Official October Team Bumpkins

Can't believe its finally October but I have been up all night with horrible pain in my stomach from the iron pills I was out back on yuck. Doc said I was 7 should be 15 so now I'm taking pre natal plus iron 327 mg makes me feel like labor every night Lol. Glad its over soon

I had this the first night I was on my iron. Try avoiding anything dairy for at least an hour either side of the tab! Dairy can react really badly with it and cause all sorts of tummy upsets and pains. Hope you're ok. :hugs:
Good afternoon, everyone! Hope you're all doing well today :) .

Chaos: Autumn is just beautiful:hugs:
Florabean: Hope you're feeling better today. It's crazy the effects that dehydration can have on you.
Maffie: Wishing you the best of luck today!

I just can't believe it's October already! It only seems like yesterday that i was breaking the good news to the family, how time flies. I'm hoping to god that i'm not overdue as mum bought the little one a gorgeous little Halloween pumpkin outfit lol, adorable:cloud9:

Had some good news yesterday. Mum might make the birth after all:happydance: . We live in the same area so she has put my OH on her car insurance so that he can drive us to the hospital on the big day!!!! It means i get to have both my partner and mum there as planned even though she's still gonna be on crutches at the time poor thing.
Was at the midwife yesterday and had a batch of bloods taken. To cut a long story short i've had protein in my urine of and on for the past month or so and keep feeling like i have a UTI. The samples always get sent away to the lab and come back with no culture, aaargh! Anyhoo, my blood pressure has also been creeping up for the past few weeks but then dropping when she re-tests me 20 mins later. It's really frustrating. Bloods were done and sent away to check liver function incase i do have pre-eclampsia and it's being missed somehow and i should get the results back tomorrow. I really hope they come back clear. The midwife was also concerned that the wee ones head hadn't engaged yet and now i'm panickng that his head wont fit through my pelvis. His head was on the slightly larger side when it was measured last lol:wacko: . We'll wait and see, i just hope he engages soon because i am terrified of having to be sectioned!
Taylorsmummy: How on earth did i manage to miss your post:dohh: ? Big Congrats to you:happydance: Glad to hear that both you and Dexter are doing grand :) xx
Huge huge congrats to Bonfloss, Chaos and Taylorsmummy.

Good luck Maffie I hope everything is ok.

I am having the worst day! :(

I found out yesterday my little girl is getting hit at school by a couple of the girls. I can't believe it. She's in Primary 1 for F sake!! I was up most of the night stressing over it and crying everytime I pictured it. My Kaitlyn is such a nice little girl and wouldn't hurt a fly.

I finally got to sleep but woke up at 4am with really bad period type pains and contractions. This continued for hours and I had to get my mum up to get Kaitlyn ready for school. I phoned the school and said she wasn't going in until the hitting thing was resolved, and they have been dealing with it all day so it's put my mind at rest a wee bit. We will see!

Anyway, I finally started to feel better at around 10am, but am starting to feel the aches coming back again now.

I don't think it is real labour, I have been in slow labour for a few weeks now, and I think the stress/upset of my baby girl being bullied just took it's toll this morning.

I am knackered and after I collect her from school, am going to phone hubby to come home asap so I can go to bed!

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Happy October everyone!!!
Congrats Taylorsmummy! After all that work and waiting a big congrats is in order!
Maffie...:hugs: I am sure everything will be ok! So sorry you will have to stay in, but it's a good thing they are keeping an eye on you! Wouldn't want any trouble this late in the game!
Chaos...birth story was great and pics are even better...Little Autumn has the most adorable little chub cheeks:) I just want to squeeze her!
I am growing impatient now that October is finally here. We go to the hospital tonight for our "tour". Basically they will just show us where we need to go when it is time, let us know how to find the nursery so DH doesn't wander aimlessly around looking, and all that fun stuff. With any luck, I will go into labor right there and save a trip! :haha:
Went to the store last night as it is now freezing here and I have no maternity jeans. I never needed to buy them since it got warm enough for shorts and capris when I got big enough to need clothes. I bought a pair of "skinny jeans" and DH about cracked up. I look like an egg balanced on two toothpicks in them. :rofl:
They are going back. I waddled the store for at least an hour torturing DH, and he finally said "you look miserable", which I was, so we went home. I am at the point where I just want to get things moving. This baby needs to get engaged and drop. He is still way up in my neck and I am over it. The heartburn is on my last damn nerve.
In any case, I am loving that October has arrived and all our fellow Bumpkins are starting to have their LOs! So exciting!:happydance:
Seems like we have been waiting around for this now, the question is...WHO WILL BE NEXT!!!???
I got a bit of a fright this morning at my midwife appointment... after the world's easiest and most uneventful pregnancy ever, the midwife has now decided she's not 100% sure if the wee one is head down or not :shock: She said she can feel bum and head but isn't sure which is which! Great, my LO has a bum shaped head and a head shaped bum...

Sorry, but that cracked me up! :rofl: a head shaped bum... dear oh dear! Hope the presentation scan goes well & baby isn't breech!

Maffie: best of luck at the hospital- hope your BP manages to stabalise soon, but at least you're gonna be in the right place, where you & LO can both be looked after properly.

Samii, :hi: & welcome to the thread! Not long now- good luck for the rest of your pregnancy.

Jlo- hope that sweep works for you & you have your LO with you very soon!

Jo79- is it tomorro you're having your induction? If so, best of luck for a not too painful & speedy delivery. Update us when you feel you can!

Everyone else.... :hugs: xxxx
I got a bit of a fright this morning at my midwife appointment... after the world's easiest and most uneventful pregnancy ever, the midwife has now decided she's not 100% sure if the wee one is head down or not :shock: She said she can feel bum and head but isn't sure which is which! Great, my LO has a bum shaped head and a head shaped bum...

Sorry, but that cracked me up! :rofl: a head shaped bum... dear oh dear! Hope the presentation scan goes well & baby isn't breech!


I know, that cracked me up too and I forgot to mention it! Same thing happened to me. The did a quick scan and found that he is(or at least was) head down as of Friday before last.

How you feeling Flora? Hope you are getting back to normal. Pregnant and sick is the worst!:cry:
Massive congrats to Chaos and TaylorsMummy - looking forward to hearing of more October bumpkins.
Seems like we have been waiting around for this now, the question is...WHO WILL BE NEXT!!!???

Dunno but please please please please please let it be me!!!!


Lol to that :haha:

As much as I want LO to arrive early I think I need to be here for next week (at work). They not getting a temp in to help my collegue until the 24th Oct as I am using up annual leave (holiday leave) from 12th until 23rd. They said they can't get a temp to cover my annual leave. The prob is I tagged loads on the end of my maternity leave (6 weeks worth) so I hope they don't dump on her and not get some extra support in. I know its not 100% my issue but I do feel bad for her and angry they can't support her more. I am also a little worried as when I retun for my one day a week in Jan / Feb my line manager was saying the days weren't agreed yet!!!!!! They have been for months, I have care sorted and everything! :dohh: Not what is needed when I have 1 week left. Not sure what to do really, I'll tell them to go jump if they try and change my days! :grr:

I have a nice :sick: feeling. Think it's to do with the cola drink I just had. I watched that 'how clean is your home' programme yesterday and all I can think about is the fact that they cleaned up a burnt pan with some cola. Feeling pretty bad and ill about putting it in my body :dohh:
How you feeling Flora? Hope you are getting back to normal. Pregnant and sick is the worst!:cry:

I am seriously a million times better today. I was sick just after lunch, still got my cough & cold, but my throat no longer stings/burns & the anti-reflux tablets the consultant gave me are amazing- it's so nice to be able to lay down & not have acid in my throat & to be able to drink orange squash without it causing heartburn etc. I even slept well last night, so I feel tons better. I'm hoping by the end of the weekend, I am back to normal & have good vibes & energy ready for labour. (wishful thinking on my part there that bubs will come on or before his EDD, but hey, a girl's gotta hope, lol)

Did you guys read the thread in 3rd tri about Laraa? Her water's have broken & contractions are 10 mins apart. Reckon she'll be having the next bumpkin!!!! There are a couple of the septembryo overcooked people who are showing signs of labour at last too.
I am feeling the need now to come online & check this B&B for birth & labour news every hour now, just in case, lol.
Yep, it's official, I AM THAT SAD!!!!! :haha:

Taylorsmummy- Congratulations! :flower:

Helz- You can buy Clary sage oil in holland and barret, not sure how much as the website keeps crashing whenever I try to go on it and I haven't had a chance to go round for it.

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
MrsO: What a nightmare, your poor little girl! Bullying is absolutely abhorrent, no wonder you've been having pains all night it's probably stress induced. I really hope the school get this sorted and let the parents of those awful girls know exctly what their kids are like! The good thing is that schools are really up on anti-bullying at the moment. I'm a secondary school teacher and the majority of schools i've been in have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullies and don't take it lighlty. I really hope that everything is resolved quickly for you:hugs:
MrsO; sorry I missed that post, so just went back & re-read it. your poor daughter; how can kids hit eachother at that age???? It's disgraceful. I really hope she comes through effectively. I am dreading the day when/if my child ever gets bullied; I literally have no clue as to how I would react or deal with it, so I dont envy you at all. At least your little girl had the guts to tell you about it & knew what the kids were doing was wrong...
My nephew (he's 5) got bullied last year ihn reception- 3 boys pinned him to the floor in the boy's toilets & stabbed him with a pencil in his bum cheek, then tried to drag him across the floor & into a cubicle where they planned to put loo water on him so it looked like he'd wet himself- thankgod, as they were doing it, an older child heard him shout for help & heard the boys giggling & came in to see what was happening & managed to stop the boys, got hold of my nephew & ran & got a teacher. The boys got suspended, and there was a meeting with all the recpetion aged kid's parents, an assembly done on bullying and the next book the kids had read to them was all about right & wrong & telling an adult if you have any problems etc.
When my sister told me about it, I was heartbroken for him, but luckily, since then, he's not had any problems & has a lovely group of friends in his new yr1 class & is loving every minute of being at school.
Thankgod children are tougher than they look when it comes to these things, that's all I can say...
Take care. x
Yayyyy- it's OCTOBER!!! :wohoo:

Congrats Taylorsmummy- can't wait to see pics!

Florabean- glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. One of my friends had a horrible cold for like a month before she gave birth and then as soon as Ethan arrived, the cold magically cleared up on it's own (figures!). The nurse only mentioned Ranitidine to me on my last appointment- seems that you can get the 75 mg tablets without a prescription here in Canada. Of course, bump has dropped a bit and heartburn is much milder.

Maffie- hope the appt goes well today

MrsO29- hope the school sorts everything out for your daughter- when I was a teacher, we had a zero tolerance policy- the kid who was bullying would be facing expulsion and if the teacher allowed the kid to get away with it, they had the possibility of a hearing/getting their license revoked. I hope your daughter is doing okay.

Anyone else get a shooting pain down one leg every so often from the pelvis, through the inner thigh? It doesn't feel like cramps extending down from the pelvis and it's different from the pain I get from spd. Stops me dead in my tracks looking for something to grip for balance- very annoying!

Anyway, can't wait to hear about the next Bumpkin to be born! Hugs to all those who need them. I'm off to get ready for next scan and doc appt- fingers and toes crossed it'll be my last :)
Hi just a quick update I had a litle girl 3.5 weeks early she weighed 7lbs 3oz and we have named her Alexis Nieve.
Congrats thats such a lovely name :hugs:

Well my little girl is home now and honestly, shes like a different child, she's SO happy!!
The school really did take quick and thorough action.
I just wish I had knew what was going on sooner, but at least it has been dealt with now before my child was seriously affected by it.

Right, I am going to give her her tea, then a nice bath then bed.

I am on my last legs here :coffee:

All my period pains have gone now, so I wonder if they were stress induced.
Just shows how stress really can effect things!

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