyone reaching milestones!

37 weeks for me today aswell :happydance:

Although baba still doesn't know which way her head is meant to go! Got a presentation scan next week so I should have a better idea of whats going to be happening.
This is getting scary now lol! I had a mini panic attack last night. I got one cramp but I think I was half asleep and it hurt, then I realised labour would be much worse! :wacko:

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