Official October Team Bumpkins

FunnyBunny ~ Congratualtions! :hugs:

MrsO ~ Glad to hear your little girl is much happier :flower: Its good the school acted so quickly.
Seems like we have been waiting around for this now, the question is...WHO WILL BE NEXT!!!???

Dunno but please please please please please let it be me!!!!


Hubby seems to think it might be me! Hes on a four day weekend so I'm allowed to go into labour lol.

:cry: I've just said goodbye to my little car! Bless it, it died in December but we've only just got rid :blush: and now I feel a bit sad that we only have the 1 car on the drive, and a bike that doesn't work. :dohh:

Hope we're all ok ladies. I keep getting cramps....not sure what they are....will keep you posted.
Congratulations Taylorsmummy! :happydance:

Jlo, hope your sweep does the trick,sounds like things are starting?! Can I ask where you got your clary sage oil from please?

HAPPY OCTOBER to us all!! Not long now...

Someone actually gave me the remainder of their clary sage oil but yes Holland n Barratt do it, you need to use a carrier oil too, I have almond oil again from H&B, DH will be given the task of rubbing it in my back again tonite!!
Still no signs, managed a hours sleep this afternoon but can feel an early night coming on:sleep:
Anyone else get a shooting pain down one leg every so often from the pelvis, through the inner thigh? It doesn't feel like cramps extending down from the pelvis and it's different from the pain I get from spd. Stops me dead in my tracks looking for something to grip for balance- very annoying!

Me!!!!! And my god does it hurt!!! have had it for about 3 weeks now and it totally takes me by suprise every time, its one thing I will not miss!!!:hugs:

Ooh, was meant to ask, has anyone heard anything from eswift? I know she posted this morning but nothing since and she is usually about in the day time.
Afternoon ladies...

It's been very busy on here, hope everyones ok and doing well...

Maffie ~ Hope all goes well with your bloods in hospital...

XTaylorsMummy ~ You've done really well... Congratulations...

Today has been one long day... Went and had a warm bath this morning, still no better this afternoon... I did manage a couple of hours sleep... (OH put my Tens on again for me...) I've just turned it off...

I'm still out of it, uncomfy, in pain, bump is still solid and keep getting tightenings (they last a couple of minutes, then nothing for ages) Still having loads of wees, and lots of yucky discharge... Planning on asking Mum & Dad to come and stay, as OH is again at work after midnight and I'm not sure I really want to be home alone at the moment...

Wouldn't be so bad is the pain would bugger off for a couple of hours, but it seems to be there and gets more painful, then eases for a while and then it's back again... LO has been rather quiet today, but I've put that done to the lack of sleep and me being in pain... Thought I had problems moving about yesterday, but really can't walk today; even going upstairs is a hassle (I can't really straighten up...)

Guess we'll see how things go... OH commented on how low bump has gone he too is surprised...
Can't believe its finally October but I have been up all night with horrible pain in my stomach from the iron pills I was out back on yuck. Doc said I was 7 should be 15 so now I'm taking pre natal plus iron 327 mg makes me feel like labor every night Lol. Glad its over soon

I had this the first night I was on my iron. Try avoiding anything dairy for at least an hour either side of the tab! Dairy can react really badly with it and cause all sorts of tummy upsets and pains. Hope you're ok. :hugs:

Thanx :) its not the first time taking them for me and it happens the whole time i take them lol. I take them with a glass of orange juice about an hour before bed apparently thats the way to go really made no difference ugh. I had stopped taking them because for weeks i still felt just as crappy never got used to them but i have no choice unless i wanna bleed to death at labor hahaha which i dont. ugh
Congrats FunnyBunny!
Flora, so glad to hear you are feeling more like yourself again! That has to be a relief. I just hope we can all stay healthy this month. It is so rough being sick when you are so uncomfy already.
aimee-lou...that sounds like my husband! :haha: He wants to make sure this arrival coordinates with his schedule. He already let me know that the baby must show up over a weekend. I got news for him, if it ain't this weekend or next, his schedule no longer holds any weight with me.
Kaites, my sciatic nerve problems move around from time to time, even though they shoot like that. It is getting bad again now that the baby is big and trying to move into his "preferred seating area". Hope it doesn't get any worse for you:(
I just exchanged for two other pairs of jeans to try. I don't have the energy to try them on right now, but fingers crossed I will have some pants to wear when I next leave the house!:haha:
Congrats to all the new mummies :) There's bouncing Bumpkins popping out all over the place :lol: Has anyone else noticed that they all seem to be rather good weights! even the early babies had some fab weights to them.. Lets hope its not a trend huh girls :rofl:

Hello Girlies!!

Congrats To Everyone Who's Bumpkin Has Made An Appearance!!

Hugs To All That Need, Or, Want Them!!! = )

Well... Has Been A Tiring Day Today And Yesterday For Me..

Had An Antenatal Appointment Yesterday, Where I Told Them About My Itching..

They Took Blood To Check For Obstetric Cholestasis... Told Me To Call Back At 6:30pm Last Night For The Results...

Rang Them, They Said That They're All Fine, Bar The Bile Acid Result Which They Wouldnt Have Until 1:30pm Today And To Ring Back..

Rang Back This Afternoon, And They Said No, They Havent Got Them Yet...

Well The Itching Last Night, And Today Has Been Unbelievable, Worst It's Ever Been!!

So My Mother Got Concerned, And Rung The Day Assessment Unit Who Wanted Me To Go Over..

Got There... They Then Eventually Rung The Lab And Got The Results Early.. Which Confirmed That It Is Obstetric Cholestasis :(

They Prescribed Me Some Tablets, To Try And Bring The Bile Acid Level Down, Want Me To Go Back On Monday For Repeat Bloods, And When I've Got My Next Antenatal Appointment On Wednesday They'll Plan The Induction Then!!

So All Go Today...

Hope Everyones Well.. Going To Have A Lie Down For An Hour I Think To Catch Up On My Sky+ Recordings Of Hollyoaks Later!!

Can't believe its finally October but I have been up all night with horrible pain in my stomach from the iron pills I was out back on yuck. Doc said I was 7 should be 15 so now I'm taking pre natal plus iron 327 mg makes me feel like labor every night Lol. Glad its over soon

I had this the first night I was on my iron. Try avoiding anything dairy for at least an hour either side of the tab! Dairy can react really badly with it and cause all sorts of tummy upsets and pains. Hope you're ok. :hugs:

Thanx :) its not the first time taking them for me and it happens the whole time i take them lol. I take them with a glass of orange juice about an hour before bed apparently thats the way to go really made no difference ugh. I had stopped taking them because for weeks i still felt just as crappy never got used to them but i have no choice unless i wanna bleed to death at labor hahaha which i dont. ugh

My midwife said to take them around meals (not with as very often they contain dairy :growlmad:) I have one mid-morning with a peppermint tea, and one in the evening a while before bed.

Sorry that you're having a bad reaction to them Have you tried the liquid form you can get? 2 different ones, Floradix or Spatone, they can be a little better for the tummy and better than nothing.....and tropicana has a HUGE amount of iron in worth the little extra money IMO.

I got a bit of a fright this morning at my midwife appointment... after the world's easiest and most uneventful pregnancy ever, the midwife has now decided she's not 100% sure if the wee one is head down or not :shock: She said she can feel bum and head but isn't sure which is which! Great, my LO has a bum shaped head and a head shaped bum...

Sorry, but that cracked me up! :rofl: a head shaped bum... dear oh dear! Hope the presentation scan goes well & baby isn't breech!


I know, that cracked me up too and I forgot to mention it! Same thing happened to me. The did a quick scan and found that he is(or at least was) head down as of Friday before last.

glad I was able to make you chuckle!

Unfortunately the wee one is officially breech - not a great result for the day. :nope:

booked in to try turning him/her tomorrow but they are not hopeful it will work since my fluid level is very low and the legs are extended rather than tucked in. Oh well - looks like it might be a c-section for me

Trying not to worry too much, but it was a bit of a shock after everything has gone so well up to now :sad1:

Hope everyone else is ok, sounds like there is a lot going on just now! Congratulations to all the new mummies, and big hugs to anyone else who is a wee bit worried for whatever reason.
Hello peeps....

feeling LO very low today.... my bump has become egg shaped instead of being round!:shrug: mom and DH commented this morning abt the same.

Been very tired... and achey down there!!!! Period style pains and tummy tightenings!!!! Oh I just wish it is the start of something!!!!!

Went down for a walk..... couldnt walk like how I walked yday! loads of pressure down there....... loads of yucky white discharge.. wearing a pad just in case! :)

Sometimes feel my bump is numb especially around the umbilicus!!!! any idea wat it could be???? its really annoying.

Hope everyones doing OK! :hugs::hugs: to everyone who needs them .... and Hearty congratulations to all the new mommies!!! :flower:
Yaay Happy October!!!

Flora - glad you're feeling a bit of relief from horrid heartburn, it's so easy to get dehydrated now we're the size of a house chick :hugs:

Taylorsmummy, Funnybunny and Bonfloss :cloud9: :cloud9: yaaay congrats girls!

JLo, good luck with clary sage - keep us posted

Chaos - don't know if you've escaped home yet - hope so :happydance:

Keerthy - my bump has been throwing odd shapes too, very uncomfortable :growlmad:

Hope everyone ok - any word from Maffie yet? I'm in her high BP gang today 170/110!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel awful with it, hubby on nights so fingers crossed lil Pip behaves tonight :sleep:

Like someone else said earlier - this is like Christmas, I'm getting really overwhelmed as it's sooooo exciting logging on and seeing who's next to pop :happydance: :happydance:

Have a lovely evening (or day for overseas bumpkins!) all :hugs::kiss:
Lucilou; sorry to hear baby is breech- sending mega positive vibes that they will be able to turn him/her for you, but if it doesn't go as planned & you have to have a c-section, ay least yoiu know in advance & can have some time to prepare for it & everything.... :hugs:
Just got back from my doctor's appt and scan- Emma's pleural effusion has almost resolved so things are looking good for her delivery. Hopefully I'll get to hold her before they bring her to the NICU :happydance: The doctor also offered to do a sweep in an effort to get things moving along- I'm 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced and the head is at -1 station. Let's hope the stretch and sweep works it's magic soon...

Lucilou- hope they are successful in turning the baby and that it isn't too painful :hugs:
SarahJayne: that sucks about the diagnosis, but at least you've found at now & not when it's too late to do much about it. Do you reckon you'll be indiced asap, or will they give the treatment options a little while before deciding how to forge ahead? Either way, :hugs: to you & I really hope everything will be okay. xxx

Kaites, that's such great news about Emma; you must feel so much relief! Hope the sweep does work its magic & that Emma arrives quickly & safely for you... and best of all that you get to have a cuddle with her before she goes to NICU- which hopefully wont be too long of a stay for her either. You take care!!! xxx
I got a bit of a fright this morning at my midwife appointment... after the world's easiest and most uneventful pregnancy ever, the midwife has now decided she's not 100% sure if the wee one is head down or not :shock: She said she can feel bum and head but isn't sure which is which! Great, my LO has a bum shaped head and a head shaped bum...

Sorry, but that cracked me up! :rofl: a head shaped bum... dear oh dear! Hope the presentation scan goes well & baby isn't breech!


I know, that cracked me up too and I forgot to mention it! Same thing happened to me. The did a quick scan and found that he is(or at least was) head down as of Friday before last.

glad I was able to make you chuckle!

Unfortunately the wee one is officially breech - not a great result for the day. :nope:

booked in to try turning him/her tomorrow but they are not hopeful it will work since my fluid level is very low and the legs are extended rather than tucked in. Oh well - looks like it might be a c-section for me

Trying not to worry too much, but it was a bit of a shock after everything has gone so well up to now :sad1:

Hope everyone else is ok, sounds like there is a lot going on just now! Congratulations to all the new mummies, and big hugs to anyone else who is a wee bit worried for whatever reason.
:dohh: Sorry to hear that, hun! I will keep the fingers crossed that they are able to successfully turn LO. Let us know what happens! Good luck tomorrow!
so, this is it, another october baby on the way, my waters broke this morning and now the contractions are coming stronger and sooner together all the time... this pain is unbelevable, aaaaaaaa, don't know how i can do it! i'm so scared! thanks for all the chats and good luck to you all, we'll go soon to the hospital so i'll speak to you all again AFTERWARDS!
xx dan
so, this is it, another october baby on the way, my waters broke this morning and now the contractions are coming stronger and sooner together all the time... this pain is unbelevable, aaaaaaaa, don't know how i can do it! i'm so scared! thanks for all the chats and good luck to you all, we'll go soon to the hospital so i'll speak to you all again AFTERWARDS!
xx dan

you are nearly there honey!!!!!!!!
Hope everything goes well for u and the LO........ Thinking of you!!!!!! :hugs:

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