Official October Team Bumpkins

For anyone who has Chaos on facebook she has popped some pics of Autumn on there and my god she is so precious and Chaos looks amazing for someone who has just given birth!
Those pics are darling:) and yes,,,she does look great! Sooooo happy for them:cloud9:

:dohh: Not adding ppl on facebook! :wacko:

Eswift ~ sounds nice for the cape :D
I have succeeded in doing everything I needed to....

Tax Credit and Child Benefit forms both filled out ready for the last few bits to be added before they're sent.
Bike is SORNed as requested
Greenflag stuff is sorted so no breakdowns :thumbup:

My tea went cold :cry: but at least I can now stop worrying.....just need to find a tenner in the washing to make my day complete lol :dohh: I'm not going to do anything now until hubby gets home.....watching Masterchef and make myself a fresh cup of tea! lol

Can't wait to see the pics of Autumn now! :happydance:
For anyone who has Chaos on facebook she has popped some pics of Autumn on there and my god she is so precious and Chaos looks amazing for someone who has just given birth!
Those pics are darling:) and yes,,,she does look great! Sooooo happy for them:cloud9:

:dohh: Not adding ppl on facebook! :wacko:

Eswift ~ sounds nice for the cape :D
Don't worry sweetie...I am sure she will post some here. She had a long night(last 2 days, really) and probably needs some rest. There are only a couple up right now, and I know they probably wanted to get those up for her family/old friends who are far from her to see! Autumn Marie is darling:cloud9:
For anyone who has Chaos on facebook she has popped some pics of Autumn on there and my god she is so precious and Chaos looks amazing for someone who has just given birth!
Those pics are darling:) and yes,,,she does look great! Sooooo happy for them:cloud9:

:dohh: Not adding ppl on facebook! :wacko:

Eswift ~ sounds nice for the cape :D
Don't worry sweetie...I am sure she will post some here. She had a long night(last 2 days, really) and probably needs some rest. There are only a couple up right now, and I know they probably wanted to get those up for her family/old friends who are far from her to see! Autumn Marie is darling:cloud9:

Too true! I am sure she is worth the wait to peek at and most importantly that the new family get some well deserved rest and good quality time together x
Phewwww! Just gone thru about 30 pages catchin up!!! Must pop in abit more, especially as its october....TOMORROW!!!! Yippeee!

Congrats to Chaos, looking forward to seeing the piccies!

Taylorsmum - good luck, hang in there it cant be much longer now surely!!

Congrats to other new mummies too, how very exciting :)
Good luck to all those waiting for LO to come NOW!!! Hehe. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats to Chaos :)

I went to the docs- he thinks it's viral rather than bacterial nso woldn't prescribe anything... Just said to carry on taking paracetamol, resting & drinking plenty of fluids. So pretty useless really. Had another sleepless night, which also involved me sitting on my bed next to OH crying for nearly an hour & all he did was say 'are you in labour?' and when I said 'No' he just said 'Good coz I'm too tired to be driving' then hugged my leg. Thnks for the sympathy- I wanted to tell him how lousy I felt & how scared I am about the labour process & how I hate the fact he has to work each day & leave me on my own coz I'm terrified something bad will happen while he's away... But nope, within minutes, he was fast asleep again. He's such a man... And I'm such a woman, lol.
I do feel alil bit better today- managed to get 4 hours sleep this afternoon, which helped & my throat hurts less- it all seems to be on my chest now, so hopefully I'm over the worst.

Anyways, :hugs: to everyone.

Taylorsmummy- I really hope things are moving more quickly for you now & Dexter makes his appearance soon! xxx
Keep having kind of period pains in my lower back and the tops of my thighs - really feels just like I'm about to come on! Obviously I'm not :haha: Baby moving a lot more today - it's right wriggling, actually, seems like it can't get comfy.

I've had a cooking fest today: carrot and courgette cake, courgette bread, lentil and courgette quiche (guess what there were lots of in our veg box this week!), apple and syrup tart, spinach and Quorn casserole, and nutty Quorn bake. Now just need to make some veg soup for this evening and then it's time for yoga.

Bit concerned about driving to yoga as I still feel rather off the planet, so might get OH to take me. I would get the bus, but that means waiting an hour after class for the bus home, as it's after 6pm.
Hey girls

Just a quickie... i text Mer01 earlier to send everyones love and congrats and she text back to say that she is ok and up and about although obviously in some discomfort from the c-section.... Her little girl is out of high dependancy and in special care now, and the best part is she had her 1st breast feed this morning so they took her feeding tube out :happydance:

I hope everyone is ok.. xxx
i text Mer01 earlier to send everyones love and congrats and she text back to say that she is ok and up and about although obviously in some discomfort from the c-section.... Her little girl is out of high dependancy and in special care now, and the best part is she had her 1st breast feed this morning so they took her feeding tube out :happydance:[/B]

That's fab news. Thanks for updating xx
Im on face book too and didn't think to add you all :dohh:

MW appointment was dissapointing tbh. I was told it would be a longer than normal appointment to disscuss my homebirth plans in better detail but I was in and out in 10 mins. She took my BP and blood, felt my tummy, listened to heartbeat,checked my wee sample then asked me if I still wanted a homebirth. I said yes. She said have you done a birth plan? I said no,haven't had it mentioned to me yet. Apparanltly I was meant to have been given a homebirth planning pack at my last appointment but I never was. So she gave me one of them, made my next 2 appointments and that was it,on ur way!
Wow, i'm off line for a few days and miss soooo much!
Big congrats to Chaos, i bet the little one is gorgeous:happydance:
Taylorsmummy: I hope everything moves swiftly for you:hugs:
:hugs: to Flora. Hope you're feeling better.

To all of you with neighbour issues i feel your pain. Before we moved last month our downstairs neighbour was a nightmare! He was constantly partying every night of the week to the point where our floor would shake. He drove me insane until he mysteriously disappeared and the police banged on our door asking if we had seen him:wacko: . I can't help thinking that someone else in the hall maybe throttled him due to the major noise pollution cloud he single handedly settled over the building lol!

I'm also having mega back pain and period pain. It's been on and off for the past four days or so and the pressure in my pelvis is so intense that it's hard to walk. Oh the joys but it'll all be worth it in the end. As soon as it comes on i keep thinking, "keep your eye on the prize, Roni!" lol xx
Afternoon all

Congratulations Chaos, Autumn looks beautiful.

Just been for lunch with mum and brother, im stuffed and feeling so tired now. Work are trying to sort my cash ut, thankfully I had a frugal month last month so I should be fine.

Got to be at the hospital tomorrow at 9.45 for a scan then they are going to do a BP profile and review what to do with me :shrug: Not sure what they are planning on doing.
contractions every 3-5min,nlasting 30ish seconds.. just been in bath oh my god was amazing, as soon as i got out painhit like a truck!!
Good luck Taylorsmummy, hope it doesn't take too long now :hugs:

Congratulations to Chaos & Mr Chaos! Welcome to the world Autumn! :)
Taylorsmommy, popped over from 2nd tri and hoping everything moves quickly now! You must feel like this is taking forever! Can't wait to hear birth story for little Dexter! GOOD LUCK!
Baby Rachel's Journey into the world - caution long post!

First of all big thanks to Kte for letting you all know of our news and to you all for your warm wishes.

Anyway, due date was 24th Oct so you can imagine how much in shock we are with our early arrival! I was due to go for a scan last Friday as the midwife felt that baby was maybe breech at last ante-natal appt. On the Wednesday I had really bad back pain and cramps down below. I put this down to baby maybe turning round! I was up all night in agony and at one point was on all fours! Had a bath at 5am and at 6.30 woke OH and told him I was going to phone hosp for advice. He sprang out of bed but don't think he was prepared for what was to come! Hosp said to come down and get checked so threw a couple of things in a bag thinking we would be home in an hour!

Got to hosp and had to go to obstetrics due to being 35+5. The midwife tested urine etc and said I had a UTI but doc would examine me anyway. Examination revealed a head of dark hair and that I was 6cm!!! Was told I should have baby by 3pm, could not believe it! Got on the gas and air. No baby by 3, waters were broken, given epidural which didn't work and put on drip to try and get last 1cm dilated. Doc examined me again at 6 and said baby was in wrong position and may need forceps. I was told to start pushing at 7 and if no sign after 1 hour I would be prepared for theatre. Taken to theatre at 8 and given spinal and baby delivered by forceps at 21:14 (4) weeks early. Unfortunately, I sustained a third degree tear which is absolutely horrendous and will take time to recover from. Baby was 5,14 and absolutely perfect with a full head of jet black hair - she is her dads double!

We were transferred up to post natal ward where Rachel was closely monitored for a few days as she was jaundiced and was not feeding well with being pre-term. Also, due to the tear my pain control had to be under control. We were allowed home on Monday and are now trying to settle into being a family. Its the most amazing experience but I underestimated labour and the effect on the mother when its not straight forward. Had a bad first night and was very emotional yesterday but taking each day as it comes. OH has been fantastic and its wonderful to watch him with his daughter as she is like a wee doll!

Will get some pics up soon and keep you up to date with our progress. Look forward to hearing about the rest of the October bumpkins and huge congrats to the rest of the arrivals, will be going thru posts now to catch up!

Bonfloss: Wow, what a story! I bet you were both totally bowled over. I'm so glad that the wee one is thriving, i bet she's gorgeous. Wishing you lots of healing hugs and hope you're feeling better soon:hugs: . What a rollercoaster but worth every moment i'll bet :) xx
Taylorsmummy - hope everythings goes well and LO comes into this world soon.... :hugs:

Bonfloss ~ Whoa!!! congrats honey!!! that was deffo a surprise!!!!

Chaos ~ Congrats again honey!!! waiting for the piccies :hugs:

Well ladies.... I have been feeling weird today!!!:wacko:
weird period pains... niggling sensations... hip was aching.... Hope they mean something!!!!! :shrug:

LO moving like normal.... but a bit more active I should say! was having back ache for each movt LO made!!! :shrug:

Now had a cuppa :coffee: and relaxed ......

My Bump went numb this afternoon ... esp around the umbilicus and it freaked me out for a while. Have been massagin my bump since then.

Ok ladies...... will pop in after a while. Hope to hear some more good news from the girls.

Big Congrats to the new arrivals, looking forward to seeing the pictures of our first Bumpkins :happydance:

The midwife did my sweep this afternoon so fingers x it works, she said that I am partially effaced so fairly favourable for it to work, although he is only 1/5 engaged, not un-common with subsequent pregnancies thou, so am bouncing on my ball at the mo trying to get the head to come down.....come on little man:happydance:

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