Official October Team Bumpkins

Just popping on tonight as i dont think i'll get the chance before i leave tomorrow for hospital.

Going in for induction at 7am bit nervous, dunno how im gonna get to sleep tonight!

I will be texting JLo who will most likely keep you updated tomorrow.

Hopefully next time i get on here i'll be home with baby Sam :)
Kaites, that's such great news about Emma; you must feel so much relief! Hope the sweep does work its magic & that Emma arrives quickly & safely for you... and best of all that you get to have a cuddle with her before she goes to NICU- which hopefully wont be too long of a stay for her either. You take care!!! xxx

Thanks :) When there was more fluid surrounding her lungs, they thought that she would need resuscitation at birth and we were told that she'd need to stay in the NICU until all the excess fluid has cleared and to expect a week in the NICU even if the pleural effusion has resolved so they can monitor and do further testing- much better than the 2 weeks-2mths that they were predicting back in August!

Danuta- hope your labour is a quick one!! All the best :hugs:
Good luck Jo_79!! Hope everything is quick for you too!!

So exciting all these October babies making their arrivals!!!
Just thought I would pop in and let everyone know that I will be having a planned C-section on October 15th at noon. :happydance: My due date is the 17th, but with me having a very narrow pelvis and only being dilated to 1cm, my doctor thought it would be best to have a c-section. I am so excited and very nervous at the same time.
Ooh Danuta good luck!!! :happydance:

Jo - you too hun, make sure you relax overnight even if you don't actually get to sleep, sure the lovely JLo will keep us posted :hugs:

Britt - thats my section date too :cloud9:

Kaites - fabulous news about Emma

My mum has come over to stay whilst hubby on nights as think (hope!!) I'm having my 1st braxton hicks and am sooo uncomfortable.

:hugs::kiss: to all
Good luck to Danuta & Jo_79... can't wait to hear more baby news tomorrow. :)

I am swinging right now between utter jealousy of everyone starting to have their babies & sheer terror than in 7 days, it's my edd & it could me in pain & worrying about the arrival of my LO, haha.

Random Q; but can one of you actually describe what the midwife does when they do a sweep? I know they stick a finger inside your cervix & kinda sweep it around to loosen the membranes or something, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes. I've never had an internal or even a smear test before, so when it comes to my lady bits, I am basically clueless. Do they just use their fingers or do they use a speculum thingy & hunt around, as opposed to just feeling for it or something???? Sorry, i must sound like a irght idiot, lol. Do you have to be already beginning to dilate for the procedure to be done? Do they use any lube or anything???
If LO hasn't arrived by 12th oct, they're giving me a sweep then at 40+3, so I am really curious... :dohh: Hopefully the little piggy will have made an appearance by then & I wont need one, but I wanna make sure I'm prepared, just in case! iykwim?
Good luck to Danuta & Jo_79... can't wait to hear more baby news tomorrow. :)

I am swinging right now between utter jealousy of everyone starting to have their babies & sheer terror than in 7 days, it's my edd & it could me in pain & worrying about the arrival of my LO, haha.

Random Q; but can one of you actually describe what the midwife does when they do a sweep? I know they stick a finger inside your cervix & kinda sweep it around to loosen the membranes or something, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes. I've never had an internal or even a smear test before, so when it comes to my lady bits, I am basically clueless. Do they just use their fingers or do they use a speculum thingy & hunt around, as opposed to just feeling for it or something???? Sorry, i must sound like a irght idiot, lol. Do you have to be already beginning to dilate for the procedure to be done? Do they use any lube or anything???
If LO hasn't arrived by 12th oct, they're giving me a sweep then at 40+3, so I am really curious... :dohh: Hopefully the little piggy will have made an appearance by then & I wont need one, but I wanna make sure I'm prepared, just in case! iykwim?

Flora, you're not the only one having the mood swings. Most of the time I'm sat on my ball saying that I'm bored of being in pain and just want baby OUT NOW! Then i'll suddenly think OMG this is going to hurt, and life will never be the same the hell and I going to cope? Never mind, I'll keep the pain and the bump.....I'm not pregnant, I'm just having a bloated day! lol :dohh: I also had a slight panic attack while in bed tonight - had to get up becuase I was breathing so heavy I was frightened I would wake hubby....not worried as such about the baby, or the birth, or our abilities to raise's the family. They're going to be right there in my face from day one and I don't think I'm going to be able to fight them off. I know that they will criticies, take over and i'll be pushed to the sidelines.....becuase that's what always happens, but this is our little baby, not theirs and I really don't want them to do that to any of us. I know it's totally irrational....for one, hubby just wont let them (he's like a rottweiler when it comes to people interfereing lol) but I can't help thinking that someone is going to come in and just push me aside because it's me and basically, I'm crap!

Right, panic over!

Oh and with the sweep, I think they just use fingers. I've had a number of smears and I know my cervix is a little off centre so they always have fun finding the damned thing! Hopefully neither of us will need one though becuase I'm led to believe that they're not the most pleasant of experiences! :nope:

Right, I'm off to try to get some sleep in a bit....

Good Luck to Jo_79 and to Danuta! It's so exciting...I can hardly believe it's our turn!
Random Q; but can one of you actually describe what the midwife does when they do a sweep? I know they stick a finger inside your cervix & kinda sweep it around to loosen the membranes or something, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes. I've never had an internal or even a smear test before, so when it comes to my lady bits, I am basically clueless. Do they just use their fingers or do they use a speculum thingy & hunt around, as opposed to just feeling for it or something???? Sorry, i must sound like a irght idiot, lol. Do you have to be already beginning to dilate for the procedure to be done? Do they use any lube or anything???
If LO hasn't arrived by 12th oct, they're giving me a sweep then at 40+3, so I am really curious... :dohh: Hopefully the little piggy will have made an appearance by then & I wont need one, but I wanna make sure I'm prepared, just in case! iykwim?

The doctor got all gloved up and used lube and her fingers. She explained that I needed to be a bit dilated to do a sweep- there needs to be a hole to insert the finger into I guess! There was a lot of pressure getting all the way back to the cervix and it was uncomfortable when she stripped the membranes and then did the stretch but I wouldn't say it was painful (I guess it depends on the person though). She warned me that both the sweep and then the stretch could cause the uterus to contract while she was doing them and that I could have some bleeding after (tmi alert- the gloved fingers were all bloody). Bump has been achy ever since but nothing I'd describe as contractions yet :shrug:

Good luck jo and danuta! Hope your with your LO's soon!

I cant really remember much from my sweep with my son, I wouldn't say its painful but very uncomfortable. Not something i'm looking forward to if thats what it comes to!

Gonna make breakfast now then i'll be back :)

Hope everyone is ok :) xxx
Morning all...

Jo ~ Hope all goes well...

Danuta ~ Good Luck... Hope the labour doesn't last too long...

I had a very uneventful night, thank goodness... All the discomfort and pain I had all morning and most of the afternoon; after my 2nd warm bath of the day buggered off... Had a good night sleep, slept from 9pm until 4am; back to sleep until 7am... Was much needed...

Glad Mum & Dad came to stay, certainly put my mind to rest... Although it did seem a hassle when come the evning time all the pains etc (even yucky discharge) had stopped?!? I'm so confused about what's happening with my body & babe... Babe was very quiet yesterday, however once I got settled into bed I got a few reassuring boots and movements (mainly very deep down in my tum and lower area) None of the kicks etc were under my ribs or kind of above my belly button...

I will be mentioning things to the mw when I there on Tuesday, OH is coming with me too... Bless him, I know babe will arrive when it's ready but I'm struggling so much with moving about. Babe being lower down has only made it harder...

I hope that you all have a lovely dayxxxx
Morning all :)

Jo_79: I hope all goes well today hun.. cant wait to see pics..
Danuta: Good luck hun i hope things are progressing well xxx

Oh girls i feel bloody crap.. Yet again full of a cold and so tired! But only 7 days to go and Sienna will be here so i just gotta get on with it.. I cant wait to see her little face :cloud9: Gonna spend the day wrapped up as its freeeeeezing here... Catch you all in a bit xx
OMG lots of October babies here already, av had problems with my dongle and had no internet av missed so much.

:hugs: and Congratulations to all our new mummies :hugs:

Nothing really happening here, so will just have to wait until the 14th for C-section, am ok with this but would have liked to try natural :-(, but as long as she arrives safe and healthy thats all that matters


I can feel a sinking feeling now as I ponder being overdue..........had terrible night's sleep, my heartburn is as bad as it could be now and have to try and fling myself upright to stop from being sick. Sleeping a couple of hours at a time. Only thing I've noticed over the last couple of days were few twinges up inside which reminded me of the feeling you get when you go for a smear and they have to open you up a bit to get the sample. I just convinced myself it was the cervix opening a bit but who knows..........................sorry feeling a bit glum today but glad friend coming round this afternoon to take my mind of it all!!!
Morning ladies,

Guess what ............... Im 37 weeks today yey !! cant believe I have got here at last yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

5 oclock seems to be my new waking time for some reason over the last couple of nights.

So I am offiially on the eviction process from today

Hope you all have a lovely day xxxxxxxx
Morning all

I will be keeping you all updated with Jo's progress today, am sure you are all with me wishing her a quick and as painless as possible delivery of baby Sam:baby:

Jo text me just after 7 to say she was at the hospital and was waiting for her bed.
At 8 they were doing the shift change and then would be giving her the gel, if they couldnt already break her waters.
Just had a text from her now to say that they had a bit of a panic thinking that he was breech, but she has had a quick scan and he is head down:happydance:

So fingers x now everything will move along nicely for her.

As for me, no progress at all, am now convinced that my sweep isnt going to work:nope: so will wait for another next Thursday, come on baby!!!!
Can't remember who was asking now about the sweep, its a bit uncomfortable but I wouldnt say that it hurts, although, obviously, we all have different pain thresholds and some midwifes are a bit more forceful than others.
Have a good day girls, wonder how many more :baby: we will have by the end of the weekend!!!
Morning all,

Ok here goes ladies, sorry if I miss anyone!

Danuta ~ Goodluck! Hope things progress quickly for you :flower:

~ Good news about Emma. I hope you get a cuddle before she goes to NICU :flower:

Lucilou ~ I hope the turn goes ok and is successful. :hugs:

Jo-79 ~ Good luck with your induction today :flower: ~ feel better soon :hugs:

pootle33 ~ I hope your friend can help cheer you up :hugs:

eswift ~ Glad to hear you finally got a good nights sleep x :thumbup:

LindaK - Happy 37 weeks!!!!! :happydance:

Aimee.lou & Florabean ~ I have been having panic's too about it all. Glad to know it's not just me :hugs: I get all excited and then realise what has to come and then get all scared. I told OH I was worried about labour pains and he said 'yeah well it will be really painful' :wacko: Hmmm cheers for that love!

I was wondering about a sweep too, I have been put down for one if I go overdue. I am hoping it doesn't come to that though!!

Aimee.lou ~ I am worried about family taking over too. Mainly my MIL and my sis. My Sis is just soooo over excited she doesn't realise how intense she can be bless lol. We think we have the MIL under control. My OH is a rottweiler too when needs be so I am sure he will step up and I am sure your OH will too. If all else fails and they don't get the hints, lock all doors, switch off all phones and maybe deploy an electric fence if needs be! You deserve the time together as a new family! You will be a fab mum :hugs:

OH made me laugh so much this morning. He has black polo shirts for work. I got up to make him a flask of coffee and when he emerged downstairs he had a black t-shirt on with 'I am the stig' on . . it has a huge picture of the stig's helmet on in bright white! Not conspicuous at all! :haha: He had bypassed the basket of clean work shirts and gone for the closest thing to black he could fine. What will he be like on baby duty! :rofl:
Oooooooh more bumpkin babies on the way!! Good luck Jo79 and Danuta!! :happydance:
As much as I want my baby to come now, Im keeping my legs crossed untill Wednesday when I hit 37weeks cos if I go into labour before then I won't get my homebirth. Got a list of jobs to do this weekend as long as my arm lol that I want doing, then from Wednesday I'm starting full eviction techniques, hubbys most excited about the rumpy pump part :haha:
Jo has her 1st pessary in and is 1cm dilated and thinned out, midwife has said this is good for 38 weeks:happydance:

Right I really must start the cleaning:dohh:

Will update as and when I hear anything!!
pootle33 you are feeling exactly how I am feeling! The worry of the unknown, whether we will be late or not, I can't take the suspense! I just hope I go into labor within the next week but with it being my first I've not much hope!
LOL Kte! My OH is just like that... I use to dread getting up after being on shift at the pub and OH & DS sorting themselves out at DS's bed time... He get up the following morning in all sorts of outfits... Best one was his fancy dress dinosaur suit!?! Including the head... I guess it doesn't really matter what they wear really... Just as long as they're safe and in bed at a reasonable time... Bob the builder, winnie the pooh, Mummy, Vampire and a zombie were quite frequently my breakfast companions when DS was younger... Now he just tends to grow out of his pj's so fast they look like shorts before I know he needs new ones...

Baby.Love ~ I hope you feel better soon...

All of you that are feeling down and glum, start to feel much happier soon...

I guess we're all beginning to feel the strains, anxieties, nervousness and yet the excitement too... I know that it's so very hard planning for a situation and occurance that's going to happen one way or another that we can't control or predict. Part of me thinks that it would be fantastic to know for sure when things will occur, but even the planned inductions etc can take longer or not be on time due to the sods law rule. Even the best made plans are subject to change...

I've so much control in my life, bills, work, DS, OH, shopping etc and I guess I'm not only struggling with the restrictions that my own body won't/can't do what I'd like but also with having to accept that I can't control the arrival of babe... The sooner I manage to get my head around letting go, and just going with the flow, maybe the better these next few weeks go... OH keeps offering me a bit of the other to see if that'll help, LOL but I'm sure he's not getting anywhere near me at the moment, my hips, back, ladies bits are so sore, tender & swollen I'm not convinced it'll help much... LOL I can just see him trying to get inside moaning that there's no room as I'm sure babe is so low... Maybe a steralised pin would help more... POP! Weeeeeeeeeeeee as I go flying around the room to find it's just a balloon of air that's moved down... OK so I've spent far too much time with a 10 year old now?!?!

I'd love to be able to prebook a time; say this Sunday afternoon, between the hours of 1pm & 3pm I'll be in labour, babe will be here and out by 3.10pm... LOL... OH will be at home, DS will be glued to his game boy and there nothing to watch on TV, Dinner will be over and tea will just be cooking in the oven... See doesn't that sound good... LOL total fantasy... Guess I'll be in fits of laugher if it happens like that on Sunday!?!?! (can see it now MW & OH looking at me as if I'm a freak!)

Hope that all of you feeling so out of sorts & ill feel so much better soon... Good Luck to all of you who will soon be holding your babe's... TGI Friday!?!?

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