Official October Team Bumpkins

pootle33 you are feeling exactly how I am feeling! The worry of the unknown, whether we will be late or not, I can't take the suspense! I just hope I go into labor within the next week but with it being my first I've not much hope!

I know its horrible isnt it. Plus people keeping txting "any news?" !!! I had a moan on here a week or so ago as we're meant to go to my FIL's 60th "party" tomorrow but I feel so tired and crap today I cant be bothered. I'm hoping I go into labour before then......that would be a nice present from LO!!!

I have MW appt on Tuesday and the last time she said I would be offered a sweep then as 40+2 but not sure I'll bother. I'm assuming at the same appt she will give me a date for induction the following week..............please no induction!!

Keep us up to date with your news!

Good luck to everyone today, it's so exciting to hear about the babies popping out every day!
How scary is it reading this thread now! Makes it more real reading about how these october babies are coming thick and fast now

Congrats to everyone with there LO's

And :hugs: to all who need them

I've got my presentation scan this afternoon, please cross your fingers for me!! I'm pretty sure over the last day or 2 I've felt alot of movement at the top of my bump, so hoping its her legs! Still can't shift this cold and cough, everytime I cough my belly clenches up and I just hope baby isn't getting too pee'd off with it :dohh:
Morning ladies, hope everyone is doing ok :)

Having an exciting morning myself. Out of the blue, started having surges (contractions, but doing hypnobirthing hence the change of terminology!). They're averaging about 4 mins apart just now (can I just say that Contraction Master is wonderful!).

Have spoken to my midwife, she says it does sound like something is happening. Not had a bloody show (although I did have a lovely lump of snotty mucus last night!), waters haven't gone. Just me and my surges :lol: Hubby is on his way home, think he's a bit in shock (like I am!). Going to phone the hospital in a bit to let them know, but hopefully will stay home for as long as possible.

Arcanegirl will keep you guys updated if I stop being able to :)

Good luck to anyone else whose bumpkin is on the move! :) :hugs:

Update: Just went to the loo, have bloody mucus (show?) so I'm guessing this is the real deal... Still can't quite believe it :rofl:
Good luck Eala!! Before you go can you sprinkle just a little bit of labour dust in an easterly direction!!!
Eswift ~ lol that's cute, waking up to a dinosaur! Your DS sounds like my little nephew, he loves his fancy dress!

Eala ~ Good luck!!! :flower: :happydance: Also, thanks for the contraction master. My sis sent me the link ages ago and I lost it so it's going on my fave's right now!!
Morning ladies, hope everyone is doing ok :)

Having an exciting morning myself. Out of the blue, started having surges (contractions, but doing hypnobirthing hence the change of terminology!). They're averaging about 4 mins apart just now (can I just say that Contraction Master is wonderful!).

This is what I used, its pretty cool.

Girls, let me tell you the best part about not being pregnant anymore ... the ability to PEE for more than 3 seconds. OMG, its MAGIC!!! It just keeps coming!! :rofl:
:wohoo: Eala good luck sweetie xxxxx

Urgh girls here come the back pains :( I keep getting a throbbing pain in my lower back and its driving me crazy as it spreads to my side.. I really am counting down the days now :lol: On a good note i ordered a new maternity bag wednesday as mine was far too big and heavy.. My new bag arrived today so am gonna start swapping it all over tonight.

Right off to make my little dude a tuna sandwich and then chill out with some afternoon TV.. Will be back to check on updates .. x
hmmm that sounds nice, think I may make myself a tuna sannie too...

Eala ~ Keep breathing and stay relaxed... Good Luck!?! Hope all goes relatively painfree for you... Hopefully, LO will be here soon enough...

Kte ~ Just think you've got cute little fancy dress outfits to look forward too... We had loads of fun when DS was small...

Baby.Love ~ Good luck repacking your bag... I've babe's stuff packed in a small rucksack nappysack I got ages ago; and my stuff (including babe coat etc) all packed in a tigger over night bag (it's got wheels on)... I'm not sure even if I was able to down size it to one bag if I could manage it all..

Chaos ~ Can't believe you're gloating already about being able to pee!?!? That's just so mean... LOL I think the only true exercise I get is going up and down the stairs, in and out of bed just to pee tiny tiny amounts so frequently we're fast running out of loo roll all the time... You must be saving the planet now you can leave it longer between pees... Well Done!?!? I look forward to reduncing my carbon foot print hopefully very soon... LOL

Pootle ~ I hope you can enjoy the FIL party... I'm know sometime it may be better for us to try to get out of somethings we don't want to do, when in all honesty we can't...

So far this morning I done 2 loads of washing, cleaned the kitchen and now I'm ready for lunch. I hope OH is home soon, as he told me about 10 ish to say the wagon had broken down, he had an hour to wait until breakdown wagon would get to him and is 2 hours away. Poor OH is gonna be knackered when he get home... Guess if he too late it'll impact on his starting time tonight... Oh well..I'm hungry and that tuna sannie sounds lovely...
Eswift, we seem to mirror each other on the house front all the time and now the cleaning!!!
I've done 2 loads washing, washed down all the woodwork in the house - never examined my skirting boards so close before:blush:, dusted, cleaned bathroom, hoovered through and just finished mopping the floor, phew!!!!

Going to put DS2 for a nap now and get some cheese n crackers for lunch:happydance:
JLo ~ Let me know when you go into labour... I can be prepared then... LOL

Just had that lovely tuna sannie, whilst the dog whinned and moaned as he love tuna... Tasted as nice as it sounded... Thanks!
Eswift, I dont reckon he wants to come out, you will probably go before me!!!!
im in soo much pain today, feel like im still in labour! got back ache and tummy ache =[
Big luck, Eala. Love to hear your birth story once it's all happened, as I am also hoping to use HypnoBirthing techniques. Hope it all goes beautifully. xx
Hi ladies,

Congratulations to all the births we have had so far! :flower::baby:

I've not been on here in ages, my internet connection has been down, been in and out of hospital with swine flu, breech baby and worries of his movement and heartbeat! :cry: Just want the whole thing to be over now!

Got a MW appt on Monday and i'm really hoping they will tell me a plan of action, baby is still breech and i'm 37 weeks now, so think its the end of the road for my hoped natural birth and my worst nightmare of a c section is coming true.....I can't stop thinking about it, getting myself so worked up...WHY ME?!

At the end of the day, I just want my baby boy here safe and sound, obviously...but can't help feeling i'm being robbed of that precious moment when you give birth to your baby yourself and he is placed onto your chest, that initial skin to skin contact and scared that I won't be able to BF :(.

Sorry for the depressing post!!! Hope your all okay :hugs:

I've not been on here in ages, my internet connection has been down, been in and out of hospital with swine flu, breech baby and worries of his movement and heartbeat! :cry: Just want the whole thing to be over now! [ ... ] but can't help feeling i'm being robbed of that precious moment when you give birth to your baby yourself and he is placed onto your chest, that initial skin to skin contact and scared that I won't be able to BF :(.

Gosh, you've been through a lot, Meg. I hope things get heaps better for you soon. It might help you to know that quite a few of my friends have had C-sections and have still managed to breastfeed without any problems. I think also that as long as the surgery is straightforward, you can still have skin-to-skin contact with baby very soon after delivery.

I presume you've tried various things to get baby to turn? Sometimes, babies turn right at the last moment, so you never know - you may still get to have your natural birth after all. I hope so xx
Aimeelou- glad I’m not the only one swinging between the emotions!

Kaites- thanks for explaining the sweep thing for me. I really wish this whole pregnancy thing wasn’t so damn undignified, lol!!!

Babylove- hope you feel better soon. On a plus note, 7 days till you get to meet Sienna at least? 
Eswift- how cool would that be if we literally could just book a time slot for our Los to arrive. This Sunday evening about 6:45pm would be perfect for me, lol. (hear that kiddo?!!!!)

Danuta, Eala & Jo79- good luck ladies; hope each of you have your Los with you happily & safely by the end of today!!! Much love to you :hugs:

MeggieMoo88- that's a lot to deal with when heavily pregnant, so I really feel for you hun. Hopefully baby wll decide to turn for you, but if you do end up with a c-section, try not to worry too much- they will get your baby to you asap & do everything they can to help & support you to breastfeed your little boy.

Anyone heard anything from Maffie yet? She went to the hosp yesterday with her high BP... not sure if there's been any news on how she's doing???

I'm feeling pretty tired today, but getting better, so cannot complain. Had a nice visit from my sis & 1 yr old nephew, which cheered me up (she made the cuppa & bought biscuits, lol) and Caleb & me had a lil party on my bed with soft toys & bouncing up n down. He's just learned the concept of giving someone a kiss- totally melted my heart when I got a nice, soppy saliva filled pair of lips planted on my nose!!!!!! :rofl:

Got a busy day tomorrow- going shopping with OH (last day off till baby is due), then both of us have opticians in the afternoon (another silly cost, grrrrr), then picking up my 5 yr old nephew from my sister's coz he's staying at ours again this weekend, then going swimming sunday morning at 7am. (my oh & nephew are swimming, NOT me, lol, i plan to sit on the side & take copious amounts of photos for our family up north. - they're going snorkling together at my OH's work pool- he's a scuba diver, lol)

Anyways, Farmville calls. Will be glad when LO comes & I no longer have time to play Farmville, hahahahaha!
7 days till my EDD. Come on bubba!
hi ladies,

:hugs: to all those who needs them!

Cleaned the kitchen, hoovered the wholehouse..... and have bathroom left!

Now am shattered! getting some back aches...... hope its something....

Not able to type much, will come back later for updates..... going for a nice bath!

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