Official October Team Bumpkins

Chaos CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful girl!! :cloud9:

Happy October Everyone!!! This could be the month for ALL of us!!
i did it ladies! dexter james was born at 2.13am this morning weighing 9lb5oz! i had a two degree tear in the same place as i was cut with taylor. i can honestly say iv never thought i was going to dye so much! had 2 gels put in which was fine, contracting regular every 2-3min, just manging on NOTHING! gpt to 6cm and she broke my waters and the pain just hit me, was soo out of it tbh on gas and air and pethadine. was screaming at midwife to giv me the epi, my dp walked out on me because i wasnt listening. got the erge to push after 20 min, pushed for two hours, was taking gas and air in betweenn contractions lol and just let my body push. at first i wasnt pushing right and she went to call surgen to cut me, so when she went out of the room i pushed with all my might lol. but he was born an hour later, i was so out of it i kept repeating myself and dreaming lol. im not sore tODAY AT ALL, but not been stitched as i want to heal naturally... but i did girlies! im the biggest wuss ever and i manged! =] =]
i did it ladies! dexter james was born at 2.13am this morning weighing 9lb5oz! i had a two degree tear in the same place as i was cut with taylor. i can honestly say iv never thought i was going to dye so much! had 2 gels put in which was fine, contracting regular every 2-3min, just manging on NOTHING! gpt to 6cm and she broke my waters and the pain just hit me, was soo out of it tbh on gas and air and pethadine. was screaming at midwife to giv me the epi, my dp walked out on me because i wasnt listening. got the erge to push after 20 min, pushed for two hours, was taking gas and air in betweenn contractions lol and just let my body push. at first i wasnt pushing right and she went to call surgen to cut me, so when she went out of the room i pushed with all my might lol. but he was born an hour later, i was so out of it i kept repeating myself and dreaming lol. im not sore tODAY AT ALL, but not been stitched as i want to heal naturally... but i did girlies! im the biggest wuss ever and i manged! =] =]


Hope you heal nice and quickly x
mega congrats Kimberley (taylorsmummy) for the safe arrival of Dexter! That makes you the 1st 'official' October Mummy!!!! :happydance:
He wasn't as big as I thought he'd be- I thought for sure he'd be a 10lber, but 9lbs 5oz is a good, healthy weight. :)
Hope you're recovering well & geting some much needed rest. Hope Taylor loves being a big sister!!! :) :hugs: & take care! :)
Bonfloss, huge congrats on the birth of baby Rachel. Well done! xx
Good Luck Maffie- hope your BP behaves itself today. :hugs:

HAPPY OCTOBER EVERYONE! :) So strange to think pretty much every day now an arrival of a bumpkin baby is going to happen... Wonder who'll be next? Tres exciting!!!! :)

I feel a million times better today. (still have cough & cold, but other than that, feel perfectly fine again, so i am totally relieved). After all that liquid I thought for sure I would be up & peeing all night, but I didn't- I got up twice to pee & each time, made sure I drank a big glass of water to replace the fluid in my system and OH woke me up before he went to work thismorning at 7am with a massive beaker of water with ice cubes in it & another anti-reflux tablet... I could have cuddled him forever, bless him. :)

For those of you who have also had really bad heartburn/acid reflux & the likes of gaviscon/rennies/tums etc haven't done much for you, get your doctore to prescribe you some tablets called Ranitidine 150mg; it's what the hosp consultant gave me yesterday & it is brilliant; I only wish I'd known about it sooner rather than suffering & bitching all this time, lol.

Anyway, got to go have some brekkie before starting my housework for the day.

:hugs: everyone. xxx
And another well done to Taylor's Mummy (can you tell I'm reading today's posts and replying one by one?). I wonder how many more congrats messages I may need to send this morning! xx
Yey!!! Congratulations also to Bonflloss and xTaylorsMummy!!

So exciting now girls!!
Wahooo congrats taylorsmummy! sounds like u had a pretty rough time the past couple of days, hope u heal super fast :)

And Happy October fellow bumpkins!! Its mad to think that finally, I will have baby by the end of this month (I doubt very much il be more than 18 days overdue). I feel like its nearly Christmas haha :) good luck everyone again xxxxxxxxx
Congratulations to Chaos and Taylorsmummy!! Yay for the Bumpkins! :happydance:

Flora, Maffie and Eswift - hope we're all ok today. Get those feet up ladies and relax!!

Jlo - any sign of the sweep having an effect?

Kte - I feel for you. My hubby has a habit of being sweaty generally and I can't stand feeling damp's a wonder we manage to live together lol. I couldn't sleep last night so I got up at about 1am and tweezed my eyebrows as they had been bugging me.....worked. I went back to bed and passed right out until 9.30am! lol

Got a potentially busy day fiesta is finally going to the big scrapyard in the sky....the online quote said we maight get some money for it which would be great as, as hubby pointed out last night, if bubs makes an appearance now, he's going to have to park illegally for a week! lol

Got a bit more sorting out to do ready for the car boot this weekend...earning a bit more cash and then off to the DIY store to get the nursery decoration to finally get it done! Looks like I'll be getting up close and personal with the washing machine too as I haven't washed any of the baby stuff yet!

Right, I'm off to get dressed and then I have a load of tidying up to do. Hubby has a 4 day weekend.......means the house will be a right state by Tuesday lol. :shrug:

Happy October Bumpkins! I'm off to go stand on my head for a bit! lol xx
Morning girls:flower:

Huge Congrats on the new babies joining us, Chaos Autumn looks adorable:cloud9:

I'm still here, lost some plug after sweep and still loosing it, had a clary sage massage last night too but nothing.

eswift I was awake at 3, just couldnt sleep, no particular reason just wasnt happening, thought I would catch a few zzz's this morning after school run but it hasnt happened, so doubt by 4pm i will be miserable:growlmad:

Done more washing today and had a quick tidy around babies room, really need to hoover but the Dyson seems to have put on weight and I can't manage to carry it upstairs easily, feeble I know:dohh: so it may have to wait for DH to get home.

I'm going to bounce on the ball for a bit now :hugs: to all x
hello :) i am new to this site and i am due a little boy on the 12th october thank you 4 making this its cool :D
hello :) i am new to this site and i am due a little boy on the 12th october thank you 4 making this its cool :D

Hi Samii - and welcome :thumbup: Wishing you lots of luck for a healthy, easy, happy birth xx
congratulations Taylor's Mummy - glad it all worked out fine for you and hope you recover quickly so you can play with your two little ones!

I got a bit of a fright this morning at my midwife appointment... after the world's easiest and most uneventful pregnancy ever, the midwife has now decided she's not 100% sure if the wee one is head down or not :shock: She said she can feel bum and head but isn't sure which is which! Great, my LO has a bum shaped head and a head shaped bum...

so they are sending me off for a presentation scan this afternoon - thank goodness they can fit me in today, I couldn't stand hanging about wondering what is going on! Trying not to worry too much until we know for sure whether LO is breech or not, then just deal with it if I need too. Could end up having it manually turned or c-section - neither of which sound particularly appealing!

I'm just hoping the midwife is being overly cautious and the LO is actually head down and it will all be fine.... the power of positive thought!

Hope everyone else is well today - just off to read Chaos' story and see the photos!
Happy October! Woo :)

We'll all be meeting our LO's soon :happydance:

Huge congratulations to taylorsmummy. Well done! Hope you heal quickly :hugs:

I had a lovely relaxing day yesterday and this morning, my son will be back soon though. Need to do some more washing today and hoover upstairs, i've been putting it off but caeden decided to pour baby powder all over the landing yesterday so think I best do it before it makes its way into the bedrooms!

Such a lovely day today, the sun is out :) my dads OH has kindly offered to do my shopping today aswel so thats a huge help!

Hope your all ok! Back later :)

Congratulations Taylorsmummy! :happydance:

Jlo, hope your sweep does the trick,sounds like things are starting?! Can I ask where you got your clary sage oil from please?

HAPPY OCTOBER to us all!! Not long now...
Can't believe its finally October but I have been up all night with horrible pain in my stomach from the iron pills I was out back on yuck. Doc said I was 7 should be 15 so now I'm taking pre natal plus iron 327 mg makes me feel like labor every night Lol. Glad its over soon
Hi all just a quick message while I pack some bits. Work didnt pay me right as they said I hadn't worked there long enough. I have by my EDD which is what they legally have to go off and not off when I went on mat leave.

Other thing is they have let me home to get my bag and I have to go straight back in. :cry:

BP was erratic up and down but it stabilized a bit while there so said I could come get my overnight bag. Just grabbing a snack then going back in. They said initially i'll be monitored for 24 hours and then they'll decide if I can come home or stay in. So means stuck there tonight at least.

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