Official October Team Bumpkins

Congratulations Chaos :flower:

Taylorsmummy: hope it's all going well for you :flower:

Had my 38 week app today. Got there to find MW hadn't booked it in, but as it was my 38 weeks I had to be seen so waited an hour. Then the MW was concerned by my BP so referred me to hos. Of course as soon as I got there it went right back down! Had traces of protein in my urine, but everything else was fine so got home, 4 and a half hours later :wacko:

Contractions seem to have stopped, even though I'm still getting cramps, wish this LO would make her mind up!

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Coor What a day! All you bumpkin mums have been busy today...

Hope all of the LO are doing well, and are soon home after their stays in hospital... Looking forward to seeing the pictures... We're gonna be busy this month... October tomorrow!!! What a start...

I hope that none of us have any difficulties bringing these LO out into the world... Fingers crossed, that all the sweeps etc work and none go over too long...

Take care Girls... Hope you all have a good nights sleep...
Bonfloss ~ it must have been so tiring for you, I can't believe how long it took from Rachel being expected at 3 to her being delivered xx I really do hope you get some well deserved rest and heal quickly xx :hugs:

jlo ~ hope the sweep and your bouncing work convince your little man!

OH isn't well at the moment, we tried to go to bed early but my legs yet again kept me awake and now I can't cope trying to sleep next to OH as he is all hot and wet (iw!) bless. He has some sort of cold / fever which I hope I don't get. I do feel a bit iffy but I am hoping that it's just the fact that I couldn't sleep properly. OH checked on NHS online and now they have him down as having swine flu! We don't think it is. He has curretnly stolen my side of the bed and the covers (which he is on not in due to being like a furnace) so I decided instead of getting frustrated I would come back down. At least my legs will stop annoying me for a bit too!

Can't believe October is almost upon us . . . and there I was thinking it would drag!
Wow, I really do need to come on here more often as I'm missing sooo much :O

Congrats to everyone who has had there babies im soooo jealous!!

Went into hosp the other night as I was in agony with rib pain... Again!! Ive had my rib pain now since week 10 of my pregnancy and I have moaned at every opportunity going. I demanded I got seen properly by a doctor as the midwifes just say its discomfort during pregnancy which I wasnt happy to except... anyway... had loads of checks done and its come back as showing pre eclampsia, nothing is confirmed but I apparently most of the symptoms.... im sooooooo not happy!! Baby has been monitored and I'm booked to be induced next Wednesday!! Why I have to wait so long is beyond me but it's nice to know when its all going to happen!

Apparently when they took my heart trace it showed I was havin contractions yet I don't feel them :( I feel a little dissapointed as I booked a home birth and really wanted her naturally but I guess her safety is all that matters!!

I'm really going to start checking this more often now... everyone is having there babies far too often now!! haha

Hey girls!!

Thanks for all the well wishes :) Its been an amazing couple of days! Came one day early haha.

I put her birth story up if you'd like to read it with a couple of pictures!

I'll probably be let home tomorrow night at some point.

Ok now to get some sleep that I haven't had since Sunday haha.

xxx :hugs: :hugs:
so, I had an eventful eveing in my so far uneventful pregnancy!
As you all know, I've been feeling ill all week, cough, cold, sore throat & being sick (from coughing so much, not from actually feeling sick, iykwim?).
Felt LO move about 5am, then nothing again till lunchtime, then nothing again until 5:45pm, so by that point, I was an absolute wreck. And wouldn't you know it that it was a day where I had no money on me, no family/friends around with cars & my OH working till 8pm...
I tried bouncing on my gym ball, eating ice lollies, poking my belly pretty harshly, having a warm bath with a cold flannel on my tummy etc but nothing was making him move. Called Oh & he came straight home. We shared a bowl of hot vege soup, then called the local mat unit, who sent us straight to the big hospital in the city for monitering- which I cried about like a spoiled child because I was so scared, lol....
Managed to get there in just 20 minutes without breaking the speedlimit (yay) and was seen immediately upon arival by the nicest midwife ever, whio was so reassuring & friendly....
They did all the usual checks & tests, blood was fine, urine was fine, my BP was quite low & so was my pulse and baby's heart rate was low(ish) but erractic when they pout the monitor belt thingy on me...

Anyway, after a couple of hours of being monitered & having a cool little button to press everytime I thought I felt moement etc, turns out baby is fine and all that was wrong was that I was DEHYDRATED!!!!!! I was made to drink 3 massive jugs of water (I cannot stand the taste of water, but was willing to try anything to ensure my bubs was ok, lol) & got a bit of a lecture about how I need to drink more, especially since I have been sick. Felt like a right pratt!!!!!! :dohh:
Was given some tea & biscuits, and the consultant there prescribed me some anti-acid reflux tablets, which are working brilliantly- I can actually lay down without acid burning the back of my throat for the first time in 10 days, so I am 100% grateful to them for that.

But yep, just wanted to say both me & bubs are fine & my OH has now pout a huge juug of water and another one of squash in the fridge & is making me drink copious amounts of the stuff, which probably means I'll be up & down all night peeing now, but oh well.
Moral of the story is that stupid idiots like me need to drink more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning everyone and happy October!! :dance:

:hugs: flora ~ glad you and LO are better now (well on the mend). I wouldn't feel silly about not drinking enough, you haven't been well so you that's prob why you never realised! x
Morning Ladies...

Florabean ~ Hope you feel better once the fluids are in your system...

Bubbleonboard ~ Hope all goes well next week, it's a shame when you have your heart set on one thing and have to have another... But better safe than sorry...

JLo ~ Any joy with the ball bouncing and sweep?

Kte ~ Hope OH gets better soon...

Well, what a night I've had... Been awake since 2am ish with horrid horrid back ache... Put my ten's on around 4am ish, not had any paracetamols (not sure my tummy could handle them at the moment due to the previous couple of days with the sickness, it's still rather tender...)

My bump has moved even further down, didn't think that was possible, but babe's bum in near my belly button and my saggy bit isn't saggy anymore; my bump is solid.... Been for loads and loads of tiny wee's and had loads of yucky discharge... No show or anything... (Could be absolutely nothing, and I've just over done it again yesterday...)

As I felt so well, I tried to catch up on the stuff that's been bugging me... Only stopped for lunch... I've texted OH to say I want him home sooner rather than later, I just don't fancy being on my own at the moment, and even if he's asleep I can wake him up if I need him... He didn't start work until after 12 midnight yesterday, but I'm hoping he should be home for just after 10 ish, hopefully not too long now... I've DS here for another 30 mins ish...

Mum's called all of a panic, bless her; I thought I was better off telling her, rather than calling out the blue if she's needed; but she's starting to do my head in... AS she's forever phoning to make sure I don't want her here now... What's the point? What can she do? Think I've finally figured out where my sister get her panicking over everything from... OK maybe I'm being ungrateful... I'm tired and in pain... LOL story of my life at the moment...
Morning all, well just getting ready for another trip to the hospital (feel like I should just move in there :rofl:) Hopefully I wont be in there all day. I hope they can do something about my BP with it yoyoing, watch it behave itself today :dohh: :shrug:

Mum is over worrying about me, as she says pre-ecampsia doesnt always show in blood and urine. Ive told her not to worry but thats mums for you.
Happy October Girls

Sorry i had to do it :blush:

Maffie: Good luck today hun xxx

Right i'm off to let my brain wake up a bit more, will be back to catch up later xxxx

Hope you don't mind a few honorary bumpkins - there is a little crop of overcooked Septembryo babas who wanna play :D

Wishing you all a lovely month of happiness and health

Welcome to the Bumpkins Misswren and any other girlies joining us... xxx
ITS OCTOBER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So ladies we have finally got to october ! Come on out now babies !

Chaos - Congrats on autumn she is beautiful

Maffie - Good luck

Flora - glad everything went ok

I had such a stressful day in work yesterday , and my back was killing my from the stress I think even when I got home the pain was there. Im ok this morning but I dont know how Im going to deal with this stress when I go back 2 weeks after having the baby, even though it wont be a full week I really dont fancy dealing with the hassle ! :cry:

Hope you are all doing ok xxxxxxxxxx
Yay for October!!! And so much for my predictions that LO would arrive in September!!!

I'm an October baby myself so quite happy that LO will also appear in this month

Congrats Chaos, Autumn is beautiful.....seeing the pictures and reading your story is making it so much more real. Although I'm trying not to think about it much other than telling myself to stay calm and take it as it comes rather than dwell on what might happen or how painful it will be.

It feels very strange to think these are my last few days until I am someone's mum and that it wont just be me and DH anymore!!!
My bump has moved even further down, didn't think that was possible, but babe's bum in near my belly button and my saggy bit isn't saggy anymore; my bump is solid.... Been for loads and loads of tiny wee's and had loads of yucky discharge... No show or anything... (Could be absolutely nothing, and I've just over done it again yesterday...)

This is how mine started about a week before .. lumps of creamy like snot at the bottom of the loo,.. almost looked like sperm iykwim) then a couple days day before labour went pinky brown,then red of the day of labour,
Congratulations to all the new parents and to those reaching milestones! Not long for all of us now!

All sorted for my homebirth as had visit from midwife yesterday to discuss it! Really pleased as did not mention it to midwife until 38 week appointment on Monday and thought had left it too late but thankfully not. Just fingers crossed midwife available when the time comes so won't need to go to hospital!

Hope you all have a good day!

Hope you don't mind a few honorary bumpkins - there is a little crop of overcooked Septembryo babas who wanna play :D

Wishing you all a lovely month of happiness and health


Welcome on over .. more the merrier! :)
Good luck Maffie :flower:

Eswift ~ hope you get to feel better today and that your mum doesn't stress you out too much. I know my patience become very thin when I am tired and am in pain. :hugs:

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