Official October Team Bumpkins

Bana, dust, good vibes etc are being sent your way. You trying all the usual stuff like walking, bouncing, bumpy car, sex, spicy food etc etc etc? Or you just gonna wait for the sweep?

Well my mw suggested pineapple so ive eaten a whole one! LO seems to be moving loads! ive tried walking, bouncing, bumpy car journeys! i cant eat spicy food im a wimp! and my OH wont have sex with me cuz he thinks its weird- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ive tried to persuade him but hes not budging! So ill just have to wait for the sweep if nothing happens over the weekend! xx
Bana- there are other ways of getting your fellas little swimmer guys into your system..infact,apparantly ingesting them through your stomach is more effective so I've been told!! Good luck, labour vibes coming your way xx
Hiya ladies just a quickie!

I have started a new thread for us in the groups section.. i hope no one minds.. We can change the name at a later date :)

So to all the bumpkin mummies there is a place to chat about your babies and for us lagging behind somewhere to go when we have got our bundles xxx

Bana- there are other ways of getting your fellas little swimmer guys into your system..infact,apparantly ingesting them through your stomach is more effective so I've been told!! Good luck, labour vibes coming your way xx

I have heard that before but wasnt sure whether to belive it, so i think i will investigate that one and give it ago! OH isnt guna say no to that! lol xx
Bana- nurse told me to get the hubby started on nipple stimulation. At first it sounded like a fun idea, then she added that it takes a while since the uterus has to get contracting for it to work... Looks like hubby has a long weekend of nipple stimulation ahead of him! heehee :)

Hope your LO doesn't make you wait for your sweep- there is a full moon this weekend, so hopefully a few more of us will be meeting our babies sooner than later!
:wave: lilhamil88 ~ hope the sweep gets things moving for you!

bana ~ My OH pretty much has the same view as yours its just to creepy for him! Sending you lots of positive vibes, fingers and toes crossed and lots of labour dust! x
Ahhh bless, all your OHs are sweet lol! My DP is very laid back about the whole thing...he thinks we still have weeks and weeks, when really it could only be 2/3 weeks?! :shrug: He has been very concerned over the past few weeks though when I was ill and its deff brought us much closer together...I actually felt like I was going to die I was that ill! :( big reality check.

Good luck 2 Bana & lhamil88, hopefully it won't be much longer for you two! Also good luck to Eala...hope your holding your baby very soon!!

Can't believe how many of us have reached 37 weeks today, just realised I have too! 14-16th January must of been a very busy and lucky time for us all ;) lol.

Well I feel so drained today, not really done much but seems it doesnt take much anymore, convinced this baby is going to be a big one...feeling very weighed down lol. :dohh:
DP has gone out to find somewhere to buy flippin Fifa 10 and Call of duy for his PS3, like hes going to have all the time in the world to play on them...I dont think so!!! Boys & their toys...slowly regretting buying him a PS3... :nope:

Off to dig something out for tea, really fancy sweet & sour chicken...will have to make do with something out of the freezer though I think, unless DP is kind enough to stop somewhere on his way home hehehee.

x x
Gotta have an induction booked on wednesday... dont know when the induction'll be.. but i've got obstetric cholestasis, if thats how you spell it, and they need baby out asap.. so i've got repeat bloods on monday, results on wednesday and then plan and book induction.. so looks like he'll be here before due date of 23rd!! maybe i will get that cute little pumpkin outfit in asda after all!! lol

I'm back from my holidays now and have heard from Maffie. Her baby wasn't moving much so they kept giving her sugary drinks in the hospital and she started vomiting. She was hoping that it would settle down and that she would be able to go home this afternoon but is being kept in for a second night as they need to do liver function tests. She's had a couple of injections to help stop the vomiting and if she keeps being sick she may need to have a drip for fluids. She did say though that the baby seems fine so that's some relief.

Hope to see Maffie well and back on here soon!

Hi all just a quick message while I pack some bits. Work didnt pay me right as they said I hadn't worked there long enough. I have by my EDD which is what they legally have to go off and not off when I went on mat leave.

Other thing is they have let me home to get my bag and I have to go straight back in. :cry:

BP was erratic up and down but it stabilized a bit while there so said I could come get my overnight bag. Just grabbing a snack then going back in. They said initially i'll be monitored for 24 hours and then they'll decide if I can come home or stay in. So means stuck there tonight at least.
Another brief update from me on Jo.

She is still waiting for a bed on labour ward, is next on the list to go up and have her waters broken. She is currently 3cm and babies head is low.

She is tired and getting fed up with waiting now, its been a long day for them.

Here's hoping Jo is not kept waiting too much longer for a bed, they have said it should be tonight and that she has little Sam in her arms soon:cloud9:
Totally o/t but just wanted to share that I have officially started my Xmas shopping:happydance:

Father Christmas has just bought the whole household a Wii!!!
The good man that he is is then buying DS1 some games for the Wii.

Fortunately for me, my dad has chipped in with us and got a fab deal at Toys R Us so should be here on Thursday, the question is will I????? Now where did I put that crystal ball!!!
My OH would take what he could get lol, it's me who's not into it!

Im happy tonight, it must be my night on Ebay, Ive won a gorgeous cot bed 5 piece set by Clair de Lune. It's the Stardust range,in almond and I won it for £37! :happydance: Its brand new in packet. I've searched everywhere online and can't find the set for any less than £58, so Im well chuffed :happydance:

Going to Boots tommorow to get my free changing bag and the last few bits and pieces I need and have got a long list of jobs to get done round the house.
Can't wait to pop back on here tommorow to see who else has had their babies!
Anyone heard from Little Kitten, I don't think she's posted on here for quite a while? Hope her and James are ok.
I dont think Little Kitten has any internet access at the mo, only when she goes to OH work. She was on Facebook think it was the beginning of the week and everything seemed good and her lo was staying put!!
Bana- there are other ways of getting your fellas little swimmer guys into your system..infact,apparantly ingesting them through your stomach is more effective so I've been told!! Good luck, labour vibes coming your way xx

I have heard that before but wasnt sure whether to belive it, so i think i will investigate that one and give it ago! OH isnt guna say no to that! lol xx

Apparently that's a male-made-up myth... My mate's a urse n she said it was bollocks & that men just want more Bjs! :rofl: She did say, however, that if you can get the old :sperm: onto your hands/fingers & insert it yourself, then it wont hurt, but make sure your hands/nails are clean first.
Alternatively, I did here from my mother of all people (gross) that a vibrator on a very low setting can stimulate the cervix to relax & start dilating!!!!!!! How my mum knows that, I dont wanna think about!!!!:wacko:
Coor... I missed loads this afternoon... Love the tales of OH's and their reactions and excitements to the near arrivals of their LO...

My OH came home from work from last night at 6.10 today... Wagon broke down... LOL one man went to try to get him to move it... I laughed as the brakes had gone so it wasn't going anywhere... You could just see it now - Right let me know when you've got it moving and I'll steer... He walked through the door just as tesco's delivery arrived... He just dropped his back in the kitchen and started unpacking the shopping... Bless...

Good Luck to all of you for the weekend, hope some of the evactuations actually work... I hope for you all that the labours are relatively easy and pain free... Have a great weekend all, hope the weather doesn't make it too long... Sweet Dreams all, I'm shattered now; not long until bedtime for me... Catch you tomorrow xxxx
Just so you know, so far, there are 13 girls & 9 boys for us Bumpkin lot that have entered the world so far. Trying to keep track, but it's hard, lol. :dohh:
Coor... I missed loads this afternoon... Love the tales of OH's and their reactions and excitements to the near arrivals of their LO...

My OH came home from work from last night at 6.10 today... Wagon broke down... LOL one man went to try to get him to move it... I laughed as the brakes had gone so it wasn't going anywhere... You could just see it now - Right let me know when you've got it moving and I'll steer... He walked through the door just as tesco's delivery arrived... He just dropped his back in the kitchen and started unpacking the shopping... Bless...

Good Luck to all of you for the weekend, hope some of the evactuations actually work... I hope for you all that the labours are relatively easy and pain free... Have a great weekend all, hope the weather doesn't make it too long... Sweet Dreams all, I'm shattered now; not long until bedtime for me... Catch you tomorrow xxxx

LOL Eswift ~ why do people just think when a wagon is broken down it's simple to 'just move it' !?!

Sleep well x

Just so you know, so far, there are 13 girls & 9 boys for us Bumpkin lot that have entered the world so far. Trying to keep track, but it's hard, lol. :dohh:

Wow every time I look there are more! It must be hard work keeping track of them all!
Hi all... what an eventful day! Unfortunately the ECV didn't work and after a short but quite honestly painful procedure, my little one is still breech and I have to phone on Monday morning to get a date for my c-section, which they want to do next week.

boo hoo!!! going to spend the whole weekend on my hands and knees but I don't think it will do any good, unfortunately.

hope everyone else is having a better time of it - I'm really sore now so am going to have a nice bubbly bath....
Hi all... what an eventful day! Unfortunately the ECV didn't work and after a short but quite honestly painful procedure, my little one is still breech and I have to phone on Monday morning to get a date for my c-section, which they want to do next week.

boo hoo!!! going to spend the whole weekend on my hands and knees but I don't think it will do any good, unfortunately.

hope everyone else is having a better time of it - I'm really sore now so am going to have a nice bubbly bath....

:hugs:Sorry to hear it didn't work, but yes, don't give up yet! I feel the same way. I really don't want a section, but I have one more ultrasound to go before Dr. will say I am good to try v/b. He's concerned about the size of the baby(I apparantly am measuring like a small whale at this point). We'll know more Monday, I guess.
Good luck Eala! How exciting! The Bumpkins are really coming out full force!
Bana & lhamil88, I have my fingers crossed for you ladies that it will be VERY soon! Let us know!
Good evening everyone!!

I've had a lovely day, although I'm paying for it now - absolutely shattered but got a big bag of cadbury's flakes for cheap so may have to tuck into them later :thumbup:. We originally went into town to do a bit of window shopping and came back with e few little things. Tomorrow we're off to do a car boot to get rid of a load of junk that's cluttering up the house and then coming back to painting the nursery! (well, hubby will be painting...I make a very good supervisor/tea maker in these situations! :lol:)

I managed to get a fantastic bargain...I got a little top for bubs from next for £1....I say I but hubby paid lol. It says 'Mummy's Little Pumpkin'.......bubs had better make an appearance prior to halloween so we can use it! lol

Right, I'm off to watch the Matrix and try to relax as tomorrow is going to be busy!! Hope everyone is ok :hugs: to everyone.

Have a good weekend ladies! xx

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